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Tutorial on Control Theory

Stefan Simrock, ITER

ICALEPCS, WTC Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011 1

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
• Introduction to feedback control
• Model of dynamic systems
• State space
• Transfer functions
• Stability
• Feedback analysis
• Controller Design

• Matlab / Simulink Tools

• Example beam control

• Example Plasma Control

ICALEPCS, WTC Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011 2

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
1.Control Theory
The course on control theory is concerned with the analysis and design of closed loop
control systems.

Closed loop system is given determine characteristics or behavior

Desired system characteristics or behavior are specified configure or synthesize closed
loop system

Input Variable

Measurement of
Variable Variable

Control-system components
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
A closed-loop system is a system in which certain forces (we call these inputs) are
determined, at least in part, by certain responses of the system (we call these outputs).

System System
inputs outputs

Closed loop system

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
The system for measurement of a variable (or signal) is called a sensor.
A plant of a control system is the part of the system to be controlled.
The compensator (or controller or simply filter) provides satisfactory
characteristics for the total system.

System Manipulated System

input Error variable output
+ Compensator Plant


Closed loop control system

Two types of control systems:

A regulator maintains a physical variable at some constant value in the

presence of perturbances.
A servomechanism describes a control system in which a physical variable is
required to follow, or track some desired time function (originally applied in order
to control a mechanical position or motion).
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
Example 1: RF control system

Maintain stable gradient and phase.
Feedback for gradient amplitude and phase.

Phase amplitude
controller controller Klystron cavity



set point

Phase detector
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
Mathematical description of input-output relation of components combined with block

Amplitude loop (general form):

Reference controller
error cavity
input RF power output
amplifier plant


Gradient detector

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
RF control model using “transfer functions”
controller Klystron

Control input U(s)

Reference input cavity Output
Error E(s) Y(s)
H c (s )
K(s) P(s)

Gradient detector
A transfer function of a linear system is defined as the ratio of the Laplace
transform of the output and the Laplace transform of the input with I. C .’s =zero.
Input-Output Relations
Input Output Transfer Function

U(s) Y(s) G(s) = P(s)K(s)

E(s) Y(s) L(s) = G(s)Hc(s)

R(s) Y(s) T(s) = ( 1 + L(s)M(s)) −1 L(s)

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
Example2: Electrical circuit

i(t) R1
V1(t) R2 V2(t)

Differential equations: t
R1 i(t) + R2 i(t) + ∫ i (τ ) dτ = V1(t)
R2 i(t) + ∫ i(τ ) dτ = V2(t)
Laplace Transform:
R1 I(s) + R2 I(s) + I(s) = V1(s)
s ⋅C
R2 I(s) + I(s) = V2(s)
s ⋅C
Transfer function:
V2(s) R2 ⋅ C ⋅ s + 1
G(s) = =
V1(s) (R1 + R2 )C ⋅ s + 1

Input V1 ,output V2
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
Example 3: Circuit with operational amplifier

R2 C
i1 R1
Vi Vo
Vi(s) = R1 I 1(s) and Vo(s) = − R2 +
1 
 I 1(s)
 s ⋅C 
V (s) R ⋅C ⋅ s + 1
G(s) = 0 = − 2
Vi(s) R1 ⋅ C ⋅ s
It is convenient to derive a transfer function for a circuit with a single operational
amplifier that contains input and feedback impedance:
Z f (s)
Z i(s) -
Vi(s) Vo(s)

Vo(s) Z f (s)
Vi(s) = Z i(s) I(s) and Vo(s) = − Z f (s) I(s) G(s) = =−
Vi(s) Z i(s)
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
Model of Dynamic System
We will study the following dynamic system:
k : spring constant
γ k γ : damping constant
u(t) : force
Quantity of interest:
m=1 y(t) y(t) : displacement from equilibrium
Differential equation: Newton’s third law (m = 1)

&y&(t ) = ∑ Fext = − k y (t ) − γ y& (t ) + u (t )

&y&(t ) + γ y& (t ) + k y (t ) = u (t )
y (0 ) = y0 , y& (0 ) = y& 0
Equation is linear (i.e. no y& like terms).
∂ ∂
Ordinary (as opposed to partial e.g. = f (x,t ) = 0 )
∂x ∂t
All coefficients constant: k (t ) = κ ,γ(t ) = γ for all t
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
Model of Dynamic System
Stop calculating, let’s paint!!!
Picture to visualize differential equation
1.Express highest order term (put it to one side)

&y&(t ) = − k y (t ) − γ y& (t ) + u (t )

2.Putt adder in front

u (t ) &y&(t )
− γ y& (t )
− k y(t )

3.Synthesize all other terms using integrators!

Block diagram
u (t ) + &y&(t ) y& (t ) y (t )
- ∫ ∫

k 12
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.1 Linear Ordinary Differential Equation (LODE)
General form of LODE:
y (n ) (t ) + an −1 y (n −1) (t ) + ... + a1 y& (t ) + a0 y (t ) = bm u (m ) (t ) + ... + b1 u& (t ) + b0 u (t )
m ,n Positive integers, m ≤ n ; coefficients a0 ,a1 ,...,a n −1 , b0 ,...,bm real numbers.

Mathematical solution: hopefully you know it

Solution of LODE: y(t ) = yh (t ) + yp (t ),

Sum of homogeneous solution y h (t ) (natural response) solving
y (n ) (t ) + a n − 1 y (n − 1 ) (t ) + ... + a 1 y& (t ) + a 0 y (t ) = 0
And particular solution y p (t ) .

How to get natural response yh (t) ? Characteristic polynomial

χ ( λ ) = λ n + an −1 λ n −1 + a1 λ + a0 = 0
(λ − λ1 ) r ⋅ (λ − λr +1 ) ⋅ ... ⋅ (λ − λn ) = 0
y h (t ) = (c1 + c2 t + ... + cr t r −1 ) e λ t + cr +1e λ
+ ... + cn e λn t
r +1 t

Determination of y p (t ) relatively simple, if input u (t ) yields only a finite number of

independent derivatives. E.g.: u (t ) ≅ e , β r t .
ξt r

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.1Linear Ordinary Differential Equation (LODE)
Most important for control system/feedback design:
y (n) (t ) + a n −1 y (n −1 ) (t ) + ... + a1 y& (t ) + a0 y(t) = bm u ( m ) (t ) + ... + b1 u& (t ) + b0 u (t )

In general: given any linear time invariant system described by LODE can be
realized/simulated/easily visualized in a block diagram (n = 2 , m = 2 )
Control-canonical form

+ +
u (t ) + x2 x1 y (t )
∫ ∫ b0 +

Very useful to visualize interaction between variables!
What are x1 and x2 ????
More explanation later, for now: please simply accept it!
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.2 State Space Equation
Any system which can be presented by LODE can be represented in State space
form (matrix differential equation).
What do we have to do ???
Let’s go back to our first example (Newton’s law):

