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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Siargao
Roxas, San Isidro, Surigao del Norte

The Use of Cell Phone in School and

Its Effect to the Academic Performance of the Students

A Research Paper Presented to

the Faculty of

Roxas National High School


Antonio J. Compra Jr.

S.Y. 2017 - 2018

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Table of Contents

I. ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................ 3

II. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 5

III. INTRODUCTION OF RESEARCH .......................................................................................................... 6

IV. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 6

Benefits of Allowing the Use of Cell Phones in School ............................................................................ 7

Negative Effects of Cell Phones in School............................................................................................... 7

DepED Policy on the Use of Cell Phones ................................................................................................ 8

V. RESEARCH QUESTIONS........................................................................................................................ 9

VI. SCOPE AND LIMITATION ...................................................................................................................... 9

VII. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 10

Sampling ................................................................................................................................................ 10

Data Collection ....................................................................................................................................... 10

VIII. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 11

Recommendations ................................................................................................................................. 14

IX. DISSEMINATION AND ADVOCACY PLANS........................................................................................ 15

X. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 16

XI. FINANCIAL REPORT ............................................................................................................................ 17

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The use of cell phone is a common sight for us whenever we go. Children and adults use cell phone

for different purposes. In school, it is a debatable issue whether to allow our students to use cell phones

inside its premises.

This study aims to investigate the use of cell phone in school and its effect to the academic

performance of the students in Roxas National High School, S.Y. 2017-2018. The respondents of this study

were the total enrolment of 318 students both from Junior and Senior High School. Respondents were

grouped into two; (1) those who used cell phone, and (2) those who did not used cell phone while in school

premises. A stratified random sampling were used to identify the sample size of 226. Respondents were

asked to answer the survey questions if they use cell phone or not when they are in school premises, and

their reasons of using it. An interview with their classmates and teachers were done to validate their

answers. The source of data to identify the academic performance of the students were the copies of SF5

(Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency & Achievement) from the records office of the school. The

study is a combination of descriptive and inferential analysis, since the data collected were analyzed using

the measures of central tendency (mean), and independent sample t-test to answer the research questions.

The findings revealed that the reasons of using cell phone by the students while they are in school

are the following being ranked from the most to the least: (rank 1) they use applications like calculators,

dictionaries, word processing, camera, video editing, and the like; (rank 2) they browse the internet for

research; (rank 3) they visit and update their social media account and group chat; (rank 4) they play offline

or online games; and (rank 5) they read and send text messages. It also discovered that the average grade

of the students who used cell phone while in school was 85.09, and those who did not used cell phone

while in school was 81.58 respectively. The mean difference between the two groups is 3.5111 and the p-

value (significance level) is .000 or less than .001 which suggest that there is a significant difference

between the students using cell phone and the students not using cell phone while in school in terms of

their academic performance. It supports further the statement that, the use of cell phone in school directly

affects the academic performance of the students.

It is important to understand that the significant difference is favorable to the students who used

cell phone because they had a higher general average grade than those students who did not use cell

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phone while in school. It basically suggest that in one way or another, the use of cell phone while in school

helped the students in their study. However, there are still other factors to consider that might affect the

academic performance of the respondents which are not the focus of this study.

Therefore, the author recommended that the school authorities must set a clear regulations

regarding the use of cell phone by the students in school to maximize the benefits and to avoid the

distractions that it may brought which affect their academic performance. However, the regulations must

conform also to the policies being issued by the Department of Education. The idea of prohibiting or not

allowing the students to use their cell phone in the school at all times must be reviewed or rejected knowing

that there are also positive results when students use it responsibly. The participation of every stakeholders

in every programs to be implemented in school regarding the use of cell phone of the students are

encouraged to achieve the ideal of having good academic performance of the students.

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The realization of this research paper has been made because of the hard work, determination and

patience of the researcher.

The researcher would like to express his heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the following


To the school head of Roxas National High School, Mrs. Luz C. Longos for her encouraging and

inspiring words.

To his colleagues who served as his mentor and coach.

To his beloved family for their unconditional love, support and understanding.

To those who in one way or another contributed much.

