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‘A4 sunpay, octoseR 21, 2018 cqeate aconernce space or ‘Sto seo penle "he achol cartel lacks a spaceo accra mate ‘has besa ne tour reciurng cots szenting cer age rub reellngs ead. We do havea siguicant castor 100003 ea att eal larger up epacee would belated athe my eed he sca plano deta sce Ce ate ore fa op ingeat of having bores eit ‘Singer acing inthe par ier NEEDED UpGRADES Davey ea the proposed SATELLITE SITE PURCHASE D2"! sid the proposed Plattsburgh o ‘Masyone "Ts fe one where wee ding ous and windows ab Sputsburgh Aerouaiel batbtooms andthe hinds of Instate a oested tare things hat we real eed to ‘ad the instructional Ser~ upgrade to ep ou ates ‘aces Cente at Suse 1,18 In good shape and ta keep Art bewpestrve | them ymin ons Searle ae af CVES to he compo. “The recommendation ie nent iste apparent, that CVES purbace the val “A maar advatage i cot elie ampus plus 30 acres savings as areal of shared “ronete oan move the serie Bel es. Inertnal Senses Center "Schoo tit have the tec Davey sat copprtuty osend a stud! The adconal end would. who may beta program cra sive space for adding pro. Spal edueaion progam ht (Eumsiorcazeerandecaal thet component ston dt ‘tact ‘ot ard operate and 20 year, wee talking neon he ald stout jending fer Salon "Whether that persons (a Gnleuepapacclsiatwehaye ‘taxpayers cl guest OES Aellngoshow er bees or tH hs an tpt onthe "Tae rerommentalion is overall bagel toa eel ‘aged onthe les hal this derek and those savings [ropes going ogo upin_ae paged on tothe school Tdteevencrey beste” dt "Webel he pce of his property wl go up tree to __ PRESENTATIONS {ou tunes what we can pu CVEShasbeen bling pubs ‘Guoeitinrrightaon ueetinge nthe popoced ‘Senge oer 1 sears lating ease css or te {ve campuses woul be mae ‘ha $23 allan the ewe. ‘CONFERENCE SPACE Belles the New Yor Slate Education Department Ake nt ter nal to onetration done ot eure open. "Were ooking a potential alta projec at campo st ate ace epee Reaing resetctons ae Tce Oct. 2, 6pm at Scho ake Cental Se Weiner 6pm a Northeastern Canton Cental Scoala Champlain «"Thuaday Nv # bpm at Westar Cental thot ay. Now 450 am. Workore Developmen Board ‘Aen Eouetion Cir ‘Saranac Lae Tuesday, Nov 13, 638 pp a Beeman Catal would begin in summer 2020, ‘nth compleen etna or maxima cont lowunces of ‘bmn orth factty we Purchasing fet then completing the work mates Simin the easton ‘With thea pace, ES wold onside expanding grams hoting roi pain ener anilak- Ema Mek Ing to reusabe euergy Ike meters solar pent putoncem Devey suid they hope to. "Mutter geKenieDetle COMMUNITY FAVRO. storage on OM OMEN IN PRISON dane st the Suerte Ottice dover my Seyear eae iw entrees sto part pain roan ogra ion sear rh the DARE program andthe fearing bn schol resourc-oticet Programs and malig aa Honal programs a the see ifs Department that beve tesied the comm atk ‘rowed serves for Youth fans” BOOTS ON THE GROUND tng tat he does understand health abd counseling et rent ail eant back srt “treet allow” dates fram dentate to come op here andaisebate drs. "we can fu id ee tothese indices man are treveing here he ead "We tae en teensy exe feast wth the Platte Pale Deparment snarctes Uutindevlping cases eget tte ittenir neta Mgaton ined theses ok vera ntiiials wh are fein ob preset te federal ee tele. ‘We eet boots on ground We on ob fo aes people ‘who are preying ca uF many ‘Mov nueotc nvetigw tions are done through the inthe alan ed ating saying thal you ear bu east ois Anos ig se fr Foo ‘sth saan ze the fared oa ppl toautance ase he vst “We need focus more eray and efort on 7 freaent and programs he ‘wo eu Sh These mothers and fa Ie wba he for The county recently cee state pasha val Spa ea ain ny community, and a's Th Fwee st ‘ule cen my members in cereton and pall wil ‘ing ees ward and we do ‘eeuze oti ont hom we provide «sevice oa ttanced seve or oppor funity to reduce erie nd ree ncrersin” DEPARTMENT INNOVATIONS {oro paperes, whieh saves laapayes money and beets theenioamest We sso tied the ex offender wateh proram, ‘whch allows people tn thet doen home to acess cot fale about restored sx silencer nthe neighbor No te sens ifyovvelookng