&y&(t ) + γ y& (t ) + k y (t ) = u (t )
1. STEP: Deduce set off first order differential equation in variables

x j (t ) (so-called states of system)

x1 (t ) ≅ Position : y (t )

x2 (t ) ≅ Velocity : y& (t ) :

x&1 (t ) = y& (t ) = x2 (t )

x&2 (t ) = &y&(t ) = −k y(t ) − γ y& (t ) + u(t )

= −k x1 (t ) − γ x2 (t ) + u(t )
One LODE of order n transformed into n LODEs of order 1
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.2 State Space Equation
2. STEP:
Put everything together in a matrix differential equation:

 x&1 (t ) 0 1  x1 (t ) 0 
 x& (t )  -k - γ   x (t ) + 1  u (t )
 2     2   

x& (t ) = A x (t ) + B u (t )
State equation
 x (t )
y (t ) = [1 0 ]  1 
 x 2 (t )

y (t ) = C x(t ) + D u (t )
Measurement equation


The system state x of a system at any time t0 is the “amount of information” that,
together with all inputs for t ≥ t0 , uniquely determines the behaviour of the system
for all t ≥ t0 .
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.2 State Space Equation
The linear time-invariant (LTI) analog system is described via
Standard form of the State Space Equation

x& (t ) = A x(t ) + B u (t ) State equation

y (t ) = C x(t ) + D u (t ) State equation
 x1 (t )
Where x& (t ) is the time derivative of the vector x(t ) =  ⋅ ⋅ ⋅  . And starting conditions x (t0 )
 xn (t )
System completely described by state space matrixes A, B, C, D ( in the most cases D =0 ).
Declaration of variables
Variable Dimension Name
X (t ) n×1 state vector
n×n system matrix
B n× r input matrix
u (t ) r ×1 input vector
y (t ) p ×1 output vector
C p×n output matrix
D p×r matrix representing direct coupling
between input and output
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.2 State Space Equation
Why all this work with state space equation? Why bother with?
BECAUSE: Given any system of the LODE form

y (n ) (t ) + a n −1 y (n −1 ) (t ) + ... + a1 y& (t ) + a0 y (t ) = bm u (m ) (t ) + ... + b1 u& (t ) + b0 u (t )

Can be represented as
x& (t ) = A x (t ) + B u (t )
y (t ) = C x (t ) + D u (t )

with e.g. Control-Canonical Form (case n = 3 ,m = 3 ):

 0 1 0 0 
A =  0 0 1  , B = 0  , C = [b0 b1 b2 ] , D = b3
 − a0 − a1 − a2  1 
or Observer-Canonical Form:
0 0 − a0  b0 
A = 1 0 − a1  ,B = b1  ,C = [0 0 1] ,D = b3
0 1 − a2  b2 
Notation is very compact, But: not unique!!!
Computers love state space equation! (Trust us!)
Modern control (1960-now) uses state space equation.
General (vector) block diagram for easy visualization.
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.2 State Space Equation
Block diagrams:
Control-canonical Form:
b2 b1
+ x2 x1 + y (t )
- ∫ ∫ b0
u (t ) -
a1 a0
Observer-Canonical Form:
u (t )

b0 b1 b2
+ +
x1 + x2 + + y(t)
∫ ∫
- -
a0 a1
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.2 State Space Equation
Now: Solution of State Space Equation in the time domain. Out of the hat…et voila:
x(t ) = Φ (t ) x(0 ) + ∫ Φ (τ ) B u (t − τ ) dτ

Natural Response + Particular Solution

y (t ) = C x(t ) + D u (t )
= C Φ(t ) x(0 ) + C ∫ Φ(τ ) B u (t − τ ) dτ + D u (t )

With the state transition matrix

A2 2 A3 3
Φ (t ) = I + At + t + t + ... = e A t
2! 3!
Exponential series in the matrix A (time evolution operator) properties of Φ (t ) (state transition matrix).
dΦ (t )
1. = A Φ (t )
2 .Φ (0 ) = I
3.Φ (t1 + t 2 ) = Φ (t1 ) ⋅ Φ (t 2 )
4 .Φ −1 (t ) = Φ (− t )
0 1  0 0  1 t 
A=  ⇒ A 2
=   , Φ (t ) = I + At =   = eAt
0 0  0 0  0 1 
Matrix A is a nilpotent matrix.
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.3 Examples
It is given the following differential equation:
d2 d
y (t ) + 4 y (t ) + 3 y (t ) = 2 u (t )
dt 2 dt
State equations of differential equation:

Let x1 (t ) = y (t ) and x2 (t ) = y& (t ) . It is:

x&1 (t ) = y& (t ) = x2 (t )
x&2 (t ) + 4 x2 (t ) + 3 x1 (t ) = 2 u(t )
x&2 (t ) = −3 x1 (t ) − 4 x2 (t ) + 2 u(t )

Write the state equations in matrix form:

 x1 (t )
Define system state x(t ) =   . Then it follows:
 2  (t )
0 1  0 
x& (t ) =   x (t ) + 2  u (t )
 - 3 − 4   
y (t ) = [1 0 ] x(t )
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.3 Cavity Model
Ig circulator Conductor Ib

. Zo . Zo Ro Ib
I g ~ Generator Zo L ~ Beam-Current

. . .
Coupler 1:m
I 'g Ir Ib
Equivalent circuit:

I 'g ~ Rext L C ~ Ib
1 & 1
C ⋅ U&& + ⋅ U + ⋅U = I&g′ + I&b
1 ω
ω1 / 2: = = 0
2 RL C 2QL
2 
U&& + 2ω1 / 2 ⋅ U& + ω02 ⋅ U = 2 RL ω1 / 2 ⋅  I&g + I&b 
m  22
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.3 Cavity Model
Only envelope of rf (real and imaginary part) is of interest:

U (t ) = (U r (t ) + i U i (t )) ⋅ exp (i ωHF t)
I g (t ) = (I gr (t ) + i I gi (t ))⋅ exp(i ωHF t )
I b (t ) = (I bω r (t ) + i I bω i (t )) ⋅ exp(i ωHF t ) = 2(I b0 r (t ) + i I b0 i (t )) ⋅ exp(i ωHF t )

Neglect small terms in derivatives for U and I

U&&r + iU&&i (t ) << ωHF

(Ur (t ) + iUi (t ))
2ω (U& + iU& (t )) << ω2 (U (t)+ iU (t))
1/ 2 r r HF r i
t2 t2

∫ (I& (t ) + iI& (t )) dt << ∫ ω (I (t ) + iI (t )) dt

r i
HF r i

Envelope equations for real and imaginary component.

