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vlado goreski

drypoint I, 2019
Vlado Goreski

Graduated - History of Art at the University of St. Cyril

and Metodij, Skopje and graphic arts on Graphic center in Ljubljana.
graphic artist, painter, set designer, visual artist

Solo exhibitions - Macedonia, Bulgaria, Italy, France ...

Group exhibitions: Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania,
Serbia, Croatia, France, Slovenia, Italy, Japan, Moldova, Armenia, Korea ...
Awards: Macedonia, Moldova, France ...
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Vlado Goreski, graphic artist
He lives in Bitola, R. Macedonia and Ljubljana, Slovenia.
BFA Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of History of Art, and Graphic Art, Department.
He has studied at the International Centre of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana, Slovenija
Painter-artist at the National Theatre Bitola. Curator of contemporary art in Institute, Museum and Gallery in Bito-
la. 1994 Art director - International Triennial of Graphic Art, Bitola
- International Lithography Triennial II Litho – Kelce, 2018 – 2019, Krakow, Poland
-Mexico Prints for Peace-Grabados por la Paz, 2018
-X International Printmaking Collective in Monterrey Mexico, 2018
- Valvasorjevi dnevi, retrospective, Bogensperk, Slovenia, 20, 09 2018
- Il certamen internacional ex libris espana
- Carnello carte ad arte, Isola del Liri , Frosinone, Itali
- International PrintMaking Biennial in Cacak 2018, Serbia, expert consultant and partner
- Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowe Triennale Grafiki w Krakowie (SMTG)
International Print Triennial Society in Krakow, ILT II LITHO-Kielce, Poland, 2018
- Biennale Internationale de la Gravure de Sarcelles, Françe, 2018
- Association Française pour la Connaissance de l’Ex-Libris, EX-LIBRIS “ARMISTICE”, Biennale Internationale des
Arts du Livre, Françe, 2018
- IV Međunarodnog bijenala akta ,,Marko Gregović” Petrovac – Budva, Montenegro, 2018
- Decima Colectiva Internatcional de Grabado, Mexico, Mexico Prints for Peace-Grabados por la Paz ,2018
- 6th Tokyo International Mini-Print Triennial 2018, first round
- NI Museum galery, Bitola, R. Macedonia, solo exebition, 2018
- Nis, Serbia, Biennale of Graphic Art, 2018
-Portret of Vlado Goreski, opus works - galery Corso Fogazzaro, Vicenza, Italy, 2017
- Dialogue with Nature,Old Market Galery, England, 2017 - 2018
-1st International Print Biennale Yerevan, 2017
- Ex libris, Ruse, Bulgarija, 2017
- IV Valasorjevi graficni dni, 2017, Slovenija
- 3Triennial of graphic art Belgrade,Srbija2017
-Bienale of graphic art Split, Croatia 2017
-Vicenza – Portreto,2017,Italy
- Bogenshperk, Slovenija, graphic kolony,2017
- 4 Bienale grafichni v Lodzi, 2017,Poland
-18 Biennale Internationale de la Gravure de Sarcelles,France,2017
-Grafiche divagazioni,Grapa,Italia, 2017
- 3 Międzynarodowa wystawa Mała Forma Graficzna 13 x 18 - Dialog warsztatu z cyfrą, 2016 - 05.05. - 28.05.2017
-Slovenia Open to Art – Slovenija odprta za umetnost - Sinji Vrh, Art colony, Slovenia, 2015,
-LIKOVNA RAZSTAVA, Sežana, 2015, Slovenia,
- Ličnia hiša, Ajdovschina, Slovenija, 2015,
- “GRAFICHE DIVAGAZIONI” Tecniche e Stili dell’Arte Grafica in Bulgaria e Macedonia, Villa Benzi Zecchini,
Treviso,Italy, 2016,
-Mirror – face to face, Internazionale La Vigna – Vicenza, Italy,2016,
- Mirror – Face to face, Esposizione Internazionale di Grafica d’Arte,Unione dei Comuni del Basso Feltrino Sette
Ville,Italy, 2016.
- 9e triennale – Mondial de l’estampe et de la gravure originale, France,
- Prints for Peace México exhibit 2016, University of Silesia, México,
- 3 Międzynarodowa Wystawa Mała Forma Graficzna 13 x 18
- Di Carta - Papermade. 2. Biennale Internazionale di Opere di Carta. Etica / Estetica
PALAZZO FOGAZZARO, Vicenza,Italy,2015,
- Grafiche divagazioni – tecniche e stili dell’arte grafica in Bulgaria e Macedonia,Italy, 2016,
- Print is in Monterrey, México, Eight Prints for Peace 2016,
- Slovenia Open to Art – Slovenija odprta za umetnost, Castle Gewerkenegg in Idrija,2015,
