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The Behavior Analyst 2008, 31, 137–144 No.

2 (Fall)

Self-Awareness: Behavior Analysis and Neuroscience

Travis Thompson
University of Minnesota School of Medicine and
Minnesota Early Autism Project
Self-awareness is a specific type of autoclitic discriminative behavior and inferential
generalization to similar performances exhibited by other people. Brain imaging findings take
on special importance within behavior analysis when they indicate that dysfunctions in these
areas are related to differential effects of our interventions, with some acquiring substantially
typical self-awareness skills and others failing to do so. It appears that those individuals whose
brain dysfunctions are limited to these areas, and are not part of more generalized brain
abnormalities, are amenable to substantial acquisition of those most basic of human skills called
self-awareness, whereas individuals with more generalized brain dysfunction are not so disposed.
Through a combination of less or more effective teaching contingencies during childhood, and
degrees of dysfunction of those brain structures, some children grow up lacking self-reflective
abilities and self-insight, whereas others are extraordinarily astute at those capacities. Among
children with autism spectrum disorders who lack those skills due to abnormal brain
development, approximately half of them can acquire those skills, at least to some degree
through the use of effective, intensive, early behavior therapy methods.
Key words: self-awareness, autoclitics, neuroplasticity

Historically, humankind has been Durer created a Christ-like self-por-

ambivalent about the self. To be self- trait that apparently was intended to
less is to be magnanimous, presum- convey his inner spirituality and God-
ably a good thing, whereas a surfeit of given talent. The famous self-portrait
self (i.e., being self-ish) refers to the of the English painter Joshua Rey-
converse, a less desirable trait. The self nolds of himself as visionary is another
has been the frequent topic of litera- example of portraying a psychological
ture, poetry, and visual arts. The trait through self-portraiture (Lucie-
development of self-portraiture de- Smith & Kelly, 1987).
pended on developing new technolo- With the ascendance of Watson’s
gy. It was not until glass making had behaviorism, Boring (1950) famously
improved to the point that inexpensive proclaimed that psychology first lost its
smooth mirrors could be made that soul, then its mind, and finally its
reflected an accurate image of the consciousness. Skinner’s behavior anal-
artist that self-portraits emerged in ysis led many of us to believe it was
the mid-15th century with Van Eyck finally safe to go into intellectual water,
and Durer. From the very beginning, but then the cognitive revolution oc-
artists attempted to reveal more about curred, and dualism reemerged with a
themselves in self-portraits than their vengeance in psychology (Chomsky,
mere external appearance. Albrecht 1959; Neisser, 1967). Rapidly emerg-
ing neuroscience technologies further
This paper is based on a presentation as opened the door to dualistic psychology.
part of the symposium ‘‘Celebrating and Brain imaging tools have lent unde-
Expanding our Scientific Foundations: State
of the Science Addresses,’’ May, 2008, at the served scientific legitimacy to ill-con-
annual meeting of the Association for Behav- ceived, mentalistic notions within psy-
ior Analysis International, Chicago. I thank chology (Frith, 2007; Gazzaniga, 1991).
Tim Hackenberg for his leadership in orga-
nizing the symposium and Max Hocutt for
helpful discussions early in the formulation of COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE
Address correspondence to the author at
2187 Ferris Lane, Roseville, Minnesota 55113 A major relapse to dualistic men-
(e-mail: talism was triggered three decades


