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(1) Religion: A Solution or Itself An Issue

1. Introduction:
2. An overview of major religions and their injunctions:
3. Some issues apparently created by religion:
- Inter-religious hatred.
- Sectarianism.
- Fanaticism and Intolerance.
- Traditionalism and Conservatism.
- Gender Discrimination.
- Fatalism.
4. Do religion really cause a problems or is it merely an allegation?
5. Causes of misunderstanding about religion:
- Negative role of religious leaders and so called icons.
- Ineffective contribution by the media.
- Insufficient focus on religious education in modern educational institutions.
- Pursuit of political motives in the guise of religion.
- Lack of civilization.
6. Actual causes of the problems faced by world:
- Political power games.
- Economic motives of the nations.
- Lack of civilization in human beings.
- Missing element of character building in educational institutes.
- Poor control over and monitoring of scientific advancement.
- Deleterious impacts of electronic and social media.
7. Do religion provide a solution to the issues the present world is confronted
Yes all religions:
- Propagate Humanism and provide mechanism for the creation of a terror free
- Inculcate moral values and provide solutions to the issues of moral
- Encourage generosity and benevolence to resolve poverty and privation
- Spread patience and restrain and thus develop a society free of atrocities and
- Inculcate sense of accountability and responsibility in society and address the
issue of flouting of laws, rules and principles.
- Teach self-restraint and self control and resolve all issues created by rapacity
and avarice.
8. Recommendations for the dissemination of true massage of the religion:
- Positive role of religious icons.
- Government’s patronizing the dissemination of religion in its pure form.
- Introduction of religion as integral part of curricula.
- Positive role of media.
- Focus on similarities in different religions.
9. Recommendations for the solutions of world issues:
- Effective role of UNO.
- End of power game.
- Effective role of media in sensitization of brains.
- Devising modus operandi for countering the detrimental effects of scientific
- Diverting energies towards the achievement of SDGs.
- Compassionate, considerate and solicitous attitude of the superpowers.
10. Conclusion:

(2) Backwardness of Women Leads to Backwardness of The Nation.

1. Introduction:

2. Different facts of women backwardness:

• Illiteracy.
• Economic deprivation.
• Malnutrition.
• Limited role in decision making.
• Sexual Harassment.
• Domestic Violence.
• Early or Childhood marriages.
• Excessive pregnancies.

3. Does backwardness of women leads to backwardness of the nation:

Yes it’s true! It’s backwardness of women that:
• results in morally weak society which is full of:
- Crimes.
- Corruption and favoritism.
- Ineptness and incompetence.
- Drug addiction.
• Wreak havoc with the economy of the country by affecting:
- Decrease in GDP.
- Decrease in Exports.
- Decrease in the tax revenue of the state.
- Rise in Inflation.
- Increase in poverty.
• Adversely affects the health of the nation because of:
- Poor knowledge of hygiene and cleanliness.
- Poor knowledge of Nutrition.
- Ignorance of ways to stay healthy.
• Generates the issue of overpopulation:
• Creates deteriorates impact on the image of the country.

4. Causes of women backwardness:

• Religious Causes:
- Negative role of so-called religious leaders.
- Misinterpretation of religious injunctions.
- Less consideration of Ijtihad in Muslim states.
• Political Causes:
- Lack of political will.
- Poor of insufficient legislation.
- Lack of representation in decision making.
• Social Causes:
- Illiteracy of men.
- Taboos, customs and traditions.
- Security issues.
- High rate of childbirth.
• Economic Causes:
- Poverty at domestic level.
- Budgetary constraint at national level.
- Lack of economic opportunities.

5. Different steps being taken at national and international level for women
• Millennium Development Goals MDGs:
• Sustainable Development Goals:
• Different laws and Policies:
• Awareness Campaigns:
• Role of NGOs:

6. Recommendations for the Amelioration of women conditions:

• Propagation of True Massage of Islam Through Moderate Religious Leaders:
• Enactment and Strict Implementation of Laws for:
- End of domestic violence.
- Provide security at workplace.
- Control early childhood marriages.
• Fixation and enhancement of Quotas in:
- Elected bodies at national as well as provincial legislature.
- Educational Institutions.
- Jobs in Public as well as private sector.
• Counseling of the Male Members of the Society:
• Awareness Campaigns:
• Allocation of More Budget for:
- Women education.
- Population control programs.
- Soft loans.
- Women’s health and nutrition.
7. Some other recommendations for the development of a nation:
• Focus on Education:
• Allocation of More Budget for Research and Development:
• Eradication of Corruption:
• Sustenance of Democracy and Political Stability:
• Rule of Law:
• Promotion of Accountability culture:
• Devolution of Power and Authority:

8. Conclusion:

(3) Industrial Sector of Pakistan. (Situation, Issues and Solutions)

1. Introduction:

2. Industrial Sector and Its Components:

3. Importance of Industrial Sector for a Country:

4. Different Phases of Industrial Development in Pakistan:

• 1950s: The Era of Rapid Industrial Growth:

• 1960s: The Era of Industrial Stabilization:
• 1970s: Nationalization and its Impacts:
• 1980s: Russian-Afghan war and Pro-Industrial policies of Zia:
• 1990s: The Decade of Privatization:
• Post 9/11: Commercialization under Musharaf:

5. Present Situation of Industrial Sector of Pakistan:

• Situation of Manufacturing sector:
- Large Scale manufacturing sector.
- Small Scale manufacturing sector.
• Situation of Construction Sector:
• Situation of Mining Sector:
• Situation of Electricity Generation and Distribution Sector:

6. Issue Confronting the Industrial Sector of Pakistan:

• Economic Issues:
- Energy crisis.
- Huge bank spread.
- Devaluation of currency.
- Under-utilization of national resources.
- Lack of infrastructure.
• Social Issues:
- Marginalized role of women.
- Overpopulation.
- Malnutrition and diseases.
- Corruption.
- Slackness and Lethargy.
• Political Issues:
- Terrorism.
- Flawed Policies.
- International isolation.
- Political instability.
• Administrative Issues:
- Poor performance of state-owned enterprises.
- Labyrinthine procedures and processes in government offices.
- Poor law and order situation.
- Weak criminal justice system.
- Lack of focus on R&D.

7. Some Workable Solutions to the Industrial Sector Issues:

• Provision of Uninterrupted and Cheap Supply of Energy to the Industrial
Sector on Preferential Basis:
• Provision of Cheap and Easy Credit Facility:
• Maximum Extraction and Utilization of Indigenous Mineral Resources:
• Effective and Beneficial use of Women Workplace:
• Provision of Necessary Healthcare Facilities for the Labor:
• Eradication of the Scourge of Terrorism:
• Research based and Workable Industrial Policies:
• Sustenance of Democracy and Political Stability:
• Promotion of Public-Private Partnership:
• Improved Law and Order Situation and Protection of Property Rights:
• Reservation of Substantial Budget for Research and Development:

8. Conclusion:

(4) Pak-China Relations

1. Introduction:

2. Some Facts about China and Pakistan:

3. Historical evidence of Pak-China Friendship:

- Border settlement between Pakistan and China.

