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Duration: Three Hours [Maximum Marks: 150

(B) For every b in R_mMx = b has a solution

)- Read the following instructions carefully
but it is not unique
1. Write all the answers in the answer book.
2. This question paper consists of TWO (C) There exists bERm for which Mx = b has
not solution

3. Section A has Seven questions. Answer All (D)None of the above
questions in this section.
1 1 0
4. Section B has Twenty questions. Answer any
TEN questions from this section. If more -1 1 2
number of questions is attempted, strike off the 1.2 LetM = . Then the rank of M is
2 2 0

answers not to be evaluated; else only the First
Ten un scored answers will be considered. -1 0 1
5. Answers to Section B should start on a fresh equal to
page and should not be mixed with answers to

Section A (A) 3
6. Answers to questions and answers to parts of a (B) 4
question should appear together and should not
(C) 2
be separated.
(D) 1
7. In all questions of 5 marks, write clearly the
important steps in your answer. These steps
1.3 Let F be a finite field. If f: F----+ F, given by
carry partial credit.
8. There will be no negative marking.
f (x) = x3 is a ring homomorphism, then
)- Note (A) F=Z/3Z
1. The symbols N, Z, Q, R and C denote the set (B) F=Z/2Z or characteristic ofF= 3
of natural numbers, integers, rational numbers,
(C) F=Z/2Z or Z/3Z

real numbers, and complex numbers

respectively. (D) Characteristic F is 3
2. Zn/nZ denotes the ring of congruence classes 1.4 If S is a finite commutative ring with 1 then
modulo n.
(A) Each prime ideal is a maximum ideal
C [ a,b] Denotes the space of continuously

(B) S may have a prime ideal which is not
differentiable functions. maximal
(C) S has no nontrivial maximal ideals

SECTION A (100 Marks) (D) S is a field

1.5 Let f be an entire function. If f satisfies the
following two equations f (z + 1) = f (z) ,

1. This question has 30 parts. Each part

carries two marks. For each part only one
of the suggested alternatives is correct.
f(z+1) = f(z) for every zinC, then

Write the alphabet corresponding to the (A) f'(z)=f(z)

correct alternative in your answer book.
(30x2 = 60)
(B) f(z)ER\fz
1.1 Let M be a mXn ( m < n) matrix with rank m . (C) = constant
Then (D) f is a non-constant polynomial

(A) For every b in RmMx = b has umque 1. 6 Th e res1.due of -smz

at z = 0 IS
(A) 0
1 (D) 1..1-11::;2
1 1.11 I(;)xk (1-xf-k is equal to
(C) 71 ォセo@

(A) x 2
(D) None ofthese
(B) 1
1. 7 Let 1 denote the boundary of the square
whose sides lies along x = ±1 and y = ±1, (C) x
where r is described in the positive sense. (D) Xn

I 2z+3
Then the value of セコ@ 1.12 The equation ex - 4x 2 =0 has a root

between 4 and 5. Fixed point iteration with
Jri iteration function _!_ex 12
(A) 4 2
(A) Diverges
(B) 2;ri
(B) Converges

(C) 0
(C) Oscillates
(D) -2;ri
(D) Converges monotonically
1.8 Let X be the space of polynomials in one

variable 1.13 The formula

For pEX, p(t)=a0 +a/+ ... +aJn, let Aa!( MセIKヲHoA@ which

IIPII =Sub {lp(t)l: 0::;; t::;; 1}, I

I f (x )dx is
ra approximates the integral
IIPIIJ =lao I+ i。セ@ I+···+ lanl -I

exact for polynomials of degree less than

Then or equal to 2 if
(A) X is complete with 11·11 4 2
(A) Aa ]セ@ ]SLセ@ =3
(B) X is complete with 11·11 1

(C) X cannot be nor med so as to make it (B) Aa ]セ@ ]セ@ =1

complete 4 2
(D) None of the above
(C) Aa ]セ@ ]SLセ@ =-3
1.9 Let X

and Y be normal linear spaces. Every (D) None of the above

linear map T : X ----+ Y is continuous if 1.14 If x = q is a double root of the equation
(A) dim( X)< oo f(x) = 0 and if f"(x) is continuous in a