r 1 
U& r (t ) + ω1/ 2 ⋅Ur + ∆ω⋅Ui = ωHF   ⋅  I gr + Ib0r 
Q  m 
r 1 
U& i (t ) + ω1/ 2 ⋅Ui − ∆ω⋅Ur = ωHF   ⋅  I gi + Ib0i 
Q  m  23
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.3 Cavity Model
Matrix equations:
1 
U& r (t ) − ω1 / 2 − ∆ω  U r (t )  r  1
0   m gr
(t ) + I b0 r (t )
& =  ⋅ U (t )  + ωHF   ⋅ 0 ⋅
1  1

U i (t )   ∆ ∆ω − ω1/ 2   i  Q  I gi (t ) + I b0 i (t ) 
 m 
With system Matrices:
− ω1 / 2 − ∆ω   r  1 0 
A=  B = ωHF   ⋅  
 ∆ω − ω1/ 2    
Q 0 1

1 
r U r (t ) r
 m gr (t ) + I b0 r (t )
x (t ) =   u (t ) =  
U i (t )  1
 I (t ) + I (t ) 
 m gi b0 i

General Form:

r r r
x& (t ) = A ⋅ x (t ) + B ⋅ u (t )

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.3 Cavity Model
Solution: t
r r r
x (t ) = Φ (t ) ⋅ x (0 ) + ∫ Φ (t − t' ) ⋅ B ⋅ u (t ′) dt ′

− ω1 / 2 t cos ( ∆ωt ) − sin ( ∆ωt )

Φ(t) = e  sin ( ∆ωt ) 
 cos ( ∆ωt )

Special Case:

1 
 m gr (t ) + I b0 r (t ) I r 
u (t ) =   = : 
 I gi (t ) + I b0 i (t )   I i 
m 
ωHF  
U r (t )  Q  ⋅ ω1 / 2 − ∆ω  ⋅ 1 − cos( ∆ωt ) − sin( ∆ωt )  e −ω1 / 2 t  ⋅  I r 
U (t )  ω 2 + ∆ω 2  ∆ω    sin( ∆ωt )    
 i  1/ 2  ω1/ 2    cos ( ∆ωt )  Ii 

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.3 Cavity Model
+ 1 1 Scope
s s
Step - - Integrator 1
Gain 1 Harmonic oscillator

Gain 2

Harmonic oscillator

x′ = Ax + Bu Scope
y = Cx + Du
State space

cavity x′ = Ax + Bu
Load Data
y = Cx + Du
State space Scope

Step 26
2.3 Cavity Model
+ 1
k s
Step - -
Gain 2


Gain 4

Load Data dw
Gain 5

+ 1
Step 1 - + Integrator 1

Gain 3

2.4 Masons Rule
Mason’s Rule is a simple formula for reducing block diagrams. Works on continuous and
discrete. In its most general form it is messy, but For special case when all path touch

H(s) =
∑ ( forward path gains )
1-∑ (loop path gains )

Two path are said to touch if they have a component in common, e.g. an adder.
10 11
U 1
2 3
H2 4 5
H3 6 Y
9 8 7
 Forward path: F1: 1 - 10 - 11 - 5 – 6
F2 : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 – 6 G( f1 ) = H5 H3
G( f2 ) = H1 H2 H3
 Loop path : I1: 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 – 9
G(I1 ) = H2 H4
I2 : 5 - 6 - 7
G(I2 ) = H3
Check: all path touch (contain adder between 4 and 5)

G( f1 ) + G( f 2 ) H 5 H 3 + H1 H 2 H 3 H 3 (H 5 + H1 H 2 )
 By Mason’s rule: H= = =
1 − G(l1 ) − G(l2 ) 1 − H 2 H 4 − H 3 1 − H 2 H4 − H3 28
2.5 Transfer Function G (s)
Continuous-time state space model
x& (t ) = A x(t ) + B u (t ) State equation
y (t ) = C x(t ) + D u (t ) Measurement equation

Transfer function describes input-output relation of system.

U(s) System Y(s)

s X (s) − x(0) = A X (s ) + B U(s)

X (s ) = (sI − A) x (0 ) + (sI − A) B U (s )
−1 −1

= φ(s ) x (0 ) + φ(s ) B U (s )

Y (s ) = C X (s ) + D U (s )
= C[ (sI − A) ]x(0 ) + [c(sI − A) B + D]U (s )
−1 −1

= C φ(s ) x(0 ) + C φ(s ) B U (s ) + D U (s )

Transfer function G (s ) ( pxr ) (case: x(0)=0):

G (s ) = C (sI − A) B + D = C φ(s ) B + D

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.5 Transfer Function
Transfer function of TESLA cavity including 8/9-pi mode

H cont (s ) ≈ H cav (s ) = H π (s ) + H 8 (s )

(ω1 / 2 )π  s + (ω1 / 2 )π − ∆ωπ 

π − mode H π (s ) = 
2 

∆ωπ + (s + (ω1 / 2 )π )  − ∆ωπ
s + (ω1 / 2 )π 

(ω1 / 2 )8 π  s + (ω1 / 2 )8 π − ∆ω 8 
8  9
π 
2  
π − mode H 8 (s) = −
∆ ω + ( )
+  s + (ω1 / 2 )8 π  
9 π s ω 8
π 
∆ω 82 8
1/ 2

π  9 

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.5 Transfer Function of a Closed Loop System
R (s ) E (s ) U (s ) Y(s)
H c (s ) G(s )

M (s)

We can deduce for the output of the system.

Y (s) = G(s) U (s) = G(s) Hc (s) E(s)

= G(s) Hc (s) [R(s) − M (s ) Y (s)]
= L(s) R(s) − L(s) M (s) Y (s)

With L(s ) the transfer function of the open loop system (controller plus plant).

(I + L(s ) M (s )) Y (s ) = L(s ) R(s )

Y (s ) = (I + L(s ) M (s )) L(s ) R(s )

= T (s ) R(s )

T (s ) is called : Reference Transfer Function

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.5 Sensitivity
The ratio of change in Transferfunction T(s) by the parameter b can be defined as:

System characteristics change with system parameter variations

∆T(s) b The sensitivity function is defined as:

T(s) ∆b ∆T(s) b ∂T(s) b
SbT = lim =
∆b →0 ∆b T(s) ∂b T(s)
Or in General sensitivity function of a characteristics W with respect to the parameter b:
∂W b
SbW =
∂b W
Example: plant with proportional feedback given by Gc (s ) = K p G p (s ) =
s + 0 .1
K p G p (s ) |S|
Reference transfer function T(s): T (s ) =
1 + K p G p (s )H k
− K p G p ( jω )H k − 0.25K p
S HT ( jω ) = = Kp=1
1 + K p G p ( jω )H k 0.1 + 0.25 K p + jω
Increase of H results in decrease of T
 System cant be insensitive to both H,T omega
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.5 Disturbance Rejection

Disturbances are system influences we do not control and want to minimize its
impact on the system.
G c (s) ⋅ G p (s) G d (s)
C (s ) = R(s) + D(s)
1 + G c (s) ⋅ G p (s) ⋅ H(s) 1 + G c (s) ⋅ G p (s) ⋅ H(s)
= T(s) ⋅ R(s) + T d (s) ⋅ D(s)
Gd (s)
To Reject disturbances, make Td ⋅ D(s ) small!
R(s) Gc (s) Gp (s) C(s)

 Using frequency response approach to

investigate disturbance rejection H(s)
 In general Td ( jω ) cant be small for all -ω
Design Td ( jω ) small for significant
portion of system bandwidth

 Reduce the Gain Gd ( jω ) between dist. Input and output

 Increase the loop gain Gc( jω )Gp( jω ) without increasing the gain Gd ( jω ).Usually
accomplished by the compensator Gc( jω ) choice
 Reduce the disturbance magnitude d (t ) should always be attempted if reasonable
 Use feed forward compensation, if disturbance can be measured.
2.6 Stability
Now what do we know:
The impulse response tells us everything about the system response to any arbitrary
input signal u(t) .

what we have not learnt:

If we know the transfer function G(s), how can we deduce the systems behavior?
What can we say e.g. about the system stability?