- Slovenia Open to Art – Slovenija odprta za umetnost,,Goriza, Italy, 2016,
- Slovenia Open to Art – Slovenija odprta za umetnost,Šivčeva hiša Radovljica,Slovenija,2015, -
-Межународний Форум графіки «Leopolis – 2016,Ukraina,
- Mirror—face to face // Esposizione internazionale di Grafica d’Arte, LaCharta - Associazione di Promozione So-
ciale si propone di gestire e valorizzare il sito della cartiera di Vas (Belluno),Italy, 2016,
- Mirror Face To Face (Italia – Macedonia) Museo di Bitola,Macedonia,
- Bienalei Internaţionale de Gravură Contemporană ediţia I, N/E, Iaşi 2015.Romania,
- 1 Bienalei Internaţionale de Gravură Contemporană - Moldova,
- International Mail Art, Yerevan, Armenia, 2015,
- 2nd International Exhibition “SMALL FORM OF GRAPHIC 13x18 - Dialogue workshop with the number”,
2014/2015, Końskich, Radomiu, Kielcah, Busku-Zbroju, Poland,,
-National Galery Skopje - Time collectors - projects 2014,
-Museo de la grafica, Pisa, Italy, et Paolo Ciampini, 2014;,
-9 Trienniale Mondiale de petit format Chamаlières, France, 2014 ,
-Tribuna Graphic, 2014, Museum of Art Cluj, Romania,
-Fire, water, earth, 2014, Shumen, Bulgaria ,
-Fire, water, earth, 2013, Gourin, France ,
-4th, 5 th, 6 th, 7 th 8 th International Triennial of Graphic Art Bitola,
- International art projects, 2012, Shumen, Bulgaria,
-World gallery of drawings – Osten, 2008 ,
-Osten museum of drawing - Skopje 2009,
-2nd International Biennial of Small Graphic, 2003, Tetovo,
-Prilep, 2002, 37th MTF “Vojdan Chernodrinski” ,
- Skopje, galery MKC, 2007 ,
- La Bellone, Bruxelles, 2000 ; Grafikusmuveszek, Debrecen, Hungary,
- Print Biennial, Seul, 2000, 12,
-Balkan exhibition of graphic, Subotica and Novi Sad, Serbia, 1999 ,
- Norwegian international print triennale, Fredrikstad, 1997 …
and other...
“Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep - 1991, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 ;
International Mail Art, Yerevan;
Dialogue workshop Końskich, Radomiu,Poland, 2014/2015
BIGC- Bienala Internațională de Gravură Contemporană ediția a II-a, N/E, Iași 2017
Premiu Special – Vlado Goreski
Project and other activities :
Member of the international jury of the Graphic Biennial in Varna, Bulgaria - 2015, 2013, 2011; Member of the International Jury of
Gallery of World Drawing in Skopje, Macedonija; He was selector of authors, representatives of the country of Macedonia, and present-
er of the collection of the International Graphic Triennial - Bitola at the Graphic Triennial in Chamalières, France; He was selector of
authors graphic artists from the Balkans of 19 th Triennale Grenchen, 2012, Switzerland; He was expert consultant and participated in
organizing the 2nd International Graphic Biennial, Čačak, Serbia, 2014; selector of authors graphic artists from Poland, Slovenija, Croatia,
Serbia, Macedonija, Romanija, Turkey for Graphic Biennial Varna, 2015, Bulgarij, Mirror Face To Face (Italia – Macedonia) curator from
Macedonia, “GRAFICHE DIVAGAZIONI” Tecniche e Stili dell’Arte Grafica in Bulgaria e Macedonia organizer and managing director in
cooperation with Liciano Rosseti -associacione de la Italian graphic artists - Florence Italy…
Vlado Goreski, graphic artist
And art Director of International triennial of Graphic Art - Bitola
Graficko trienale, P.Box 226,
7000 Bitola, R. Macedonija
Tel . 00 389 70 207 037
Vlado Goreski is present on the theatre stage for many years and had many awards and positive critics for his scenographies.His scenog-
raphies are present in many theatres in the country and abroad. Drama Theatre in Skopje - Hamlet (1997 and 2012), Jona Dab, All faces of
Petre Andreevski, Archelaos or Euripide comes back home. Theatre of Turkey, Skopje - Romeo and Juliet, Gilgamesh, Tartuffe, I am Orhan
too. Macedonian National Theatre - Delirium for Two, The life is dream. National Theatre Strumica - Dossier Strindberg, The last day of
Misirkov. National Theatre Prilep - Roberto Zucco , Colonel bird, Wife for the colonel, Lighthouse, Poor life. National Theatre Bitola - The
brothers Karamazov, The Master and Margarita, Underground republic, Refugee, The house of Bernarda Alba, Notre femme de Paris.
