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 Norway has a parliamentary ombudsman whose task is to investigate

complaints from citizens concerning injustice, abuses or errors on the part of

the central or local government administrations. The ombudsman is also
tasked with ensuring that human rights are respected, and can undertake
independent investigations. Every year, this office submits a report to
parliament about its activities. In general, the ombudsman is active and trusted.

 Parliamentary committees may summon ministers for appearances.

Ministers regularly respond to invitations and answer questions. In addition,
there isp a weekly session in parliament where legislators can ask questions
directly to the ministers.

 The Norwegian public is generally well informed about government

measures and operations. This is partly attributable to the country’s small size,
but also to the population’s high level of education, the very high circulation
of newspapers and the widespread access to Internet and television. Moreover,
the Scandinavian tradition of transparency in government helps the free press
to report accurately about public policies
 Access to the courts is free and easy, and the judiciary system is viewed as
and efficient.

 You can also give examples of Denmark , Finland and New Zealand.

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