A linear time invariant system is called to be BIBO stable (Bounded-input-bounded-output)

For all bounded inputs u (t ) ≤ M 1 (for all t) exists a boundary for the output signal M 2 ,
So that y (t ) ≤ M 2 . (for all t) with M 1 and M 2 , positive real numbers.

Input never exceeds M 1 and output never exceeds M 2 , then we have BIBO

Note: it has to be valid for ALL bounded input signals!

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.6 Stability
Example: Y (s ) = G (s ) U (s ), integrator G (s ) =
u (t ) = δ (t ), U (s ) = 1
y (t ) = L−1 [Y (s )] = L−1   = 1

The bounded input signal causes a bounded output signal.

u (t ) = 1 , U (s ) =
 1 
y (t ) = L− 1 [Y (s )] = L− 1  2  = t
s 

BIBO-stability has to be shown/proved for any input. Is is not sufficient to show

its validity for a single input signal!

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.6 Stability

Condition for BIBO stability:

We start from the input-output relation

Y (s ) = G(s ) U (s )

By means of the convolution theorem we get

t t ∞
y (t ) = ∫ g (τ ) u (t − τ ) dτ
≤ ∫ g (τ ) u (t − τ )
dτ ≤ M 1 ∫
g (τ ) dτ ≤ M 2

Therefore it follows immediately:

If the impulse response is absolutely integrable

g (t ) dt < ∞
Then the system is BIBO-stable.

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.7 Poles and Zeroes

Can stability be determined if we know the TF of a system?

[sI − A] adj
G (s ) = C Φ (s ) B + D = C B+D
χ (s )

Coefficients of Transfer function G(s) are rational functions in the complex variables

∏ mk =1 (s − zk ) N ij (s )
g ij (s ) = α ⋅ n =
∏ l =1 (s − pl ) Dij (s )
z k Poles, α real constant, and it is m ≤ n (we assume common factors have
already been canceled!)

What do we know about the zeros and the poles?

Since numerator N (s ) and denominator D(s ) are polynomials with real coefficients,
Poles and zeroes must be real numbers or must arise as complex conjugated pairs!

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.7 Poles and Zeroes
Stability directly from state-space
Re call : H (s ) = C (sI − A) B + D

Assuming D=0 (D could change zeros but not poles)

Cadj (sI − A)B b(s )
H (s ) = =
det (sI − A) a (s )
Assuming there are no common factors between the poly Cadj (sI − A)B and det (sI − A)
i.e. no pole-zero cancellations (usually true, system called “ minimal” ) then we can identify

and b(s) = Cadj (sI − A) B

a(s) = det (sI − A)

i.e. poles are root of det (sI − A)

Let λ i be the i eigenvalue of A

if Re {λi } ≤ 0 forall i => System stable

So with computer, with eigenvalue solver, can determine system stability directly from coupling matrix A.

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.8 Stability Criteria
 A system is BIBO stable if, for every bounded input, the output remains bounded with
Increasing time.

 For a LTI system, this definition requires that all poles of the closed-loop transfer-function
(all roots of the system characteristic equation) lie in the left half of the complex plane.

Several methods are available for stability analysis:

1.Routh Hurwitz criterion

2.Calculation of exact locations of roots

a. Root locus technique
b. Nyquist criterion
c. Bode plot

3.Simulation (only general procedures for nonlinear systems)

 While the first criterion proofs whether a feedback system is stable or unstable,
the second Method also provides information about the setting time (damping term).

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.8 Poles and Zeroes
Pole locations tell us about impulse response i.e. also stability:

Medium oscillation Im (s) = ω Fast oscillation

Medium decay No growth


Medium oscillation
Medium growth
Re (s) = σ

No Oscillation No oscillation No oscillation
Fast Decay No growth Fast growth

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.8 Poles and Zeroes

Furthermore: Keep in mind the following picture and facts!

Complex pole pair: Oscillation with growth or decay.

Real pole: exponential growth or decay.

Poles are the Eigenvalues of the matrix A.

Position of zeros goes into the size of c j ....

 In general a complex root must have a corresponding conjugate root ( N(s), D(S) polynomials
with real coefficients.

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.8 Bode Diagram


ω2 ω
Gm Gain Margin

00 ω2 ω1 ω
− 900
Phase Margin φm
− 180

The closed loop is stable if the phase of the unity crossover frequency of the OPEN LOOP
Is larger than-180 degrees.

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.8 Root Locus Analysis
Definition: A root locus of a system is a plot of the roots of the system characteristic
equation (the poles of the closed-loop transfer function) while some parameter of the
system (usually the feedback gain) is varied.

p3 p2 p1

K H (s ) =
(s − p1 ) (s − p 2 ) (s − p 3 )
R (s ) + Y(s)
K H(s)

K H (s )
G CL (s ) = roots at 1+ KH (s ) = 0 .
1 + K H (s )

How do we move the poles by varying the constant gain K? 43

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.8 Root Locus Examples

1 1
s − p1 (s − p1 )(s − p2 )
p1 p2 p1

(a) (b)

s − z1 s − z1
(s − p1 )(s − p2 ) (s − p1 )(s − p2 )
p2 z1 p1 z1 p2 p1

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
2.8 Root Locus Examples (Cnt’d)

1 X 1
(s − p1 )(s − p2 )(s − p3 ) (s − p1 )(s − p2 )(s − p3 )
p3 p2 p1 p1
(e) (f)

p2 s − z1
(s − p1 )(s − p2 )(s − p3 ) (s − p1 )(s − p2 )(s − p3 )
p1 p3 p2 z1 p1
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
The idea:
Suppose we have a system or “plant”
“open loop”


We want to improve some aspect of plant’s performance by observing the output

and applying a appropriate “correction” signal. This is feedback

“closed loop”


Question: What should this be?

