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The Triangulation Report With LPS

The output image x, y units: pixels

The output angle unit: degrees
The output ground X, Y, Z units: meters
The Input Image Coordinates
image ID = 1
Point ID x y
2 8413.629 12441.878
1 8369.290 12809.159
3 14228.361 6402.192
4 4633.270 7053.911
5 1339.735 9194.822
6 11328.143 10020.133
7 13788.765 10458.197
8 5181.375 14583.125
9 1301.750 15536.750
10 11809.375 15918.375
11 9901.875 16194.625
24 5251.875 14608.125
Affine coefficients from file (pixels) to film (millimeters)
A0 A1 A2 B0 B1 B2
-116.7485 -0.000043 0.014006 -118.7467 0.014006 0.000043
image ID = 2
Point ID x y
2 10069.128 7360.377
1 10038.690 7731.440
3 16082.125 663.375
4 6160.634 2123.703
5 3236.735 4289.755
6 13019.760 4754.029
7 15752.249 5154.190
8 6969.125 9490.125
9 3438.646 10205.012
10 13790.125 10952.125
11 11760.875 11194.875
12 15343.375 7803.875
13 2975.382 10734.092
14 4579.832 15048.963
15 9111.844 16302.906
16 15804.875 14943.625
24 7037.688 9518.563
25 8771.000 12690.000
26 8736.875 12684.375
27 4398.361 13156.870
28 9062.823 13546.104
Affine coefficients from file (pixels) to film (millimeters)
A0 A1 A2 B0 B1 B2
-116.9656 -0.000016 0.014006 -118.3525 0.014006 0.000016
image ID = 3
Point ID x y
2 9976.876 1598.877
1 9960.625 1969.875
8 6945.625 3835.125
9 3376.750 4521.750
10 13787.875 5019.375
11 11800.125 5351.625
12 15174.786 1850.490
13 2919.250 4972.750
14 4702.375 9547.625
15 9349.688 10652.188
16 15917.750 8880.250
17 15222.875 6421.625
18 14689.685 7377.243
19 9246.988 7092.250
20 8755.863 6581.143
21 12926.232 9284.440
22 13757.050 16199.747
23 15003.974 14207.210
24 7014.497 3863.195
25 8876.813 6949.313
26 8842.625 6943.625
27 4473.875 7154.125
28 9200.625 7809.625
Affine coefficients from file (pixels) to film (millimeters)
A0 A1 A2 B0 B1 B2
-117.4845 0.000045 0.014007 -117.3424 0.014006 -0.000045
image ID = 4
Point ID x y
14 3394.996 11374.865
15 5060.441 6867.530
17 1369.848 472.686
18 2277.155 1122.104
19 1419.685 6571.605
20 841.505 7008.140
21 4035.372 3123.853
22 11082.256 3076.846
23 9214.353 1596.881
25 1224.124 6927.875
26 1212.624 6960.875
27 502.111 11288.591
28 2134.113 6697.922
Affine coefficients from file (pixels) to film (millimeters)
A0 A1 A2 B0 B1 B2
-119.3478 0.014009 0.000075 117.6452 0.000075 -0.014009


the no. of iteration =1 the standard error = 0.4691
the maximal correction of the object points = 7.03063
the no. of iteration =2 the standard error = 0.4686
the maximal correction of the object points = 0.36134
the no. of iteration =3 the standard error = 0.4686
the maximal correction of the object points = 0.00017
The exterior orientation parameters
1 612253.4728 4100744.3768 1770.2252 0.4823 5.0104 94.3939
2 612271.3305 4101569.3546 1777.4522 0.8328 -1.1741 92.1901
3 612311.6488 4102510.2946 1776.2016 0.2589 0.3174 90.3730
4 612334.7655 4103439.2302 1778.9567 0.8597 -0.1365 96.0483

