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Instant download and all chapters Solution Manual Gas Dynamics 3rd Edition

James E.A. John, Theo G. Keith

Chapter Three

Problem 1. - Air flows at Mach 0.25 through a circular duct with a diameter of 60 cm. The
stagnation pressure of the flow is 500 kPa; the stagnation temperature is 175°C. Calculate the
mass flow rate through the channel, assuming y = 1.4 and that the air behaves as a perfect gas
with constant specific heats.

Problem 2. - Helium flows at Mach 0.50 in a channel with cross-sectional area of 0.16 m 2. The
stagnation pressure of the flow is 1 MPa, and stagnation temperature is 1000 K. Calculate the
mass flow rate through the channel, with y = 5/3.

Problem 3. - In Problem 2, the cross-sectional area is reduced to 0.12 m 2. Calculate the Mach
number and flow velocity at the reduced area. What percent of further reduction in area would be
required to reach Mach 1 in the channel?

Problem 4. - (a) For small Mach numbers, determine an expression for the density ratio p /p o. (b)
Using Eqs. (3.15) and (3.17), prove that

(a )

Problem 6. - A converging nozzle with an exit area of 1.0 cm 2 is supplied from an oxygen
reservoir in which the pressure is 500 kPa and the temperature is 1200 K. Calculate the mass
flow rate of oxygen for back pressures of 0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 kPa. Assume that y = 1.3.

Problem 7. - Compressed air is discharged through the converging nozzle as shown in Figure
P3.7. The tank pressure is 500 kPa, and local atmospheric pressure is 101 kPa. The inlet area of
the nozzle is 100 cm2; the exit area is 34 cm 2. Find the force of the air on the nozzle, assuming
the air to behave as a perfect gas with constant y = 14. Take the temperature in the tank to be 300

Problem 9. - Pressurized liquid water flows from a large reservoir through a converging nozzle.
Assuming isentropic nozzle flow with a negligible inlet velocity and a back pressure of 101 kPa,
calculate the reservoir pressure necessary to choke the nozzle. Assume that the isothermal
compressibility of water is constant at 5 x 10"7 (kPa)_l and equal to the isentropic compressibility.
Exit density of the water is 1000 kg/m3.

Problem 10. - Calculate the stagnation temperature in an airstream traveling at Mach 5 with a
static temperature of 273 K (see Figure P3.10). An insulated flat plate is inserted into this flow,
aligned parallel with the flow direction, with a boundary layer building up along the plate. Since
the absolute velocity at the plate surface is zero, would you expect the plate temperature to reach
the free stream stagnation temperature? Explain.

No. In general the reduction to zero speed is not an adiabatic process. However, it could be if
viscous heating counteracts heat conduction back through the boundary layer.

Problem 11. - A gas stored in a large reservoir is discharged through a converging nozzle. For a
constant back pressure, sketch a plot of mass flow rate versus reservoir pressure. Repeat for a
converging-diverging nozzle.

Converging Nozzle C-D Nozzle

Problem 12. - A converging-diverging nozzle is designed to operate isentropically with air at an

exit Mach number of 1.75. For a constant chamber pressure and temperature of 5 MPa and 200°C,
respectively, calculate the following:
Maximum back pressure to choke nozzle
(b) Flow rate in kilograms per second for a back pressure of 101 kPa
Flow rate for a back pressure of 1 MPa Nozzle exit area is 0.12 m 2.


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