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C2 SUNDAY, OCT. 21, 2018 Reader must choose ‘between TWO MeN PREMIER CROSSWORD! ay Frank A Longo se Annie: in my 20, and Te found seyslf na tough spot 1a seeing oe men “Mack” is around my age, and we've een dating fr about 2 year “ob isa ated man and ES Ra: ‘whut thought wats eal elaonsip into sonethingseroes wbeabe proporedtemea few weeks so. id yor brcsse fl pret sared and bi entire family war there when ‘asked me WithJohn its purely payscal 1 ‘caitep bt fe that older men know thei ‘way around beer andJoha dives me abso ae ery in the best wa. Every te Tm swith Mack T year for John. Mack doesn ‘ss me the ight wa eld me therght way ormakeloveto me the ight way. There so pasion between us, and he's prctial and dull When Tim with John, there i sexual tension ad fervor The secrecy of sneaking ound behind is wife's back drives us both Wid. wat to be with Joh, But e's over 25 Years older thas Lam, sd he's ried eel fully for eheaing but nt gully enough 19 stop. Lot wan lo break Maes eset, but Talk dost want ve every dy ia. m= ven fog. ‘What should 1 do? Should 1 go on with Mok and do what everyone’ expecsing of re or should I ey to pares 3 eationhip ‘vith John hopes chat el eave is wife? —Three's Company De eres ldingyourbreath waiting frfobn'o leave his wife youre ging toil que afew ‘in cls. (Even she di leave hie wie to ‘be wth yo, t woulda be long before he'd Exercising can make stiff heart muscle supple realy enjoyed exercise and ave managed to ge (0 2 hil beak 58 withow do ing very much oft at al Bu jus ot remarried and my Inuband, whois prety ae Jed of ness program Re- ally 2t my age, what good wilt do? Dear Reader Wire srry to rain on your noeercse pride, but your borband Js onthe right tack. (Con- ‘rtuasons on your ma raged fs nest too late to srt a reap the benefits of 2 fies program. 151 that we dont undectand your wish to avoid it. Even the most ardent workout cnthosst har been faced withthe win challenges of physical discomfort and Doredom. But we tink bal thebatle when easing ino 3 fines progam is choosing the righ acne, then set ting modest gous. Exercise comes in many ger and ‘with some eestive inking and a Bit of grit, we belive you can find an activgy or tw tha youl jy enough It good heats fect, a study exercise imparts, which & ‘rll hing in thie seer fal day and age. Staying ac tive aso helps regulate body weght and contebues to rev ear shows that or people ovr the age of 5,2 tim of fe when Blood ver sels art co sifen up and tually begin to fet lee eles regal ex freee can rveee these January, reseateher in Tess as enlaed the beats of midleage als Joking 2t how sf the cardiac muecles Iadbecome When the uy pareipants were sored by thet degree af piel ac- tivity ie emerged that the Ipart iscles of guar ore supple—and therefore effectively younger — those of either he sedentary india or thoee who ex excised oly acasonlly ADVICE/ COMICS veconighonewinteye “han STR Seoul iptchonb cola) tay" gb see Wie yt ge we you hy wy em int qu ts rat Sees Xie Newonvurtdoit "ash aie 1 to end your engagement Mack deserves chance to fndtselve Theatreget Shiau ou uke» beak om dng ore on 3 youd foe yourselt chore beeen 28rte setling for a“beméram fog" and going for ap nnn, TSH naniediman The emis ofbeer Meal nse asic bg age aioain "tots ea Anse: Heven yas ago got seroma MADD wand edging Alstoles tine” amen ooaymossmewings Afer ew yen 1 Sa, Suen realaed arte min renen te cntinne Seta to go was the friendships Thad made, So 36 cosh Sured wekoning new andes to he