Ada 3 Gauss

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R 23 GAUSS’ 678


4 Figure 23-24 shows, in cross sec- Figure 23-27 shows four solid spheres,
8 sec-
4 Figure 23-24 shows, in cross ea
8 Figur
1) La figura 1 muestra,
4 Figure 23-24tion,
two sección
cross sec- transversal,
spheres and two dostion,
esferas gaussianas
8 Figure
two Gaussian yand
spheres23-27dos shows four
Q uniformly
two solid spheres,
distributed througheach with
its volume. charg
(a) R
Q unifor
cubos tion,
two Gaussianquespheres
Gaussianse centran
cubes twoen
are una partícula
centered on cargadacubes
Gaussian positivamente.
Qthat (a)on through
are centered to their its volume.
volume (a) Rank
charge the
density, spher
Clasifique el flujo
Gaussian cubesneto
athat a través
are centered
positively deonlasparticle.
charged cuatro(a) superficies gaussianas,
a positively charged primero
to their
shows acharge
(a) point Pdensity,
for eachgreatest
sphere,first. The
all at thefigu
also sa
el mayor. (b) Clasifique las magnitudes de los Rank
a positively charged
Rank theparticle.
net flux (a)
through the four campos +qeléctricos
the net also shows
flux through enthelas
a point
the P for
four each
of sphere,
the sphere. all
+q at
(b) the
Rank same
the distance
spheres fro
the cente
Rank the
superficies, net flux
primero through
Gaussian másthe grandes,
surfaces,four (b) +q Gaussian
e indique
greatest first. the center
si lassurfaces,
magnitudes of the
greatest sphere.
first. (b)of (b)
theRank thefield
electric spheres
they according
produce atto the ma
nitude P,og
a cof the electric field they produce atapoint P, c greatest first.
Gaussian surfaces,
Rank greatest
the first.
uniformes o variables a lo largo de cada superficie.
of the electric Rank the nitude
b of the electric
a c b
Rank the magnitudesfields on of the
the surfaces,
electric greatest first, fields
b on the surfaces, greatest d first, d
fields on the surfaces,
and indicate greatest
whether first,the magnitudes and indicate d whether the magnitudesP P P PP
and indicate whether the magnitudes
are uniform or variable along each P P P P
are uniform or variable along each
are uniform orsurface.
variable along each surface.
Figure 23-24 Question 4. Figure 23-24 Question 4.
surface. 5 In Fig. 23-25, an electronFigure is released
23-24 Question
5 In 4.
Fig. 23-25, an electron is released
2) En la figura 2, se libera un electrón entre dos hojas infinitas no conductoras que son horizontales y
5 In Fig. 23-25,between
an electron twoisinfinite
released nonconducting sheets that are horizontal
between two infinite andnonconducting
have sheets that are horizontal and have
tienen densidades
between two infinitede nonconducting
chargesheets uniformes
densities are and sσ
s(!) (") , and
(+) σsurface
yhave (−), como
as indicated.The
uniform chargeelectronse indica.
densities s(!) El and electrón
(a) está sujeto
s("), as indicated.The
(b) (c)a
electron (a(
uniform surface charge
las siguientes tresis situaciones densities
subjected to the(!) s que and
s , as
involucran indicated.The
(") three situations densidades electron
is involving
subjected surfacetode the carga (a) superficial
following three(b) situations y involving
(c) surface charge de
is subjected las
to the following
densities and three
sheet situations involving surface charge Rank the magnitudes Figure of the23-27 Question 8.
hojas. Clasifica magnitudes deseparations.
la aceleración Rank the magnitudes
del electrón,
densities of the
and electron’s
sheet mayor.
densities and sheet separations. Rankfirst.
acceleration,greatest the magnitudes of theacceleration,greatest
electron’s first. Figure 23-27 Question 8.
acceleration,greatest first. 9 A small charged ball lies within the hollow 9 A of sm
9 A small charged ical shell ball of liesradius
withinR.the Forhollow
three of a metallic
situations, icalthesphe
shel ne
Situation s(!) s(") Situation Separation ical shell s(!)of radius sFor Separation
three respectively,
situations, theare net(1)charges
ball R. and (") shell, ballon
!4q, 0;th
Situation s(!) s(") Separation ball and shell,(3)respectively,
1 d !16q, "12q.are Rank (1) the!4q, 0; (2) according
situations "6q,(3) !16q!10
!4s "4s 1 !4s "4s d
1 (3) !16q, "12q. (a) Rank
the the
inner situations
surface of according
the shell to
and the(b) charge
(a) the ouio
2!4s "4s
!7s "s d 2 4d !7s "s 4dthe outer surface, mo
(a) the inner surface positive offirst.
the shell and (b) positive
2 "5s 4d 3
3!7s "s
!3s Problems 9d
positive !3s first. 10 Rank "5s 9d
the situations of Question 9 according 10 Ran
3 !3s "5s 9d
σ(+) Tutoring problem10 Rank the situations of the electric of Question
field (a) 9 according
σ(+) in WileyPLUS and WebAssign
through the magnitud
the shellela
of the
available (at instructor’s discretion)
+ σ(+)+ + + SSM + + Worked-out
+ of the electric field 2R (a) halfway
from the centerthrough
of the the shell
shell, and (b)
greatest at from
2R a poi
solution available + +in Student
+ +Solutions
+ Manual
+ + WWW Worked-out solutio
2R from the center of
11 Figure the shell, greatest first.
+ + + + + + + • – ••• Number of dots indicates level of problem difficulty 23-28 shows a section ILW ofInteractive
three 11long Figu
solutio c
e Additional information11 Figure available e23-28
in The shows
Flying a section
Circus the same
of Physicsofaxis.
and long charged
atCentral cylinder cylinde
A has
e centered on theqsame A # !3q axis. Central
0. What cylinder
uniform A has qaBuniform
charges and qqAC # charg
– – – – – – – qA # !3q – 0.–What – and
B – C –so charges
uniform – (if
that – possible)
qB and qCthe should be onBcylinde
net electric fieldCis