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
Open loop gain:
U G(s)

 
(s ) = G(s ) =  u 
 y
Closed-loop gain:
U G(s)

U fb “closed loop”

H (s )

G C.L(s) =
1 + G(s) H(s)
Pr oof: y = G (u − u fb )
= G u − G u fb ⇒ y +G Hy = G u
y G
= G u − G Hy ⇒ =
u (1 + G H )
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.1 Feedback-Example 1
Consider S.H.O with feedback proportional to x i.e.:
Where &x& + γ x& + ωn2 x = u + u fb
u fb (t ) = −α x (t )

U &x& 1 x& 1 x y
+ - S s
- -

ω n2

Then &x& + γ x& + ω n2 x = u − α x

==> &x& + γ x& + (ωn2 + α ) x = u

Same as before, except that new “natural” frequency ωn2 + α

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.1 Feedback-Example 1
Now the closed loop T.F. is: G C.L. (s ) =
s 2 + γ s + ωn2 + α )
G O.L. (iω)
G C.L. (iω)

ωn2 log ωn log ωn2 + α
ω n2 + α

DC response: s=0

So the effect of the proportional feedback in this case is to increase the bandwidth
of the system
(and reduce gain slightly, but this can easily be compensated by adding a constant gain in front…)
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.1 Feedback-Example 2
In S.H.O. suppose we use integral feedback:
u fb (t ) = −α ∫ x(τ ) dτ
i.e &x& + γ x& + ωn2 x = u − α ∫ x(τ ) dτ

&x& x& x y
U 1 1
+ - S S
- -

ω n2


Differentiating once more yields: &x&& + γ &x& + ωn2 x& + α x = u&

No longer just simple S.H.O., add another state

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.1 Feedback-Example 2
s + γs + ω n2
G (s ) =

 α  1 
1 +   2 
 s  s + γs + ω n + α ) 
( )
s s + γs + ω n2 + α

Observe that
1. G C.L. (0 = 0 )
2. For large s (and hence for large ω )
dB 1
G C.L. (s ) ≈ ≈ G O.L. (s )
G O.L. (iω)
(2 2
s + γ s + ωn )

ω n2

G C.L. (iω)
So integral feedback has killed DC gain
i.e system rejects constant disturbances
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.1 Feedback-Example 3
Suppose S.H.O now apply differential feedback i.e.

u fb (t ) = −α x&(t )

&x& 1 x& 1 x
+ - S S
- -

ω n2
α x&
Now have
&x& + (γ + α ) x& + ωn2 x = u

So effect off differential feedback is to increase damping

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.1 Feedback-Example 3
Now G C.L. (s ) =
s 2 + (γ + α ) s + ω n2

G O.L. (iω)

ω n2
G C.L. (iω)

So the effect of differential feedback here is to “flatten the resonance” i.e. damping is increased.

Note: Differentiators can never be built exactly, only approximately.

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.1 PID controller
(1) The latter 3 examples of feedback can all be combined to form a
P.I.D. controller (prop.-integral-diff).

u x= y
+ S.H.O

P.I.D controller
K p + K D s + K l /s

ufb =up +ud +u l

(2) In example above S.H.O. was a very simple system and it was clear what
physical interpretation of P. or I. or D. did. But for large complex systems not

 Require arbitrary “ tweaking”

That’s what we’re trying to avoid

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.1 PID controller
For example, if you are so smart let’s see you do this with your P.I.D. controller:

6th order system

G 3 resonant poles
3 complex pairs
6 poles

Damp this mode, but leave the other two modes undamped, just as they are.

This could turn out to be a tweaking nightmare that’ll get you nowhere fast!

We’ll see how this problem can be solved easily.

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.2 Full State Control
Suppose we have system
x& (t ) = A x (t ) + B u (t )
y (t ) = C x (t )

Since the state vector x(t) contains all current information about the system the
most general feedback makes use of all the state info.

u fb = − k1 x1 − ..... − k n xn
= -k x
Where k = [k1......k n ] (row matrix)

Where example: In S.H.O. examples

[ ]
Proportional fbk : up = −k p x = − k p 0

Differential fbk : ud = −kd x& = − [0 kd ]

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.2 Full State Control
Theorem: If there are no poles cancellations in
b (s )
G O.L. (s ) = = C (sI − A ) B

a (s )
Then can move eigen values of A − BK anywhere we want using full state feedback.
Given any system as L.O.D.E. or state space it can be written as:

 x1   0 1 ... 0   x1  0 
 ...   0 ... ... .. .   ...  0 
 =   +  u
 ...   0 ... ... 1   ...   ...
       
 x n   -a 0 ... .. . -a n- 1   xn  1 
 x1 
 ... 
y = [b0 ... ... bn- 1 ]  
 ... 
 
 xn 
bn − 1 s n − 1 + ... + b0
= C (sI − A )
O.L. −1
G B= n
s + a n − 1 s n − 1 + ... + a0
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.2 Full State Control
i.e. first row of A Gives the coefficients of the denominator
( )
a O.L.(s ) = det sI − AO.L. = s n + an−1s n−1 + ... + a0
AC.L. = AO.L. − BK
 0 1 ... 0  0 
 0 ... ... ...  0 
=  −   [k ... ... k ]
 0 ... ... 1  ... 0 n-1

   
 0 ... ... -a n-1  1 
 0 1 ... 0 
 0 ... ... ... 
= 
 0 ... ... 1 
 
 0 0+ k ) ... ... -(an-1 + k )
n −1 

So closed loop denominator

a C.L. (s ) = det sI − A C.L. )
= s n + (a 0 + k 0 )s n − 1 + ... + (a n − 1 + k n − 1 )
Using u = − Kx have direct control over every closed-loop denominator coefficient
 can place root anywhere we want in s-plane.
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.2 Full State Control
Example: Detailed block diagram of S.H.O with full-scale feedback

u &x& 1 x& 1 x y
- - S S
ω n2

k2 x&

Of course this assumes we have access to the x& state, which we actually
Don’t in practice.

However, let’s ignore that “ minor” practical detail for now.

( Kalman filter will show us how to get x& from x ).

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.2 Full State Control
With full state feedback have (assume D=0)

u x& 1 x y
+ B + C

u fb = −kx A

So x& = A x + B[u + u fb ]
= Ax + Bu + BKufb
x& = ( A − BK ) x + B u
u fb = −Kx
y = Cx
With full state feedback, get new closed loop matrix

AC.L. = AO.L. − BK )
Now all stability info is now given by the eigen values of new A matrix
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.3 Controllability and Observability
The linear time-invariant system
x& = Ax + Bu
y = Cx

Is said to be controllable if it is possible to find some input u(t) that will transfer the
initial state x(0) to the origin of state-space, x(t0 ) = 0,with t0 finite

The solution of the state equation is:

x (t ) = φ (t )x (0 ) + ∫ φ (τ )B u (t − τ ) d τ
For the system to be controllable, a function u(t) must exist that satisfies the equation:

0 = φ (t 0 )x (0 ) + ∫ φ (τ )Bu (t 0 − τ ) dτ

With t 0 finite. It can be shown that this condition is satisfied if the controllability matrix
CM = [B AB A2 B ... An-1 B]

Has inverse. This is equivalent to the matrix C M having full rank (rank n for an n- th
order differential equation).

