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Reservation is an activity to book or reserve something for instance tickets, rooms, books etc. It
is needed in order to make sure that something we want is available or not.

Reservation can be done in a hotel, restaurant, travel agency, transportation, movie etc. Here are
some common expression dealing with reservation :
1. Making reservation
2. Handling reservation
3. Confirming reservation
4. Cancelling reservation

1. Making reservation
When someone want to book or reserve something for intances ticket, room, table/seat, etc. Here
are some expression :
 I’d like to make a reservation
 I’d like to book a room for january 3
 I’m going to book a double room for this weekend.
 I’d like to reserve a table for dinner to night.

We can also use expression to ask about the facilities, payment, and other needs, here are some
of the expression commanly used :
 Can i reserve a table for two for lunch
 Can i book a train seat for tommorow morning
 Could i make a reservation for my trip to Bali next week.
 What facilities does the hotel offer?
 What is the parking situation at the restaurant
 Can we have a table by the window
 Can I pay at the check in desk when I pick up my ticket.

2. Handling reservation
When someone receive the book by phone, email or other way. Here are some expression usually
used by a reservation clerk.
 May I help you
 How many rooms/ tables do you want to book?
 How would you like to pay ?
 Can you tell me your address?
 What sort of room would you like?
 I’m sorry to inform you that all our rooms have been booked
 How many people will come?
 Let me repeat the information i have.

3. Confirming reservation
After you make a reservation, you should make a confirmation. When they are sure and available
to take a reservation on that time. Here are some expression :
 I’d like to reconfirm my reservation
 I’d like to confirm my fligt/room/table, etc

4. Cancelling reservation
When there is something trouble which make them to cancel a reservation they have made. Here
are some expression :
 I’d like to cancel my flight
 I’m afraid i have to cancel my reservation.
 I’m sorry to inform you that i have to cancel my reservation.

Activity 1.
Listen and complete the following dialogue. When and where do you find these expression
in the dialogue.
Hotel clerk : Hello. Hotel santika . May I help you?
Man : Yes, I’d Like to (1) ...............................a room for two on the 21st of March.
Hotel clerk : Okay, let me check our (2) for a moment. The 21st
of May, right?
Man : No for March, Not May.
Hotel clerk : Oh, Sorry. Let me see here. Hmm.
Man : Have all the room been booked that (3) ..............................?
Hotel clerk : well, we do have one (4) ...................available, complete with a kitchenette and
sauna bath. And the view of the city is great, too.
Man : How much is that?
Hotel Clerk : it’s only $200 dollar, plus a 10% room (5) ..........................
Man : Oh, that’s quite expensive for me. Do you have a (6) available
either on the 20th or the 22nd?
Hotel clerk : well, would you like a smoking or non smoking room?
Man : Non-smoking, please?
Hotel Clerk : Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; we’re full on the 22th,
(7) want a smoking room
Man : Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?
Hotel clerk : $80 dollars, plus the 10% room tax.
Man : Okay, that’ll be (8) ...........................
Hotel clerk : All right. Could i have your name, please?
Man : Yes, Bob Maexner.
Hotel clerk : How do you (9) ................... your last name Mr. Maexner?
Man : M-A-E-X-N-E-R.
Hotel clerk : Okay, Mr. Maekner, we look (10) seeing you on March 20th.
Man : Okay, Goodbye.
Activity 2.
Study the dialogues in activity 1. Then identify the expression of making and handling
Making a reservation Handling reservation

....................................................................... ........................................................................
........................................................................ ........................................................................
........................................................................ ........................................................................
........................................................................ ........................................................................

Activity 3.
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
1. What is the dialogue about?
Answer ...................................................................................
2. Where does the dialogue take place?
Answer ...................................................................................
3. What does Mr. Suripto book?
Answer ...................................................................................
4. What does he say?
Answer ...................................................................................
5. How does the receptionist respond?
Answer ...................................................................................

