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DOKUMEN NEGARA OFA DEP OK KODE NASKAH 'SANGAT RAHASIA 70 5 Se) PEMERINTAH KOTADEPOK DINASPENDIDIKAN ULANGANKENAIKANKELAS ‘SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA (SMP) ‘Tahun Pelajaran 20102011 LEMBAR SOAL MataPelajaran — : Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIL Hari, Tanggal: Rabu, 15 Juni2011 Waktu 120Menit PETUNJUK: 1. Disediakan Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LIK) 2a LIK dipergunakan untuk jawaban Soal Pilihan Ganda, ’. Tulislah dengan jelas : Nama Anda, Nomor Peserta Anda, Sekolah Asal, Tanggal Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas, Jam ke, Tanda tangan, dan menghitamkan bulatan kecil pada LIK sesuai dengan petunjuk. . _Jawaban dikerjakan dengan cara menghitamkan bulatan kecil sesuai dengan jawaban yang Anda anggap benar, ‘Apabila ada jawaban yang keliru dan Anda ingin memperbaikinya, hapuslah jawaban yang keira itu dengan menggunakan keret ;penghapus pensil, Kemudian hitamkan bulatan Kecil Iain sesuai dengan jawaban yang Anda anggap benar, fe _ LIK jangan sampai rusak,basah atau kotor 3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya, 4. —_Laporkan kepada Pengawas Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas,rusak atau jumlah soal kurang. 5. Jumlah soat sebanyak Pian ganda 40 soal, Uraian 5 soal 6 Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah 7, Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas, bila diperlukan 8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum Anda serahkan kepada pengawas Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas. SELAMATBEKERJA 1 Pilihan Ganda 4, in your ~ the ~ best ~ speech — on — 12 3 4 5 6 Answer these questions by crossing the letter A, B, C or D Congratulation ~ contest — performance! Text for number 1 to3 1 8 9 TADN23S-68 ‘There is a garden in my school. The garden is on the east T63S8249 A B side of the school building, Mr. Indarto is a gardener. He plants c some fruit trees, such as: mango, avocado, apple ete. He also D. plants some flowers such as: roses, jasmines and orchids. In the break time, many students play in the garden, ‘Text fornumberSto8 1. Where isthe location of the garden? I's on the...side of the ‘The students usually ...(5) to library during the break of school building their lesson. They can borrow or ...(6) the books. The students AL east south should ...(7) the books on time, or they have to ..(8) the fine ifthe Be west D. north books are late to return, 2 How many flowers mentioned in the text? 8 AT cs AL Go © Have B 6 D3 B. Retum D. Play 3. Heplants some fruit trees... (line 3). “He” refers 0... 6 A. The writer The student A. Buy Sell Be Mr Indarto D. The garden B Have D. read 2 A. Buy Return Bo Have D. Sell 8 AL Play Cc Fly B Pay D buy ‘Text for number 9 to 10 ‘ATTENTION To: Students of class 7.6 107.9 ‘The student who got the score less than 7.5 on the listening test, please come tothe classroom of 7.6, Friday, February18 th, 201 1,at 1.00 pm fo havea remedial test Thanks for your attention English Teacher Mrs Sukmavrati 9. Who is the announcement for? I's for... A. teacher Ball students student grade 7.6 10 7.9 D. students who get more than 75 10. The statement which is TRUE based on the text is ‘A. Mrs. Sukmawati wil oin he test B._ The test will beheld after school The announcement is for all 7 grade students D._ Mrs, Sukmawati gor 75 in listening ‘Text for number 11 1013 Barrack Obama Barack Hussein Obama is the 44* United Stated president. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961 ‘When Barack was alittle boy, he lived in Indonesia until he was 10, Then, his family moved back to Hawaii, and lived with his grandparents. He liked to be called Barry when he was younger. ‘After high school, Barack moved to Los Angeles. He finished college at Columbia University in New York, and then moved to Chicago. He went to Harvard Law School in Massachusetts and became alawyer in 1991 His wife is Michele Obama a and Natasha Obama {his daughters are Malia Ann 11, When Barack Obama was a kid you A. Jakarta B. Los Angeles Honolulu D. Hawai where did he live? 12. What did Mr. Obama tike t0 be led when he was young? A. Obama C Bte B Bany D. Oby 13, How old is Barry now? AD c 9 B @ Dd. 40 Text for number 14 to 16 How to make Pandan Cake Ingredients: B caps, 6 egg whites, 175 ge Sugar, 180gr flour, cup thick coconut milk, °% teaspoon of salt, 3 spoon suji extract, or green food coloring Direction : Boil coconut milk, salt, suji extract in low heat, then cool them Mix egg and sugar until