(B) dim(Y) < oo neighborhood of q then the iteration scheme

(C) dim(Y) = 1 for determining q: ;.{::i has the


xn+l = xn-

(D) X=l 2 order

1.10 All the eigen values of the matrix

(A) 2

ャセ@ セ@ セ@ (B) 1
llie in the disc (C) Less than 2
-lJ (D) Less than 1
(A) 1..1+11 :s;I 1.15 Let

(B) 1..1-II:s;I f(x,y) = 2

xy ,(x,y) * (o,o);f(O,O) =o
X +y 2
(C) I..1+II:s;o . Then
(A) f is continuous at (0,0) and the partial (A) 71 = 7 2
derivatives fxJy exist at every point ofR
(B) <1 = <2 and fis the identity map
(B) fis discontinuous at (0,0) and fx, f exist at
(C) <1 is finer than r 2 implies X is infinite
every point of R
(D) Either <1 is finer than r 2 or r 2 is finer
(C) f is discontinuous at (0,0) and fxJ exist
than r 1
only at (0,0)
(D) None of the above 1.21 The orthogonal trajectories of the family
x 2 - y 2 = c1 are given
. by
1.16 Let f : [a, b] ----+ ( 0, oo) be continuous. Let
(A) x2 + y2 = C2

G1 = { ( x, Y) : y = f (x)} be the graph of f.
Then (B) xy = C 2
(A) Gf is measurable with measure zero in R (C) y = C 2
(B) Gf is measurable only iff is differentiable
(D) x=C2
in (a, b)

(C) Gf is measurable and the measure of Gf 1.22 For the differential equation
lies between (b-a)f(a) and t(t-2) y"+ty'+y=O, t=Ois

(b-a)f(b) (A) An ordinary point
(D) Gfneed not be measurable (B) A branch point
1.17 Let f : R ----+ R be a continuous function. If (C) An irregular point
(D) A regular singular point
ヲHqIセnL@ then
1.23 Suppose that y1 and yJorm a
(A) f(R) =N fundamental set of solutions of a second
order ordinary differential equation on the
(B) f(R) セ@ N but fneed not be constant
interval -oo < t < +oo, then
(C) fis unbounded
(A) There is only one zero of y 1 between
(D) fis a constant function

consecutive zeros of y 2
1.18 Let f: [a, b] ----+ R be a monotonic
function. Then (B) There are two zeros of y 1 between
(A) fis continuous consecutive zeros of y 2

(B) f is discontinuous at most two points (C) There is finite number of zeros of
(C) f is discontinuous at finitely many y 1 between consecutive zeros of y 2
points (D) None of the above

(D) f is discontinuous at most countable 1.24 The general solution of the system of
. 1 equatiOns
d1·f-c1erent1a . -dX = MX + b where
J be

1.19 Let f: [ 0,1 0) ----+ [ 0,10 a continuous dt

mapping. Then
xセ@ [;: i:\JM, a 2x2matrix {セ@ セᄋ@

(A) fneed not have any fixed point

(B) fhas at least 10 fixed points
(C) fhas at least 9 fixed points and b, a 2 x 1 constant vector [ セ}@ is given
(D) fhas at least one fixed point by
1.20 Let X be a non empty set and r 1 , r 2 be two (A) eM
c +b
topologies on X. Let 1
(B) eM c +bt
f :(X, <1 ) ----+ (X, r 2 ) be a mapping. Iff is a 1
(C) eM c-b
homomorphism, then
(D) eM1c -bt where cis any 2 x 1 constant (D) The power function has a value greater
vector. than a when () = fJ0
2 2
8 u 8 u 1.30 Consider the following LPP:
1.25 The general solution of - 2 + - 2 = 0 is of
ax ay Max z =Xi
the form
Subject to x1 + x 2 ::::; 1
(A) u=f(x+iy)+g(x-iy)
Xj-X2 21
(B) U= j (X+ y) + g (X- y) -2Xj +x2 21
(C) u =cf(x-iy) 20