anew reds para ih rover in andout providing Ursteralequardeheen “the parent lean tule Projet aes wih HOME DE\ 1 PRESSREPUBLICAN COM rvies wristbands fo peole ‘nr Alsemmer cr cemena (ipo wham hesad ‘The wretbands emt salad asec allows ir ‘nfreement fo ad iting ‘hen they gelot sti otra ges a $id "Something he ti ie Hie also pointed to the department's use of the Mobite Patrol app which los be tin fe Information on suspects and zecelvetotfations when they are rlesed othe can ‘ake proper precatins LUFESAVING DEVICES rat ageney to pul automate ‘vier deine ite ‘lls, Pz a ‘Sate Pace ani iy Pace sow eary them a el "weve also pat Narcan in ce veil ain the eo” Pesto eld" sured 0 ‘elves in thea and severe {naires commis ‘hon County pte st arpa Vly Eluetna Secrest fora sca Frou cfieerinpace gh Sersagy Fora an ‘Were accomplished ll this throu ean, wth bo tional cotta tap ‘re nese "in Caton County Shee sifs Department recently pod ame often ‘ng wah Sate Poe anc. {an Gant Disp lowing tutor toe he clase le free reson Sherif Deparment bese ADDRESSING A RUMOR Favro quashed a rumor that hae See celine about Is dese tote oer becty Pace Departent. i have never suggested nor would I suggest, that the Shs Deparment [Sze o Paaburgh need te ‘ departinet ease ume ey started ara ror ofthe Sherif Department stag er ato tes masses Point which disbanded te pole fare ate cos-eving ‘Wile beeve in sbred sernice, there's uo Way 1 woud apport meting Pataburh” be sid QUALITY OF UFE thin that probably the mot exeing hing so is estonia ve mete ppt oe the of {htngs that nee aig empect tbe qatyofem Caton (Canty Fat a "Th pono of sbrifsan ceceemed pasion tha egues#et of comity ‘noe aoregate ‘amity ivement, ae ‘hn ae ivereeat {well Take great pride 2 nT, T's Been a privege tobe the shri of tis county. A lot ot the cre tral ges to ‘heen std women otis ‘epartent We now have a very goog ery compet "pb et Beematinpres npateon em Thetor eobBemets COR 50% Gas Categories Listed Lamp Lanpsaaes 7a lone sas nd as be The prchateroes Sheree tp Se poe Sap aera clea Der le The Dee 1 referent on ‘he capital project requ Spe majesty vote to pace pera Moron tren Cinta, Base, Wa ‘ean Washing tes, Tiere Ye the breakdown ofthe esimated yey ta " ‘100000 property frit Anas Beekmastow, 4659, Char. ‘se, Crown Point, $672 lgabelhtown Lew, $5.1 Keeve, $157 Moriah 1021 ‘othcasers Can $4 Northern Advondach $40 Peruy seat Plattsburgh £734 tna, $1.57 Saranac Sei, Sehtoon Lake 1.71 ‘Teanderoga 4.78 Wetpor, Sheard Wilber 658 sreording. to a bresk down provided in a CVS ‘Keene with « five-year cuolient average ef st dens fer example woul, ov ta ose ts ertinatod ‘Bare of a7. "ht figure represents 9 percent of he teal project fost The yearly tat ob a ‘tog00 property, Incuding Base STAR woul te $330 Iker nti the igheat ve-year average ‘crliment, coming ns 8 ‘Sadens ‘That ietriet would be 184 percent of be ‘bout $429 ion, Ut rovete BOCES ue al dng 8.208120. That ould leave Sanet. sto be tho dered by taxpaver. The estimated fetly tax cover 15 yeas on a property sessed at $100,00 would VES COMPONENTS ‘THe, the Career a0 Tech ‘Meal Bastion Cente: the Special Eduetion Ditson, for suents agers through 2 the Instructional Ser ‘ies Center, wich provides {eather rang ray eam Seta ean Agung In manatoi grant wring DISTRICT BREAKDOMN 84 the Management Ser eee ATTENTION Jey Sees Pepe en rn We Pay $15 per oz. 1-5 07. $18 per o7. over 5 oz. ‘We also buy Bar Skulls, Teeth and Claw No Cubs Pease all for Shipping Details Certified Seles Walk-Ins Welcome CCallforan Appointment All Bear parts MUST have hunting ese information North Country Taxidermy EN alacaskemyninepaon Sa rn FALL HOME & PARTY DECOR, FLORAL AND CRAFTS: ma? (CHRISTMAS DECOR (CHRISTMAS TREES 402 CHRISMAS FLORAL CHRISTWAS LIGHT SETS "A2 ACCESSORIES a CHRISTMAS. CRAFTS ANZ A a 23 ont FURNITURE 30% BEST-SELLII 40% - 50% YARN & NEEDLE ART execs 90: pa a5 HALLOWEEN 40; ING BOOKS 30% recsetiar me 3.99 1% (AMES 50: ‘ALL ITEMS LABELED THE PAPER Ae, AL TENS LABELED THE PAP a JEWELRY MAKING 50% CUSTOM F FRAMES 505 compere scarce FREE QUOTES RAFTS 305 eet SE 799 499 599 y ALL FABRIC | ‘es:stetersonws | 30% sce: 90%

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