– – – – – – – Module σ(–) 23-1 Electric B and Flux C so that1,(if(b) possible)

point σ(–)2,the
andnet (c)electric
point 3?field isEzero
" #34k̂ 1,(a)
σ(–) 1, (b) point 2, and (c) point 3?
Figure 23-25 •1 Question The
SSM 5. square surface shown Determine the
Figure 23-25 Question 5.
Figure 23-25 Question 5. in Fig. 23-30 measures 3.2 mm on Normal •7 A particle
3) La figura 3 muestra 6 Threeuna infinitesección
nonconducting de tres cilindros
sheets, side.
6 Three It iscargados
uniform immersed
infinite insur-a uni-
nonconducting sheets, with uniform positive sur- 55 cm on edge.
largos 6centrados en
Three infinite face elcharge
nonconducting eje.
densities El2s,
s, cilindro
with anduniform central
are faceA
arranged tiene
chargeto unamagnitude
parallel like
s, 2s, and 3s, are arranged to be parallel like ••8 Whe
E be N/C and with field lines at
carga uniforme qA = + 3q0 . ¿Qué cargas q q θA B Cleft to
face charge densities
the twos, 2s, and
sheets 3s,
in are
Fig. arranged
23-19a. to
What parallel
uniformes their
the two like
order, sheets from
y in left
Fig. to
23-19a. What is their order, from splashing of th
an byangle of u "to B
35° withhas Ca normal : to AB
by the Carrangement has mag-
deben the two sheetsright,
estar en losincilindros
Fig. 23-19a.
if the BWhat
electric CisE
yfield their
para producedorder,
que from
(si the
es left
if the electric
posible) el mag-E produced
field negatively char
E #the2s/´surface, as shown. Take that
right, if the electric
nitude field
E# E 0produced
in one region by the and arrangement inhas
0 nitude mag-
anotherE #region? 2 1
eléctrico neto sea
E # 0 in7oneFigure
and Eshows
(a) el
# 2s/´four
punto 1, (b)
normal elto punto
be directed20 iny “outward,”
(c) region and as 1
E # 2s/´0 in another
region? great as 1000 N
0 in another region?
situations 2 3.0 m % 2.0 m. A
el punto 3?
thoughin 7the which
surface four
werevery shows
one longfacefour
3 of situations in which four very long
7 Figure 23-26rodsshows
extend fourinto situations
and out in
of which
the pagefour
(we very
see long
only their cross sec- Figure cross
23-28 sec- the electric
Question 11. field