(D) u = g(x+iy) And x2 2 0

1.26 Suppose P and Q are independent events The solution to its dual is
of an experiment E. Then it follows that (A) Unbounded
(A) P and Q are dependent (B) Infeasible

(B) P and Q are mutually exclusive (C) Degenerate
(C) P and Q are dependent (D) Bounded

(D) P and Q are independent 2. This question has 3 parts. Each part has two
1.27 Let Xn denote the sum of points obtained column of several entries. Each entry in the
when n fair dice are rolled together. The left column corresponds to a unique entry in
expectation and variance of Xn are the right column. Write the correct pairs in
7 an d -n
(A) -n 35 2 respective
. 1y
ra your answer book.
2 12 (5x3 = 15)
7 an d - . 1y
35n respective 2.1 Let V be a finite dimensional vector space
(B ) -n
2 12 overR
(i) There exists a linear map f: V ----+ such
U respectively
(C) ( 7)n and (35)n that f 2
= -Id

(ii) For all linear maps f: V----+ V there exists

(D) None of the above
a proper 1-dim.
1.28 Let byx and bxy denote the regression
(iii) V is finite union of 1-dim. Subspaces
coefficient of Y on X and of X on Y

(iv) There exists a unique f: V----+ V such that

respectively. Then byx = bxy implies that
!2 =!
(A) <7 y = <7X
(v) There exists a proper 1-dim. Subspace W

(B) p = 1 such that V\W is connected

(C) p =0 (A) dim(V) 2 3

(D) None of the above (B) dim(V) = 1

1.29 The test of a simple null hypothesis
(C) dim (V) is odd

H 0 : () = fJ0 of size a is biased if

(D) dim (V) is even
(A) The power function of the test assumes
(E) dim (V) = 0
a value less than a for some () -::f::- fJ0
(B) The power function has a value less
than a when () = fJ0
(i) t
(C) The probability of accepting the null
(ii) ( cl [a, b], II·IIJ
hypothesis when it is true is larger than the (iii) 12
probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when it is true
(iv) r

function. Show that the series I anf ( anx) IS

(A) Norm satisfies parallelogram law
convergent for all x. (5)
(B) Complete, non-reflexive, separable
6. Derive the transcendental equation for
(C) Non-separable, complete
determining the eigenvalues A of the BVP:
(D) Finite basis
y"+A y=O,
y(O) = 0, y(1) = y'(1)
(E) Not complete
(F) Denumerable (Hamel) basis Determine the smallest positive eigen value
correct to two decimal places. (5)
2.3 In a series of Bernoulli trials with probability
7. The joint probability density function ofX and

p of success the appropriate distribution to
obtain probability that Y is given by

_ { (X セ@
(i) 1st success occurs at the xth trial is 4
y) , 0 ::::; y ::::; 1, 1 ::::; X: : ; 00}
(ii) eh (k > 1) success occurs at the xth trial is f (x,y ) - 5x
0 Otherwise
(iii) x number of failures occur in order to

register k (> 1) number of success is
Let g (A) = P( 0 < Y \セx@ >A)
(iv) x number of successes occur ink trials is

(v) x number of successes occur ink trials for Find the maximum and the minimum value of
k ----+ oo and p ----+ 0 such that kp ----+ a is g(A). (5)

SECTION B (50 Marks)

Answer any TEN questions from this section.
Each question carries 5 Marks.
8. Let f : R 3 ----+ R 3 be a linear mapping. Show
that there exists a one dimensional subspace

ax V or R 3 such that it is invariant under f.

(D) e - 9. Let G be a subgroup of the multiplication
group of all nonzero complex numbers. If G
(E) qx-lp is finite, then show that G is cyclic.

(F) ae-ax 10. If f is a non-constant entire function, then

3. Let A be a n x n normal matrix. Show that show that the range off is dense in C.
Ax=Ax if and only if A*x=Ix. If A has,
Ja+bcose = .Ja2Jr+b
" d()

11. Evaluate ,a> b > 0.

in addition, n distinct real eigen values, 0
2 2

show that A is hermitian.