- Role of China in Pakistan-India war.
- Chinese support for Pakistan at UNSC.
- China and Nuclear Program of Pakistan.
- Role of China in the Defense needs of Pakistan.
- Pakistan’s support to China at the times of isolation.
- Pakistan’s role in bridging the gap between China and US.

4. Present Contours of Pak-China Relations:

• Economic Aspect:
- Chinese investment in the form of CPEC.
- Flourishing trade between two countries.
- FDI share from China.
- Cheap exports and Imports for China.
• Social Aspect:
- Infrastructure development in Pakistan.
- Ongoing and future energy projects in Pakistan.
- Efforts for the eradication of terrorism.
- Upgraded living standards in Pakistan.
- Disaster management in Pakistan.
• Political Aspect:
- Strings of Pearls policy.
- India as a mutual enemy.
- Stability of Afghanistan.
- US inclination toward India.
- Pakistan’s SCO membership.
- Strategic importance of Gwadar for China.

5. Challenges to the Friendship:

- Uyghur separatist’s movement.
- Targeted killings of Chinese workers in Pakistan.
- Pakistan’s engagement with the US.
- Changing nature of China-India relationship.
- Failure of CPEC project.
- Increasing gaps between economies of both countries.
- Lack of harmony in political parties of Pakistan.

6. Recommendations for future Strengthening of Bonds:

• Pakistan’s Role:
- No Support for terrorism in Xinjiang.
- Provision of foolproof security to Chinese workers.
- Political consensus over national agenda.
- Early implementation of CPEC Projects.
- No Overtures to US at the cost of China.
- Struggle for improvement of national image.
- Joint efforts for stability in Afghanistan.
• China’s Role:
- Support for Kashmir Cause.
- More assistance in energy projects.
- Enhanced trade ties.
- Assistance in the field of Education and research and development.
- Pakistan’s entry into SCO.

7. Conclusion:

(5) Democracy is no more Vulnerable in Pakistan

1. Introduction:
2. An Overview of Pakistan’s Political History:
- The game of musical chair in first nine years.
- Martial Law of General Ayub Khan.
- Revival of democracy after the secession of East Pakistan.
- The murder of democracy and Zia regime.
- Era of 90s –the miracle of Article 58(2b).
- Plane Hijacking case and martial law of Musharaf.
- Controlled democracy during Musharaf regime.
- Charter of democracy and revival of democracy in Pakistan.
3. Factors behind the derailment of Democracy in Past:
- Absence of patriotic, nationalist, competent and better styled leadership.
- Overdependence on Army under the influence of antagonistic and
uncongenial relations with neighboring countries.
- Anemic, impotent and spineless political institutions.
- Frail, feeble
4. Is Democracy still Vulnerable in Pakistan?
No the Situation is changed as now we have:
- Sovereign, watchful and well founded media institution.
- A vigilant and proactive civil society extremely alive to the importance of
- A judiciary that appears to be contrite and remorseful for its past character.
- Political leadership which looks conscientious enough to protect democracy
even at the cost of personal gains.
- Military leadership that appears to have more inclination towards fulfilling its
professional responsibilities.
- A recent experience of bitter repercussion of dictatorship in Musharaf regime.
5. Indispensability of the Sustenance of Democracy to the Development of
Democracy is important because it:
- Bestows upon the people political maturity and wisdom and enables them to
choose the best lot for managing their affairs.
- Ensures consensus-based decision making and helps in the formulation of
coherent and practicable policies.
- Promotes the culture of accountability and wipeout the malaises of
corruption, inefficiency and nepotism.
- Confers the sense of participation in the various sections of society and thus
promotes national integration.
- Confers the sense of freedom upon citizens and wins their loyalty to the
- Fosters the culture of equality before law and investigators public faith in
- Brings political stability and provides an environment conducive to
development and growth.
6. Recommendations for the Future Strengthening of Democracy in Pakistan:
- Introduction of meaningful electoral reforms.
- Strengthening local government institutions.
- Improve the performance of democratic government.
- Bringing in purposeful regulation of media to make it more responsible and
- Enhancing contributory role of educational institutes.
- Ensuring independence of judiciary.
- Reform the civil service to improve the performance of beaurucracy.
7. Conclusion:

(6) Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan (Need for Reform and Institution

1. Introduction:
2. Good Governance and Its Indicators:
3. Importance of Good Governance for a country:
- Importance for the Economic sector.
- Importance for the Political sector.
- Importance for the Social Sector.
4. Is Pakistan Confronting a crisis of Good Governance?.
Yes! The following facts are proof:
- General public’s shattered trust in Government.
- Absence of accountability culture at all levels.
- Lack of transparency in functioning of public organizations.
- Prevalence of Procrastination and red tape in day to day government
- Inadequate participation of general public in decision making.
- Persistent existence of evil of corruption.
- Absence of rule of law.
- Highly unbalanced development and growth.
- Institutional decay.
- Inadequate delivery of social services.
5. Major Causes of the Deplorable Situation of Governance in Pakistan:
- Frequent derailment of democracy.
- Impotent and puny judiciary.
- Absence of free and mature media.
- Shortsighted and self centered approach of politicians.
- Failure of educational institutions to produce good citizens.
- Excessive politicization of public sector.
- Dismal performance of the Watch Dog Institutes.
- Presence of lacunas and flaws in the criminal justice system.
- Lack of Checks and balance.
- Lack of civic awareness.
- Bureaucracy attitude.
6. Some Measures Taken by Government to Ameliorate the Situation:
- Enactment of Laws.
- Establishment of monitoring organizations and committees.
- Introduction of internal checks and controls.
- Deliberation of introduction of civil services reforms.

7. Recommended Reforms for Institution Building and Improved Governance

in Pakistan:
- Active role of politicians, media and civil society to safeguard the democracy.
- Independent and responsible role of judiciary.
- Prudent and mature role of media.
- Introduction of civil services reforms to improve performance of bureaucracy.
- Introduction of technology in public sector.
- Reformation of Watch Dog Institutes.
- Necessary statutory amendments to improve the criminal justice system.
- Accountability at all level.
- Public participation in decision making.
- Role of educational institutions to produce good citizens.
8. Conclusion:

(7) Social Media: A source of Connecting People or Disconnecting Them.