The accuracy of the exterior orientation parameters

image ID mXs mYs mZs mOMEGA mPHI mKAPPA
1 0.8419 0.6511 0.4920 0.0209 0.0258 0.0077
2 0.7914 0.6132 0.2744 0.0198 0.0252 0.0068
3 0.7811 0.5917 0.3104 0.0193 0.0255 0.0069
4 0.8573 0.7536 0.6156 0.0244 0.0262 0.0095
The interior orientation parameters of photos
image ID f(mm) xo(mm) yo(mm)
1 153.3500 0.0190 0.0130
2 153.3500 0.0190 0.0130
3 153.3500 0.0190 0.0130
4 153.3500 0.0190 0.0130
The residuals of the control points
Point ID rX rY rZ
2 -0.0422 -0.0734 -0.1168
1 0.0104 0.0935 0.1898
8 0.0719 0.0780 -0.0759
19 -0.0733 0.1481 -0.3672
20 -0.0596 0.1703 0.1562
25 0.0020 -0.0350 0.1742
27 0.1051 -0.0541 0.0944
28 -0.0144 -0.3272 -0.0549
aX aY aZ
0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
mX mY mZ
0.0584 0.1510 0.1792
The residuals of the check points
Point ID rX rY rZ
24 0.0196 0.0786 -0.2475
26 -0.0219 -0.0790 0.0931
aX aY aZ
-0.0012 -0.0002 -0.0772
mX mY mZ
0.0208 0.0788 0.1870
The coordinates of object points
Point ID X Y Z Overlap
2 612051.2278 4101423.0456 1.0782 3
1 612053.6914 4101483.1805 1.5338 3
8 612540.0069 4101788.0670 3.8541 3
19 612167.0537 4102313.5321 14.8408 2
20 612246.5554 4102231.9883 17.1962 2
25 612227.0090 4102291.2720 18.3262 3
27 612886.4751 4102340.4049 147.9264 3
28 612174.3076 4102429.0208 16.4221 3
24 612528.8676 4101792.2596 3.0425 3
26 612232.5181 4102290.4140 18.8991 3
3 611174.0757 4100360.0778 46.1270 2
4 612715.4508 4100602.1656 2.5168 2
5 613172.2137 4100971.4134 20.3399 2
6 611603.3278 4100993.8840 16.4980 2
7 611167.7436 4101040.6295 8.9149 2
9 613091.6256 4101919.2435 54.7108 3
10 611434.9324 4101975.9013 11.5884 3
11 611755.1829 4102030.1920 8.6548 3
12 611212.0474 4101462.9185 9.2459 2
13 613147.9963 4101999.2742 84.8075 2
14 612894.6860 4102710.2520 19.4254 3
15 612147.3170 4102889.4272 1.9284 3
16 611092.7399 4102597.5996 21.5573 2
17 611204.0467 4102201.8087 16.1653 2
18 611290.4286 4102356.2866 18.1093 2
21 611571.2761 4102664.8187 12.7052 2
22 611427.6249 4103789.5464 7.0753 2
23 611229.4154 4103461.9127 12.3741 2
The total object points = 28
The accuracy of object points
Point ID mX mY mZ mP Overlap
2 0.0945 0.0943 0.2054 0.2450 3
1 0.0903 0.0900 0.1962 0.2340 3
8 0.0758 0.0758 0.1905 0.2186 3
19 0.0776 0.0876 0.1929 0.2256 2
20 0.0725 0.0877 0.1833 0.2158 2
25 0.0702 0.0723 0.1590 0.1882 3
27 0.1034 0.0985 0.2449 0.2835 3
28 0.0784 0.0797 0.1919 0.2221 3
24 0.0818 0.0819 0.2106 0.2403 3
26 0.0754 0.0784 0.1746 0.2057 3
3 0.3337 0.3089 0.6774 0.8159 2
4 0.2084 0.2142 0.6193 0.6877 2
5 0.2338 0.1876 0.6574 0.7225 2
6 0.1952 0.1697 0.4544 0.5229 2
7 0.2667 0.1991 0.5640 0.6549 2
9 0.1323 0.1190 0.3887 0.4274 3
10 0.1406 0.1248 0.4167 0.4571 3
11 0.1018 0.0976 0.3021 0.3334 3
12 0.2275 0.1802 0.5087 0.5857 2
13 0.1644 0.1252 0.4302 0.4772 2
14 0.1349 0.1317 0.3110 0.3637 3
15 0.1260 0.1311 0.3503 0.3947 3
16 0.2445 0.1891 0.6740 0.7415 2
17 0.2835 0.1880 0.5557 0.6515 2
18 0.2460 0.1666 0.5322 0.6095 2
21 0.1831 0.1428 0.4841 0.5369 2
22 0.3205 0.3514 0.8245 0.9519 2
23 0.3199 0.2741 0.7917 0.8968 2
amX amY amZ
0.1672 0.1481 0.4104
The residuals of image points
Point Image Vx Vy
2 1 0.213 0.295
2 2 0.012 -0.234
2 3 -0.302 0.088
Point Image Vx Vy
1 1 0.149 -0.234
1 2 0.211 0.139
1 3 -0.336 -0.054
Point Image Vx Vy
8 1 0.314 -0.113
8 2 0.043 0.275
8 3 -0.247 -0.270
Point Image Vx Vy
19 3 0.742 0.036
19 4 -0.382 0.826
Point Image Vx Vy
20 3 0.078 -0.504
20 4 0.182 0.199
Point Image Vx Vy
25 2 -0.396 -0.229
25 3 -0.146 0.324
25 4 0.010 -0.550
Point Image Vx Vy
27 2 0.251 -0.006
27 3 0.091 0.185
27 4 -0.099 0.156
Point Image Vx Vy
28 2 -0.238 0.283
28 3 0.155 0.081
28 4 0.204 -0.020
Point Image Vx Vy
24 1 0.068 0.098
24 2 -0.528 -0.215
24 3 0.457 0.101
Point Image Vx Vy
26 2 -0.139 -0.051
26 3 -0.092 0.078
26 4 -0.007 -0.233
Point Image Vx Vy
3 1 0.150 0.015
3 2 -0.132 -0.009
Point Image Vx Vy
4 1 -0.322 -0.033
4 2 0.343 0.020
Point Image Vx Vy
5 1 -0.091 -0.009
5 2 0.103 0.006
Point Image Vx Vy
6 1 0.067 0.007
6 2 -0.062 -0.004
Point Image Vx Vy
7 1 -0.609 -0.061
7 2 0.539 0.035
Point Image Vx Vy
9 1 -0.128 -0.322
9 2 0.459 0.644
9 3 -0.324 -0.294
Point Image Vx Vy
10 1 -0.135 0.266
10 2 0.002 -0.504
10 3 0.140 0.242
Point Image Vx Vy
11 1 0.326 0.127
11 2 -0.038 -0.167
11 3 -0.269 0.067
Point Image Vx Vy
12 2 -0.032 -0.003
12 3 0.033 0.002
Point Image Vx Vy
13 2 -0.425 -0.031
13 3 0.413 0.018
Point Image Vx Vy
14 2 -0.162 -0.185
14 3 -0.241 0.333
14 4 -0.113 -0.423
Point Image Vx Vy
15 2 0.425 0.257
15 3 -0.106 -0.447
15 4 0.171 0.348
Point Image Vx Vy
16 2 -0.245 -0.023
16 3 0.253 0.013
Point Image Vx Vy
17 3 -0.071 -0.002
17 4 0.010 -0.069
Point Image Vx Vy
18 3 0.202 0.006
18 4 -0.028 0.197
Point Image Vx Vy
21 3 -0.447 -0.013
21 4 0.062 -0.437
Point Image Vx Vy
22 3 -0.180 -0.005
22 4 0.025 -0.177
Point Image Vx Vy
23 3 0.174 0.005
23 4 -0.025 0.170