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
3.3 Controllability and Observability

 The linear time-invariant system is said to be observable if the initial conditions x(0)
Can be determined from the output function y(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ t1 where t1 is finite. With
y (t ) = Cx = C φ (t )x 0 + C ∫ φ (τ )Bu (t − τ ) d τ

 The system is observable if this equation can be solved for x(0). It can be shown that
the system is observable if the matrix:

 C 
 CA 
OM =  
 ... 
 n-1 
CA 

 Has inverse. This is equivalent to the matrix O M having full rank (rank n for an n-th
Order differential equation).

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.Discrete Systems
Where do discrete systems arise?

Typical control engineering example:

Continuous system sample

u(k) uc (t ) yc (t ) y(k)
DAC h(t ) ADC

t t t t
“Digitized” “Zero-order-hold” “continuous” “Digitized”

Computer controller
Assume the DAC+ADC are clocked at sampling period T.
Continued… 63
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4. Discrete Systems
Then u(t) is given by:
u (k ) ≡ u c (t ); kT ≤ t < (k + 1 )T
y (k ) ≡ y c (kT ); k = 0 ,1,2 ,...

Suppose: time continuous system is given by state-Space

x& c (t ) = A x c (t ) + B u c (t ); x c (0 ) = x0
y c (t ) = C x c (t ) + D u c (t )

Can we obtain direct relationship between u(k) and y(k)? i.e. want
Equivalent discrete system:

u( k ) y( k )
DAC h( t ) ADC

u( k ) y( k )
h( k )

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4. Discrete Systems
Yes! We can obtain equivalent discrete system.

Recall x c (t ) = e x c (0 ) + ∫ e Aτ .Bu c (t − τ) dτ

From this x c (kT + T ) = e AT
x c (kT ) + ∫ e Aτ .Bu c (kT − τ ) d τ

Observe that u (kT + T- τ ) = u (kT ) for τ ∈ [ 0 ,T]

i.e. u (kT + T-τ ) is constant u (kT ) over τ ∈ [ 0 ,T]
i.e. can pull out of integral.
 t Aτ 
==> x c (kT + T ) = e x c (kT ) +  ∫ e ⋅ B d τ  u c (kT
0 
x(k + 1 ) = Ad x(k ) + Bd u (k )
y(k ) = Cd x(k ) + Dd u (k )
x(0 ) = xc (0 )
So Ad = e , Bd = ∫ e Aτ .B dτB dd = C, Dd = D

So we have an exact (note: x(k + 1) = x(k ) + x& (k ) T + O(.)) discrete time equivalent to the time
Continuous system at sample times t=kT- no numerical approximation!
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.1 Linear Ordinary Difference Equation
A linear ordinary difference equation looks similar to a LODE
y (k + n ) + an-1 y (k + n − 1) + ... + a1 y (k + 1) + a0 y (k ) = bm u (k + m ) + ... + b1 u (k + 1) + b0 u (k )
n ≥ m; Assumes initial values y (n-1), ...., y(1),y (0 ) = 0 .

Z-Transform of the LODE yields (linearity of Z-Transform):

z n Y ( z ) + z n −1an −1 Y (z ) + ... + za1 Y (z ) + a0 Y (z ) = z mbm U ( z ) + ... + zb1 U ( z ) + bo U (z )

It follows the input-output relation:

(z n
) ( )
+ z n −1an −1 + ... + za1 + a0 Y (z ) = z mbm + .... + zb1 + b0 U(z)
z mbm + .... + zb1 + b0
Y (z ) = n U (z )
z + ... + za1 + a0

Y (z ) = G(z ) U (z )
Once again:
if U ( z ) = 1, (u (k ) = δ (k )), then Y (z ) = G (z ).
Transfer Function of system is the Z-Transform of its pulse response!
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.1 z-Transform of Discrete State Space Equation
x(k + 1) = Ad x(k ) + Bd u (k )
y(k ) = C x(k ) + D u (k )

Applying z-Transform on first equation:

z ⋅ X (z )-z x(0 ) = Ad X (z ) + Bd U (z )
(zI-Ad ) X (z ) = z x(0 ) + B U (z )
X ( z ) = (zI-Ad ) z x(0 ) + (zI − Ad ) B U (z )
−1 −1

Homogeneous solution

NOW: Particular solution

Y ( z ) = CX (z ) + D U ( z )
( )
= C ( zI-Ad ) z x(0 ) + C ( zI − Ad ) B + D U (z )
−1 −1

If x(0)=0 then we get the input-output relation:

Y (z ) = G (z ) U (z ) with
G ( z ) = C ( zI-A d )− 1 B + D
Exactly like for the continuous systems!!!!!!!
4.2 Frequency Domain/z-Transform
For analyzing discrete-time systems:
(analogue to Laplace Transform for time-continuous system)

It converts linear ordinary difference equation into algebraic equations: easier to find
a solution of the system!
It gives the frequency response for free!

z-Transform ==generalized discrete-time Fourier Transform

Given any sequence f (k ) the discrete Fourier transform is

F (ω ) = ∑
k = −∞
f (k ) e −iωk

with ω = 2 πf, f = the sampling frequency in Hz,
T difference / Time between two samples.

In the same spirit: F ( z ) = Z[f (k ) ] = ∑ f (k ) z
k =0
With z a complex variable
Note: if f (k ) = 0 for k = -1 ,- 2 ,...... th en F~ (ω ) = F(z = e iω ).
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.3 Stability (z-domain)
A discrete LTI system is BIBO stable if

u (k ) < M; ∀k = y (k ) < K; ∀k

Condition for BIBO stability:

k k k ∞
y (k ) = ∑ u (k − i ) h(i ) ≤ ∑ u(k − i ) h(i )
0 0
≤ M ∑ h(i ) ≤ M ∑ h(i )
0 0

∴ ∑ h (i ) < ∞  BIBO stable.

For L.O.D.E State space system:

∏ i = 1 (z − z i ) k
H ( z ) = α.
∏ i = 1 (z − p i )
= ∑i=1
β i T i (z )

With partial fraction of the rational function:

Once again pole locations tell a lot about shape of pulse response.

Zeros determine the size of β i

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.3 Stability (z- domain)
unit circle

X .. . .

