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14.1 Introduction
14.2 Types of Steel Chimney
14.2.1 Self-supporting Steel Chimneys
14.2.2 Guyed Steel Chimneys
14.3 Factors
14.4 Design of Steel Plates for Self-supporting Steel Chimneys
14.5 Design of Joints for Self-supporting Steel Chimneys
14.6 Design of Flue Openings for Self-supporting Steel Chimneys
14.7 Fvrces Acting on Steel Chimney
14.7.1 Vertical Forces
14.7.2 Horizontal Forces
14.8 Bending Moment on Self-supporting Steel Chimneys
14.9 Bending Stress on Steel Chimney Due to Wind
14.10 Permissible Stresses
14.1 1 Design of Base Plate
14.12 Design of Anchor Bolts
14.13 Design of Foundation
14.14 Lining for Chimney
14.15 Stability of Steel Chimney
14.16 Design Problems
14.17 Summary
14.18 Answers to SAQs

Steel Chimneys are frequently known as steel Stacks. The steel chimneys are made
of steel plants and supported on foundation. The steel chimneys are cylindrical in
shape. To provide larger base and greater stability, and to allow for easy entrance
of flue gases, the lower portion of the steel chimney is widened or flared out. The
widened section of the chimney at the base reduces the unit stresses in the steel at
the base of the chimney. The steel chimneys are constructed for the emission of
flue gases to such a height that the gases do not contaminate the surrounding
atmosphere. The cross-sectional area of the steel chimney is kept large enough to
allow the passage of burnt gases. The cross-sectional area of the steel chimneys
depends on the type and quantity of fuels to be used in plant, available draft for
carrying the burnt gases up the chimney. The height of the steel chimney is kept to
provide the required draft. "The draft is defined as the difference between the
absolute gas pressure at any point in the steel chimney and the ambient atmosphere
pressure." The draft depends on the height of the steel chimney above sea level,
the type of fuel to be burnt, the type of furnace and the temperature of the burnt
When the gases in a steel chimney are heated, then the gases expand. The hot
gases occupy larger volume than before. The weight of the gases per cubic metre
becomes less. As a result of this, the unit pressure at the bottom of chimney due to
weight of hot gases also becomes less than the unit pressure due to weight of cold
air outside the chimney. The difference between two pressures results in the flow
of the burnt gases up the chimney. For the purpose of structural design of steel
Steel Structures chimney, the height and the diameter of chimney at the top are known. The loads
acting on the steel chimney are transferred to the foundation easily by the widened
section. The base of the chimney may be made conical or bell-mouthed. But the
fabrication of bell-mouthed base does not have any advantage over the conical base
and the fabrication is costly. So, generally the conical base is provided.
The recommended height od flared portion of the chimney is 113rd of the height of
the chimney. The ratio of the diameter of the base of the flare to the diameter of
the cylindrical portion varies from 514 to 312. The plates in the conical flare should
not be thinner than the thickness of the lowest course in the cylindrical portion.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
distinguish between various types of steel chimneys,
evaluate the forces acting on a steel chimney,
effect of bending moment and bending stress on self-supporting steel
design of flue openings, points and foundations,
obtain expression$ for bending moment, stresses and thickness of plates,
understand the stability concept of steel chimney


The slteel chimfieys are of two types:
i) Self-supporting smeel chimneys
ii) Guyed steel chimbeys

14.2.1 Self-supporting Steel Chimneys

A self-supporting steel chimney or stack is made of steel plates and supported on
foundations. When the laterlal forces (wind or seismic forces) are transmitted to the
foundation by the cantilevet action of the chimney, then the chimney is known as
self-supporting. The chimnay together with the foundation remains stable under all
working conditions, without any additional support. A self-supporting chimney is
shown in Figure 14.1. The self-supporting steel chimneys are made upto 10 m
diameter and from 50 m to 100 m in height.

14.2.2 Guyed Steel Chimneys

In high steel chimneys, the mild steel wire ropes or guys are attached to transmit
the lateral forces. Such stedl chimneys are known as "guyed steel chimneys." In
guyed steel chimneys, all the externally applied loads (wind, seismic force etc.) are
not totally carried by the chimney shell. These attached guys or stays do share
these applied loads. These chimneys may be provided with 1, 2, or 3 sets of guys.
In each set of guys 3 or 4 m sometimes 6 wires are attached to the collars. A
particular type of steel chimney is selected depending on the advantage and
disadvantages with referenae to economy.
Design of Steel Chimneys

n odrrt i ocna l

a (I((I
F l u e opening

liigure 14.l(a) : Self-supporting Steel Chimney

Figure 14.l(b) : Guyed Steel Chimneys

A choice between self-supporting steel chimney and guyed steel chimney is made
by considering some of the important factors : Number of units, type of equipment,
and type of fuel to be used are considered. In case the chimney to be used for
boilers, the surface area, output efficiency, draft requirements etc. are taken into
account. The mode of operation of the equipment shall also be considered.
The type of lining is decided knowing the composition of the flue gases. The
temperature of the flue gases before entering the chimney and its likely variation
are studied. The local statutory regulations, relating to height, dispersion of ash,
Steel Structures provision for earthing aviation warning lamps. The quantity of dust and data about
the aggressiveness of the flve gases etc. are the factors which should be considered
for selecting a type of steel chimney.
- - - - -