a box.rods extend the

Calculate into electric
and out flux of the page (we see only their
rods extend into and out
tions). Theofvaluethe pagebelow (weeach see only
cross their
section cross
tions). sec-
givesThe thatvalueparticular
below each cross Figure
section 23-28 Question
gives that 11.
particular face and as hav
through the surface. Figure 23-30 Problem 1.
tions). The value rod’sbelow
cross section
densitygives that rod’s
in microcoulombsparticular uniformper meter.charge Thedensity Figure 23-29 shows
12in microcoulombs perfour Gaussian
meter. Thesurfaces 12as form
surfaces con
••2 An electric field
12 given
Figure by
23-29 shows
cylindrical four Gaussian
midsections surfaces
but What
different end are
caps. (a)
The t
rod’s uniform rods charge aredensity
separated in microcoulombs
by either d or 2dper : meter.
as drawn,
rods The
are 2a central by
separated pointeither d or 2d as drawn, z and : a central point cylindric
E " 4.0î # 3.0(y $ 2.0)ĵ cylindrical pierces a
uniform but different
electric field end
E caps.
that is The
surfaces elementa
parallel are toint
rods are separated by either d or 2d as drawn,
is shown midway between the inner rods.isRank and a central point the situations ac- the inner:rods. Rank the situations ac- uniform
Gaussianshown cube midwayof edge uniform
length 2.0 m
electric field
each E that
cylindrical is directed
midsection. parallel
The to
endthe central
caps have axis
is shown midway between
cording themagnitude
to the inner rods.of Rankthe the
net situations
electric ac-
cording to at
the that central
magnitude of the net electric field at that central ••9 ILW each Fig. cyli
4) El cubo and positioned deas1,40 shown min yFig. 23-7.
cordingen la figura
to the magnitude
point, 4 tiene
greatestof the una
first. longitud
net electric fieldde borde
at that point,central
greatest each
first. está
cylindrical midsection.
vex hemispheres; The end S2, caps
these shapes:
with 1,, con
edge hem co
orientado como se muestra en una región de(Thecampo magnitude eléctrico E is
vexin newtons
hemispheres; per
Rank S , concave
the surfaces hemispheres;
according S
to , cones;
(a) the S
net , flat
electric disk f
point, greatest first. 2 3 surface Rank
4 and (b the
Encuentre el flujo eléctrico (a) a través de la coulomb cara derecha and the position
(a) siRankel xthe is surfaces
campo in me- andaccording
(b) the electric to (a) flux
the net electric
through theflux
: through
top end caps,
E "(3.00yĵ) N/ (b) the
ters.) What is–3 the electric flux through
eléctrico, en(a)newtons +3 por coulomb,
dado thepor(a)
top 6.0
face, i
(b) ̂ bottom
and (b)
(b) ︎ −2.0+3 the electric
face, j
(c),̂ yleft flux through
+2 –2 the –3top end caps, greatest
y are (c) first.! and
+2 –2 –3
i ̂ + 4.0 k̂ (d) ¿Qué
(6.00 $ 3.00y)ĵ
(c) −3.0
︎ (b) es el flujo total a través del face, and (d) back face? (e) What is the
(b) cubo por cada net electric
–4 flux
+2through the cube? x ••10 Figure 23
(b) +2 –4 +2 –4 –4 +2
surface in the sh
+2 –4 –4 +2
••3 The cube in Fig. 23-31 has edge E 2.00 m. It lies
E in
(c) length 1.40 m (c)
and is orientedE as shown
23-31 Problems form electric fie
(c) +8 –2 +2
in a region of uniform+8+8
electric field.–2
Figure +2 +83,
+8 –2 +2 +8 6, and 9. 4.00)î $ 6.00ĵ $
the electric flux through the right face if What is the net
(d) (d) in newtons per coulomb, is given by (a) 6.00î, (b)
the electric field,
(d ) –6 +5 +5 –6–6 $ 4.00k̂. (d)+5What is the total
+5 Sflux –6the
S2 ••11 S3 Figure
# 2.00ĵ, and (c) # 3.00î 1 through
–6 +5 +5 –6 S S S a cube
S of edge le
cube for7.
Figure 23-26 Question each field? Figure 23-261
Question 7.2 Figure 23-29
3 Question4 12.
m.The cube lies
Additional information available in The Flying Circus of Physics and at
••13 SSM The electric field in a certain region of Earth’s atmo- •20 Flux and conducting shells. A charged particle is held at the
sphere is directed vertically down. At an altitude of 300 m the field center of two concentric conducting spherical shells. Figure 23-39a
has magnitude 60.0 N/C; at an altitude of 200 m, the magnitude is shows
Module a cross
23-1section. Electric Figure Flux 23-39b gives the net flux ! through a :
E " #34k̂ N
100 N/C. Find the net amount of charge contained in a cube 100 m Gaussian
•1 SSM sphere The square centered on theshown
surface particle, as a function of the radius r Determine th
on edge, with horizontal faces at altitudes of 200 and 300 m. ofin theFig.sphere. The scale 3.2
23-30 measures of the mmvertical
on axis is set by !s " 5.0 #