ago, when, in their Behavioral and sumed ability, or lack thereof, among
Brain Sciences article, Premack and very young children and people with
Woodruff (1978) wondered whether autism spectrum disorders. In this
their chimpanzee Sarah ‘‘had a theo- sense, theory of mind is more akin to
ry of mind.’’ They asked whether the ability of most Fijian children to
Sarah reflected on her own thoughts sing confidently, without self-con-
and feelings, and was aware that sciousness, in accurate pitch and
other organisms, mainly people, also rhythm, and at times loudly, with
had thoughts, feelings and motives great enthusiasm. A Fijian child who
like her own. Their provocative is unable to sing is an aberration
question triggered an enormous out- (Russell, 2001). No theory is involved
pouring of mischief that continues in Fijian singing whatsoever; this
today to masquerade as serious ability is likely due to genetic makeup
scientific discourse. Nowhere is this and early musical experience. Al-
preoccupation more evident than in though theory of mind is cloaked in
the field of autism research and the language of cognitive neurosci-
theoretical writing, provoked by Bar- ence, this amounts to resurrection of
on-Cohen, Leslie, and Frith’s (1985) a very old issue that has preoccupied
article that reported the results of the philosophers since Descartes cleaved
Sally and Ann ‘‘false belief’’ test. the mind from the body. It is a way of
What philosophers call ‘‘the problem reintroducing the dualistic concept of
of other minds’’ has so firmly taken consciousness or self, by way of the
hold of a great deal of developmental back door, into legitimate empirical
psychology, especially in the U.K., discourse.
that many scientists have unabashed- Category mistake. A second related
ly adopted the metaphorical language philosophical issue involves Ryle’s
of ‘‘mind-blindness’’ and ‘‘mind- (1949) category mistake. Ryle point-
reading,’’ as though those terms ed out that it was not appropriate to
referred to actual physical phenome- analyze the relation between mind
na. But not all developmental psy- and body as if they were terms of the
chologists in the U.K. have adopted same logical category, which they are
this position. In a paper titled ‘‘Get- not. Baron-Cohen et al. (1985) asked
ting Over ‘the Problem of Other whether children with autism ‘‘have’’
Minds’: Communication in Con- a theory of mind, much as one might
text,’’ Costall and Leudar (2007) ask whether they have chicken pox.
wrote, ‘‘‘Theory of Mind’ is now … But unlike chicken pox, theory of
not so much a theory, more a way of mind is a mental rather than a
life’’ (p. 290). Theory of mind and material concept. It belongs in a
self-awareness are intertwined, rais- nonmaterial concept sphere. Instead
ing philosophical and empirical ques- of theory of mind interacting with the
tions that I would like to explore. corporeal body via the pineal gland
as Descartes suggested, the amygdala
PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES has been proposed as the transducer
of physical events into mental events
Not a theory. In the first instance, (Baron-Cohen et al., 2000).
Theory of Mind, the capitalized An enigmatic riddle? Perhaps the-
version, is not a theory of mind, ory of mind is not amenable to
lower case. It is not a theory at all. scientific inquiry, that is, whether an
We do not really expect chimps or individual with autism exhibits self-
children with autism to possess the awareness, and by extension, aware-
ability to formulate formal theories ness that other people have selves
regarding other people’s mental that are also aware. Theory of mind
machinations. Theory of mind is may be an enigma in the tradition of
actually a statement about a pre- the Mad Hatter’s riddle in Alice in

Wonderland (Carroll, 1865/1976), audience or listener in providing

‘‘Why is a raven like a writing-desk?’’ social consequences that shape and
When Alice gave up and asked the create self-awareness.
Hatter for the answer, he replied, ‘‘I What are the discriminative stimuli
haven’t the slightest idea’’—a re- that occasion the responses ‘‘myself’’
sponse similar to my initial reaction or ‘‘yourself’’? In Beyond Freedom
when someone asks me about theory and Dignity (1971), Skinner wrote,
of mind. But Wittgenstein (1961)
reminded us, ‘‘The riddle does not A self is a repertoire of behavior appropriate
exist. If a question can be put at all, to a given set of contingencies. … A person
then it can also be answered’’ (p. 6.5), may report, ‘‘I’m not myself today,’’ or ‘‘I
a view that I have come to share. So couldn’t have done what you said I did,
because that’s not like me.’’ The identity
perhaps the difficulty we are having conferred upon a self arises from the contin-
stems from asking the question im- gencies responsible for the behavior. … The
properly. I believe there is a question picture which emerges from a scientific
to be answered if we ask it the right analysis is not a body with a person inside,
way. It would probably help if we but of a body which is a person in the sense
that it displays a complex repertoire of
could agree on what we mean by the behavior. (p. 199)
word self.