Generally the plate width of 1.5 m is used for chimneys. The thickness of plates
should not be less than 6 mm and in upper portions one or two plates should be
8 mm thick as it is subjected to maximum corrosion. The thickness of steel plates
in the flared portion should not be less than the thickness at the lowest section of
the cylindrical portion. The steel plates are available in thickness of 2, 6, 8, 10, 12,
14, 16 & 20 mm. The saeel plates of chimneys are caulked from the inner side of
chimney so they are sheared or planned to proper levelling. The thickness of steel
chimney obtained from stress calculations and deflection consideration shall be
increased by permitting an allowance for corrosion determined from the
considerations of the deslign life of the chimneys and aggressiveness of the flue
gases. The steel plates are painted in order to avoid corrosion. The corrosion
resistant steel plates may be used in chimneys. Copper bearing steel plates may be
used for self-supporting steel chimney. The allowance for corrosion permitted is
decided depending upon the amount of internal corrosion of steel plates. For 10
years of design life the allowance for slight, normal, and exceptional internal
corrosion is 2 mm, 3 m$, and 5 mm respectively also for 20 years, the above said
steel is 4 mm, 5 mm and 8 mm respectively.
The windward side of steel chimney is subjected to tensile stress due to the
combined effect of the qind and the weight of steel chimney. The weight of lining
is omitted in calculating (the maximum tension, since the maximum wind pressure
may act on the steel chimney before the lining is done. The maximum wind may
also act, when the chimqey is under repair and the lining has been removed for
renewal. The maximum dotal tensile stress on windward side.

where, o,= permissible stress in tension in steel plates

ql = efficiency of the point on the tension side
Thus the thickness of the steel plates from tension side

The leeward side of the $tee1 chimney is subjected to maximum compressive stress
due to the combined effect of wind, weight of steel chimney and weight of lining.
The maximum total compressive stress on leeward side.
Design of Steel Chimneys

1 where, oc= permissible stress in compression in steel plates

I q2= efficiency of the joint on the compression side
= 1 (:. q2=100%)
Thus the thickness of the steel plates from compression side

The thickness of the steel plates at various horizontal sections are found. The
thickness of steel plates o f the flared portion should not be less than the thickness
of steel plates in the cylindrical portion. The thickness of steel plates of chimney is
kept in excess than what is necessary (in order to protect them from corrosion) by
allowance for corrosion, which depends upon the design life of the steel chimney.


Single riveted lap joints are used for vertical seams, and single, double, or triple
riveted lap joints are used for the horizontal seams of the upper part or cylindrical
portion of the steel chimney i.e. flared portion, butt joints are used in the
horizontal seams with the heavy plates. Butt joints are also used in the vertical
seams in the bell-mouthed flare of large chimney. The recommended types of
riveted joints and diameter of rivets necessary for different thickness of plates are
given in Table 14.1.
Table 14.1
Thickness of Steel Plates Diameter of Steel Type of Riveted Joint
(mm) (mm)
6 16 Single riveted lap joint
8-10 18 Double riveted lap joint

12-16 22 Triple riveted lap joint

Thicker than 16 24 Butt joint

The spacing of the rivets along the caulked edges of plates shall not be greater
than 10 times the thickness of plates. The spacing of the rivets shall not be less
than 2.5 times the diameter of rivet.
The steel plates more than 16 mm thick and not more than 22 mm thick are
sub-punched with a punch 5 mm smaller than the nominal diameter of rivet, and
reamed to a diameter of 1.5 mm larger than the rivet. The plates thicker than
22 mm are drilled.
Steel Structures
The flue opening is also khown as breech opening. The flue opening is provided
for the entrance of flue gases. The flue gases come from furnaces of the boilers.
A flue opening or breech opening is provided in the steel chimney as shown in the
Figure 14.l(a). The area of the flue opening is kept about 20% larger than the
internal cross-sectional area of the chimney. The maximum width of the flue
opening should not be greater than two-thirds of the diameter. In order to
compensate the removed materials, the reinforcement should be provided all around
the flue opening. The vertical reinforcement provided should be 20% larger than
the material removed in the ratio of diameter to the long chord perpendicular to the
face of the opening.