Activity 4.
Listen to someone ready the following expressions and choose the best response.
Example :
You will hear : can I reserve two tables for lunch this afternoon?
Responses : a. That’s great
b. certainly. I’ll just will check.
The correct response is (b) certainly. I’ll just will check.

1. a. I’m sorry, it is sold out

b. Ok. That’s all right

2. a. Oh, that too bad

b. certainly. Let me see

3. a. That’s all right

b. certianly.

4. a. I’m really sorry to hear that.

b. Sure. I’ll check it.
5. a. I’d like to
b. yes, that’s fine.

Activity 5.
Practice the following conversation with your partner in front of the class. Then answer the
Receptionist : Good morning, what can I do for you, sir?
Guest : I have a reservation for a single room
Receptionist : Can I have your name ?
Guest : Of course, my name is George Jhonson
Receptionist : just a moment, please. Yes we have go it here. Would you like to fill in this form
Guest : certainly, I will do you accept credit cards?
Receptionist : Yes. Your room is number 402. Have a good stay. Mr Jhonson.
Guest : Thank you.
1. Who has been a reservation for a single room?
Answer ...............................................................
2. Who has taken a reservation?
Answer ................................................................
3. What must the guest fill?
Answer ................................................................
4. Has Mr. Jhonson made a reservation before?
Answer ................................................................
5. What does Mr. Jhonson to pay his reservation?
Answer ................................................................

Activity 6.
Read the dialouge and answer the question !

Tia : Good afternoon. Is this Sahid hotel?

Receptionist : Yes, you’re right. Can I help you?
Tia : This is Tia, I am calling from Solo, I would like to confirm My booking.
Receptionist : Well, let me see at the booking list, Tia, a double room with shower and
telephone for the nights of July 11-July 15. Is that all right?
Tia : Yes, you are right. OK thanks for your help.

Questions !
1. Who made confirmation for a double room?
Answer ..............................................................
2. What kind of room does she want?
Answer ..............................................................
3. How long will she stay?
Answer .............................................................
4. Has Tia made a reservation before?
Answer .............................................................
5. Write the confirmation expression?
Answer .............................................................

Activity 7.
Read the following dialog. Then answer the question
Receptionist : Thank you for calling the orchid restaurant. May I help you?
Tommy : I’d like to make a reservation
Receptionist : for which day and what time?
Tommy : it’s for Friday, february 24, at 7 p.m
Receptionist : How many people will be coming?
Tommy : There will be seven of us
Receptionist : and the name for the reservation?
Tommy : Tommy, Tommy Kurniawan
Receptionist : May i have your phone number, please?
Tommy : 8799999
Receptionist : Okay. Let me repeat the information i have. This is a reservation for Friday,
february 24 for seven at 7.p.m,. is that correct?
Tommy : yes, that’s right. Can we have a table by the window in a non-smoking section? I
want to be far away from the kitchen if possible.
Receptionist : our restaurant is all non-smoking, we can’t guarantee a window table, but I’ll
note your preference.
Tommy : Okay, that’s fine. What is the parking situation at the restaurant?
Receptionist : we have a large parking lot behind the restaurant, also valet parking service. Do
any of the guests have any special requests?
Tommy : I’m glad you asked. I’ll need two high chairs and four booster seats.
Receptionist : I’m sorry, but did you say two high chairs and four booster seats?
Rommy : yes, i did. I’m taking all of my nieces and nephews out to dinner.
Receptionist : that sounds nice. It should be a lively evening
Tommy : You’re telling me.

1. What is the dialogue talking about?
2. Where is tommy?
3. What does tommy want?
4. When will he have a party at the orchid restaurant?
5. How many people will come
6. What kind of table does he want?
7. Can he get the table he wants?
8. What is the parking situation there?
9. Does he have any special request? What are they?
10. Under what name is the reservation?
Study the reservation form
Guest name : ............................................................
Mailing Adress : ............................................................
City /Zip Code : ............................................................
Country : ............................................................
Telephone : ............................................................
Email : ............................................................
Special Request
 Smoking : ............................................................
 Non-smoking : ............................................................
Bed Request
 Double : ............................................................
 Single : ............................................................
Additional special request : ............................................................
Method of payment
 Cash : ............................................................
 Credit card by : ............................................................
 Arrival date : ............................................................

