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SocioAnthropology with Family Planning Johann Simon Pragacha

Give 10 importance of sociology. Explain each.

1. Humanity- Sociology assumes significance in the study of

international problems. The world which was seen as a living place spotted
by the nations and classes living in isolation have become unified living
society of humanity. But if we take up the social and cultural aspects, we
find the humanity at the same age-old level of barbarism. Nations fight with
each other with more fiery instruments of modern warfare. Countries
propagate against each other to acquire narrow goals. It is in this context
the study of sociology becomes important.

2. Community- The value of sociology lies in the fact that it keeps us up-
to-date on modern situations, it contributes to making good citizens, it
contributes to the solution of community problems, it adds to the knowledge
of society, it helps the individual find his relation to society, it identifies good
Government with community, it helps one to understand causes of things
and so on.

3. Education- Sociology is popular as a teaching subject. It is being

accorded an important place in the colleges and universities. The
importance of sociology is further provided by the fact that the subject of
sociology is also included in engineering, agriculture and other branches.
Without the study of sociology the training and knowledge of the candidates
aspiring to hold high post in the administrative set up of their country will be
incomplete and imperfect.

4. Social Interaction- There is the intellectual value of sociology. It has

intellectual consequences for anyone who studies it. The study of sociology
helps the individual to understand human society and how social system
work. A comparative study of human societies enables us to understand
that people in different societies have many different solutions to the
universal human problems of making a living.

5. Social Policies- The study of society contributes to the formulation of

social policies which required certain amount of knowledge about that
society. Descriptive sociology provides a great deal of information that is
helpful in making decisions on social policy.
SocioAnthropology with Family Planning Johann Simon Pragacha

6. Progress in Life- Sociology teaches every member of every

association as to how they can progress in their life through mutual
cooperation. The association must renounce their negative attitude towards
others so as to progress in their life. Sociology with its widespread subject
matter keeps enough ways and means to set everything in right direction.

7. Family- Family is the leading organization of the humanity that the

first school and first world for a child. Like society; the family organization
has also its own problems. Various elements revolving around the family
present a great problem for the sociologists and social reformers. Such
problems as what should be the mode system age of marriage? What
should be the mode of divorce and separation? What should be the
relationship between wife and husband etc.

8. Coping-Up- Sociology makes a reader up-to-date to various social

predicaments. Sociology makes a reader up-to date in his feelings and also
guides an individual how to stroll along with the society. Thus the, study of
sociology keeps its reserved place in the life of individual since it contains
various information’s for him. Sociology is also important for individuals
because it throws light on the problems of the individuals.

9. Knowing thy Self- Sociology has practical value for the individual as it
assists him to understand himself, his resources and limitations, his
potentialities and his role in society.

10. Society- Society is the largest organization of the individuals. Society

has its own problems in every field. It is through the study of sociology that
the scientific study of society has been possible. The study of society not
only has a value in modern complex society, it becomes indispensable.
SocioAnthropology with Family Planning Johann Simon Pragacha

Give 10 importance of anthropology. Explain each.

1. Learning anthropology will help you grow intellectually because you

will be able to learn the basic assumption of human being about life. You
will surely ask yourself the basic assumptions of life. Such as what makes a
person beautiful and many other things that sometimes people took for

2. Another personal advantage is that you will become more interested

about different norms and cultures. And upon studying these differences,
you will be able to appreciate them one by one. Appreciating beliefs, ideas,
and practices will teach you to be grateful for the knowledge that you have.

3. If you are just studying anthropology, but you are not interested in
being an anthropologist, well that is just fine. Because you can also use
your learning when you are in a company and working. Because you now
know how to appreciate people, you will be more sensitive of their feelings,
beliefs, and cultures. It will be easier for you to interact with them and
understand their interest and needs. You will be more aware of your
environment and you will become more careful with your words and actions
because you are already equipped with knowledge.

4. It will also be easier for you to work abroad if you have plans of doing
so. Why? Because you will no longer experience culture shock. You now
understand others culture and you know how to respect it. Engaging with
foreign people will be not difficult for you anymore. You can be more
efficient in communicating with them because you have already studied
their ideas, values, and norms. You can easily adapt to their environment.