( a) One bndch opening ( b) Two bkecn openings

[c Two breech openings (d 1 Three breech openings

a t right1 angles

Figure 14.2

The horizontal reinforcement provided at the top and bottom of the opening is kept
equal to the vertical reihforcement. The reinforcing material provides sufficient
vertical stiffness. In order to transfer and distribute the stress into the steel of the
chimney, the reinforcing material should be extended above and below the opening.
In the self-supporting steel chimney the flue opening is kept well above the flared
or conical base, so that it does not extend in the flared base.
The steel chimneys may have one or two breech openings, in the same direction,
two breech openings at right angles and three breech openings as shown in
Figure 14.2 (a), (b), (c), and (d), respectively. The number of flue openings may
be 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending upon the requirement. It is suggested that a maximum
of two flue-openings may be provided at one level so that the chimney remains
safe enough to resist the applied forces at the plane of the openings. However, it is
possible to provide thr$e openings in one plane. This is done only when the
number of the openings is three only. The width of openings does not exceed
one-third of the diameter of the chimney at that plane. A clean-out door as shown
by dotted lines in Figure 14.1 is provided preferably on the opposite side of the Deslgn of Steel Chimneys
breech opening near the base. The minimum size of clean-out door shall be
300 mm x 800 mm clear. The clean-out door serves the purpose of removal of ash
and for the inspection of inside of steel chimney clean-out doors are also properly


The various forces acting on the self-supporting steel chimney are as follows.
14.7.1 Vertical Forces
1) Self-weight of the Chimney
The self-weight of steel chimney Ws acts vertically. Consider a
horizontal section XX as shown in Figure 14.1 The thickness of steel
plates of chimney above the section XX, may be assumed constant. The
self-weight of chimney is given by

p = unit weight of steel = 79 k ~ / r n ~

d = diameter of chimney in metres
t = thickness of steel plates in metres

h = height of steel chimney above the section XX in metres

.: W, = 79 ( n dt.h) kN ...(14.5)

The compressive stress in the steel plates at the section XX due to the
self-weight of chimney is given by

= 0.079 h N/mm2 ...( 14.6)

2) Weight of Lining
The weight of the lining in the steel chimney W L , also acts vertically.
The thickness of brick lining may be assumed as 100 mm. The weight
of lining
W, = p, . m i . (O.l).h
pl = unit weight of brick lining

The compressive stress in the steel plates at the section XX, due to
weight of lining
Steel Structures
14.7.2 Horizontal Forces
1) Wind Pressure
The wind pressure acts horizontally. The wind pressure acting on the
structure depends on the shape of the structure, the width of the
structure, the height of the structure, the location of the structure, and
the climatic condition The wind pressure per unit area increases with the
height of the structure above the ground level. In order to simplify the
design, the steel chimney is divided into number of segments of equal
height. The height of each segment may be kept 10 m. The intensity of
wind pressure over each segment may be assumed as uniform. The
intensity of wind pressure corresponding to the mid-height of each
scgment may be noted from IS : 875-1984. The wind pressure on the
flared portion may be found by using average diameter. The wind
pressure is assumed to act at the mid-height of each segment and also in
the flared portion. It has also been practised to take uniform wind
pressure over the full height of chimney.
The wind pressure
P = K.P1 x (Project area of chimney)

where, K = shape factor

It accounts for the shape of thc structure. p e shape factor for the
cylindrical portion is 0.7
P, = Intensity of wind pressure
:. P = 0.7 x (P,x d l x h) kN ...(14.9)

where, dl = outer diameter of chimney.

In addition to overturning effect due to wind pressure, the wind has also
aerodynamic effect. The aerodynamic effect of wind has not been taken
into consideration for the design of steel chimney.
2) Seismic Forces
The seismic forces also act horizontally. The seismic forces act on a
structure, when the structures are located in the seismic area.
The following load combinations for calculation of stresses at any point
of steel chimney are considered.
i) Dead load + wind load

ii) Dead load + Earthquake load

iii) Dead load + Earthquake seismic load
+ Temperature effect + live load.
Under these loads the chimney behaves as a cantilever and the chimney
may be designed by conventional beam and column theories and the
maximum stress .is limited to the allowable stress given by the chimney
code. The worst combination out of the effect due to seismic
(Earthquake) forces and wind effect is only taken into consideration and
only one effect is considered for the design of the structure.
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Design of Steel Chimneys

The wind force acts as uniformly distributed load on the self-supporting steel
chimney. For the purpose of determining bending moment at any section XX
Figure 14.1 the wind force is assumed to act at the middle height above the
section. The bending moment due to wind at section XX, h metres below the top is
given by

where, p = total wind force

Substituting the value of P from Eq. 14.9.

Sometimes the self-supporting steel chimney is erected between the constructed
buildings. A portion of the chimney extends over the roof of the building as shown
in Figure 14.3. The remaining portion of the chimney remains protected from the
wind. The bending moment for the part of chimney above the roof is calculated in
accordance with the expression (ii) above, the bending moment of chimney below
the roof (protected from the wind) shall be determined as follows:
When the chimney is not fixed at the roof
F 7

When the chimney is fixed at the roof

Case(A) Case (El I

Figure 14.3

The maximum bending moment occurs at the base of the chimney

This bending moment acts as overturning moment on the steel chimney. The
overturning moment Md, due to the wind pressure causes compressive stress on the
leeward side of the steel chimney and the tensile stress on the windward side of
the steel chimney. The maximum compressive stress and tensile stress on the
extreme fibre of steel chimney due to wind are equal.