Sect Share, Beveridge aemstscaeeng ese! tia they attended. Some of them even sarced HAMM oe 5 comanince ‘using dig he wekones. omega Thoveindseenlaftiem emetiatthe ae peers reson hey conti goto mectingsisto haees "Keay feeme They ae now fur ine ease st Scan" oh Yer. and Ife! so good abou being abe to SAHStere , apre. 1B PRESSREPUBLIAN COM cry SCRAMBLE gear ee ars Geye wef | EBs et) ae 2g EE ee Ge ome ee “Se caesar, gee fr SEP ot, Shere Siar wi lar ee ‘anFimorovo Haeatehe” —Slkoamen, "17bomn fee See Bee aery plone Beet are ae om = cr recon rn HES, See flee en” reEscae Heese "He Eee nim gee TEE ne, OE Ban RASA! op : BEE woe. alte Soa loon 12 foe n hae —_—, ‘ep them recover their lies. That and be rope I (curently 10) make reizement the Best ptt log able to hag ou with ny grandehdren of my fe ust wasted o share. =P Don eres eas of sobriety sounds a though ‘youre a beacon of hope for those in dark plces Thane for sharing your story and for making the wold brighter place “Siitaoliyeba crn Sen cos Sie rer roMonr tracked two groups of prev uly sedentary individ sane One group began exercising for 30 gues at est fur lies per week The oer stated program of alee and stretching Two yeas Iae, tests showed tht she ears of the excite group sd become not st aronger bat aso wore supple The srehandalioee group health. Now. id not reap the same luc beef, The idea that we ean Solon, C8 ‘ost sate, even ter in Tif is an exciting one. The ASTRO-GRAPH HOROSCOPE shalleae i to find an activ- iy (or aes) yout wi ing to do 3 es four times Der vteck i wl ick with oerthe years. Brisk walks or ‘kes neguite oni pt of| decent shoes. Mix up wih eties you may bave em joyed a eile such 38 oF dling swimming. tampon ing o sain. Werking ost wit fends, your Busband tr with musi and books on tape elpe make all more ineresting. Just be sure to sta slow and take the tie yes need to eae into your Sy eveeNIALAST Say 2.208 publsed in owt ae enwed ap io fet str or pene Weil eet te HIMBA cept 2808 29 4 SCORPIO (Oc 4 20 ron out scoer that you Eade fom somean. snd stronger and ‘han ht ol ck Wh BW know a eect wemdgmmmamei, Fate? ae oe Teno wy eae Kw wit eee, ES eames Con 2 seni. crn ie ght he moma 25 Scene the psychologial boost tat the hear To hut end, they Ema Ucn to isprove your pee ie A Sa ema eect Magda sone 1) Shay Tocated on wht ter i he ere PiSGRS Ute" 20atsck 20) ting ies aco e Senet cose A Lite TRRIES laren 24g 9) Sy ine yur aa i ou ei air TAU pri 20a 2) ue you otf change oul eu dvr tote Se GEMINI Cur 2406 20) onetime le soutien MeANCHR One 2a 2 LEO Out Aug 2) faise "WIRES (hag, 2p 20 ante bn ack [fact oye ie genta Bye TODAY IN HISTORY 1 Bet Wf ioe ch ager tra dpc 166 me Ter eae he Wed Se Bt SNC ii ee bak en so yep kbs fr aes sey eee Erica of te aoe ne a anlected bran Ebmad cy wae ieee Aceon pi ene nt dnt es re in Bot, Wott, DC, sont Dehliay er ste owas Monge cee ag ete ett ye Paced tn Ny oy teh at Reems ‘i See Copper (kee Te MO onererrs cues Si cha sek re hte 2 Feught for Today: “There ae dient, Fe general news teleases,newsitems and notes of communityhappenings Tnewsapresrenlean com Ferteatures nes and events, including OvtaAbout the Sunday Spectrum pages and dally features pages Teatwesapresrepubleancem For sports news releases and event neties: ‘porsaprestepibean com For busines news and announcements Donot send nodcein tage Ses They canitbe operesbecnte ofthe! computert oration ithe stra you aeseodng ney ple cl caf sare Fr New a 8-4 fr Later tothe Stor ses seh fos 565-435, ugh NY

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