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D2 _ sunpay, octoseR21, 2018 Employers post record number of open jobs WasHINGTON — Us. employers posted the ‘most Jobe in to decades In August, and hsm also reached a record igh, ‘nec evidence that compu ales ae desperate to stat Up amid solid economic ‘owt sbosbeniage rosea night the highest on revo at Inghucht December 208, the Lavor Department ead ‘Toewday That tale fat ‘more than the 62 milion St people who were une loved tha month, "he mumber of avilable fobsias swamped the oun ber af unemployed fo ive Straight monthe, Hiring fas been sli, witch bat Patch dowe heey Siang emanfr workers Toraise pay inthe coming months Present Donald Tramp slebrated the report on ‘Titer tweetng: cred {ble mamber just out ‘Astonishing! all work {ng Tramp added thatthe ‘ck mare was “up Die ihabeterenced “rong ce hotly earings rose ES percent in September compared with a ear ear ier mat ch er several years ag but low through eres American ‘ain that ie typical when Ws a sharp turnaround trom the Great Reversion Shake atermath, In 208, Shere were ae say aa at lnemployed workers for fash avalabe jb. Now, Hoe weedrouey ‘ug the report showed, ecord bat that ierease parts reflect population "The percentage of the workforce that foun jobs sm Augut ticked pt 88 percent from 28 percent En aly. That matebed an 1jear high Hie reached ab openings tose In Austin potesana cher paving potions in cafineering, accounting Sat arehitecare, a ell {Se temporary hep. Post Inge nthat category have yurmped 27 percent rom seat oo, Construction tims are salsa desperate or warts, ostng Zon open be hate neatly 29 percent smote than Year ago Jo Spering acres in ‘Openings fell n August ihe pevio month in ‘manufacturing, ea sn0 lipped sightiy im hotels Sodeetautene industrial roduction climbed .3 percent in Sept. WASHINGTON — Us. industry expanded again in September. despite the impact of Hurricane Phrenic he Federal Reserve std ‘Tueday tal ndurtra ro diction wth anclades ot tat factorie, snes and in rue pect srl cee. Te Pe September autpagrot ‘yess than Ol percentage ‘ver he pas sear ind. tuto production rore 81 "he serease was sgtly| higher then economists Tad expected and offered more erdence hat the CS ‘canon goad ea, ‘eral economic growth Feached 4.2 percent from [pra through Sune fastest CARBON ‘oi thie bind toda: Bu, mile a cenary ago ad {he ectelogy to east, we ‘a the tol fo baie for pollution Now if we ran ture the oc buck century or te, we'd have {ompose twice the ax and ‘Some may balk at cational 0 percent com ‘ined carbon sd ache ona and 32) percent highs ta "hat would bing ase allo pice most ther ‘atone ready Pay. However at Becomes sncresingly care ant wholesale fel prices dppon 00 to os, this tax would take ‘maleate otal Many consumers worl we are areas paying Us-anemployment rate has dropped oT percent, Jonette 16, ‘ed by autos and wood product, factory produ Hon rege G2 percent In September owes growth Shee a drop Mey Man fcturers tre contending witha strengthening doar {hat makes ther products more expensive i foreign ‘Mining predution rage percent eit strait Increase. Mining outpt hich includes of and as producers, has surged 2 percent since 2016 3 oll ries rebounded fom « Elum aid ep 1.4 pe. faut ove the pst year uly output was fat last mth and Is up 3 cat ce Septet ‘ough sel here "A rarely are reverses from high el preee Abrected propery to roduce reenhouse ast rewrse abal warming andrea amazed vegonl econo ‘eat nea the brat toate reaction to Nonethe high uel pcs do forus ou ten ges of mew electri car ‘eshnologies uertending ec ‘fucation, and leaders ‘inate want better home fer on ‘ctu oer kid sees gets Tre us who dont ols teaches nance and economics a SUNY ‘ansburgh and has ab Tocl ond gla nonce Piausburge mai him: resdla amaiteom o you have an idea for features? fe a an aie 3 eal apes BUSINESS |B _PRESSREPUBLICAN.COM More deta of ti offer Oympc done tomush amar Eligible project cate Skiing opportunity cane ound onthe Maver ivr tat wate py sacle The purchase of TARE PURCID-—Iy the Lake an weete wwwin! fede wheter we carte. maciney