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What Is An Archives?

n archives is a place religious and business leaders, fied, which means that they are cation for naturalization. In
where people go to find social activists, and more! accessible to researchers. And addition, the National Archives
information. But rather NARA employs about 3,000 has all census records dating
Archives – and the professional
than gathering information from full- and part-time workers to back to the very first U.S. cen-
archivists who work in them
books as you would in a library, help facilitate the use of its hold- sus.
– make sure that all impor-
people who do research in ings. Many of the records in the
tant records will be available And what about other types of
archives often gather firsthand National Archives are available
for research by generations to archives? Your county clerk’s
facts, data, and evidence from on microfilm, and more than
come. To help preserve material, office is the official record keeper
letters, reports, notes, memos, 124,000 digital images of docu-
archivists in all types of reposi- for births, marriages, and deaths
photographs, audio and video ments can be seen on NARA’s
tories store archived records in that occur in your county. Your
recordings, and other primary website (
acid-free folders within acid-free town or city clerk’s office main-
boxes that are placed in dark Some of the oldest materials in tains the official record of your
Whether or not you realize it, spaces with consistent tempera- the National Archives are on town or city council. If there is
you probably have an archives ture and humidity. parchment and date back to the a college or university nearby,
in your home. It might be in a founding of the United States it may house a collection of an
Does your family use any kind of
filing cabinet in the study, a box of America. These include the author’s manuscripts or a scien-
preservation technology to pre-
in the basement, a chest in the records of the Continental and tist’s notes, just as the Robert W
serve your archive collection?
attic – or even in all three. This Confederation congresses. Woodruff Library at the Atlanta
is your personal archives: a col- America’s largest archives is Some of the more recent hold- University Center houses the
lection of material that records the National Archives in Wash- ings include electronic files that papers of Martin Luther King
important events from your fam- ington, DC. What makes Amer- came from the Clinton White Jr. Another place that probably
ily’s history. ica’s National Archives different House. has an archives is your church,
from what you might call your synagogue, or mosque.
Believe it or not, there are simi- What is the oldest object or
personal memory box?
larities between your family’s document in your family’s Have you visited an archives in
archives and local, state, or The materials held by the archives? your town? Chances are there’s
national archives. All save items National Archives and Records one nearby that would wel-
There also are ways that your
to serve as proof that an event Administration (NARA) num- come your visit. And, of course,
family archives and other
occurred, to explain how some- ber in the billions! NARA’s there’s always your family’s
archives complement each
thing happened, or for finan- holdings are created either by archives…..
other. For example, your fam-
cial or sentimental reasons. All or for the federal government.
ily’s archives might contain the This material was adapted from
types of archives may be stored The material comes from the
final certificate for your great- an article written by Lee Ann
in more than one location. And executive, legislative, and judi-
great grandfather’s homestead. Potter for Cobblestone Maga-
both personal archives and cial branches. Although your
And guess what – the National zine in September 2003. Lee Ann
larger archives save a variety of records are personal, those held
Archives holds the original Potter is the Head of Education
materials that can range from by the National Archives are
application for that homestead! and Volunteer Programs at the
letters, to photographs, to films, official. Your family’s archives
Also, your family’s archives may National Archives and Records
to databases, to official docu- might contain, for example,
include a photograph from the Administration in Washington,
ments, and more. your great-grandmother’s diary,
day your grandmother became DC. n
while the National Archives
But what are the retains the correspondence files
a U.S. citizen. Well, the National
differences? of past U.S. presidents and pre-
Archives contains your grand-
Archives come in all shapes mother’s government appli-
vious directors of federal agen-
and sizes. There are national cies. Or your family’s archives
archives, state archives, city
Your History Is
might include your birth cer-
archives, community archives, tificate. The National Archives
business archives, church
Our Country’s History…
holds the original, signed “birth
archives, and more. There are certificate” for our nation – the
archives for different types of Declaration of Independence.
government records, and also Letters from relatives, your grandmother’s diary, photos and videos
archives that contain the per- Chances are that you and your of you and your friends, and other material collected over the years
sonal records of people and orga- immediate family members are provides vital and unique information about your life or the history
nizations. There are archives the only ones with access to of your family. Obviously these items are important to you. But
that contain the personal papers your family’s archival materials. they also may be important to your community, state, or country,
of famous leaders (for example, The holdings in the National too. Whether or not members of your family attained a degree
Martin Luther King, Jr), authors Archives, on the other hand, of fame, they have contributed to the heritage of a certain place
(for example, Maya Angelou and are available to almost every- and time. When you donate your personal or family papers to an
Ernest Hemingway), scientists one. More than ninety-five archives, your family history becomes a part of your community’s
(for example, Albert Einstein percent of the records in the – and America’s – collective memory. n
and Marie Curie), performers, National Archives are declassi-

A m e r i c a n A r c h i v e s M o n t h 2007: W h a t I s A n A r c h i v e s ?

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