Rodopa Drama Theatre, Smolyan - FTM to the one who started first (F... the mother to the one who started first). City Theatre “Marin
Drzic”, Dubrovnik, Croatia - The brothers Karamazov…
Design of theatre posters –
is the author of many theatre posters for which he received numerous awards. He prepared the posters for the following theatre produc-
tions:The Master and Margarita – Bulgakov, National Theatre Bitola,The threepenny Opera – Brecht, National Theatre Prilep,Don Quixo-
te – Cervantes, National Theatre Stip,The Police – Mrozek, National Theatre Ohrid,The brothers Karamazov – Dostoyevski, City Theatre
Dubrovnik, Croatia,FTM to the one who started first – Dukovski, Rodopa Drama Theatre, Smolyan, Bulgaria, etc.
Art critic:
His critic essays start from the local, artistic Bitola milieu, and through the Balkan space they broaden worldwide.Agatha Gertchen,
Poland, Dado Djurić ,D. Džamonja, Leonardo Gotlieb, Argentina, Marc Frising, Belgium, Maurice Pasternak, Belgium, Paolo Ciampini,
Italy, Slobodan Jevtic, France,Venceslav Antonov Bulgaria, Herman Hebler Norway, Crtomir Frelih Slovenia,masahiro Fukuda Japan, Jan
Pamula Poland…
Original projects:
The Gospel according to the shadows (with Vlado Cvetanovski) - National Theatre Bitola, I’m Orhan too - Theatre of Turkey (Orhan
Pamuk), Skopje, Dossier Strindberg – National Theatre Strumica, Adaptation of “The eighth wonder of the world” ,National Theatre Bito-
He is rewarded with numerous awards for scenography and theatre poster design:Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Pri-
lep, 2012 - Award for the best advertising material for the performance “The Police” (Theatre Ohrid), Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan
Černodrinski” Prilep, 2011 – Award for the best advertising material for the performance “Hamlet” (Drama theatre - Skopje), Macedonian
theatre festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 2010 – Award for the best advertising material for the performance “The brothers Karama-
zov” (National Theatre Bitola), Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 2009 – Award for the best advertising material
for the performance “The last day of Misirkov” (National Theatre “Anton Panov” - Strumica), Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černo-
drinski” Prilep, 2008 – Award for the best advertising material for the performance “Refugee” (National Theatre Stip), Macedonian theatre
festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 2008 – Award for the best scenography for the performance “Refugee” (National Theatre Stip),
Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 2007 – Award for the best advertising material for the performance “Tartuffe”
(National Theatre Stip), Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 2006 – Award for the best advertising material for the
performance “Roberto Zucco” (National Theatre Prilep), Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 2003 – Award for the
best advertising material for the performance “The Lower Depths” (National Theatre Bitola), Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černo-
drinski” Prilep, 1998 – Award for the best scenography for the performance “Colonel bird” (National Theatre Prilep), Macedonian theatre
festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 1998 – Award for the best advertising material for the performance “Colonel bird” (National The-
atre Prilep), Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 1996 – Award for scenography for the performance “The Master
and Margarita” (National Theatre Bitola), Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 1994 – Award for the performance
“Notre femme de Paris” (National Theatre Bitola), Macedonian theatre festival “Vojdan Černodrinski” Prilep, 1991 – Award for scenogra-
phy for the performance “Underground republic” (National Theatre Bitola)…
Center for Contemporary Art
Galery Jan SENNY
Vlado Goreski
drypoint I
computer preparation and desing Todor Goreski
ISBN 978-608-245-279-2


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