Self as a mental entity does not SELF-AWARENESS
exist. David Hume, the 18th century Inner speech per se may not be
Scottish philosopher, said that when necessary to self-awareness, but some
he looked into himself, all he could form of discriminative responding
find was the thoughts and feelings, no based on one’s own verbal behavior
self. He thereby declared the self to is required. One can respond differen-
be a philosophical fiction (Hume, tially to one’s own verbal behavior
(1739/2006). In Philosophical Founda- without those responses taking the
tions of Neuroscience, Bennett and form of speech, although such dis-
Hacker (2003) state, criminative responses are often speech.
In his chapter on autoclitics in Verbal
The notion of ‘‘self’’ is an aberration. There is Behavior (1957), Skinner wrote,
no such thing as ‘‘self’’ … the confusion stems
from inserting a space in the reflexive pronoun
‘‘myself,’’ ‘‘yourself,’’ ‘‘ourselves’’ to yield the Part of the behavior of an organism becomes
aberrant expressions ‘‘my self,’’ ‘‘your self’’ in turn one of the variables controlling
and ‘‘our selves.’’ Having opened up an illicit another part. There are at least two systems
space, we then fall into it. (p. 331) of responses, one based on the other. The
upper level can only be understood in terms of
Inner speech and self-awareness. its relations to the lower. The notion of an inner
self is an effort to represent the fact that when
Morin (2007) has suggested that behavior is compounded in this way, the upper
self-awareness relies to a large extent system seems to guide or alter the lower [italics
on inner speech, by which he means added]. (p. 313)
‘‘the activity of silently talking to
oneself’’ (p. 117). He goes on to But the controlling system is also
argue, ‘‘one becomes self-aware when behavior. The speaker may ‘‘know’’
one engages in self-talk (higher order what he or she is saying in the sense
thought) about one’s current mental in which he or she ‘‘knows’’ any part
states and personal characteristics’’ or feature of the environment. Some
(p. 117). His hypothesis is similar, in of his or her behavior (the known)
some respects, to Skinner’s analysis serves as a variable in control of
of self-editing in Verbal Behavior other parts (knowing).
(1957, p. 369). He suggests that inner When we say a person is self-
speech emulates the role of the aware, we mean that he or she

responds discriminatively to his or mately the age of 3 or 4 years.

her own externally observable behav- Similarly, most children with autism
ior (e.g., looking in a mirror) or will answer ‘‘Ann’s box,’’ seemingly
products of the behavior (e.g., the unaware that Sally does not know
ball flying through the air that he or her marble has been moved.
she just struck with a racket), much
as he or she discriminates others’ ADDITIONAL
observable actions. To say, for ex- EMPIRICAL ISSUES
ample, ‘‘I’m reasonably good at
Introspection and brain imaging.
water color painting,’’ could be part
What are we to make of the fact that
of self-awareness. But we also mean
people with autism spectrum disor-
that the individual responds to his or
ders often fail to exhibit these types
her own dispositions or tendencies to
of self- and other-awareness skills,
behave as well as externally verifiable though they have presumably been
actions or products of our actions, exposed to reinforcement contingen-
what Skinner called higher order cies similar to other members of their
autoclitics. To say ‘‘I’m eager to see families and community? An intro-
the exhibit at the Art Institute’’ is to spective approach attempts to make
respond discriminatively to the state sense of this discrepancy by calling
of strength of a disposition to behave. on the participant to answer, ‘‘What
To say one is goal oriented identifies do you think she thinks?’’ But that
a class of controlling reinforcers for does not help to explain the phenom-
one’s own behavior. The ability to enon; it merely describes the same
tact variables that often exercise events using other words. To state
control over one’s behavior is an that the child must be capable of
important part of what we mean by higher order representation is reifica-
being self-aware. tion and explains nothing either.
When a researcher tells us the left
INFERENTIAL GENERALIZATION inferior temporal sulcus is more likely
The tendency to respond discrimi- to be activated when one is engaged
natively to others’ dispositions and in self-evaluative inner speech
motives is presumably an instance of (Morin, 2005, p. 126), although that
inferential generalization based on may be right, that does not actually
experience with one’s own behavior explain self-evaluation. It would be
and dispositions. In the Sally and like saying increased activity of V1 in
Ann false-belief test (Baron-Cohen et the visual cortex explains perfor-
al., 1985), experimenters show chil- mance of a red–green visual discrim-
dren a simple scenario, in which a ination, which it does not. It may be
doll named Sally puts a marble in her a requirement for a red–green dis-
basket and then leaves the scene. crimination but it is not the same
While Sally is away and cannot thing as a red–green discrimination.
watch, a second doll, Ann, takes the Necessary conditions for such per-
marble out of Sally’s basket and puts formances to be demonstrated. Sid-
it into her box. Sally then returns and man (1960) suggested that explaining
the children are asked where they a phenomenon involves determining
think Sally will look for her marble. the conditions under which that
Children are said to pass the test if phenomenon occurred or did not
they say that Sally will look inside her occur (p. 17), taking a page from
basket before realizing that her mar- Bernard’s Experimental Medicine
ble is not there. Inferential general- (1865/1949, p. 66). In that spirit, let’s
ization, based on observing their own suppose we are working with a 4.5-
and others’ behavior, does not occur year-old child with a diagnosis of
in typical children under approxi- autistic disorder, who has consider-