1. Introduction:
2. Different types of Media:
- Print Media.
- Electronic Media.
• Social Media and its Types:
- Blogs and Microblogs.
- Social networking sites (Face book).
- Social Commerce (Amazon, Alibaba)
- Social Media news (Digg).
- VoIP Software (Skype, MSN).
• Social Media as a source of connecting people.
- Connecting with unknown people belonging to other nations and states.
- Connecting people one already know, Irrespective of their location.
- Possibility of staying connected with others round the clock.
- Little cost of maintaining connection.
- Fast and speedy connectivity.
- Easy tracing of lost contacts.
3. Benefits of Connectivity through social Media:
• Social:
- Shares information.
- Upgrades living standard.
- Serves as source of education.
- Eliminates social biases.
• Economic:
- Spreads political awareness.
- Assists in political decision making.
o Arab Spring 2011.
o General Elections in Pakistan 2013.
- Highlights public issues and grievances.
• Political:
- Gives information on economic opportunities.
- Provide platform for economic activities. .
- Renders assistance in economic decision making.
• Religious:
- Imparts religious education.
- Eliminates religious biases.
- Serves as platform of religious preaching.
• Administrative:
- Serves as source of information sharing.
- Assists in quick decision making.
- Helps in ensuring better governance.
4. Social Media as source of Disconnect of the People:
- Weakening of family bonds.
- Decrease in traditional get together.
- Decline in traditional get together.
- Decline in sports activities.
- Scarcity of time.
5. A Glimpse over some other evil of social media:
- Spoil of moral values.
- Wastage of time.
- Acts of cheating and fraud.
- Deleterious impacts on health.
- Promotion of hatred and antagonism.
- Unreliability of information.
6. Causes of Evils of Social Media:
- Absence of proper control mechanism.
- Poor performance of regulatory authorities.
- No focus on character building in educational institutions.
- Absence of other recreational facilities.
- Easy availability of technology..
- Cheaper access to social media sites.
- Incognito access to social media sites.
7. Recommendations for elimination of Harmful Impacts of Social Media:
- Application of some mandatory filters and controls.
- At national level.
- At local level.
- Launching of awareness campaigns.
- Enactment of stringent laws.
- Effective role of regulatory authorities.
- Effective role of education sector in character building.
- Provision of better sports and recreational facilities.
- Enactment of service cost.
8. Conclusion:

(8) Status of Women in Islam

1. Introduction:
2. Status of women before Islam and in Other Religions:
- Status of women in Arabia.
- Status of women in Roman Empire.
- Status of women in Hinduism.
- Status of women in Buddhism.
3. Status of women as Granted by Islam:
• Status in house:
- As a mother.
- As a sister.
- As a wife.
- As a daughter.
• Status in Society:
- Right to life.
- Right to honor and dignity.
- Right to education.
- Right to forming and breaking conjugal relations.
• Status in state:
- Right to enjoy fundamental human rights.
- Right to enjoy citizenship of state.
4. In Today’s world, do Women Actually Enjoys The Status granted to them by
• No:
5. Causes of poor Status of Women in Islamic States:
• Religious causes:
- Negative role of religious leaders.
- Misinterpretation of religious injunctions.
- Avoidance of Ijtihad in Muslim states.
• Political causes:
- Undemocratic government.
- Lack of political will.
- Poor legislation.
- Lack of representation in decision making I.
• Social Causes:
- Illiteracy of men.
- Taboos, customs and traditions.
- Security issues.
- High childbirth rates.
• Economic causes:
- Poverty at domestic level.
- Budgetary constraints at national level.
- Lack of economic opportunities.
6. Recommendation for the Amelioration of Situation:
- Role of moderate religious leaders to propagate true message of the religion.
- Enactment and strict implementation of laws.
- To end domestic violence.
- To provide security at workplace.
- To control child of early marriages.
- Fixation and enactment of quotas.
o In elected bodies.
o In educational institutions.
o In jobs.
- Counseling of male member of society.
- Awareness campaign.
- Allocation of more budgets.
o For women education.
o For population control programs.
o For soft loans.
o For women health and nutrition.
7. Conclusion:
(9) What are the Hurdles in Our Way to Becoming a Truly Independent State

1. Introduction:
2. Measures to gauge the independence of a state:
3. Critical analysis of Pakistan’s 68 years of independence:
4. Hurdles in our way to becoming a truly independent state:
• Political:
- Problematic borders.
- Military domination: An impediment to development of other state
- Lack of consensus among politicians on major issues.
- Perennial issues of terrorism.
- Shortsighted, imprudent and impetuously-designed foreign policy.
• Administrative:
- Spineless bureaucracy.
- Delayed justice.
- Dishonesty, Nepotism, and Red-tapism.
- Flawed transparency and accountability mechanism.
• Economic:
- Vicious circle of poverty.
- Outdated techniques of agricultural farming.
- Unbridled inflation rate.
- Undocumented economy.
- Blind privatization.
• Religious:
- Pathetic role of religious icons for power lust.
- Inculcation of anti-democratic sentiment in the minds of followers and
support of dictatorship.
- Use of religious followers as a pressure group.
- Unignorable role of religious parties in promoting sectarianism.
- Inclination towards taqleed rather than Ijtehad.
• Social:
- Marginal and unproductive role of women.
- Class disparities due to feudalism and landlordism.
- Resistance of general masses to adopting new things.
- Uncontrolled population growth.
5. Can we ever become a truly independent nation? Yes.
6. Recommendations for removing the hurdles in becoming a truly
independent state:
- Strengthening of democracy by ensuring continuity of credible elections and
proper vetting of candidates.
- Devising meticulous, far-sighted and independent foreign policy.
- A complete overhauling of administrative systems.
- Adopting prudent and visionary economic policies.
- Enacting of stringent laws to broaden the tax net.
- Promoting progressive scholars.
- Launching of media campaign to change the mindset of society.
7. Conclusion:

(10) Importance of Free Media

1. Introduction:
2. Media and its types:
- Print Media.
- Electronic Media.
3. Components of freedom of media:
- No censoring of news / programs by the government.
- No imposition of economic restraints.
- No cancellation of permits / Licenses.
- No threats to journalists.
4. Importance of Free Media:
• Importance for political sector:
- Ensures sustenance of democracy.
- Guarantees an environment of accountability.
- Spreads political awareness.
- Assists the Government in decision making.
- Strengthen electoral process.
• Importance for Economic sector:
- Provides government with the information on national and international
economic trends.
- Assists investors in economic decision making.
- Highlights mistakes and wrongdoing of government.
• Importance for Social Sector:
- Imparts informal education.
- Disseminates information and knowledge.
- Inculcates etiquettes.
- Upgrades living standards.
- Highlights social evils.
- Reflect true image of nation.
- Indicates violation of human rights.
- Provide cheap source of Entertainment.
5. Role of Media in Pakistan: A case study.
- Lawyer’s movement against Parvez Musharaf.
- Restoration of Judiciary.
- Change of Public opinion with reference to terrorists.
- Privatization of Steel Mill and other units.
- Sustenance of Democracy.
- Emergence of Third political force and 2013 Elections.
- Changing status and role of women.
6. Some negative impacts:
- Revealing of national secretes.
- Promotion of obscenity.
- Deterioration of morality.
- Spread of consumerism.
- Causing of mental unrest.
- Deteriorations of foreign relation of country.
- Damage to the image of nation and state.
7. Causes of Evils of the Media:
8. Recommendations:
• For ensuring independence of Media:
- Enactment of Laws.
- Public awareness campaign.
- Active role of civil society.
- Independent role of judiciary.
- Mature role of media organizations.
• For eradication of evils of Media:
- Enactment of laws and strict implementation.
- Effective role of regulatory authorities.
- Establishment of effective mechanism within media organizations.
- Devising of a consensus-based code of conduct collectively by media
- Provision of better work facilities to media personnel.
- Promotion of media education as an important field.
- Training of media personnel.
9. Conclusion:

(11) Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Consequences and Recommendation

1. Introduction:
2. Pakistan’s Energy Scenario:
3. Sources of energy procurement in Pakistan:
4. Issues faced by Energy sector:
5. Consequences of energy crisis:
6. Recommendations:
• Short term measures:
- Resolution of circular debt issue.
- Prompt implementation of NEPRA determined tariffs.
- Ensuring recovery of revenue from public sector.
- Crackdown on energy thefts.
- Energy conservation campaign and demand management.
- Use of copper transmission wires for rectifying line losses.
• Medium term measures.
- Development of integrated energy policy.
- Allotment of funds to GENCOs for refurbishment of plants and transmission
• Long term measures.
7. Conclusion.