2 Normal •7 A partic
••14 Flux and nonconducting shells. A charged particle is sus- 10each N ?m side./C.ItWhat are (a) the
is immersed in charge
a uni- of the central particle and the 55 cm on edg
pended at the center of two concentric sphericalSEMESTRE shells that are ENERO net
form charges -ofJUNIO
electric (b) A2019

field and (c) shell B?
••8 W
very thin and made of nonconducting ACTIVIDAD
material. Figure DE APRENDIZAJE
23-37a E " 1800 N/C3: andLEY with field DElines GAUSS
splashing of

Φ (105 N • m2/C)
shows a cross section. Figure 23-37b gives the net flux ! through a an angle of u " 35° with B a normal to
negatively ch
Gaussian sphere centered on the particle, as a function of the ra- the surface, as Ashown. Take that
0 r great as 1000
dius r of the sphere. The scale of the vertical axis is set by !s " normal to be directed “outward,” as
5.0 # 105 N5) ?m2Una
/C. (a)partícula
What is the decharge
cargaof de the 1,8
centralμ Cparticle?
está en elthough centro thede un cubo
surface were one gaussiano
face of de 55 cm en el borde. 3.0 m % 2.0 m
the electric fi
– Φs
What are the ¿Cuál es elofflujo
net charges eléctrico
(b) shell A and (c) netoshellaB?través de la superficie?
a box. Calculate the electric flux
face and as h
through the surface. Figure 23-30 Problem 1.
–2 Φs surfaces as fo
••2 An electric field given by What are (a)
Φ : (a) 2 (b) z
6) La B figura s5 muestra una superficie gaussiana E " 4.0î en #forma 3.0(y $de cubo
2.0)ĵ piercescon a
Φ(105 N • m2/C)

Figure 23-39 Problem 20. excess eleme

Gaussian cube of edge length 2.0 m
longitud de borde 1.40 m. ¿Cuál es (a) el flujo neto a través
and positioned as shown in Fig. 23-7.
de la ••9 ILW Fig.
superficie y 0 (b) la carga neta qenc encerrada r (The An
••21 por
magnitude la conductor
is in newtons has netsi charge
per $10 # 10 %6 C and a cav- with edge len

E ⃗ = (3.0y j ̂ ) N/C, con y en metros? ¿Cuáles

ity with a particle
coulomb and theofpositioncharge qx"is$3.0 in me-# 10 C.What is the charge on
%6 surface and
son (c) Φ y (d) q si :
E "(3.00yĵ)
E ⃗ = [−4.0–Φi ŝ + (6.0 + 3.0y j ̂ )] N/C.

