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__CORNER DESIGN Billfold Tracing and Photo Patterns. See Pages How to Filigree the Leather Prepating the Billfold for Assembly ‘How to Hand Sew — Saddle Stitching Sewing the Billfold Lacing the Billfold d Splicing the Lacing — Broken Lace 1" Alphabet 13%” Alphabet 3" Alphabet oR RABE FOREWORD ‘This book is prepared for those who haye already had some ‘experience in leather carving. and desire something more chat Tenging. The patterns presented have heen selected for their finer eeu tod especially for their intricate Ailieree design. For those ‘hot having had previous Bigure Carving experience, ws suggested ‘hat they obtain one Or more of the following: books: “How To Carve Leather’, “Figure Carving", or “Pict! Carving.” These books offer stem-by-step instruction in the use of the fyure canving Tools and show how to create the tiny demils t9 he found on the designs within chess pages. For proper instructions on the inyerced ‘carving designs, see the book. “Inverted Lesther Carving’. This method of cicving is fase, effective, and very easy co do. Ie reauires fewer tools chan regular carving. “How To Color Leather” is « {good book to study, for those desiring w color shade their leather carved projects, Some of the examples ate shows on the covers of this book. A-sperial section of the hook i devoted co che art of Filigree. ‘This instruction besos on page 22, showing the tools required. ‘whether one uses the Filigece blade wich the swivel knife bacrel,, ‘or the X-Acto knife, the importanc thing is to have the knife blade very sharp. Strop the blade often on a zouge strop board wo keep it sharp. By carefully following the instructions in te book, you sould have litle trouble with your work. Some practice & recom. mended on scraps of leather, if you have had no previous experi ‘ence. Hest results will be obtained by cutting through the full thickness of the leather with one cut, cather thas several swipes ff the blade in cutting through the dickness. ‘This leaves the cut edges very rough, which i uadesicable for a professional appear: ‘We have also included some special instructions on how co hand sew your hilllolds with dhe saddle stitch. To many people, this has always been a bewildering problem. SELT DESIGNS AROUND BORDER simple ta do. fe is much faseee chan lacing andl will far owease the feather lacing for dutabilicy. Once you have mastered this techs ‘nique of sewiig, you will use ie on. many_of your lesthercraht projects, The profesioval ocver lays the needles or dhe aw! while sewing, The awl is held jn the tight hand (iP ight handed), “with acniecille in each hand. At st, chis will seem very awkward) However, J€ you will persist, the operation will become fanuliac and you will discover that you cin sew vety fast, Aluajs push the 7 heed thew che ave] hole front the buck side fine, .» - hen the reels from the fronc side thru the sime hole. Never vary this: Deovedure. Ie will tke a good deal of practice to inasicr this are + bule once you have... your stitches will he a event and neat machine eewings only much stronger Practice on scraps of Teather until you become proficient with che awl and the needles ull each ofl stitcics io with undorm tightness. Carefully study ail of the instevetions fa die book: When inaking the Traciog Pateras, extreme care should be used to follogy all of tke tines faithfully, Special attention should be given to the conformation of the figures and also to the fine filigree areas of the design. All of the lines on the pattern should ‘be traced, including she douted Lines. The doued lines, howeres, should not be cut with the Knife blade... these are used as guide lives for beveling or for movleling contours, etc. For those finding the tracing procedures very difficule .. . Crajacd plastic templates ace ayailable for each of the Billfold patterns in shi hhoole. Ask your Craftaid or Craftool desler about them. Ic is our hope thae this bool will bring you swany enjoyable hours of personal satisfaction and she pride of achievement. ‘whether for profit or for fan, ‘Many Happy Hours, At STOHLMAN

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