5. If you want to be in the path of humanitarian work and advertising in

the future, studying anthropology would be the best for you. These diverse
professions need you to be adaptable, exploring, and evolving. And
learning anthropology can give you those things. Studying anthropology is
about social contexts and physical interactions. And these are the things
that you need to know when you want to adapt to change.
SocioAnthropology with Family Planning Johann Simon Pragacha

6. There are so many fields of anthropology that you can choose from. It
is one of the many advantages of studying this thing. You can choose from
development anthropology that tackles effectiveness of social actions
towards social issues and development. There is also an economic
anthropology that analyzes and discusses human's production and
consumption within cultural contexts. Another one is medical anthropology,
which studies health care systems and practices.

7. Anthropology can also help us learn analytical reading and critical

thinking skills: how to read between the lines of a text, to question an
author's or speaker's biases and the cultural context in which their ideas
were formed. Thinking critically means questioning one's own biases in
addition to those of others.

8. Anthropology also help us to learn how to deal with unfamiliar social

situations, we learn new languages and new rules for communication with
people from all over the world, and we do this through participation in
addition to observation so that we can understand where someone else is
coming from.

9. Teaching - This field isn't just about imparting facts for students to
learn. A good teacher is attuned to a classroom that has seen many
changes over the last few decades. My parents' generation was in high
school when integration happened - and teachers are even today dealing
with a pedagogical legacy that excludes certain ethnic or racial groups or is
prejudiced against them.

10. Medicine - The health professions aren't just about biology or

chemistry or pharmacology. For example, is your African-American patient
more likely to suffer hypertension because of his genetics or because of his
diet? Anthropologists have tackled questions like these, with our dual
emphases on biology and culture.
SocioAnthropology with Family Planning Johann Simon Pragacha

What do you think is the greatest problem in the Philippines today?



First, corruption undermines government revenue and, therefore, limits the

ability of the government to invest in productivity-enhancing areas. Where
corruption is endemic, individuals will view paying taxes as a questionable
business proposition. There is a delicate tension between the government
in its role as tax collector and the business community and individuals as
tax payers. The system works reasonably well when those who pay taxes
feel that there is a good chance that they will see a future payoff, such as
improvements in the country’s infrastructure, better schools and a better-
trained and healthier workforce. Corruption sabotages this implicit contract.
When corruption is allowed to flourish taxpayers will feel justified in finding
creative ways to avoid paying taxes or, worse, become bribers themselves.

To the extent that corruption undermines revenue, it adversely affects

government efforts to reduce poverty. Money that leaks out of the budget
because of corruption will not be available to lighten the burden of the poor.
Of course, corruption also undermines the case of those who argue that
foreign aid can be an important element of the fight against global poverty
why should taxpayers in the richer countries be asked to support the lavish
lifestyles of the kleptocrats in corrupt states?

Second, corruption distorts the decision-making connected with public

investment projects. Large capital projects provide tempting opportunities
for corruption. Governments will often undertake projects of a larger scope
or complexity than warranted by the needs of the country. Public
investment will thus be higher—the world is littered with the skeletons of
white elephants, often built with external credits, and representing a heavy
burden on meager budgets. In the context of scarce resources,
governments will find it necessary to cut spending elsewhere, sometimes in
socially vital areas, or in operations and maintenance plausibly argues that
corruption will also reduce expenditure on health and education because
these are areas where it may be more difficult to collect bribes,
SocioAnthropology with Family Planning Johann Simon Pragacha

though some have argued that provider absenteeism, a serious problem in

the educational and health sectors of many countries, is itself a form of
“quiet/silent corruption.”

Third, there is solid empirical evidence that the higher the level of
corruption in a country, the larger the share of its economic activity that will
go underground, beyond the reach of the tax authorities. Not surprisingly,
studies have shown that corruption also undermines foreign direct
investment since it acts in ways that are indistinguishable from a tax; other
things being equal, investors will always prefer to establish themselves in
less corrupt countries.

And lastly, corruption discourages private-sector development and

innovation and encourages inefficiency. Budding entrepreneurs with bright
ideas will be intimidated by the bureaucratic obstacles, financial costs and
psychological burdens of starting new business ventures and will either opt
for taking their ideas to some other less corrupt country or, more likely,
desist altogether. In either case, economic growth is adversely affected.
The high incidence of corruption will mean an additional financial burden on
businesses, undermining their international competitiveness. Unlike a tax,
which is known and predictable and can be built into the cost structure of
the enterprise in an orderly fashion, bribes are unpredictable and will
complicate cost control, reduce profits and undermine the efficiency of
those who must pay them to stay in business.

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