(a) theWhat
ters.) cavityiswall theand (b) the
electric enc
flux surface?
the (a) top face, (b) bottom face, (c) left y are (c) ! a
face, and (d) back face? (e) What is the (6.00 $ 3.00y
(a) (b) Module 23-4 Applying Gauss’ Law: Cylindrical Symmetry
net electric flux through the cube? ••10 Figure
•22 An electron is released 9.0 cm fromxa very long nonconduct-
Figure 23-37 Problem 14. surface in the
••3 rod Thewith cube a uniform
in Fig. 23-31 6.0 m C/m.has edge What is the magnitude of the
2.00 m. It lies
length 1.40initial m and acceleration?
is oriented as shown
••15 A particle of charge $q is placed at one corner of a Gaussian Figure 23-31 Problems 3, form electric
in a region
(a) The of drum
uniform of aelectric
photocopyingfield. Find machine has a6,length
cube. What multiple of q/´0 gives the flux through (a) each cube face •23 and 9.of 42 cm 4.00)î $ 6.00
forming that7)corner
El campo
and (b) each eléctrico
of the otherjusto por encima de and
cube faces? la
the superficie
diameter fluxof delcm.tambor
12 the
Theright conductor
electric if just above
field cargado
the drum’s desur-una What is the n
fotocopiadora tiene una magnitud E de 2.3 x10face 5 N/C.
the is 2.3 ¿Cuál
electric # field,
105 N/C. esnewtons
in la densidad
What per total
is the coulomb,de
is given
on the superficial
by (a) 6.00î,
drum? (b) The en
(b) el
••11 Figu
•••16 The box-like Gaussian surface shown in Fig. 23-38 en-
# 2.00ĵ, and (c)
manufacturer # 3.00î
wishes to $ 4.00k̂. (d)
produce What isversion
a desktop the totalofflux thethrough
machine. the
a cube of edge
closes a net charge of $ 24.0´0 C and lies in an electric field given cuberequires
for eachreducing
field? the drum length to 28 cm and the diameter to

by E " [(10.0 $ 2.00x)î % 3.00ĵ $ bz k̂] N/C, with x and z in me-

m.The cube li
8.0 cm. The electric field at the drum surface must not change. What :
ters and b a constant. The bottom face is in the xz plane; the top face Module 23-2 Gauss’ Law E " #3.00î #
must be the charge on this new drum?
is in the horizontal plane passing through y 2 " 1.00 m. For x1 " •4 In Fig. 23-32, a butterfly net is a charge contai
1.00 m, x2 " 4.00 m, z 1 " 1.00 m, and z 2 " 3.00 m, what is b? •24 Figure 23-40
in a uniform electricshows field a section
of magni- of a +
8) La Figura 6 muestra y
una sección de un tubolong, de thin-walled
tude metal
E " 3.0largo mN/C. metal yThe derim,
tube pared
of aradius
cir- +
delgada de radio R = 3.00 cm, con una carga cle R 3.00
" cm,
radius a" with a charge
de11longitud per
cm, is aligned de unit +
length of l " 2.00 # 10field. C/m. + +
y2 TheWhat
λ = 2.0 × 10 C/m. ¿Cuál es la magnitud Eiscontains perpendicular
the campo
to the
of the electric
no netE charge.
a la
Find field
x2 +
distancia radial (a) r = R/2.00 y (b) r = 2.00R? x (c) Grafique
radial flux distance E
through contra
(a) the r para
R/2.00 and
r "netting. Figure 23-32 Problem
+ 4.
+ +
el rango r = 0 a 2.00R.
z1 z1 (b) r " 2.00R? (c) Graph E versus r
•5 In densities
Fig. 23-33,on a proton is
R +
a dis-have excess surface charge+densities of opposite sig
ducting and thin and have uniform surface charge the plates
for the range r " 0 to 2.00R. +
their zouter surfaces. Figure 23-41bz gives the radial tance d/2 directly
component E ofabove magnitude
the center of 7.00a square
" 10 #22 ofC/mside2.d.In What is the notation, what
the electric field versus radial distance r from•25
the SSM common An
of the infinite
axis, line fluxof charge
through the square? (Hint:
electric field at points (a) to the left of the Think of theplates, (b) to the r
z x1 x2 produces asaone
squaredensity? field
a cube with 4.5
edge# d.)
Figure 23-38 Problem 16. and Es ! 3.0 " 103 N/C.What is the shell’s linear charge them, and (c) between them? ••12 Figure
10 4 N/C at distance 2.0 m. Find the Figure 23-40 Problem 24.
••27 A long, straight wire has fixed negative charge with a lin- •34 In Fig. 23-45, a +
small circular hole of conducting
radius R ! 1.80 sc
Module 23-3 A Charged linear charge density.
ear Isolated
charge density Conductor of magnitude 3.6 nC/m. The wire is to be en- been cut in the middle of an infinite, flat, nonconducting place. Shell s
•17 SSM A 9)uniformly
La figura 23-42
closed a es
byconducting unasphere
coaxial, sección de una barra
of 1.2nonconducting
thin-walled m diam- ••26 Figureshell
cylindrical 23-41a ofde shows radio
that has R1uniform
a narrow =charged
1.30 charge
solid cylinder
mm y longitud
that is = charge
s ! 4.50LpC/m 2 densi
. A z axis, w
eter has surface charge density 8.1cm.m C/m 2
. shell
Find is(a) the net coaxial
chargecharge on its outside sur-with a larger charged cylindrical shell. Both are noncon- outer surfac
11.00 m
on the sphere and (b) theface
unaThe carcasa
flux leaving
a surface
have positive
s that makes the net external
coaxial de origin
pared at the
delgada hole’s de center,
radio is R 2 = d 10R y
to the surface.
shell 2 has u
Es−12notation, what is the electric field at point P at z ! 2.5
la misma
•18 The electric field just longitud
above L.
field La
thezero. carga
surface Calculate neta
of thes. en la
charged con- barra es Q
1 =
23-33 + 3.40
Problem ×5. 10 C; mientras
d que
(Hint: See Eq. 22-26 and use superposition.) en la carcasa density $4.0
surface and
ducting drum es ofQ2a photocopying
= 2.0Q Amachine
••28 1. ¿Cuáles charge of has
son alamagnitude
uniform (a)linear
magnitud E of 2.0
density de•6 E yAt(b)
nC/m la dirección
is distributed
each point on the
surface of the
cube shown
in Fig.
hacia centers are se
E (103 N/C)