12. Let X be a Banach space, Y and Z closed

subspaces of X such that X = Y + Z and
4. Let {un:n=1,2, ...... } beanorthonormalsetin Y n Z = {0} . If P : X ----+ Y is a map given
a Hilbert space and x H. Show that

by P(x)=y, where x+z,yEY and zEZ,
2 2
Il(x,un)l = llxll , if and only if x E span then show that P is continuous.
13. Let H be a Hilbert space and F a closed
(un: n = 1,2, ..... ). (5) subspace of H. Let a E H and a E F . Show
that there exists a linear functional f on H
5. Let Ian be a convergent series with an 2 0 such that

for all n and let f : R ----+ R be a continuous (i) f = 0 on F

(ii) f (a) = d (a, F), the distance of a from
F and
(iii) IIlii = 1 22. Let S I be the circle in R2 with the subspace
topology. Show that there does not exist any
14. Given the BVP:
injective continuous function f: S 1 ----+ R.
y"+y=O,y'(O)+y(O),y(1), use the
23. Let X be a count ably infinite set. Construct
second order finite difference method with
a topology r on X such that (X ,r) is
the step size h = 0.2 and set up in the matrix
form the system of 5 equations in 5 Haudorff and r is not discrete.
unknowns. 24. (a) If T is an unbiased estimator of 8, then
show that T2 is not necessarily an unbiased
15. The function defined by !(X) -_ Ix_dt IS estimator of 8 2.


tabulated for equally spaced value of x with (b) Given that TI and T2 are both efficient
h = 0.1. What is the maximum error estimators of 8 with variance v, find the
encountered if piecewise quadratic condition so that T = セ@ + T2 is also an
interpolation is to be used to calculate f (x) 2
efficient estimator of 8.
x E [ 1, 2] ?

25. Let J;,Y2 , ...... ,J-; 5 be a random sample of
16. Suppose that f(x) 2 0 for all x in [0,1]! size 15 from the probability density function
I 2

If (x) dx = 0 .

fy (y) = 3(1- y ) '0 < y < 1
continuous on [0,1] and
0 Use the central limit theorem to

(81< Y- < 83) .

Show that f = 0 . If g is continuous on [0,1]
approximate. P

I g (X) xndx = O;n = 0,1,2, ... then prove

0 26. Suppose that X= (X ,X1 2 , ...... ;X100 ) IS a
also thatg = 0. random sample from a normal distribution
17. Let f :R 2
----+ R be a function such that with mean 8 and standard deviation 1. 8. it is
desired to test the null hypothesis H 0 : () = 2
If (x, y) ::::; x 2 + y 2 for all ( x, y) E R 2. Show
against H 1 : () -::F 2, using a significance level

that fis differentiable at (0,0).

0.05. Derive the power function of the two-
18. Using Lap lace transform, solve tailed test with critical region
d2 d 21
d/ - 5 ; + 4 y = e , y ( 0) = 1; y ' ( 0) = -1 {2: IX- 212 k}. Give a rough sketch of the

power function.
19. Find the complete integral of the equation
27. A transportation problem for which the
( p2 + q2) X = pz' where p = az 'q = az costs, origin and availabilities, destination

ax ay and requirements are given as follows:

20. Solve - = -
ae a2 e
,0::::; x::::; a,t > 0 subject to
at ax 2 1 2 40

the conditions: 4 7 60
() ( 0, t) = () (a, t) = 0, and 2 9 10

() ( x, 0) = 80 (Constant ) 40 50 20

21. A string of length l and mass Jl. per unit Check whether the following basic feasible
length, with fixed ends, is stretched to a solution
tension F. Derive the equations governing Xj 1 = 20, x13 = 20,x21 = 10, x 22 =50
the displacement y ( x, t) using Lagrange's
x3l =10 and xl2 =x23 =x32 =x33 =0
Is optimal, If not, find an optimal solution

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