able receptive vocabulary but limited able as typical controls to judge

functional pragmatic language. He culpability based on vignettes in
engages in some compulsive rituals which actions were either deliberate
and occasionally exhibits behavioral or accidental and caused injury to a
outbursts when expected routines are person or damage to property sug-
altered. How would we go about gests that these are teachable skills to
determining the conditions necessary children with autism spectrum disor-
to establish behavior we take as ders (Grant, Boucher, Riggs, &
indicative of self-awareness and Grayson, 2005). In this study, these
awareness of other selves? children were able to state the basis
1. Teaching observable aspects of of motive and to judge injury to
himself versus another person (motor persons as more culpable than dam-
imitation, receptive pointing to his age to property.
own body parts, receptive pointing to Brain prerequisites to self-aware
another person’s body parts, teaching behavior. There are likely additional
him to name his actions, teaching necessary conditions for self-aware-
him to name others’ actions). ness to emerge, as I recently suggest-
2. Teaching identification of com- ed (Thompson, 2005). Although
mon self-feeling states (e.g., hungry, questions have been raised about
tired, happy, sad, angry) and associ- the reliability of brain imaging find-
ated external signs (e.g., facial ex- ings (Uttal, 2004), there is a high
pression, body posture). degree of agreement about dysfunc-
3. Teaching identification of com- tion in several brain areas during
mon feeling states of others (e.g., functional magnetic resonance imag-
hungry, tired, happy, sad, angry) and ing in many higher functioning youth
associated external signs (e.g., facial and young adults with autism spec-
expression, body posture). trum disorders, as well as anatomical
4. Teaching generalization of (3) differences in some cases:
across various people. Amygdala: Baron-Cohen et al.
5. Teaching causal sequences, be- (2000); Dalton, Nacewicz, Alexander,
ginning with simple two-step se- and Davidson (2006); Juranek et al.
quences and extending to multistep (2006); Kleinhans et al. (2008).
scenarios. Fusiform gyrus: Schultz et al.
6. Teaching the kinds of events (2000); van Kooten et al. (2008).
(i.e., operations) that are associated Prefrontal cortex: Gilbert, Bird,
with feeling states building on previ- Brindley, Frith, and Burgess (2008);
ous causal sequence training (first Hardan et al. (2006).
self, then other; e.g., haven’t eaten Cingulate cortex: Chiu et al.
anything for a long time, staying up (2008); Thakkar et al. (2008).
late, receive a present, dropped ice Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas:
cream cone, another child shoves Bigler et al. (2007); De Fosse et al.
you). (2004).
Having completed this series of Mirror neurons (superior parietal
skill-building exercises, the youngster cortex): Cattaneo et al. (2007); Da-
displays skills similar to those other pretto et al. (2006); Oberman et al.
typical children display when called (2005).
on to indicate their understanding of Research to date has been insuffi-
others’ emotions or motives. Addi- cient to determine the percentage of
tional teaching may be required to children with ASDs who are able to
enable many children with autism acquire self-awareness skills under
spectrum disorders to correctly re- well-specified conditions. Repertoires
spond to deceitful behavior; however, that are prerequisites to the foregoing
the process would be similar. The fact sequences have been acquired by
that many children with autism are as about half of the children with autism