egies ep ‘nrng snes Wee, om akon comipsage)suyore the natives We les adhe omarion or Taoerlnstatert nds Guess ca sgn apiniyd- hope er guste wl lps. Inprvemet ef agra] Genes teandUnwcinek, algac putts goaporive rasehonsereuchewothy stutter GUislattyeranieding orfesere s coup Wve eawelougttbecoaie. Appleton and cule Siero incted Os foram exdushe a private oot aii he ew Rees Sve and bronre melts, scpeense Tos opprtnty or more information, Gra Pindar raale hat aanounceneat opened Segeared or one Mowe gies tan vis wrnapeMpefesdaygntew fm Noorirresesna acs some iy tos Rieaat Culoympisoneortep ap. eregant-une rogram The dihowe ques ore AAA fnsuciona ieaare and wine fsa Appsce®. Ges fer Sbularon eur Dina rent taie isan aya tote who on Fabock Sioa ae Pot Savenorerated Sting thie winter, “for'moce miormation, Farmers supported Tickets avaiable Anion Wettsh wil 6 soda urdile dae cal ALBANY = apie Sate PLATESHURGH — Tae dtulictgacbelgues theme ate ast 18) tenpne SD) arth nny hb oan Ente sera Whdetce SELES snd penknife opt fhe il tet Tat the Mountain The 980 Olympic Yeservalnist. (oreandtent el proves. Noveh Country an Now 8 a ite ie where be learned bis ‘lon In funding to asaikt_ the SUNY Pataburgh ld Gran'with is wo ethers. Money raised any alae farmers rough Hose. Tis event combines Sow neltake prone down PLATTSBURGH — Ayple- the New York State New s footand beverage tating {hove same sabes tpecls bee's hapterhood Gl ae BarParers Grant Pa ‘apeinre anda ation amiorbleforailsiiere snd restaurants are Iatnehing The program, now ine "The auction preview fn appropriate terain for = month-long fundraiser #9 fh year roms growth bene at Spam followed by thir abit eves On-il Benet Special Opies. and development tn the the sent auction and tat scsiouswilbe ied to no world chartable organ state's gree industry. ng trom 530 tof. Auction ‘ren ive people and wil ation Uatabus to support Todwe $.27mllln hasbeen ce Stee Ba wl cep oe rear om sam tonoon. young ales tougher avarded to neatly 90 arias evening wi. the Be ancien Me been great gelling lyf jogramming asterang. Groughou New YockSatelo 7. Ateudees Wil ex)oy sore involved inthe fam leedership and melstenesexpatd ther operations and. Sampling spectallies from ‘iy buses over the sum. for persons with afeUecual Improv ther prottahy. ateatestaurens ad veedors ter since my fetirement® dalle: "Agriculture is vital to wale they bd o hundreds Weborectt said. "With aur Since 2017, New Bngland Nev York States economy, afte. ‘rst avow Murs Inthe af, Applebee's cuned abd oper" and the New Farmers Grant Restaurant gt certeats, Tonaow gelling excted to ated by Apple American Fund supports our early jewelry, artwork, savings ‘explore my home mountain Group have raised over sage armers hy promoting. onde, sorting foods ta na tare my love of eking S100 edocs tal ncerse crea carts ana it baths area sith Mirror Lake In guests This yea, evets ooking. farm profitably and ensure few ofthe many things for Yhroaghout the winter It tovgtdovolveresn patel surat farming oper ti To sees complet tof {oes have gestions for me pated in thei tore local stony ESD Presget GEO. vendors sn aeton tema bout ibe program they are hniraserstypurchasingin- ad Commisionee Wwe 2ae_ Ws wwenortbcottryham “vars welcome 19 contact sore pinup cards in land. stysle decom ine duccly at androwamir SSiacroment towards each The $1 milion New Furm- “Tiekote to Taste of the Terie com ‘Estes loa Spec Olmapics ee Grat Pund wl provge North Coury are $4 per ‘Also Wert wi appear chapter. Guess who donate grants of up to #81000 to. person before Now Yer $18 with Atiror Lake Inn aff $5 wll eceve a Uanicjou sane wth up 1030 percest_ afer that Sposoredby bw upcoming sand travel card ening them fe Sua elghe project costs. To. sb Bae, Seon Sawa Albany Gov 1104 S54 Applebee's restaurants quay alfa busines ov. fete reat Were ce {nthe Capt Cene)abdim oronve ders vad teough rs muse wthin the fst 10 Mela €batdmen, tls eve See York Gy Gan 271028. G43) Years ftaving anomersnip_ is open to eteryone Those ithe Jacob Klaite Con: "We ae looking forward Ileret nan farm busines? nder 2 must be