Above all, to the Almighty Father, from up above for giving him so many incredible gifts in life. One

of the best gifts is this research paper.


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Over the last few years, modern advancements in technology have played a crucial role in the

development of education in both negative and positive aspects. Technology is everywhere in education

with both the students and teachers are exposed. Technology for this study can be best defined as an

electronic equipment commonly used in school such that of computers, internet and the like. Another piece

of technology that has made its way into the position of the students in school rapidly are the cell phones.

Yet, the impact that cell phones had made to the students have been both positive and negative.

Since it is a common sight in every school that students use cell phone, these study focus on the

use of cell phone in school and its effect to the academic performance of the students. Students may benefit

in using cell phone while in school or in the other way they are vulnerable to the negative effects of it

particularly to their academic performance.

The Department of Education issued and order prohibiting the use of cell phone inside the

classroom to keep the students focused in their lessons and activities especially during class hours. This

issue was also raised several times during the parent-teachers meeting urging the immediate solution to

limit or prohibit the use of cell phone of the students while they are in school.

The result of this study could be the basis in implementing policies regarding the use of cell phone

by the students in school, and implementing intervention to address the concern of achieving the good

academic performance of the students.


Technology integration in the school improves student learning process and outcomes. There are

many ways in which technology can be used in the classroom to engage students and facilitate exciting

and interesting lessons. On the other hand, technology sometimes becomes a distraction to the studies of

our students. It grabs the attention and focus when they are in school. It offers opportunities and threats as

well. The decision is on the part of our educational leader if they will allow the use of cell phones in school

or not.

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Benefits of Allowing the Use of Cell Phones in School

Cell phones as an example of technology are good for education for many reasons. It can be used

for many educational things like research, projects, and even a communication tool to communicate to their

classmates and teachers. The integration of technology across every learning areas is encourage among

the teachers to adapt the kind of learners we have nowadays. One good example is the use of chat rooms

for conducting virtual class. Teachers may post links, updates, question or assignments for the students to


Cirelli (2016) stated that cell phones can assist in providing a modern alternative to standard

teaching and can encourage student participation. For example, the website platform Poll Everywhere

permits teachers to create poll questions to which students can respond via their cell phones. Students can

also use cell phones to collaborate with each other. Mobile-learning applications like allow

teachers to create virtual-classrooms and even assign coursework’s to their students while using

smartphones and this has actually made education very convenient and efficient than never before.

The availability of functional libraries in some schools is one of the great challenges. Students find

it difficult to access enough information they need. Schreiner (2018) explained that internet surfing are

readily available on most cell phones. This aids students in gathering the information that they need for

school or accessing their email or school website. Students benefit from this technology availability as it

allows them to create more polished academic products with less effort than before. Cell phones can give

students access to more information, letting them research more about a topic. This is especially true for

current events that have not yet been covered in school textbooks.

Cell phones can also be used in making projects and accomplishing an assignment. There are

class activities that needs a computer use, but the fact that there are schools who does not have a functional

computer laboratory. The alternative is, students use their cell phones which are capable of doing the task.

Negative Effects of Cell Phones in School

Technology have great contribution in schools whereby they have led to the creation of more

innovative and creative education. However, the use of technology specifically the cell phone being used

by the students also have several disadvantages.

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According to Rasam (2013), using cell phone in school is the main cause for student's failure. When

students use cell phone inside a class, it influences on them adversely because inside a class, they spend

all their time in texting message to each other, playing games or watching videos instead of concentrating

on teacher's lecture. Cell phone is the main cause of distraction in class. During a lesson, students who

use cell phone in class will get distracted and also they waste their time instead of understanding the lesson.

Not only students who use their cell phones will get distracted, but also the rest of the students in class.

Betts (2016) emphasized that, aside from distraction, cell phone can be used by the students in

cheating particularly during examinations. The camera in a cell phone can be used to photograph exams.

The possibilities for cheating and copying are literally limitless when students have access to cell phones.

Saez (2016) stated that, students are always under pressure to do well in school. As a result, the

occasional student may cheat on a test. Mobile phones are capable of more than just calling and texting.