The bending stress fw at the extreme fibre of steel chimney due to overturning
moment, Mw (moment due to wind in kN-m) is given by

I = Moment of inertia of circular ring section of the steel chimney

Z = Modulus section OF chimney ring section with no flue opening

t = thickness of steel plate (viz., without corrosion allowance)

IS : 6533-1971 'Code of practice for design and construction of steel chimney

recommends the value of section modulus of steel chimney ring with no flue
opening as

The modulus of section of chimney cross-section with flue opening as shown in

Figures 14.2 (a, b, c, & d) are given by the following expressions respectively

It is to note that these expressions are applicable for thickness of the plane less Design of Steel Chimneys

than 0.015d.


The windward side of the steel chimney is subjected to tensile stress due to
combined effect of the wind and the weight of steel chimney. The leeward side of
the steel chimney is subjected to compressive stress due to combined effect of
wind, weight of steel chimney and weight of lining. In order to control buckling in
steel chimneys the compressive stress caused by the combination of extreme
stresses due to bending and direct load should not exceed the values given in
Tables 14.3 and 14.4.
On the compressive side the chimney, the efficiency of the joint depends on the
strength of the rivets in shear, and in bearing, and does not depend on the tensile
strength of the plate. The efficiency of the joint on the compression side is 100%.
The efficiency of the joint on the tension side is less than the efficiency on the
compressive side say 70%. The permissible stresses in steel chimney in axial
tension, shear and bearing shall be adopted as specified in 18:800-1984. The
allowable stress in axial compression and in bending for circular chimneys depends
upon the effective height of the steel chimney h,, the radius of gyration, k (0.707 x
radius), the diameter and the thickness 't' of the chimney to be considered for
different types of steel chimneys are shown in the Table 14.3.


I Figure 14.4: Self-supporting Chimney

Axial h , = 2L

I Bending h , = L
where, h , = effective height of chimney
The allowable stress in axial compression and in pending for circular steel chimney
are as per IS 6533-1971 ('Code of practice for design and construction of steel
chimneys). The combined stress shall comply with the requirements of IS:800-1984.
The member of the steel chimney reasonably exposed to adverse temperature shall
be considered. The allowable stresses are obtained by multiplying the basic stresses
the appropriate temperature coefficient, k,.The value of k, may be noted from
Table 14.2 as specified in IS:6533-1971.
Coefficient, kt

Temperature 0.20 250 300 350 40O0C

kt 1.OO 0.75 0.67 0.60 0.50

for Circular Steel Chimneys

Allowable Stress in N/-'

hlk (dlt)
Ratio Ratio
100 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
and less
0 125.0 125.0
10 125.0

20 125.0
30 125.0 125.0 *
40 125.0 125.0 125.01125.0
50 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0

60 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 124.0

70 116.0 116.0 107.0

80 103.5 103.5 92.8
90 90.6 I ** 90.6 85.8
100 78.6 78.6 78.3 71.8
110 68.0 68.0 68.0
120 58.9 58.9
Table 14.4: Allowable Stresses in Bending for Circular Steel Chimneys Dcalp of Steel Chhnaeys

hlflr Allowable Stress in k ~ / m m ~

Ratio (dlt) rado
100 and 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
upto 130 165.0 157.5 153.0 149.5 146.5 145.0 143.5 140.0 137.0
140 159.0 157.5 153.0
150 151.0 151.0 151.0 149.5 146.5 145.0 143.5 140.0
160 145.0 145.0 145.0 138.0 138.5 138.5 137.0
170 138.0 132.0
180 132.0 132.0
190 126.0 ** 118.0 116.5
200 118.0 113.5
210 116.5 112.0
220 113.5 108.0
230 112.0 *** 107.0
240 108.5 105.0
250 107.0 104.0
260 105.5 102.5
270 104.0 104.0
280 102.5 102.5
290 101.0 101.0
300 9912 99.2 94.5 86.6 78.17

Note : For Tables 14.3 and 14.4

* For ratios of d/t and hllk in zone above zig-zag line, the stresses from the top line may be noted.
** For ratios of a% and hllk in zone below zig-zag line, the stresses from the column headed 100 and less may
be noted.
*** Above values of stresses have been converted into SI Units from those given in m.k.s. Units.

In case, the increase in stresses is solely due to wind forces, the allowable stresses
may be exceeded by 25%. However, the thickness of steel plates shall not be less
than that needed if the wind forces were neglected.
Similarly, when the effect of seismic load is considered, the allowable stresses may
be exceeded by 25 percent. The thickness of steel plate shall not be less than that
required if the seismic forces were not taken in to account. The permissible
stresses in rivets are adopted as per IS : 800-1984.