sceomps ‘etn Cente ile willmest_ ence again supporting am. and the farm mut have 4 ned by ans endeeratoth evens and_incedise chatable part minut f6a0tinincime Call he chamber at (58) ‘rhe avalsbletotseues ner" said La rae, mar from sler of prog rown 561098 ora thet webste Mile Skeapeiences ‘Retin coordinator "Special orrased a the farm, purchase tickets git UN-SOCIAL NETWORK nM and chit produc fficer Evan Sharp poss fr apt nhs fe bse a wae pane pats he as ae at Peres eadgarters Sn Francie oh Ot. As Pinterest looks to go public, questions of profit arise BYBARBARA ORTUTAY. ie widely expected on the pblocofsuinrealfe, _eahercouthisabrowateer redone Coming ser potent aves: | uuterest was founded in. cou when you ype fot tors wil be folang at ow 2010 y Sharp and Ben Suter feeatstorecompler wien NeW YoRK—ihastagrum thinner stmaieesbdtow ma ws elerens hom te cee tosmages When youre fs the dream vacation youl much wil grow In ancther star Toe Set Panto based ooking for that ee ele ever goo and Facebok sep toward fevene gavin, service afaced men om couch ju sang Ka whe Thanking with too many thecompanyamoubeed Tues” theives adcntal Usted Joust hevigitene sere telaves arguing oer pais, daythaiturmakigiere (aa States re than Young peo wanle to be he capa ha. Parents stinganthecuch “ps” th pon abd isl, Sica Vales ser awl stow o you even whe tyyousel, wang shame tans werpom anteneta esta then Youeant putin ends tape Iroreneht sow sadsbeet- inpatin shea” Even bark then, it was Rioxssurch ene ‘inde tipping though an "The year ol company hat reminiacent of Oprah 0 Though Pintereat doesn't ‘leienlGmamtmaratne x deliberate slower growth Dream Boards place where ‘ates when poly ell Pieces as Ing ebunned meataly ~ as opposed, You “evision your bes Me™ yeahs Smale adr ingle asec network. Paceboa's "move a and. Though ail bilbourd of ng revenue when bess Beceuse otal tds! push break thngs” But shard tosis The buses eraegy spre psn wes Tod ‘ers lo edd frends or buld tel how much of ts slower Tomas he boards someting eMart eis that Po cuectonstewayrvdshare frowth is truly delberete marethanpetytangstoleak terest wil pow space’ ex Gdmetogrowquckv Bur wile ater than «aia at Pe at The bouds would eure Yeartomate than Ta ‘Misharmeunttht Pater s etismerely sabe service. something fo buy, someting. tervce hs 29 ln tes ‘ale thansuy Tater "'Semetme low and eady Tomah, ime abuses compared wh $5 alo ot (gumandPiccoktheswnce canwtheraces sud Anfrew woud want to geen tont ota ‘wer abd ore lon for Nef aaded much offs Lipman anataytatvesearch teal cuscmer nthe farm. Itagram Pores ers eo roubles around min meSrkler Ge mies Alan averse ‘el agp dpi ‘Spat ne snlin |” igge growth soul media Wir Tuesday sooance, th ewe hey ing what you te doing with. sour be ade maybotte ning cllecions of wedding. easel tem, lel nom her people” Ban Sharp, Isa anadvastagein ths dresee meome mateo wal Pateedt might hae kept Deo Pierests cofounder and oneyougetyouseLo thal sapperswiluowteaie‘oaee_ pe happy by sly ating let pedut eer sald ina Seon Valey mindset" pees and lnks fo elalersSoialmedasmaaie eve Pleo iat Peres! s main goals. webstes fo boy them. Wale "BY not creating « publi ‘Shanng Wsmosty culo cover ad iran, cuch- Pintrest already had such forum they have ade at Seliyour deans jouresr ing people ange moments "buyale pans” where people of te downsides” Leman ‘whayou want oryourhtare” such as weddings, the fst cou buy uf, the company sal "Ceneealy aces mae Thabocas act bagging you kilo fs apartsea! aid sss thee new “ped pns™ pose, upbeat Veto Is toradd fiends and see wiom eversting in bebween to corer anytmre pound ota pace mere peel gh Yul Comments setere, hep then indus ef wbatan Wb ease toad fel bed about thee tact esente ou wat out smed oradiean bane "alsin theenacttemis AD inal pub ofering of SnueandoPatrest alae ight laok Ike Is 4 Maal not tale Presta tock and bow Pere dot Sf Phtret to start seardh app, too leting Wert ing easier or ope oid err might sow wheter sling shares othe pic az- nd elated tet y taking. simular ones Whe «brow ie adel was worth

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