(12) Corruption in Pakistan: Mother of all Evils

1. Introduction:
2. Historical Background:
- Colonial period.
- WW II and Partition huge defense money.
- Nationalization policy.
- Proxy wars.
3. Current Scenario:
- Loss in National exchequer.
- Ranking by transparency international.
- Tax to GDP ratio.
4. Causes:

- Absence of culture of accountability:

- Incompetent Judiciary:
- Highly centralized Economic system:
- Absence of rule of law:
- Punctuated constitutional supremacy:
- High inflation and food prices:
- Meager Salaries of Govt. Servants:
- Capitalist class competition:
- Materialistic approach and evasion of religious and Ethnic values:
- Incompetent Bureaucracy:
- Tax Evasion:
- Culture of writing off loans:
- Poor Governance:
- Non-Disclosure of Information:
- Nepotism and Favoritism:
- Feudalism:
5. Impacts:
- Loss of development by eating up funds in commission.
- Impediment in FDI.
- More foreign aid and loans leading to dependence.
- Election rigging.
- Fake degrees.
- Deteriorated International image:
- Increase in crimes:
- Undermines poverty alleviation:
- It undermines democracy:
- Hinders good governance:
- Hampers Economic growth:
- Violate Human Rights:
- Impedes FDI:
- Enhances operating cost government:
- Scuttles level of Revenue:
- Reduces the resources available for Social programs:
6. Remedies:
- True Leadership:
- Active NAB.
- Strong punishment.
- Anti-bribery courts.
- Free judiciary.
- Free media.
- Imparting Islamic values.
- Ethical counseling through Education:
- Ensuring meritocracy instead of red tapism:
- Increased Salaries and Employment opportunities:
- Punishment:
- Transparency:
- Role of Media:
- Accountability at all levels, no sacred cows:
- Fair use of power and authority.
- Rule of Law in letter and sprit:
- Legislation:
- Renovation and Reformation:

7. Conclusion:

(13) Environmental Pollution

1. Introduction:
- It has destroyed civilizations.
- The Mesopotamia civilization that flourished some eight thousand ago
between the rivers of Tigris and Euphrates was destroyed by water and land
pollution i.e. water logging, salinity and silt.
- Biggest issue at global level.
2. Kinds of Pollution:
• Atmospheric:
• Water:
• Soil:
• Noise:
3. Impacts:
• Depletion of Ozone layer:
• Acid Rains:
• Green House effect:
• Global warming:
• Damage to natural ecosystem:
• Health hazards:
• Extinction of various species:
4. State of Pollution in Pakistan:
• Industrial:
• Coastal:
• Urban:
• Agricultural:
• Water:
• Air:
• Noise:
5. Causes of Pollution:
• Unplanned Industrialization:
• Incongruous Transport:
• Garbage/Solid Waste:
• Pressure Horns:
• Fertilizers and Pesticides:
• Nuclear waste:
6. International Efforts to curb menace of Pollution:
- Earth Summit 1992.
- Metrological research studies on pollution 1995.
- Kyoto Summit 1997.
- Johannesburg Summit 2002.
- Paris Agreement 2016.
7. National Level Efforts:
- Legislative Measures.
- Participation of people.
- Role of Media.
- Checks and Controls.
- To stop unplanned urbanization.
- Population control.
8. Remedial Measures to curb Pollution:
• Sound/Effective industrial planning:
• Alternative transport/Electric Transport (Use of CNG, LPG):
• Decomposition of nuclear waste:
• Proper Sanitation:
• Alternative energy generation to avoid use of fossil fuels:
• Plantation of Trees:
• Use of NH3/Green house gasses in refrigeration and air-conditioning.
• Awareness Campaigns:
9. Conclusion:

(14) Global/World Economic Recession

1. Introduction:
- Definition of world economy.
- Definition of Recession.
- Background.
- Brief overview of current crisis.
2. Global Economy:
- Trends.
- Dimensions.
- Common financial instruments.
- Key players.
3. Recession Causes:
- Investment by businesses.
- Stock market crashes.
- Increase in oil prices.
- Devaluation of paper money.
- Inflation.
- Housing bubble.
- Slowdown of economic growth.
- Unethical banking practices.
4. Effects of Recession:
- Layoffs.
- Large companies going bankrupt.
- Impact on industrial output.
- Unemployment.
- Widening Rich-Poor gap.
- Nationalization.
- Government intervention.
- Business and export losses.
- Impact on economy.
5. Countermeasures:
6. Conclusion:

(15) Terrorism: The biggest threat to Pakistan

1. Introduction:
2. History of Terrorism in Pakistan: An overview.
3. Pakistan faces various forms of Terrorism:
- Ethnic/Sectarian:
- Nationalist/Separatist:
- Jihad/Islamist:

4. Causes:
• Internal Causes:
o Social:
- Unequal distribution of wealth.
- Augmenting Illiteracy:
- Increasing social injustice:
- Lack of social securities.
- Population growth:
- Dissatisfaction:
- Child labor.
- Retaliation.
o Political :
- Nepotism and favoritism.
- Derailment of democracy.
- Corruption.
- Instability.
- Deteriorated law and situation.
- Lack of transparency and accountability.
o Economic:
- Poverty and deprivation.
- Unemployment and inflation.
- Stagnation.
• Religious:
- Sectarianism.
- Religious intolerance.
- Brainwash and misinterpretation of religion.
• External:
- West Global War on terror:
- Sky picot.
- Arab Spring.
- Russian invasion on Afghanistan and 9/11.
- Exploitation:
- Hegemonic designs:
- Meddling into affairs of other states:
- Kashmir and Palestine Issue.
- State sponsored terrorism.