Students can easily gain Internet access through their phones during an exam. Additionally, they can listen

to recorded information. This is facilitated by "exam cheat equipment" such as inconspicuous ear pieces.

DepED Policy on the Use of Cell Phones

DepEd Order No. 83, s. 2003, reiterates DECS Orders Nos. 70, s. 1999 and 26, s. 2000 which

prohibit students of elementary and secondary schools from using cellular phones and pagers during class

hours. The order stated: “It has been noted that cell phones have been proliferated with lewd and obscene

picture messages particularly those capable of Multi-Media Services (MMS). The Department of Education

(DepED) strictly imposes a ban on the use of cellphones by the students during class hours, and teachers

and parents should devise ways to educate students on the responsible use of cell phones to prevent them

from engaging in misguided and immoral activities”. Teachers who catch students violating the order will

call their parents to a meeting and will bring the matter to their attention.

In 2014, The Philippine Star reported that the Department of Education has not ordered a total ban

on cell phones in schools. DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro said. “We allow cell phones in school but their

use is regulated, especially inside the classroom and during public gatherings.” Luistro issued his statement

after the death of Christine Rosello, a third year high school student who died when she fell from the third

floor of the Rizal High School while taking a selfie.

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In the report of Sun Star Philippines last October 6, 2016, Cagayan de Oro City Division has ordered

the total ban in the use of mobile phones for students in both elementary and secondary schools. In a

memorandum signed and released by DepEd Schools Division Superintendent Elena Borcillo, school

heads and administrators are directed to totally ban the use of mobile phones not just in the classroom, but

inside the school premises too. The order noted: "It has been observed that the use of cellphones often

distracts teachers and students during the class discussion and can possibly cause dispute between

teachers and students". The order came four weeks after a student killed his teacher in Barangay Canitoan

for reprimanding and shaming him for using his mobile phone inside the classroom.

Last July 5, 2018, Cordillera Administrative Region, Regional Director May B. Eclar issued a

Regional Memorandum regarding the prohibition of use of mobile devices and wearable technologies within

the school premises. It stipulated that the use of cellular phones and other mobile devices diverted the

attention of the students from their studies, causing disturbance to classes, and are also used by students

as instruments for cheating during examinations. They also received reports that some students are using

their mobile devices to watch pornographic videos within the school premises.


This study aimed to determine the use of cell phone in school and its effect to the academic

performance of the students. It sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the reasons of using cell phone in school by the students?

2. What is the academic performance of the students as they are grouped accordingly?

3. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance between students using cell phone and

students not using cell phone while in school?


The content of the study may be well understood as to its purpose and substance through the

following delimitations.

Focus. The author delimits his study on the use of cell phone in school and its effect to the

academic performance of the students.

Location and Time. The study was conducted at Roxas National High School, S.Y. 2017-2018.

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Respondents. The respondents of the study were the Junior and Senior High School students with

a total population of 318.

Source of Data. The sources of data in this study were the survey questionnaire for the students

to identify their reasons in using cell phone while in school, and the students’ general average grade as

indicated in SF5.



A total population of 318 students were identified if they used cell phone in school or not, and they

were grouped into two accordingly. A stratified random sampling were used to identify the sample size with

a 5% margin of error. The first group (student using cell phone while in school) has a total population of

145 and has a sample size of 106. The second group (student using cell phone while in school) has a total

population of 173 and has a sample size of 120.

The total number of respondents in population and sample for this study is showed in Table 1.

Table 1.
The Total Number of Respondents

Group of Students Population Sample

Student Using Cell Phone While in
145 106
Student Not Using Cell Phone While in
173 120
Total 318 226

Data Collection

A letter request was sent to the school head for the permission to conduct the study. The researcher

conducted a survey question asking the respondents if they use cell phone or not while in school, and let

them identify their main reason of using it. To apply the principle of triangulation, keen observation, and

interview with the classmates and co-teachers were employed to validate their answers. School Form 5

(Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency and Achievement) were retrieved from the records office in

the school with the help of the records in-charge teacher to identify the general average grade of all the

student respondents. After all the necessary data had been collected, tabulation, consolidation, analysis,

and interpretation followed according to the problems posited in the study.