Constant . ..
. Damping
X Damping

X Growing

z-Plane 70
4.3 Stability (z- domain)

In General
Complex pair  oscillatory growth / damping
Real pole  exponential growth / decay but maybe oscillatory too (e.g: r n1(n) wherer < 0)
The farther inside unit circle poles are
The faster the damping  the higher stability

i . e p i ≤ 1  system stable

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.3 stability (z-domain)
Stability directly from State Space:

Exactly as for cts systems, assuming no pole-zero cancellations and D=0

b(z )
H (z ) = = C ( zI − Ad ) Bd

a (z )
Cadj ( zI − Ad )Bd
det ( zI − Ad )

b ( z ) = Cadj ( zI − Ad )B d
a ( z ) = det ( zI − Ad )

Poles are eigenvalues of Ad

So check stability, use eigenvalue solver to get e-values of the matrix Ad , then

If λ i < 1 for all i  system stable

Where λi is the ith e-value of A d .

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.4 Discrete Cavity Model

Converting the transfer function from the continuous cavity model to the discrete model:

ω12  s + ω12 -∆ 
H (s ) =  ∆ω 
∆ω 2 + (s + ω12 )
 s + ω12 

The discretization of the model is represented by the z-transform:

 1   H (s )  z − 1  −1  H(s)
H (z ) =  1 −  Z  = ⋅ Z L  |t =kTs
 z  s  z   s 

ω12 ω − ∆ω  ω12 z −1 

H (z ) = ⋅  12 −  ⋅ 
∆ω 2 + ω122  ∆ω ω12   ∆ω 2 + ω122 z 2 − 2 ze ω12Ts ⋅ cos( ∆ωT )s + e 2 ω12Ts 
 ω -∆   ω12Ts  ∆ω ω12  
( )
⋅  z − e ω12Ts ⋅ cos( ∆ωTs ) ⋅  12  -e ⋅ sin( ∆ωTs ) ⋅  
  ∆ω ω12  −
 12ω ∆  

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.5 Linear Quadratic Regulator
Given: x (k + 1 ) = A x (k ) + B u (k )
z (k ) = C x ( x )

(Assume D=0 for simplicity)

Suppose the system is unstable or almost unstable.We want to find ufb(k) which will
bring x(k) to Zero, quickly, from any Initial condition.


+ {A,B,C}

u fb (k ) = ?

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.5 Trade Off




(1) “Bad“ damping (1) “Good“ damping

 Large Output excursions  Small Output excursions

(2) But “Cheap“ control i.e ufb Small (2) But “expensive control i.e ufb large.

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.5 Quadratic Forms

A quadratic form is a quadratic function of the components of a vector:

 x1 
x =   ∈ R2
 x2 

f ( x ) = f (x 1 , x 2 )
= ax 12 + bx 1 x 2 + cx 1 + dx 22
 1 
 a b
2  x1   x1 
[ ]
= x1 x 2  [
  + c 0  ]
 b d   x2 
1  x2 
 2  PT

f (x ) = x T Qx + P T x + e
Quadratic Part Linear Part Constant

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.5 Quadratic Cost for Regulator
What do we mean by “bad“ damping and “cheap“ control? We now define precisely
what we mean. Consider:

J ≡ ∑ i i i R ui }
{x T

i =0
Q x + u T

The first term penalizes large state excursions, the second penalizes large control.
Q ≥ 0 ,R > 0

Can tradeoff between state excursions and control by varying Q and R.

Large Q “good“ damping important

Large R actuator effort “expensive“

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.5 LQR Problem Statement
(Linear quadratic regulator)
Given: xi + 1 = Ax i + Bu i ; x 0 given:

Find control sequence {u0 ,u1,u2 ,...} such that

J = ∑ x {Q x
i =0
i i + u iT R u i }
Answer: = minimum

The optimal control sequence is a state feedback sequence {ui }0∞

u i = − K opt xi
K opt = R + B T SB ) −1
S = AT SA + Q − A T AB R + B T SB ( ) −1

Algebraic Riccati Equation (A.R.E) for discrete-time systems.

Note: Since ui = state feedback, it works for any initial state x 0

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.5 LQR Problem Statement

(1) So optimal control, ui = − K opt xi is state feedback! This is why we are

interested in state feedbck.

(2) Equation A.R.E. is matrix quadratic equation. Looks pretty intimidating but
Computer can solve in a second.

(3) No tweaking ! Just specify {A,B,C,D} and Q and R, press return button, LQR
Routine Spits out Kopt- done

(Of course picking Q and R is tricky sometimes but that‘s another story).

(4) Design is guaranteed optimal in the sense that it minimizes.

( ) {
J lqr x0 , {u } = ∑ xiT Q xi + uiT R ui

i 0 }
i =0

(Of course that doesn‘t mean its “best“ in the absolute sense .-)

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.5 LQR Problem Statement - Remarks

(5) As vary Q/R Ratio we get whole family of Klqr‘s, i.e. can Trade-off between state
excursion (Damping) Vs actuator effort (Control)

∞ J z1
Jz = ∑x
i =0
i Qxi
= ∑x T
i C T pCx i
= ρ ∑ z iT z i optimal ∞
Ju = ∑u
i Ru i

J u1 Actuator effort

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.6 Optimal Linear Estimation

Our optimal control has the form u opt (k ) = − K (k ) xopt (k )

This assumes that we have complete state Information xopt k ( )

-not actually true!.
e.g: in SHO, we might have only a Position sensor but Not a velocity sensor.

How can be obtain “good“ estimates of the velocity state from just observing
the position state?

Furthermore the Sensors may be noisy and the plant itself maybe subject to
outside disturbances (process noise) i.e. we are looking for this:

Process Cx (k )
+ {A,B,C}

w(k ) û = K x̂(x|k−1) Noise

+ sensor
Amazing box which
Calculates “good“ estimate v (k )
K Of x(k) from
y (k )
x̂( x|k − 1) y(0),……y(k-1)

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.6 Problem Statement :
x (k + 1) = A x (k ) + B w (k )
z (k ) = C x ( x )
y (k ) = C x (k ) + v (k )
Process w(k ) z (k )
noise + {A,B,C}
û = K x̂(x|k−1) sensor
Noise v (k )
x̂ (x|k − 1)
K Estimator
y (k )

Assume also x 0 is Random & Gaussian and that x (k ), w(k ) + V (k )

( )
are all mutually Independent for all k.