5. Is Terrorism a Great Threat:

- To Democracy:
- Economy.
- To Infrastructure
- To Life.
- To investment.
- To social services.
- To Sovereignty:
- To Economy:
- To Governance:
- To Progress:
- To National Security:
- To National integrity:
- To Political Stability:
- To Fundamental Human rights:

6. Recommendations:
- End of meddling into affairs of other countries.
- End of Stereotypical war on terror.
- Disputes resolved through dialogues.
- Educating masses.
- Role of Media.
- Provision of speedy justice.
- Provision of economic opportunities to masses.
- Restoration of peace and stability.
- Using influence of religious leaders:
- Utilizing Civil Society:
- Employing Media Effectively:
- Revamping Education System:
- Resolving Afghan Issue:
- Ensuring competent Intelligence: Joint Intelligence Directorate:
- Activation of NACTA:
- Alleviating deprivation:
- Provision of Justice:
- Political Will:
- Dealing hardly with Militants:

7. Conclusion:

(16) Women Empowerment would Empower Pakistan

1. Introduction:
2. Current Scenario of women in Pakistan and its impact on Pakistan:
3. Interplay of women empowerment and prosperity of Pakistan:
4. Economic benefits of women empowerment:
• Increase in potential and diverse workforce:
• Increase in per capita income:
• Broadening of tax base:

5. Social benefits of Women Empowerment:

• Alleviation of Poverty:
• Increase in Literacy rate:
• Alleviation in incidence of domestic violence:
• Population control:

6. Political Benefits of Women Empowerment:

• Vote consciousness:
• Increase in national suffrage:
• Healthy political process:
• Legislation of women related laws:
• Improved Image of Pakistan:
7. Conclusion:

(17) Need of Good Governance in Pakistan

1. Introduction:
2. Essentials of Good Governance:
• Political Stability:
• Constitutional supremacy:
• Effective implementation of law:
• Effective Administrative hierarchy:
• Vibrant foreign policy:
• Social justice: distribution of resources.
• Transparency:
• Public participation in decision making:
• Uniform education system:
• Freedom of Media:

3. Status of Governance in Pakistan:

• Political instability:
• Leadership vacuum.
• Lack of accountability:
• Crippled economy:
• Deteriorated law and order situation:
• Incapable laws enforcement agencies:
• Social insecurity:

4. Suggestions:
• Effective democratic system:
• Rule of Law:
• Effective political, administrative and economic system:
• Investment friendly environment:
• Education for all:
• Public participation in decision making:
5. Conclusion:

(18) Pakistan Rich in Natural Resources but Poor in Their Management

1. Introduction:
2. Natural resources and their management:
3. Richness/Abundance of natural resources in Pakistan:
4. Pakistan’s natural resources and their management:
• Energy Resources
- Non-renewable energy resources:
o Oil and gas reserves:
o Coal Reserves:
- Renewable energy resources:
o Wind Power:
o Solar Power:
o Hydro power:
• Agricultural Resources:
- Irrigation Network:
- Fertile Land:
- Variety of Crops:
- Animal Husbandry:
- Fishing:
• Mineral Resources:
- Copper and gold resources:
- Salt mines and other mineral:
• Human Resources:
- Sixth largest population in world:
- Youth comprising major chunk:
5. Factors leading to poor management:
• Poor governance:
• Political rivalry:
• Lack of Planning and vision:
• Inconsistent and flawed policies:
• Bureaucratic bottleneck and corruption:
• Worsening law and order situation:
6. Implications of mismanagement of natural resources:
7. Way forward:
8. Conclusion:

(19) Liberal Education

1. Introduction:
2. Importance:
3. Spheres of Liberal Education:
4. Objectives:
• To produce Informed Citizens:
• To develop creative thinking:
• To improve skills and competitiveness:
• To inculcate Communication skills:
5. Present Style of education in Pakistan:
6. Prerequisites for liberal education:
7. Advantages of liberal Education:
• Economic Development:
• Employment opportunities:
• Interdependent and stable society:
• Peace and harmony in society:
8. Conclusion:

(20) Disaster Management in Pakistan

1. Introduction:
2. Disaster Management:
3. Phases of Disaster Management:
• Mitigation:
• Preparedness:
• Response:
• Recovery:
4. History of Disasters in Pakistan:
5. Structure of Disaster Management in Pakistan:
6. Role of NDMA:
7. Abysmal state of Disaster preparedness and management in Pakistan:
8. Impacts of weak Disaster Management:
• Food Crisis:
• Health Hazards:
• Ravaged infrastructure:
• Unemployment and Economic loss:
• Militancy and crime:
• Political upset:
9. Measures to Improve DMS:
10. Conclusion:

(21) Global Warming

1. Introduction:
2. What is Global Warming:
3. Evidences of Global Warming:
• Temperature:
• Precipitation:
• Rise in sea level:
• Ice melting and floods:
4. Cause of Global warming:
• Industrialization:
• Transport:
• Combustion for cooking and heat:
• Deforestation:
• Air condition and Refrigerators:
5. Causes of Global Warming:
6. Sources of Emission:
7. Impacts of Global Warming:
• Extreme weather conditions:
• Affected marginalized communities:
• Coastal areas:
• Frequent and strong storms and floods:
• Health problems:
• Ecosystem destruction:
• Agriculture loss:
• Damages to life:
• Impact on economy:
• Impact on animals:
• Melting of glaciers:
8. Strategies to mitigate global warming:
• Use of renewable energy resources:
• Plantation and forestation:
• Energy efficient appliances:
• Recycling:
• Energy conservation and efficiency:
• Individual efforts:
• Reduction of combustion of fossil fuels:
• Family planning to reduce population growth:
9. Conclusion:

(22) Perils of Muslim Union

1. Introduction:
- Muslim population comprising 2/3rd of world’s total population:
- Enormous potential—Muslim world lag behind in all spheres of life.
- Thesis statement leading to conclusion.
2. Overview of economic potential of the Muslim union:
- World’s largest oil reserves.
- Arabian peninsula enjoys a significant strategic position in the world
- Strait of Hormuz—60% of world’s oil route.
- Economic growth rate in SA, UAE and Kuwait.
- OIC—a potential organization.
3. Perils of Muslim Ummah:
• Economic Causes:
- Lack of Economic cooperation:
- Diversified economic interests:
- Lack of Economic Cohesion and Unity:
• Political Causes:
- Absence of democracy—Monarchial forms of Government:
• Technological and Educational backwardness:
- Lowest literacy rate:
- Lack of scientific research and education:
- Inability to cope with the changing global trends:
• Cultural Causes:
- Islam versus the west:
- Islam perceived as threat to modernization:
• Terrorism:
- Inefficiency of organization since last three decades:
- Annual meetings without practical resolutions:
• OIC—A dead organization:

4. Current situation and implication of the above mentioned factors:

- Muslim Ummah caught up in vicious cycle of terrorism, economic and
political crisis:
- Muslim Ummah targeted by west in the name of Islam.
- Inability to resolve the core issues of Muslim world like:
I. Kosovo, Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan.
II. Economic backwardness.
III. Poverty, Overpopulation and high crime rate.
IV. Low GDP and FDI.
V. Meager contribution in world trade.
VI. Least infrastructure development
VII. Educational backwardness.
5. Suggestions:
• Economic Cooperation:
- Open the barriers of trade.
- Enhance exports.
- Make use of oil reserves to the benefit of whole Muslim Ummah.
- Easy visa policies.
• Muslim world—to raise voice on international forums for conflict resolution:
- Kashmir issue to be taken on UN Forum.
- Efforts for getting permanent seat on UNSC.
- Unity to stop west war against Islam.
• Muslim Integration—Need of the hour:
- Muslim unity—only solution of problems
- Muslim Monetary fund to be established.
- Aid to poor Muslim countries.
- Rehabilitation fund to be established for Disasters.
• OIC—to be made a vibrant organization:
- Changes in structures of the organization.
- Muslim union on the pattern of EU should be formed.
- Frequent meetings should be held with persistence political will.
- Economic assistance and guidance to poor countries.
6. Conclusion:

(23) World Order: From Unipolar to Multipolar

1. Introduction:
2. Brief History of world order:
3. US—Unipolar status:
4. Determinants of World order:
• Economic strength:
• Military Power:
• International Political clout:
• Ideological appeal:
5. The paradigm shift:
6. Catalyst Factors:
• Energy resources:
• Iraq war:
• Financial crisis:
• Globalization:
7. Future Scenario—Multipolar world:
8. Conclusion:
(24) Global Zero: A World without Nuclear Weapons.

1. Introduction:
2. Brief history of nuclear weapons:
3. Perils of Nuclear weapons:
4. Need to eliminate nuclear weapons:
5. Global zero initiative:
6. Is this goal achievable:
• Historical support:
• Political will:
• Strong public support:
• New leadership:
7. How to achieve it:
• Ratification of NPT/CTBT:
• Reduction by US and Russia:
• Elimination by all nuclear states:
• Follow up: Control mechanism:
8. Creation of international nuclear fuel-bank:
9. Advantages of Global zero:
10. Conclusion:

(25) Crisis of Good Governance in Pakistan

1. Introduction:
2. Essentials of Good Governance:
- Promotion of national cohesion:
- National integration:
- Institutional supremacy:
- Independent Judiciary:
- Constitutional supremacy:
- Rule of Law:
- Political stability:
- Educational Opportunities:
- Socio-Economic Development:
- Equal distribution of resources:
- Welfare state with provision of social securities:
- Strong writ of government on all fronts:
3. Situation of Governance in Pakistan:
- Forces of disintegration stronger than cohesion.
- Weak writ of the government.
- No rule of law.
- Political instability.
- Interprovincial conflicts.
- Unequal distribution of resources.
- Pakistan presenting a picture of extreme bad governance on all fronts.
4. Causes of bad governance:
• Political:
- Parliament—a toothless tiger.
- Political instability due to constant military intervention.
- Issue of provincialism on revenue, resources and demand of provincial
• Administrative:
- Bureaucratic hold on all institutions.
- Political interference on bureaucracy.
- Corruption—Mother of all evils.
- Absence of culture of accountability.
- Mismanagement of resources.
- Pakistan a soft state because of inability of implementation of policies due to
lack of consensus.
• Economic:
- Fragile economy—FDI shrinking on account of terrorism and political
- Crisis of energy, food, water.
• Social:
- Poverty.
- Population growth.
- Illiteracy.
5. Remedies:
- True, Capable leadership.
- Strong Anti-corruption campaign.
- Strict accountability.
- Socio-Economic Development.
- More funds for education.
- Efforts for population control.
- Poverty alleviation.
- Employment opportunities.
- Equal distribution of resources.
- Ensuring freedom of press.
6. Conclusion:

(26) Industrial Sector

1. Introduction:
2. Historical perspective:
3. Present Scenario:
4. Industrial Problems:
- Narrow export base.
- Import oriented industries.
- Consumption oriented society.
- Low quality of labor.
- Low quality of products.
- Lack of new techniques and machinery.
- Political unrest.
- Terrorism and extremism.
- Devaluation and inflation tendencies
- Lack of guidance.
- Lack of Research.
- Low capital.
- Inadequate infrastructure.
- Power crisis.
5. Measures for betterment of Industrial sector:
- Increased exports.
- Produce import substitutions.
- Improve quality of product.
- Improve quality of labor.
- Establish industrial consultancy firms.
- Increase capital goods.
- Establish basic infrastructure for industry.
- Realistic and up to date data and statistics to the sector.
6. Privatization:
- Negative points of privatization of many industries.
- Abnormal haste—in disposing off units.
- Weak assessment criteria.
- Nepotism.
- Manipulation.
- Accumulation of wealth.
- Contradictory disinvestment.
- Absence of regulatory mechanism.
7. Recommendation:
- Logistics.
- Productivity.
- Consensus management.
- Literacy.
- Utilization of proceeds of assets.
- Employment.
- Economic Development.
- Social Justice.
8. Conclusion:

(27) Ideology of Pakistan

1. Introduction:
- Pakistan came into existence when the first Muslim put his feet on the soil of
the subcontinent (Jinnah)
- Meaning and Definition.
2. How it Emerges:
- Process, not in a day.
- Nor be dictated neither promulgated.
- Grows among dejected, annoyed and dissatisfied groups.
- When people feel that they are mistreated and existing ideology does not
satisfy them any more.
3. Significance:
- It is need of nation, state or religion.
- It sets the goals and direction of individual, nation or world at large.
4. Characteristics of Ideology:
- Not stagnant, dynamic.
- Based on sources.
- Roots in fanatic slogans.
- May depend on political theories.
- May emanate some historical facts.
5. Islamic Ideology:
- Name of principles and norms, which guide Muslims community based upon:
- Sovereignty of Allah, Concept of Toheed and Finality of Prophet Muhammad
6. Ideology of Pakistan:
7. The concept of two nations:
8. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Two Nation Theory:
9. Allama Iqbal and Two Nation Theory:
10. Quid e Azam and Two Nation Theory:
11. Demands of Pakistan Ideology:
12. Conclusion:

(28) Foreign Policy of Pakistan

1. Introduction:
2. Objectives:
- Preservation of political independence and nationality integrity.
- Defense—Maintenance of powerful and sophisticated defense.
- Muslim unity—strengthening brotherly relations with Muslim countries.
- Economic development.
- Emancipation—from colonialism, imperialism and apartheid policy.
- Maintenance of International peace and security.
3. Foreign Policy Principles:
- Respect for territorial integrity.
- Political independence.
- Sovereignty of country.
- Non-Interference into affairs of other countries.
- Non-Aggression—peaceful resolution of disputes.
- Friendship to all malice to none.
- Peaceful coexistence.
4. Historical background of Pakistan FP:
- Era of Neutrality (1947-53).
- Era of Alliances (1954-62).
- Era of Bilateralism (1962-69).
- Era of NAM (1969-81).
- Era of revival of Policy (1981-90).
- Era of Regionalism (1990-9/11)
- FP After 9/11.
5. Policy debate in Pakistan:
- All these institution and factors are mainly responsible for making foreign
Policy of Pakistan.
- President, PM, COAS, FO, Intelligence agencies, Public pressure.
6. School of thought in Pakistan:
- Pro-US completely in favor of serving US interests.
- Semi Pro-US Balance approach.
- Muslim school of thought—Against US.
7. Present Policy:

8. Threats:

- Bad International image.