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The following discussion presented the reasons of using cell phone in school and its effect to the

academic performance of the students.

The data shown in Table 2 contained the top five reasons of using cell phone by the students while

they are in school.

Table 2.
Top 5 Reasons of Using Cell Phone by the Students While in School

Reasons Frequency Rank

To use applications like calculator, dictionary, Word processing, camera,

36 1
video editing, etc.

To browse the internet for research 21 2

To visit or update social media account and group chat 24 3

To play offline/online games 16 4

To read and send text messages 9 5

The data illustrated that using applications or apps ranked first as the main reasons why students

use cell phone in school. This apps included but not limited to calculator, dictionary, word processing,

camera, video editing, and the like. It is justifiable because this apps are helpful in accomplishing some

school requirements, assignments and projects. Using the cell phone to browse the internet for research

ranked second, and it is realistic because most cell phones today are readily connected to the internet. If

the students have some query, they just access the internet using their cell phone. Visiting or updating

social media account and group chat ranked third. There are some teachers that encouraged the students

to have a social media account (e.g. Facebook or messenger) because some activities or assignments will

be posted on their online classroom. It may be acceptable because of the integration of ICT in dealing with

the 21st century learners that we have today. Playing offline/online games ranked fourth. This is right

because cell phones nowadays have different games being installed and students tend to play as a sort of

past-time and leisure. Absolutely not bad at all because there are cell phone games which developed critical

thinking, problem solving skills, or may broaden our vocabulary. However, if it becomes uncontrollable, it

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may lead to distraction and addiction. The least reason, was to read and send text messages. It gave sense

since texting is not anymore the only way to communicate. There is free chat in Facebook or Messenger,

and/or students admitted that they don’t have cell phone load most of the time.

According to Barker, et al. (2006) the impacts of cell phone technologies on learning are portability,

collaboration, and motivation enhancing students, parents and teachers’ education system. It is remarkable

that the raisons mentioned above were advantageous to the students particularly in accomplishing school

requirements, assignments, and projects. If the school does not have functional computer laboratory the

alternative is to use the cell phone applications to do the task or to access the internet. Teachers may use

virtual class through Facebook or messenger or use digital games (apps) in the cell phone to increase

participation of learners. Today’s learners are preoccupied with the different gadgets and technologies that

surrounded them, so it is empirical for the teachers how to cope with this situations. That is why using

technology-based strategies like using computers, internet or even cell phone might help attract the

attention and interest of the learners. However, Soyemi, et al. (2015) discovered that the use of mobile

phone if uncontrollable among students, will lead and cause poor academic performance. This is true

especially when the teachers or school doesn’t have a clear policy on how the students use their cell phone

when in school premises.

The data shown in Table 4 contained the average grade of the students as they are group in this


Table 4.
Group Average Grade

Group N Mean

Using Cell Phone While in School 106 85.09

Not Using Cell Phone While in School 120 81.58

There were 106 students who were identified as they used cell phone while they were in school

and their average grade is 85.09. On the other hand, 120 students were identified as who did not used cell

phone while in school has an average grade of 81.58 respectively. Inspection of the two groups indicates

that the average grade of the students who used cell phone is significantly higher than those students who

did not used cell phone while in school.

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The data shown in Table 5 contained the mean difference and significant difference of the grades

of the students as they are group in this study.

Table 5.
Independent Sample t-Test for Equality of Variance

Mean Difference Sig. (2-tailed)

Average Grade Equal variances not
3.511 .000

The table shows that the mean difference of the two groups is 3.511, and the p-value (“Sig.” stands

for significance level) is .000 or less than .001 which suggest that the difference in means is statistically


This explains that there is a significant difference between the students using cell phone and

students not using cell phone while in school in terms of their academic performance. It supports further

the statement that, the use of cell phone while in school directly affects the academic performance of the

students. However, it should be understood that the significant difference indicated that, the students who

used cell phone has a higher general average grade than those who did not use cell phone while in school.

It basically suggest that in one way or another, the use of cell phone while in school helped the students in

their study. It is more advantageous in favor to the students than detrimental. It simply answer the research

question 3.