spectrum disorders who have been sis, as well as my previous proposals

involved in intensive early-interven- (Thompson, 2005, 2007).
tion programs (Eikeseth, in press; There is no ‘‘self-awareness’’ brain
Lovaas, 1987; Remington et al., center. The fact that these structures
2007; Sallows & Graupner, 2005). appear to be dysfunctional among
That suggests that for those children individuals with autism who lack self-
who are able to acquire such prereq- awareness (as previously operational-
uisite skills, there must be sufficient ly defined) does not prove that those
residual distribution of neurons with dysfunctions are causally related to
dendritic proliferation and axons in lack of self-awareness, but strongly
some or all of the above dysfunction- suggests that it is likely. It implies that
al brain areas, through reinforced in addition to appropriate exposure
practice of those skills, that are to systematic experiences through
capable of forming synapses, to differential reinforcement and stimu-
compensate for initial deficits. lus control procedures, certain brain
The tenability of the hypothesis prerequisites very likely are necessary
that reinforced practice-dependent as well. But those brain prerequisites
synaptogenesis is the basis of acquir- are no more the locus of self-aware-
ing self-awareness skills among chil- ness than the pineal gland was the seat
dren with autism (or very young of the soul, as Descartes suggested.
typical children) emanates from lab- That type of assumption is a regret-
oratory animal studies. Randy Nudo, tably common error among many in
Michael Merznich, Jeff Kleim, and cognitive neuroscience. Ted Williams’
colleagues have conducted a series of or Ty Cobb’s primary and supple-
studies with rats and monkeys that mentary motor cortices were very
clearly demonstrate that dendritic likely activated when they swung their
spine growth and synaptogenesis baseball bats, but this does not mean
occur in motor cortex as a conse- that those cortical structures were
quence of reinforced practice, and their brains’ baseball-batting centers.
that when reinforcement ceases, the
number of such newly formed synap- CONCLUDING THOUGHTS
ses regresses (Kleim et al., 2002;
Kleim, Barbay, & Nudo, 1998; Self-awareness is a specific type of
Nudo, Milliken, Jenkins, & Merze- autoclitic discriminative behavior
nich, 1996). I have elsewhere de- and inferential generalization to sim-
scribed these changes as conjoint ilar performances exhibited by other
mediating events (not effector events) people.
(Thompson, 2007). To those of us in the field of
A recent study (Morrow et al., behavior analysis, brain imaging data
2008) by a consortium led by Chris- take on special importance when they
topher Walsh of Boston Children’s indicate dysfunctions in those areas
Hospital reported deletion of several related to differential effects of our
genes among children with autism, interventions, with some acquiring
whose level of expression changes in substantially typical self-awareness
response to neuronal activity (i.e., skills and others failing to do so. It
experience), that are involved in appears that those individuals whose
synaptic changes that underlie learn- brain dysfunctions are limited to
ing. They hypothesize the reason that these areas, and are not part of more
intensive early intervention is effec- generalized brain abnormalities, are
tive among many children with au- amenable to substantial acquisition
tism is that it promotes neuronal of those most basic of human skills
activity in these cells that underlie called self-awareness, whereas indi-
synapse formation. This would be viduals with more generalized brain
consistent with the foregoing analy- dysfunction are not so disposed.

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