Tugas Mandiri Terstruktur

1. Match the expression in column A with those in Column B to build a good dialogue.
Coloumn A Coloumn B
Receptionist : welcome to our hotel, sir? a. What can i do for you, sir?
Mr. Chin : ................(1) b. I’ll take it
Receptionist : ................(2) c. Certainly
Mr.chin : I would like to reserve a room. d. Thank you very much
Receptionist : ......................(3) e. Here is the key
Mr.chin : Of course, My name is Chin f. Let me check it out first
Receptionist : Would you just fill in the form, please?g. What kinds of room do you
Mr.chin : ..............(4) like, sir?
Receptionist : ................(5) h. What facilities does this
Mr.chin : could you recommend me the best one? room have?
Receptionist : well ...........(6). There is still one i. Can I have your name,
moderate room on the 3th floor, sir. please?
Mr.chin : ..............(7)
Receptionist : The moderate room in our hotel is
superbly appointed. There is a private
bathroom, TV, Telephone.
Mr.chin : Great ...........(8)
Receptionist : All right, sir .............(9)
2. Spell and pronounce the words correctly and find the meaning of the words. Then,
make sentences
No Word Pronunciation Meaning
1 Reserve
2 Reservation
3 Confirm
4 Confirmation
5 Cancel
6 Cancellation
7 Ticket
8 Check
9 Regret
10 Booked
11 Flight
12 Single
13 Double
14 Airline
15 Possible

3. Complete the following dialogue with the suitable expressions provided.

Receptionist : Good Morning, sir. Can I help you?
Guest : (1) .........................
Receptionist : That’s right, sir. We have a single room for you
Guest : (2) ........................
Receptionist : The room has a shower
Guest : (3) ......................
Receptionist : Certainly. Would you like a room with or without a balcony.
Guest : (4) .......................
Receptionist : here you are, sir. Room 125 on the second floor
Guest : (5) .......................
Receptionist : From 7 to 9:30. Could you fill the registration form?
Guest : (6) ...............................

a. Does it have a bath or shower?

b. I’d like a room with a bath if it’s possible
c. It doesn’t matter
d. Yes, I think you have a room preserved for me. My name is ardi
e. Thank you. What time do you serve breakfast
f. Certainly. Could you give me a pen


Receptionist : (1) .........................
Sales person : Yes. I have an appointment with Mr. Thomas, The plant manager for
10:00. My name is Jack Morris, from Brant Associates.
Receptionist : (2) .........................Could you please wait a moment?
Receptionist : excuse me. Mr. Morris. Mr. Thomson will see you now. Here (3)
...............Mr. Thomas’ office. Room 2118. You can use the elevator and
go down the hall about fifteen doors.
Sales person : thank you.
(the sales person goes to the office and speaks to a secretary)
Secretary : (4) ........he’ll be right out. He’s on the phone just now. Would you
mind having a seat, please?
Receptionist : yes, Of course.
Sales person : good morning Mr. Jack, (5) .................
Manager : I’m Happy to see you agin, too
Sales person : please, come into my office.


 I’d like to make an appointment to  What is your name, please?
see Mr. Bentley  What’s then name, please?
 I’d like to make arrangements to  What would you like to see Mr. Fian
meet with Ms. Linton about?
 That’s fine  Wha is it that you’d to meet with
 That’s not a good time for me Mr. Anna about?
 I’m sorry, but i have other business  How about Friday morning at 9 :15
at that time  Would Tuesday afternoon at 2:00
 Would it be possible to schedule a be convient for you?
different time?  Would Monday morning at 11:00 fit
into your schedule?
 What is your phone number?
 I have an appointment with Ms.  could you please wait a moment.
Stella  Would you mind waiting a moment?
 I’m here to see Mr. Taylor. My name Could you have a seat please?
is Phil Donnely  Would you mind having a seat?
 The name is walker, bruce walker.  I’ll tell ms. Jane you’re here
 Let me check Mr. Leen’s Office  Ms. Lee is ready to see you now
 Do you have an appointment?
 Is mr. Foster expecting you?