2.3 # 10 N/C. What is the alongsurface
a long,charge density on the
thin, nonconducting drum?
rod. The rod is coaxial with a long z
afuera) delconducting
campo eléctrico a la(inner
distancia radial therelectric
= 2.0R field 2 ?!
is ¿Cuáles
parallel to son the z (c) axis.EThe y (d)lengthla Pofdirección
each edgeen In unit-vecto
•19 Space vehicles traveling through cylindrical
Earth’s shellradiation radius
belts can! 5.0 of cm, outer radius
the cube is 3.0 m. On0 the top face of 3the + +
cube + +
the +field
+ +is + net+ +electric fi
intercept a rsignificant
= 5.0Rnumber ? ¿Cuál
110 cm). of esnetlacharge
Theelectrons. carga Theonenthelashell
resulting superficie
is zero. (a)
charge (e)Whatinterior is theymagni-
(f) exterior de la cubierta?
1 2
+ + + + + + 6+ + + +
4 5
buildup can damage electronictude ofcomponents
the electricand fielddisrupt
15 cm operations.
from the axis of the (a) shell? What is + + + + + + + + + +
the surface charge density
Suppose a spherical metal satellite 1.3 m in diameter accumulates on the (b) inner and (c) outer surface of + + + + R + + + +
the shell?
+ + + + + + + + + +
2.4 m C of charge in one orbital revolution. (a) Find the resulting sur- (b) –Es + + + + + + + + + +
face charge density. (b) Calculate
••29 SSM the magnitude
WWW Figure of the electric
23-42 is field + + + r +(cm) + + + + + +
just outside the surface ofathe satellite,
section of adue to the surface
conducting rod of charge.
ra- Figure 23-41 Problem 26.
dius R1 ! 1.30 mm and length L ! Figure 23-45 Problem 34.
11.00 m inside a thin-walled coax-
ial conducting cylindrical shell of •35 Figure 23-46ashows three plastic sheets that are large
radius R2 ! 10.0R1 and the (same) R1 lel, and uniformly charged. Figure 23-46b gives the component
length L. The net charge on the rod R2 net electric field along an x axis through the sheets. The scale
is Q1 ! $3.40 " 10 #12 C; that on Q1 vertical axis is set by Es ! 6.0 " 105 N/C.What is the ratio of the
the shell is Q2 ! #2.00Q1. What density on sheet 3 to that on sheet 2?
are the (a) magnitude E and (b) di- Q2
rection (radially inward or out- 1 2 3
Figure 23-42 Problem 29.
ward) of the electric field at radial

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