Self-supporting steel chimney may be provided with structural steel, cast iron, cast
steel circular base plates. It is preferable to use cast steel base plates as compared
to the cast iron base plate. The structural steel base plates are even better than cast
steel base plates for high steel chimneys.
The width of steel plate should be sufficient to transmit the compressive stresses to
the foundation. The allowable bearing pressure on a good cement concrete
foundation is 4 ~ / m m Thickness
~. of base plate should be such that the bending
stress and shearing stress in the base plate do not exceed the allowable bending
and shearing stresses. There are two methods of connecting the flared portion of
Steel Structures the steel chimney with the, base plates. These methods are shown in Figure 14.5.
The maximum compressive stress at the base plate on the leeward side of the

where, d l = diameter of the steel chimney at the base of the flared portion.

The maximum compressive stress per unit circumferential length at the base plate
on the leeward side of the chimney.

The width of the base plate

where, obcr
= permissible bearing stress on the foundations.

In case the anchor bolts are provided on inside and outside of the steel chimney,

c / l of

b =width of base plate
I_ b = widk of base plate 4
( aI (b)

Figure 14.5

then the base plate may be kept symmetrical with chimney, as shown in
Figure 14.5(a). The unsuppor'ted length of the base plate 1, measured from the
extreme edge upto the critical section XX, are equal. In case the anchor bolts are
provided on the outside only, then the unsupported length I, would be kept more
than the inner unsupported length. The critical section is marked under the root of
angle section. The thickness bf base plate is found as under :
The maximum bending moment at the critical section XX

The moment of resistance of unit length of base plate at the critical section

M k = -1( 1 . a 2 .ob,) ...(ii)

where, a = thickness of the base plate at the critical section
It is to be noted that this includes the thickness of the angle section used for the
crbc = permissible bending stress in the base plate
(0.75 f, where, f , is the yield stress for steel)
Equation (i) & (ii)

The thickness of the base plate found by deducting the thickness of the angle
section from the total thickness obtained as per Eq. 14.18. The critical section may
be checked for shear stress. It is to note that the total thickness of the base plate a,
has been found by using permissible bearing stress on the foundation instead of
actual bearing stress. This provides comparatively more thickness in case the
unforseen wind pressure increases.
The anchor bolts (holding down bolts) are provided to resist the uplift pressure due
to the overturning effect of the wind on the windward side of the stress chimney.
The uplift pressure is found by considering the combined effect of wind pressure
and the weight of chimney only. The weight of lining is omitted. It is assumed that
all the anchor bolts are drawn up tight. Further it is assumed that the line of
rotation is perpendicular to the direction of wind and passes through the centre of
the horizontal base section of the steel chimney as shown in Figure 14.1. The
initial tension in the anchor bolt, if any, is neglected.
The maximum tensile stress at the base plate on the windward side of the chimney

The maximum tensile stress per unit circumferential length at the base plate on the
windward side of the chimney
F2 = ofx ( t x 1) kN/m ...(14.20)
The maximum uplift force in one anchor bolt
= F , . g = o , x ( t x 1)xg kN

where, g = spacing of the anchor bolts in metres.

Steel structures The number of anchor bolts may be found by dividing the circumference of anchor
bolt ring by the spacing of anchor bolts. The permissible stress in axial tension at
the root of the threads of the anchor bolt is adopted from IS:800-1984.

Figure 14.6



A plain cement concrdte or reinforced cement concrete foundation is used for

self-supporting steel chimney. The following types of foundation are generally

a) full raft (circular slab)

b) annuldr raft
ii) Pile founddtion
iii) Truncated cone foundation
iv) Hyperboloid foundation
The chimney foundation is usually designed as a circular slab and it is constructed
as the circumscribing octagon. In the design of foundation of the chimney, a
designer is to deal dith either the bearing condition of the soil is favourable and
economical where the chimney may be directly supported by the soil or the bearing
condition of the soil1 is poor where the chimney has to be placed on piles. The
foundation is designed to resist the stresses resulting from the following
i) Dead load + Live load
ii Dead load + Wind or seismic forces
iii) Dead load + Live load + wind or seismic forces
The weight of chininey lining etc. are considered as live load.
The foundation of the form of the frustum of a cone or an eight sided pyramid
will be more econdmical. Therefore the shape of the foundation block is generally
in the form of a frustum of a cone or a frustum of a eight sided pyramid. The
square shaped foundations are not provided since the corners of square shaped
foundations are subjected to high pressure when the direction of the wind is
parallel to the diagonal. If the slope of the footing is 45" plain concrete foundation
can be used. If reibforced concrete foundation is used, it is not necessary to keep
the height 0.4b an4 a thinner foundation may be used.
The size and weight of the foundation should be such that the underside of the w
gn of Steel Chimneys
foundation is under compression only. In that case, the bottom of the foundation
block remains in contact with the soil. So the size of the foundation at the bottom
is kept sufficient to withstand the soil pressure and the bearing pressure in the soil
should be less than the allowable pressure in the soil. The weight of the foundation
is kept sufficient to prevent the overturning. In case the design of foundation is
such that the compressive stress at one edge of the foundation is zero, and it
increases to a maximum compressive stress at the other edge, under the extreme
conditions of loading then such design of foundation is most economical. In such
design of foundation, the unit stress due to the overturning moment of the wind is
just equal to the unit stress due to the weight of the foundation and steel chimney.
It should be noted that the weight of lining is omitted. However, the maximum
compressive stress on the leeward side due to wind, weight of foundation, steel
chimney and lining should not exceed the allowable unit pressure on soil.
For round foundation, the resultant thrust due to wind pressure, weight of steel
chimney, weight of lining, and weight of foundation should not lie outside the
middle quarter of the foundation. The foundation block is not subjected to tension
in such condition.
The maximum eccentricity is then limited to 118 of the width of foundation. The
maximum eccentricity