The result just proved that in some other way, using cell phone is beneficial to the students while

they are in school in relation to their academic performance. It contradicted the common impression that

cell phone is only a distraction and the main reason of having low academic performance of the students.

The idea of prohibiting or not allowing the students to use their cell phone in the school at all times must be

reviewed or rejected knowing that there are also positive results when students use it responsibly. It

depends on how, when, and why the students use the cell phone. School authorities must not totally ban

the use of cell phone by the students in school, instead, a clear regulations must be made in order to

maximize the benefits of using cell phone rather than its negative consequences. However, the regulations

must conform also to the policies being issued by the Department of Education.

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Nevertheless, the result does not conclude that the use of cell phone while in school is the only

factor that affect the academic performance of the students. It recognizes also the other factors such that

of student’s intelligence, skills, readiness, interest, status and the like which is not the focus of this study.


Based on the above mentioned findings, the following recommendations are drawn for actions:

School Administrators. They are requested to make use of the findings in this study and to serve

as the bases in decision-making particularly on imposing policies on the use of cell phone by the students

inside the school premises.

Teachers. As the front liner in educating the students, they are encourage to avail the results of

this study to make an intervention programs and advocacies that promotes the importance of responsible

use of cell phone in school that will help the students in their studies. They will impose a house rules

regarding the control and regulation of using cell phone inside the classroom to avoid distraction.

Parents. Being the first teacher of their children, they are expected to support and be part of the

programs implemented in the school particularly those that are related to the policy on cell phone use that

will help in enhancing learning toward achieving good academic performance of the students. They must

be part in the discipline and educating their own children.

Students. As the main beneficiaries of education in school, they are encourage to use this study

for their self-reflection and rumination to whether or not use their cell phone while they are in school. They

must understand the positive and negative effects of using cell phone and pursue to achieve good academic


Researchers. As discoverers of new knowledge, they are requested to replicate and pursue

educational studies that may go deeper on the other factors that may influence the academic performance

of the students.

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The research findings in this study regarding the use of cell phone and its effect to the academic

performance of the students particularly in Roxas National High School will be disseminated to all the

stakeholders in order for them to plan for an interventions, advocacies, and to set appropriate policies and

regulations on using cell phone inside the school premises.

During the parent-teachers meeting the findings will be discussed so that the parents could

understand, react and become part in the school planning to develop a policy regarding the regulation of

using cell phone by the students in school.

Class advisers will also be informed about the findings so that they will also explain to their students

the concerns on the use of cell phone while in school.

A copy of this research will be sent to the district and division office for further discussion among

the other school, district, and division authorities to what they are going to do based on the result and to

encourage other researchers to conduct similar or related study in their area.

Page 15 of 17

Alquitran, N. (2014, July 5). DepEd: No cell phone ban after student’s ‘selfie’ accident. Retrieved

Barker, A. Krull, G. Mallinson, B. (2006). A Proposed Theoretical Model for M-Learning Adoption
in Developing Countries. Retrieved from

Betts, J. (2016). Cons of Cell Phones in School. Retrieved from

CAR Regional Memorandum 207, s. 2018. (2018, July). Retrieved from

Cireli, C. (2016). Pros of Cell Phones in School. Retrieved from

DepEd Order No. 83, s. 2003. (2003). Retrieved from

Orias, P. F. (2016). DepED orders mobile phone ban after stabbing incident. Retrieved from

Rasam. (2013). The Effects of Using Cell Phone in School. Retrieved from

Saez, A. (2016, Sept. 15). The Disadvantages of Mobile Phones in Schools. Retrieved from

Schreiner, E. (2018). Effects of Mobile Phones on Students. Retrieved from

Soyemi Jumoke, Oloruntoba S. A., Okafor Blessing. (2015, January). Analysis of Mobile Phone
Impact on Student Academic Performance in Tertiary Institution. Retrieved from

Page 16 of 17

The conduct of this research study did not involve financial expenses because it was only

conducted in the school were the researcher is assigned. Supplies like bond papers, printing, internet

connection and the like are all provided by the school.

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