mixed ‘Add flour stir gently Add food coloring stir gently. ‘add the cooked coconut milk, mix it evenly Pour the mixture to cake pan inside, Bake until done, The text above tells us how to, A. Serve the Pandan Cake BL Make the Pandan cake C_Boilthe coonut milk D. Bake the cake Which one of the following ingredients is needed to make Pandan Cake? A. 8-10 pine leaves, B_ % teaspoon of salt C30 gr Rice D._% teaspoon of brown sugar Boil coconut milk, salt, suji extract in low heat, The antonym of the underlined word is, A. Smal c Big B. Little D. High Text fornumber 17 Dear Juliette, Allthehard work you have put, all the saerifice you have made, = has finally paid off, Congratulation on your success to be the winner of the Speech Contest for Junior High Level 2011! Weare proud of you. Student Union Organiz: ion _| 17. Student Union Organization congratulates Juliette on, A. Her winning in the speech contest B. Her sacrifice to be a junior high student Her hard work to join the contest D. Het final goal to have a high levet ‘Text for number 18, rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph ‘Therefore, they rely on sunshine for warmth They belong to a group of 3.800 scaly-skinned reptiles ‘This is why they live in warm climates Lizard are reptiles Beside, they bask in the sun for hours each day They cannot control their own body heat (ouree; John Fardon, 1000 facts on animals. Kelly publisher, 2001) peaeNe 18. ‘The best arrangement is 142635 poR> Shake up the detergent and put itup 15-20 em away from the LCD screen 2. Spray on the LCD sereen surface directly 3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush You can also do the following steps: 1. Spray the detergen on the fabric cleanser 2 Clean the LCD sereen surface to make it as bright, as anew one 19. What should you do to the detergent first? AL Spray it Co Putitaway B Ckanit D. Shake itup 20, Before cleansing the screen surface, we spray the detergent ‘on the screen surface directly ot spray it on A. Our fingers The fabric cleanser B. The paper D. The brush 21, Cleanse gently using the fubric...what does the underlined word have similar meaning to? A. Carefully C Directly Bo Harshly D. Cleanly ‘Text fornumber 22 t024 ‘Arrahima Boarding School Jakarta In comemorating the Independence Day, we will hold some sport events such as badminton, table tennis, futsal and volley ball. The events will be held from 14" to 16% of August. Every class should send at least one team for each event, Please contact Janet (IX.2) and Ali (IX.5) for registration, Registration will be closed by August 124 2010 Committee 2. Which spor IS NOT competed A, Lawn tenis Volleyball B. Futsal D. Badrninton 23. How long will the competition last? A. Five days Three days B. Four days D._ Two days 24, What does the committee wantin writing the text? A. To share the information to other B, To tell the students about the evenis To announce the students to join the events, D, To tell the way how to join the events 25. Rearrange these words in good order ‘The best arrangement is AL 3641-52 Cc 316452 Bo 351426 D 361452 Text for number26 t0 28 Hove dogs very much. ! keep some dogs in my house, They are Casper, Midas, Brownie and Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short with long body and four strong legs Brownie isa collie, She has long and thick fur. What color is her fur? Brown, of course that's wy I call her Brownie. Dottie isa Dalmatian, She has a slim body and four long leg. She has thin fur and dots all over her body. ‘The last is Midas, He is a bulldog. He has a large head, a short neck and thick short legs, He's very strong, ‘always take care of my dogs everyday. 26. How many dogs does the waiter have? Al cea B 2 D4 27. What does Casper look like? A. short with long body and strong legs B. Brown, with long and thick fur C.__slim body, long legs D. thin fur and dots 28. The writer cals the collie, Brownie beetise.. ‘A. she likes brownies C._“she-has brown ear B. She has brown fur. she likeit Text fornumber 29 29. It's getting dark in the room. t's almost 06,00 pen. My father asked me to make it bright. He say ‘A. open the window B. take me the magazine © switeh onthe TV D. tum on the light 30. Choose the best arrangement for the jumbled words below oF-breakin-the-emergency-glass-case 1234 5 6 7 AL 2374165 CC M6RT1S Bo 3761452 Di 3715642 31. Arrange these jumbled sentences into a good paragraph 1. Finally, wait while your account is being processed 2. First, come to the customer service and tell what you want

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