where, b = width of the circular or round foundation

Wf=weight of foundation block
As compared to the weight of foundation the weight of steel chimney W,, and the
weight of lining WL, are small. For preliminary design the weight of steel chimney
and the weight of lining are neglected. The weight of foundation

Then, the resisting moment due to weight of foundation is equal to the overturning
moment due to wind. Therefore

The width of foundation is then revised by considering the weight of steel chimney
and weight of lining.
The intensity of soil pressure is determind. It is given by
Steel Structures where, A and Z are the area and section modulus, respectively for the foundation
slab. If the radius of the circle of the circumscribing octagon is R, then the area of
foundation is 3.3 12 R and Z = 0.81 R~ as per (IS: 6533-197 1). The successive
trials are made for R to utilize fully. The soil pressure should not exceed the
allowable bearing capacity of the soil.

( a ) Foundation plan

L( b) Foundatron thickness

'I c ) Soil Dressure dragram

Figure 14.7

D = Diameter of footing = 2R
P = vertical load.
e = M/P
M = overturning moment
F = P/A
A = Area of circular footing
F,,, = Maximum unit bearing pressure including overturning moment.
The full utilisation of the bearing of soil may lead to situations where only the
part of foundation is in compression (Figure 14.7). In such a situation the footing
is designed as a circle, though it is constructed as octagonal.

Let f=[ W.S++: ...(14.26)

The maximum soil pressure is obtained from the following procedure.

The eccentricity e =
w,+ w,+W F
and thereby e/b valves are determined. The values of zero stress and the ratio Design of Steel Chimneys
f, lf are found from Figure 14.7 as per IS : (6533-1971) and thus the value of
f,,, is calculated. It is recommended in code IS : 6533-1971 that the elb valve
should not exceed 0.255 and K,lb not be less than 0.6.


In general practice, the self-supporting steel chimneys are all made with lining. The
steel chimneys are lined in order to protect the chimneys from heat, to act as a
protecting cover and thus reduce the corrosion on the steel plates and to maintain
the temperature of flue gases.

Figure 14.8 : Maximum Soil Pressure and Neutral Axis for Circular Footing

The lining may be made of radial fire brick, common concrete brick, cement gunite
or vibrobestos acid resisting bricks etc. The materials used for lining should be
capable of withstanding high temperature up to 2000°F. The lining is required from
below the flue opening to the height, where the heat of gases does not damage the
chimney. The height of lining should not be less than.10 times the diameter or 113
of height above the flue opening. The self-supporting steel chimneys are usually
lined throughout the full height of chimney. The lined chimneys are inspeted every
alternate year. In addition to the checking of thickness of chimney plates, the
condition of lining and insulation is also checked.
The chimneys with riveted and bolted construction are checked near the flange
angles. The rivet heads on the interior surface are also checked. The interior surface
of lined chimney requires primary coat only. The exterior surfaces of the chimney is
painted as describer for unlined chimneys depending upon the service temperature.
- - - - --


The steel chimney as a whole or any part of it is checked for stability. The
stability of the structure or any part of it should be ensured by providing
anchorages so that the least resisting moment including anchorages shall not be
less than the sum of 1.5 times the maximum overturning moment due to dead
loads and imposed loads with the seismiclwind loading considering as imposed
hads. The stability of steel chimney is ensured at all times during construction,
repair with probable variation in dead loads, or during such other temporary phase
of work is taken into account.
While the stability of steel chimney is checked, it is also seen that when the
resulting pressure and $hear forces are transferred to the supporting soil through the
foundation, the failure iof the foundation will not occur. The stability of the
chimney is investigated so that

where, ow= stress due to wind load

om= stress by any other load increasing the combined stress
q = stress due to dead load
oa= allowable load.

1 4 . 1 6 ~ PROBLEMS
~ ~ 1 ~ ~
Example 14.1
A self-supportingl steel chimney is 80 m high and its diameter at the top is
3 metres. ~ e s i g breech
n (flue) opening. Adopt the wind force as per IS : 875.
The location of the place is such that the intensity of wind pressure up to
30 m height is 1 3 0 k ~ / m ~ .
The steel chimney is shown in Figure 14.9. The height of the chimney is
80 m and its diaineter at the top is 3 m.

Figure 14.9 (a)

Step 1
Flared portion
A conical flared portion is provided in the lower portion of the steel chimney.
The recommended height of flared portion
Design of Steel Chimneys

Adopt the height of flared portion as 25 m. The diameter of conical flared

portion at its bottom

Adopt the diameter of flared portion as 4.5 m.