Find : x̂ (k|k−1) Optimal estimate of x(k) given y0 ,.., yk −1

Such that “mean squared error“

E [ x (k ) − x̂ (k|k − 1 )
]= minimal
( )
Fact from statistics: x̂ k k − 1 = E x(k ) [ ( y0 ,..., yk −1 )]
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.6 Kalman Filter
The Kalman filter is an efficient algorithm that computes the new x̂i +1 i ( the linear-least-mean
{ }
( square estimate) of the system state vector xi +1 , given y0 ,..., yi ,by updating the old estimate
x̂i i −1 and old ~
xi i −1 (error) .

x̂i i −1 Kalman x̂i +1 i

(old estimate) Filter (new estimate)
(step i)
pi i −1 pi +1 i
(old error variance) (new error variance)

p i i−1 = ~
xi i−1 yi
2 (new measurement)

The Kalman Filter produces x̂i +1 i from x̂i i −1 ( rather than x̂i i ), because it “tracks” the system

“dynamics”. By the time we compute x̂i i from x̂i i −1 , the system state has changed from
xi to xi +1 = Axi + Bwi
4.6 Kalman Filter
The Kalman Filter algorithm can be divided in a measurement update and a time update:

Kalman Filter
x̂i i −1 x̂i i x̂i +1 i
Measure. Time
update update
pi i −1 pi i pi +1 i

Measurement update (M.U.):

x̂i i = x̂i i −1 + p i i −1C T Cp i i −1C T + V ) (y − Cx̂ )
i i i −1

C (Cp + V ) Cp
T T −1
pi i = pi i −1 − pi i −1 i i −1
C i i −1

x̂i + 1 i = A x̂i i
Time Update (T.U.):
pi + 1 i = Ap i i AT + BWB T
With initial conditions: x̂0 −1 = 0
p̂0 −1 = X 0 84
4.6 Kalman Filter
By pluggin M.U. equations into T.U. equations. One can do both steps at once:

x̂i +1 i = Ax̂i i

= Ax̂i i −1 + Api i −1C T Cp i i −1C T + V ) (y − Cx̂ )
i i i −1

x̂i +1 i = Ax̂i i −1 + Li yi − C x̂i i −1 )
where (
Li ≡ A pi i −1C T (Cp i i −1
CT +V ) ) −1

pi +1 i = Api i AT + BWB T

[ (
= A pi i −1 − pi i −1C T Cp i i −1C T + V ) −1
Cp i i −1 AT + BWB T

pi +1 i = Api i AT + BWB T − Api i −1C T Cp i i −1C T + V ) (Cp
i i −1
− 1 AT

Known as discrete time Riccati Equation

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.6 Picture of Kalman Filter
wi xi +1 −1 xi zi
B + Z 1 C
A vi
yi +
Kalman Filter

x̂i ŷi
x̂i +1 i −1 i −1
+ -
Z 1 C - +

A ei

Time varying gain
4.6 Picture of Kalman Filter

Plant Equations:
xi +1 = Axi + Bui
yi = Cxi + vi

Kalman Filter:
x̂i +1 i = Ax̂i i −1
+ Li yi − ŷi i −1
yi i −1
= Cx̂i i −1

If v=w=0=> Kalman filter can estimate the state precisely in a finite number of steps.

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.6 Kalman Filter
(1) Since y i = Cx i + v i and ŷ i i − 1 = C x̂ i can write estimator equation as
x̂i +1 i = A x̂i i −1
+ Li C xi + vi − C x̂i i −1
= ( A − Li C ) x̂i i −1
+ Li C xi + vi

can combine this with equation for xi +1

 xi +1   A 0   xi  B 0   wi 
 x̂  =    x̂ +
 i +1 i   iL C A − L i 
C  i i −1 
 0 1 vi 
 zi  C 0   xi 
 ŷ  =    x̂ 
 i i −1  0 C   i i −1 

(2) In practice, the Riccati equation reaches steady state in a few steps. People
Often run with steady-state K.F.i.e
Lss = Apss C T (CPss C T + V)−1
pss = Apss AT + BWBT − Apss C T (CPss C T + V)−1CPss A
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.7 LQG Problem

Now we are finally ready to solve the full control problem.

Wk zk
U fb
+ Vk
H( z)
{Ac ,B c ,C c ,D c } yk

Given: x = Ax + Bu + B w
k +1 k k w k
z = Cx
k k
y = Cx + v
k k k

w ,w = Wδ , v ,v = Vδ
i j ij i j ij

w ,v =0
i j
w k ,v k both Gaussian
For Gaussian, K.L. gives the absolute best estimate 89
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.7 LQG problem

Separation principle: ( we won’t prove)

The separation principle states that the LGQ optimal controller is obtained by:

(1) Using Kalman filter to obtain least squares optimal estimate of the plant state,

i.e.: Let xc(k) = x̂k k −1

(2) Feedback estimated LQR- optimal state feedback

u(k) = − K x (k)
= -K x̂
LQR k k − 1

i.e. can treat problems of

- optimal feedback and
- state estimate separately.

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.7 Picture of LQG Regulator
Wk B
xk +1
xk zk
+ B + Z −1 1 C
zk vk
A yk
Kx̂k k −1
x̂k k −1 ŷ k k −1
- x̂k +1
+ + Z −1 1 C +
+ -
A ek

4.7 LQG Regulator
x = A x + ( − Bu ) + B w
k +1 k k w k
Plant z =Cx
k k
y =Cx +v
k k k

 
x̂ = A x̂ + Bu + L  y − C x̂ 
LQG Controller k + 1k k k −1 k  k k k − 1 
u = − K x̂
k k k −1

−1 −1
k = −  R + BT SB 
+ S = AT SA + Q − AT SB  R + BT SB  BT SA
   
T 
L = APC V + CPC T  +P
 
T T T 
 

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.7 Problem Statement (in English)
Want a controller which takes as input noisy measurements, y, and produces as output a
Feedback signal ,u, which will minimize excursions of the regulated plant outputs (if no pole
-zero cancellation, then this is equivalent to minimizing state excursions.)
Also want to achieve “regulation” with as little actuator effort ,u, as possible.

Problem statement (Mathematically)

Find: Controller H ( z ) = C zI − A
c c
( ) −1
B +D
c c
Uk H( z)
{Ac ,B c ,C c ,D c }

Controller: xc (k + 1) = Ac x(k + 1) + Bc y(k )

yc (k ) = Cc xc (k )
Which will minimize the cost
 T T 
J = +
Ex Q x u R u 
Where LQG  k k k k
xk +1 = Axk + (− Buk ) + Bwwk k → ∞
Rms “state” Rms “actuator”
Plant zk = C xk excursions effort
yk = C xk + vk
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.7 Problem Statement

(1). Q and R are weigthing matrices that allow trading off of rms u and rms x.

(2) if Q = C ρ C; ρ > 0 then trade off rms z VS rms u

(3). In the stochastic LQR case, the only difference is that now we don’t have complete state
information yi = Cxi + vi we have only noisy observations

i .e can’t use full state feedback.

Idea: Could we use estimated state Feedback? (i.e. -K x̂ )

k k- 1

Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011
4.7 Problem Statement

(5) We can let Q/R ratio vary and we’ll obtain family of LQG controllers. Can
Plot rms z vs rms u for each one
 Trade-Off curves

rms Z
LQG, Q/R=0.01
X other
LQG, Q/R=100

Urms(1) Urms(2) rms U

So by specifying (1) system model, (2) noise variances, (3) optimally criterion
J LQG , and plotting trade off curve completely specifies limit of performance of

System i. e which combinations of (Zrms,Urms) are achievable by any controller

-good “benchmark curve”.
Stefan Simrock, “Tutorial on Control Theory” , ICAELEPCS, Grenoble, France, Oct. 10-14, 2011

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