- Nuclear proliferation.
- Base of Terrorism.
- National integration at stake.
- Independence at stake.
- China-Pak relations many threats.
- Damaged image among Muslim countries.
9. Suggestions:
- China-Pak relations to be strengthened.
- Russia should be placed in friend list.
- Relations with Muslim countries should be improved.
10. Conclusion:

(29) Agriculture Sector of Pakistan

1. Introduction:
- Importance of Agriculture sector in economy.
- Greatest wealth of Pakistan vast plains.
- Different crops.
2. Overview of Agriculture sector of Pakistan:
- Contribution to DGP 30%.
- Employment 55%.
- Exports 70%.
- Livelihood for 70% of rural population.
- Despite vast plains and world’s best irrigation system, country is not self
sufficient in agricultural commodities.
3. Problems of Agriculture sector:
• Financial:
- Inadequate funds allocation.
- Pricing policy.
- Rural credit.
• Resource development:
- Water problem.
- Floods.
- Salinity.
- Soil erosion.
• Agricultural inputs:
- Fertilizers.
- Seeds.
- Plant protection.
• Mechanization Problem:
- Sowing and harvesting.
- High cost of technology.
• Social Problems:
- Illiteracy.
- Health.
- Transport.
- Exploitation by intermediaries.
- Few educational institutes.
- Lack of research.
- Population growth.
4. Recommendations:
- Educational facilities.
- Land reforms.
- Construction of dams.
- Agricultural research.
- Protect water lagging and salinity.
- Lining of canals.
- Agri technology.
- Plant protection.
- Credit and loans facilities.
- Improved inputs.
- Reduce population pressure.
- Media campaigns.
5. Prospects of Agriculture sector:
6. Conclusion:

(30) Education

1. Introduction:
2. Importance:
• Personal level:
• Community level:
• National level:
3. Education system of Pakistan:
4. Levels of Education:
- Primary.
- Elementary.
- Secondary and Higher Secondary.
- Higher education.
- Postproduction.
- Technical and vocatitional.
5. Overview of Education in Pakistan:
- Literacy rate and female education.
- Budget allocation.
6. Education problems:
- Low quality.
- Lack of uniform education.
- Lack of facilities at schools.
- Poor infrastructure.
- Recruitment on political basis.
- Economic cost of education and child labor.
- Lack of community participation.
- Student teacher ratio.
- Increased cost of higher education.
- Crippled examination system.
- Non-professional attitude of teachers.
- Brain drain.
- Low budget allocation:
- Urban/Rural divide:
7. Remedies:
- Decentralization of decision making.
- Greater autonomy of schools.
- Coordination of school systems.
- Remove political interference.
- Enhance information and research base.
- Free Education.
- Scholarships.
- Effective examination systems.
- Assurance of merit.
- Curriculum reforms.
- Practical and activity based teaching.
8. Reform in Education Sector:
- Education for all EFA.
- Adult literacy.
- Free and compulsory education.
- Technical education.
- Teacher training programs.
- Abandon physical punishment.
- Quality assurance.
- AV Aids.
- Educational research.
- Classroom management.
- Uniform education system.
9. Conclusion:
- Education is a social instrument through which man can guide his destiny and
shape his future.
- An unenlightened mind is nothing but a sorry lamp to light the steps of any
man or woman.

(31) Energy Crisis

1. Introduction:
2. Forms of Energy:
• Kinetic Energy:
- Sound.
- Wind.
- Mechanical.
- Electrical.
- Thermal,
- Light, Solar.
• Potential Energy:
- Gravitational.
- Hydal.
- Nuclear.
- Chemical.
3. Types of Energy shortage:
• Supply shortage:
• Capacity Shortage:
4. Sector wise energy consumption:
- Household 43%.
- Industries 30%.
- Agri 13%.
- Government 7%
- Commercial 5%
- Street lights 0.7%
5. Energy generation and demand (Figures June 2009)
• Energy Demand 25,000mw.
• Energy Supply 19,505mw.
• Gap: 3,000mw average, 4000-6000 in peak season.
• Duration of Load shedding:
6. Causes of Energy crisis:
- No policy and planning.
- Underutilization of installed capacity.
- Public negligence and wastage.
- No dams and proper water management.
- Lack of Political will.
- Dependence on thermal plants.
- Maladministration of previous regimes:
- Under utilization of existing resources:
- Circular Debt:
- Line losses in transmission and distribution:
- Wastage by industries:
- Large scale theft of electricity:
- Corruption:
- Lack of political will:
- Shortage of funds:
- Overdependence on imported energy:
- Population growth.
- No use of alternative energy sources.
7. Effects of Energy crisis:
• Economic:
- Effect on industry sector.
- Effect on agriculture sector.
- Capital flight to other countries.
- Low FDI.
- Inflation.
- Poverty.
- Stagnant economy.
- Low export and increased imports.
• Social:
- Public turmoil.
- Anti-government sentiments.
- Affecting education and students.
- Every sphere of life is affected.
- Psychological impact on minds
• Political:
- Decreased credibility of politicians.
- Derailment of democracy.

8. Strategies to overcome the energy crisis:

- Changing office time:
- Energy savers:
- Renewable sources:
- Coal and Hydro power plants:
- Solve circular debt issue
- Power conservation and generation projects:
- Laodshedding in transparent manner:
- To avoid tariffs:
- Replacement of inefficient plants:
- Minimize line losses:
• Construction of new dams:
- Kalabagh Dam 3600mw capacity.
- Bhasa Dam 4500mw.
- Nelum-Jehlum 1960mw.
- Tarbela Dam 960mw.
- Suki-Kinari Dam 850mw.
- Munda Dam 700mw.
• Institutional and administrative improvement:
- Effective policy.
- WAPDA, PEPCO, KE prepare new projects.
- Technical competence and expertise.
• Utilization of largest deposits of coal:
- Thar coals deposits.
• Regional cooperation:
- Import from Tajikistan.
• Renewable energy sources availed:
- Solar, wind, hydal, tidal, geothermal etc.
- Research in concerned field.
• Public awareness:
- Use of savers.
- Avoid wastage.
• Dynamic and active leadership and political will:
9. Conclusion:

(32) Good Governance

1. Introduction:
2. Actors of Good Governance:
- Government:
- Influential landlords:
- Associations of peasants farmers:
- NGOs:
- Religious Leaders:
- Political parties:
- Opposition:
- Bureaucracy:
- Military:
- Media:
3. State of Governance in Pakistan:
- Institutional imbalance:
- Interprovincial tussle:
- Lack of provision of justice:
- Deteriorated law and order:
- Corruption:
- Intolerance:
- Population growth:
- Poverty, Inflation and Unemployment:
- Water and energy crisis:
- Political instability:
- Demonstrations and sit-ins:
- Tax evasions:
- Electricity theft:
- Poor knowledge:
- Mounting external debt:
4. Causes of Bad Governance:
- Mismanagement:
- Corruption:
- Institutional decay:
- Derailment of Democracy:
- Political elites:
- Lack of accountability:
- Lack of civic awareness:
- Lack of political will:
5. Characteristics of Good Governance:
- Sound political system:
- Equal Opportunities and merit system:
- Equal distribution of resources:
- Strong writ of government on all fronts.
- National Integration:
- Institutional supremacy:
- Dynamic Leadership:
- Political stability:
- Rule of Law:
- Social Justice:
- Equal Participation:
- Eradication of Corruption:
- Democratic government:
- Freedom of Expression:
- Transparency:
- Responsiveness:
- Consensus:
- Inclusiveness:
- Efficiency:
- Decentralization/Devolution:
6. Recommendations:
- Institutional supremacy:
- Inter-provincial cooperation:
- Accountability:
- Alleviation of corruption:
- Policy reforms.
- Social securities:
- Rule of Law:
- Free media:
- Speedy justice:
- Anti-corruption measures.
7. Fruits of Good Governance:
- Economic development:
- Welfare state:
- National Integration:
- Challenges faced with letter and spirit:
8. Conclusion:

(33) Military Operations & Its Impacts

1. Introduction:
2. Causes of Operations:
• To eliminate terrorism:
• To restore peace:
3. Importance of Operations:
• To alloy with developed nations:
• To build goodwill with foreign countries:
• To Clear the negative elements from society:
• To protect the religion:
4. Negative Impacts of Operations:
• IDPs problem:
• Civil unrest:
• Retaliation:
• Loss of Property and lives:
• Decline in foreign exchange:
• Disinvestment:
• Emerge of new terrorists:
5. Positive Impacts of Operations:
• Peace and stability:
• Writ of state:
• Positive image:
6. Conclusion:

(34) Third Gender and Their Rights

1. Introduction:
- What is third gender?
- Civil rights.
2. Third gender and their abilities:
- A creature of God.
- Sexually impaired not physically.
- Mental abilities as par normal human.
3. Rights of normal humans and third gender:
- Their rights and implementation.
- No right to vote.
- Irrational behavior toward them.
4. Islam and rights of third gender:
- Islam despised social division.
- Equal rights for them.
5. Their rights and treatment in western society:
- No apt rights for them.
- Treated as sex slaves.
6. India and third gender:

7. Third gender and Pakistan’s society:

- No Respect.
- Treated as sex slaves and puppet.
- They are also reluctant to become part of society.
- No jobs.
8. Constitution and rights of third gender:
- Meager provisions.
- Lethargic implementation.
9. What need to do:
- Treat them as humans.
- Create awareness in society.
- Promote education among them.
- Provide respectful job.
- Voting rights.
- Integrate them in to mainstream of society.
- Legitimize their rights.
10. Conclusion:

(35) Is Military Rule better than Democracy

1. Introduction;
2. Democracy and its effects:
3. Democracy in the west:
4. Islamic concept of democracy:
- Equity and equality as corner stone.
- Muslim democratic rules in different parts of world.
5. Military rule its causes and effects:
- Causes of military rule.
- Its effects on society.
- Analysis of military rule in different parts of world.
6. Democracy vs. dictatorship in Pakistan:
- Democratic history of Pakistan.
- Dictatorship and its impacts.
7. Current scenario:
• Democracy failed in Pakistan because:
- Military interventions.
- Greedy politicians.
- Corruption.
8. How to become true democratic country:
- Democratic values should flourish.
- Discourage feudalism.
- Intra party elections
9. Conclusion:

(36) Economic Challenges faced by Pakistan

1. Introduction:
2. Brief History about economy of Pakistan:
3. Challenges faced by Pakistan:
- Inflation.
- Low Tax to GDP ratio.
- Devaluation of money.
- Trade deficit and balance of payment issue.
- Poverty, unemployment.
- Poor health and educational facilities.
- Poor law and order.
- Political instability.
- Immature media.
- External debt, caught in foreign cloches.
- Mismanagement and underutilization of natural resources.
- Energy crisis.
- Low FDI.
- Incompetent judiciary.
- Corruption.
- Low capital formation.
- Low savings.
- Population pressure.
- No technology.
- Agrarian economy.
- No protection of industrial sector.
- Leadership gap.
- Inconsistent policies.
- Untrained Labor force.
4. Causes of economic turmoil:
- Mismanagement.
- Terrorism.
- Leadership gap.
- Governance issue.
- External debt.
- Civil unrest.
- Public issues unresolved.
- Poor law and order situation.
- No research and development.
- Population pressure.
- Less funds for education.
- Lack of capital goods.
- Trade deficit.
5. Remedial measures:
- Exploration of new markets.
- Industrialization.
- Tight monetary policy.
- Investor’s friendly policies.
- Regional peace.
- Improved law and order.
- Good governance:
- Energy.
6. Conclusion:

(37) Promotion of Tax culture in Pakistan

1. Introduction:
2. An overview of current tax regime in Pakistan:
- Dependence on sales, income and custom tax.
- Usefulness of current tax system and its inherent inefficiencies.
- Negative public attitude.
- Need for promotion of tax culture in the country and its significance.
3. Prospects:
- Restructuring FBR.
- Broadening tax base.
- Automation of FBR to facilitate stakeholders.
- Moving to direct tax from indirect.
- Incentive based tax system.
- Public Awareness campaign.

4. Challenges:
- Red-Tapism:
- Rampant Corruption:
- Complex tax code:
- Tax illiteracy:
- Meddled Center-Provincial tax system:
- Large undocumented economy:
- Public-Government Mistrust:

5. Conclusion:

(38) I Disapprove What You Say but I defend to death Your Right to Say

8. Introduction:
9. I disapprove what you say:
- Difference of opinion is the beauty of any society.
- Why difference of opinion should be protected.
10. But I would defend to death your right to say:
- Defining freedom of speech.
- Importance of freedom of speech.
- Freedom speech and fundamental rights.
- Freedom of speech as incorporated into the constitutions.
- Religious perspectives on freedom of speech.
- Freedom of speech and democracy.
- Limitations of freedom of speech.
11. Challenges and obstacles to freedom of speech:
- Religious extremism.
- Populist tendencies.
- Growing intolerance.
12. Measures to ensure right of freedom of speech:
13. Conclusion:

(39) Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism

1. Introduction:
2. Terrorism:
3. Means to combat terrorism:
- Operation.
- Dialogue.
1. Why dialogue has been necessary:
- Save massive killing.
- To avoid retaliation.
- Decrease animosity.
- Ideology be changed, not with forces.
1. How Dialogue is the best course:
- Saves life.
- Economic stability.
- Controlled situation.
- View points of every one taken into the consideration.
- Peaceful, co-effective and sustainable.
1. Recommendations for effective dialogue process:
- Root cause is to be dealt.
- All stockholders be taken in confidence.
- National interests on the top.
- Public support.
- Tolerant, cooperative and optimistic attitude.
2. Conclusion:

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