Step 2
Intensity of wind pressure.
The location of place is such that the intensity of wind pressure up to 30 m
height is 1.50 kN/m2. The intensities of wind pressure at higher heights as per
IS: 875 are as follows:

The above intensity of wind at the respective heights are shown in

Figure 14.9(b). The shape factor for steel chimney circular in plan 0.7.
Step 3
Overturning moment due to wind M,. Usually the intensity of wind pressure
is adopted as the average value of these at upper and lower section. However
for simplicity, the maximum intensity of wind pressure (i.e., at the top) has
been used in the calculations.
The overturning moments at respective sections are as under :
hl, h2, h3 ... etc. represent the height of respective forces pl, p,, p3 ... etc.
I , above the section considered in Figure 14.9 (b).
i) At section XI X1
p,. h, = 0.7 x 1.83 x 3 x 10 x 5 = 192.15kN-m
ii) At section X2 Xz
p,. hl = 0.7 x 1.83 x 3 x 10 x 10 = 384.30kN-m

Total = 430.76 kN-m

iii) At Section X5 X5

p5 .h5=0.7x1.72x3x5x2.5=45.15 kN-m
Total = 1698.90 kN-m
Steel Structures
I-w~nd pressure ( k ~ h n l l
- -80m

7 5m


hiyure 14.9 (b)

iv) At section X8X8


p, .h, = 0 . 7 x 1 . 8 3 ~ l3O~x 5 0 = 1921.50lcN-m

p2 . h2 = 0.7 x 1.77 x 3 x 5 x 42.5 = 789.86 kN-m
p3 . h3 = 0.7 x 1.77 x 3 x 5 x 37.5 = 696.64 kN-m
p, . h, = 0.7 x 1.72 x 3 x 5 x 32.5 = 586.95 kN-m
ps . h, = 0.7 x 1.72 x 3 x 5 x 27.5 = 496.65 kN-m

P6. h6 = 0.7 x 1.67 x 3 x 5 x 22.5 = 394.54 W - m

p7 .h7=0.7x 1 . 6 3 ~ 3 17.5=299.51kN-m
~ 5 ~
p 8 . h8 = 0.7 x 1.58 x 3 x 5 x 12.5 = 207.38 kN-m
p,. h9=0.7A 1 . 5 6 ~ x3 5 x7.5 = 122.85kN-m
plo . hlo = 0.7 x 1.50 x 3 x 5 x 1.5 = 39.38 kN-m
Total = 5555.37 kN-m
Step 4
Thickness of chimney plate.
It is assumed that the design life of the steel chimney shall be 20 years and
the coal is used as a fuel for the boiler. The chimney shall be lined and
insul2ted. The corrosion allowance is 4 mm for slight internal corrosion
At section X2 X2 (Height from top is 15 m). Design of Steel Chimneys
Diameter of chimney = 3 m.
Assuming the thickness of steel plates as 3 mm without corrosion

Radius of gyration, K = 0.7 x -= 1050 mm
Effective height for axial stress
hl = 2 x 15 x 1000=30000mm

Ratio -
h1 = [ -
3 ~ : = 28.57

For bending stress

~llowabfestress in axial compression

= 71.8 ~ / m m ~
Allowable stress in bending
= 78.7 ~ / m m ~
These stresses are increased by 25% for wind. The maximum tensile
stress on windward from Eq. 14.1

ii) At section X8X8(Height from top is 55 m), Diameter of chimney = 3 m

Assuming the thickness of steel plate as 7 mm without corrosion.

ratio = [ 3 x i 0 0 0 ) = 4 2 8

Effective height for axial stress

hl = 2 x 5 5 x l000= 110000mm
Radius of gyration,

X=(o.ixi]=3000 1050

Ratio (2) [= ' l o lo50 1

x loo0 = 194.76

For bending stress

Allowable stress in axial compression = 73.554N/mm2
Flowable stres!s in bending = 114.92 N/mrn2
The stresses ate increased by 25% for wind. The maximum tensile stress
on windward $ide from Eq. 41.1

The maximum compressive str#ss on the leeward side of the steel

chimney from Eq. 14.3

t = 0.01@3 m = 10.23 rnm

Therefore the total thickness with corrosion allowance is
11.44 + 4 = 15.44 mm
Adopt 16 rnrnr
Step 5
- Design of flue opeding
i) Portion of chidnney between sections X8 X8 and XIl XI,

Let there be two flue openings in the same direction.