The image residuals of the control points

The image ID = 1
Point ID Vx Vy
2 0.213 0.295
1 0.149 -0.234
8 0.314 -0.113
RMSE of 3 points: mx=0.235, my=0.227
The image ID = 2
Point ID Vx Vy
2 0.012 -0.234
1 0.211 0.139
8 0.043 0.275
25 -0.396 -0.229
27 0.251 -0.006
28 -0.238 0.283
RMSE of 6 points: mx=0.232, my=0.217
The image ID = 3
Point ID Vx Vy
2 -0.302 0.088
1 -0.336 -0.054
8 -0.247 -0.270
19 0.742 0.036
20 0.078 -0.504
25 -0.146 0.324
27 0.091 0.185
28 0.155 0.081
RMSE of 8 points: mx=0.331, my=0.246
The image ID = 4
Point ID Vx Vy
19 -0.382 0.826
20 0.182 0.199
25 0.010 -0.550
27 -0.099 0.156
28 0.204 -0.020
RMSE of 5 points: mx=0.215, my=0.458

The image residuals of the check points

The image ID = 1
Point ID Vx Vy
24 0.068 0.098
RMSE of 1 points: mx=0.068, my=0.098
The image ID = 2
Point ID Vx Vy
24 -0.528 -0.215
26 -0.139 -0.051
RMSE of 2 points: mx=0.386, my=0.156
The image ID = 3
Point ID Vx Vy
24 0.457 0.101
26 -0.092 0.078
RMSE of 2 points: mx=0.329, my=0.090
The image ID = 4
Point ID Vx Vy
26 -0.007 -0.233
RMSE of 1 points: mx=0.007, my=0.233

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