Find The Missing Number

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Lesson Title: Find the Missing Number

2. Grade level: Kindergarten

3. Duration of Lesson: 35 minutes

4. Previous knowledge: ​Students can count to 100 by 10’s, 5’s. The majority of students can count
to 100 by 1’s. Students have been using 100’s charts in math for a few days prior to this lesson so
they are familiar with how to use them and strategies that can help them. Each morning, the class
plays a ‘missing number game’ on the carpet which is exciting and engaging for these students.
For that reason, the ‘missing number game’ has been implemented into this lesson for further
practice with counting to 100.

5. A​cademic/Everyday Vocabulary:
100’s chart:​ ​a 10 by 10 grid that sequences all numbers from 1-100

6. Objectives/Assessment/Standards: ​Usually no more than 3. Connect these to your standards

and assessments.

7. Standards​:
8. Assessment: ​Describe the forms of assessments.

Objective Assessment Standard

SWBAT identify the Students will be NYSCC.K.CC.1 Count
missing numbers in a assessed on their to 100 by ones and by
100’s chart and fill ability to identify the tens.
them in accordingly. missing numbers and
fill them in NYSCC.K.CC.2.
accordingly. 90% of Count forward
students will correctly beginning from a
fill in the missing given number within
numbers on the 100’s the known sequence
chart. (instead of having to
begin at 1)

9. Activities:​ Use the table below to describe your lesson’s activities/process.

Duration 5-7 minutes
Students Role Students will guess the missing number on the
100’s chart. When asked “how did you know?” ‘I
just knew’ is no longer an acceptable answer.
Students must show a strategy of how they came
to the answer (Go Math! 2012).
Description/Steps/ Teacher will pull one number at a time off of the
Questions to enact 100’s chart as students close their eyes. Teacher
lesson component will say open and students must guess which
number is missing. Teacher will ask one student,
“how did you figure that out?” Then, students will
say how they figured out which number was

Duration 15 minutes
Students Role Students will play a miniature version of the
missing number game using a 100’s chart and a
counter (Baroody, Purpura, Eiland, & Reid, 2015).
Description/Steps/ Teacher will explain how to play the game and
Questions to enact partner students up assigning one student in each
lesson component pair as partner 1 and the other as partner 2.
Partner 1 will start by cover up the number with the
counter and partner 2 will guess what number is
covered. Students will be told to spread out around
the room like they do for morning drawers. After
the game, students will keep 100’s chart and
complete the worksheet.

Duration 10 minutes
Students Role Students, still working in paris, will use their 100’s
chart to fill in the missing numbers on the 100’s
chart worksheet.
Description/Steps/ Teacher will explain worksheet and say that
Questions to enact numbers have been left out and need to be filled
lesson component
in. Using the 100’s chart is optional as some
students may not need it.

Duration n/a
Students Role Students will be assessed on the completion of the
worksheet. 90% of students will correctly fill in the
blank spaces on the 100’s chart.
Description/Steps/ When students are stuck on a number or become
Questions to enact frustrated they will be encouraged to use
lesson component strategies from prior lessons to problem solve
such as locating a number on their 100’s chart and
jumping forward or backwards (Ramirez, Chang,
Maloney, Levine, & Beilock, 2016). In order to
scaffold students thinking back to prior lessons the
teacher will ask “how could we use the 100’s chart
to help?” “what number would you need to find
first?” “Are you going to jump forward or
backward?” “how do you know?”

Duration n/a
Students Role As students finish the worksheet, they will put it in
the work basket and wash their hands for snack.
Questions to enact
lesson component

P.C. This student will be chosen to answer what the
missing number is when a number in the 30’s is
removed from the chart as this student struggles
with knowing the 30’s.
W.S. Student will be in close proximity to teacher in
order to hold his attention. When he spreads out
throughout the room, teacher will check in and
make sure he is on task.
B.H., C.N., R.S., J.R, These students are strong in math and may
choose to not use the 100’s chart to fill in their
worksheet. Students will be encouraged to use it
to check their work when they finish.

10. References:​ List of references for your lesson.

Go math!​ (2012). Orlando, FL: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Ramirez, G., Chang, H., Maloney, E., Levine, S., & Beilock, S. (2016). On the
relationship between math anxiety and math achievement in early elementary school:
The role of problem solving strategies. ​Journal Of Experimental Child Psychology,​
1418​ 3-100. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2015.07.014

Baroody, A. J., Purpura, D. J., Eiland, M. D., & Reid, E. E. (2015). The impact of highly
and minimally guided discovery instruction on promoting the learning of reasoning
strategies for basic add-1 and doubles combinations. ​Early Childhood Research
Quarterly,​ ​30(​ Part A), 93-105. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2014.09.003
11. Please include all materials to teach the lesson below.
100’s chart for class to see
Individual 100’s charts for students

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