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Viewing Guide: News Report

1. Summarize in general, what does the TV newscast report

regarding the wall that Donald Trump is trying to build?
The newscast reports that President Donald Trump has enforced
a government shutdown and stopped payment to government
jobs. He has done this because the Democratic party refuses to
release more funds for the border wall.

2. Analyze Media Techniques How do the different visual and

sound techniques available to newscasts affect how they cover
the news?
The media techniques allow for the audience to stay engaged by
using explicit details. For example, it shows facial expressions
directly from the sources and it gives us a realistic visual of the
different things they talk about.

3. Analyze Credibility Explain what specific features you think

gives the TV newscast credibility.
The TV Newscast includes a sufficient amount of evidence to
support the issue that is being discussed.
1. Who are the sources? Example: Bloomberg Opinion and…..
2. Is this credible? Please Explain, why or why not.
3. What is the Purpose?
4. What Tone is being conveyed? Give example.
5. Who is the audience?
6. How does the author try and persuade the audience (remember
logos, pathos, and ethos?)

Compare and Contrast

1. Make Judgements In general, the purpose of the TV news report

and the Web site is to inform. What other purpose might there be
for Jonathon Bernstein writing the article?

2. How does the Newscast differ from the article on the website?

3. Which one is more credible and why?

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