TITLE: Survey of Field With Tape

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Surveying Practical Student Field Sheet Field Problem No ( )

Location: AUIS campus Members of the field party:

Date: Sep 24, 2016 1. Honya Hemin Ali
Time: 09:00 am – 12:15 pm 2.
Weather: windy 3.
Temp: 31 Celsius 4.
Inst: Measuring tape and marker 5.

TITLE: Survey of Field with Tape

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Radial lines Boundary lines
Line Symbol Dist. Map Line Symbol Dist. Map
(m) Dist. (m) Dist.
(mm) (mm)
T–T1 r1 12.88 51.52 T1 - T2 d1 4.70 18.8
T- T2 r2 11.95 47.8 T2 - T3 d2 10.69 42.76
T- T3 r3 22.06 88.24 T3 – T4 d3 16.72 66.88
T– T4 r4 26.16 104.6 T4- T5 d4 23.99 95.96
T- T5 r5 28.37 113.48 T5 – T6 d5 20.97 83.88
T– T6 r6 21.83 87.32 T6 – T7 d6 21.97 87.88
T– T7 r7 19.25 77 T7 – T8 d7 28.44 113.76

Angles Areas
Angle Symbol Value Triangle Side b Side c Angle Area
(DEG.) m m (DEG.) m2
T1 T T2 α1 21.40 T1 T T2 11.95 12.88 21.40 28.089
T2 T T3 α2 12.28 T2 T T3 22.06 11.95 12.28 28.075
T3 T T4 α3 39.44 T3 T T4 26.16 22.06 39.44 183.283
T4 T T5 α4 52.01 T4 T T5 28.37 26.16 52.01 292.41
T5 T T6 α5 47.19 T5 T T6 21.83 28.37 47.19 227.165
T6 T T7 α6 64.30 T6 T T7 19.25 21.83 64.30 189.33
T7 T T8 α7 123.32 T7 T T8 12.88 19.25 123.32 103.59
Σ 359.92 Σ 1052.71

Field Sketch and Remarks

 Recording ground and map distances of radial and boundary lines with scale of (1:250).

 Because of environmental changes and the type of the instrument, some small errors appeared in

our calculations and data. The data were not accurate enough, so there are some degrees of uncertainty

in our measurement. For instance, the total angles should have been 360 degrees, but ours was 359.9

approximately. Therefore, environmental changes and surrounding conditions effect the accuracy of

the measurement. The weather was windy, so it might have effect on the stableness of the tape during

the measurement.

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