Size of the openings = 1.8 m x 20 m
Width of the openings, A1 = 1800 mm

Height of the Lentre line of openings above the base is 2 m. The

diameter of the chimney at this level is 4.36 m. The thickness of plates
less corrosion allowance is (16 - 4) = 12 mm

ii) Modulus of the chimney at the centre line of flue opening

Area of cross-beetion
= n x 4350 x 12 - 2 x 2000 x 12 (for opening)
= IT5908 mm2
iii) Weight of chidnney
Weight of chidnney above X8 X8
= 472.507 kN
Design of Steel Chimneys
It is obtained as follows.
.The thickness of lining increases from top to bottom. The weight of the
chimney may be assumed as 0.64, 0.80, 0.96 and 1.28 kN/m2 per .metre
height of the chimney at the sections X2X2, X5 X5,X8X8 and XI XI
At section X2x X2
n x 3 x 15 x 0.64 = 90.432 kN
Add 10% for stiffeness
= 1 . 1 0 90.432=99.475
~ kN
Area of cross-section

At Section X5X5
n x 3 x 15 x 0.64 = 90.432 kN
203.472 kN
Add 10% for cross-section
= 1.10~
= 223.82 kN
Area of cross-section
n x 3 lOOO(8 - 4) = 37680 mm.
At section X8X8
n x 3 x 15 x 0.64 = 90.432 kN
n x 3 x 25 x 0.96 = 226.080kN
= 429.552 kN
Add 10% for stiffeners
1.10x 429.552 = 472.507 kN
The maximum compressive stress on the leeward side of the steel
chimney from Eq. 14.3

. t = 0.00103 m = 1.03 mm.

Therefore, the total thickness with corrosion allowance is
(1.03 + 4) mm = 5.03 mm
Adopt 6 mm.
Steel Structures At Seetion X5 XS (Height from top is 3 m), Diameter of Chimney = 3 m
Assuming the thickness of steel plates as 5 mm without corrosion.

Effective height for axial stress

h, = 2 x 30 x 1000 = 60,000 mrn
Radius of gyration

hi 60000
Ratio -= -- 57.14
k 1050
For bending stress

Allowable stress in axial compression

Allowable stress in bending

These stresses are increased by 25% for wind. The maximum tensile
stress on windward side from Eq. 14.1

The maximum compressive stress on the leeward side of the steel

chimney from Eq. 14.3

Therefore the total thickness with corrosion allowance is (3.688 + 4) mm

= 7.68 mm
Adopt 8 mm
Area of cross-section

Weight of the opening X, X8 and X,,X1,

n x 3.75 x 25 x 1.28 = 376.80 kN Design of Steel Chimneys

Total = 849.307 1dV

Add 10% for overlap, rivets and stiffeners
Total weight = 1.10 x 849.307kN
= 934.238 kN

Actual stress =
i934.238 x id 11587.15x 106

115908 - 80790 x lo3

= (8.06 f 143.42) = 151.46N/mm2

1 N/md

iv) Allowable stress

Effective height for axial stress
h 1 = 2 x 8 0 x l000= 160000mm

Radius of gyration, k

ratio = [ )
4.5 x loo0 = 375

Ratio [2)=(x)= 160000


For bending stress,

Allowable stress in axial compression = 76.915 ~ / m m ~

Allowable stress in bending = 127.5 ~ / m m ~
These stresses are increased by 25% for wind. Therefore allowable stress
in bending is 159.375 N/mm2, which one is greater than 151.46 N/mm2
v) Check for interaction expression

It exceeds unity very slightly. Hence, the section is adequate.

Area of steel plates removed for flue openings = 2 x 2000 x 12
= 48000 mrn2
The vertical reinforcement provided is kept 20% larger than the area
:. Area of steel to be provided

Area of vertical reinforcement on each side of two flue openings

Provide 21SA 200 mm x 200 mm x 25 mm (one on outer side and one

Steel Structures on inner side of the opening).

Area provided = 2 x 9380 = 18760 mm2

The area of reinforcement provided on the top and the bottom of
opening are kept the same.

1) Design a self-supporting steel chimney of 100 m height. The diameter of
the cylindrical shell is 4 m. The chimney has a 100 m thick brick lining
supported on the shell.
2) A self-supporting steel chimney is 60 m high and has a diameter of 3 m
at the top. Design the foundation and the riveted points. The hoizontal
pressure may be assumed as 1.50 k ~ l m The~ . bearing stress in cement
concrete is 4.0 ~ / m m ~ .

. *-
Let us conclude this unit by summarising what we have covered in it. In this unit
we have
1) Defined steel chimneys.
2) Described factors for selecting type of steel chimneys.
3) Studied the design of thickness of steel plates, joints, flue openings and
4) Derived expressions for bending moment, stresses, thickness of plates.
5) Introduced the concept of lining for chimney.
6) Described the stability of steel chimney.


Refer Example given i n the text.

Design of Steel Structures - A.S. Arya & J. L. Ajmani
Steel Structures and Timber Structures, Vol. III - V.N. Vazirani & M.M. Ratwani
Design of Steel Structures - Vol. I & Vol. II - Dr. Ramchandia
Roofs and Bridges - M. Mprriman
Design of Steel Structures - M. Raghupati
Analysis, Design and DetaiYs of Structures- V. N . Vazirani & M.M. Ratvani
Design of Steel and Timber Structures - Ramamrutham
Structural Design in Steel - Sanvar Alum Raz
Desim o f Steel Structures 4Edwin H . Gaylord, Jr. & Charles N. Gavlard

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