Secretary : Good morning. Can I help you?
Student : yes. I’d like to make an appointment to see, Dr. Fince.
Secretary : Is Dr. Fince Your Regular Advisor?
Student : Yes. But I haven’t been in to see her for quite a while.
Secretary : O.K what’s your name, please?
Student : Marcy stevens.
Secretary : What would you like to see Dr. Fince about?
Student : I’m going to graduate next term, so I need to see her about that.
Secretary : O.K. would Friday morning at 10 : 15 be convenient for you?
Student : That’s fine. Thank you.
Secretary : You’re welcome.

Secretary : Good Morning. Cotter Industries. This is Robert Johnson,
Western Region Sales Manager’s Office.
Businessman : Good Morning. My name is Les Easton. From Layton Business
Machines. I’d like to speak With Mr. Johnson. If i may
Secretary : I’m sorry. But Mr. Johnson’s not in today. I’m Mr. Johnson’s
secretary, Eva jones . can i help you?
Businessman : yes. I’d like to make arrangements to get together with Mr.
Johnson sometimes tomorrow the day after, we met at a recent
conference and he asked me to stop by the office when i came to
town. I’m having Friday evening, so it would need to be tomorrow
of Friday sometime.
Secretary : O.K. Mr. Easton. Mr. Johnson has time tomorrow afternoon,
about 3 : 30 would that fit into your schedule?
Businessman : tomorrow 3:30 is fine
Secretary : can you give me a tlephone number where we can reach you if it’s
necessary to
Businessman : I’m staying at the winston Towers Hotel Room 3414
Secretary : O.K. we’ll be expecting you tomorrow afternoonm, then.
Businessman : Thank you. Goodbye
Secretary : Goodbye.


1. What is the student’s want to make appointment with?
2. Who is Dr. Fince?
3. Who is the student’s name?
4. Why does the student want to see Dr. Fince?
5. When does the student want to see Dr. Fince?
6. What does Robert Johnson do?
7. Who is Eva Jones?
8. Is Mr. Jhonson his office today?
9. What is Los easton’s address?





School : SMK Setih Setio 2 Muara Bungo

Subject : English (Bahasa Inggris)
Class/semester : XII / 5 (lima) ganjil
Time : 4 x 45 menit
Education Year : 2014/2015
Topic/sub Topic : Short Talk (Report Text)
Meeting : 5th – 6th Meeting
Standard of Competency : Communicating in English at an intermediate level.

A. Basic Competency
3.1. Understanding a monolog in certain working situation.

B. Indicator
a. Identify the report text
b. Answer the general dan detail information of monolog text (report text)
c. Write the simpel report based on the picture
d. Complete the sentence by using prefixes and suffixes.

C. The goal of learning

Based on this lesson, the students are able to :
 Identify the report text
 Answer the general and detail information of report text
 Make a simple report text based on the picture
 Complete the sentece by using prefixes and suffixes well.

Students character hoped :

 Cooperation  Honesty
 Democracy  Accuracy
 Curiosity  Independent

D. Method of learning
 Discussing
 Questions – resposes

E. Material of learning
 Report
What is a report?
o An account given of a matter after investigation or consideration
o A piece of information about an event or situation
o A text which present information about something as it is, it is as a result of systematic abservation and
What is the purpose of it
Where does we find it?

 Generic stucture
a. General clasification (tells about general information or classification)
b. Desription (tells what the phenomenon under discussion, in term of parts, qualities, habits or behavior)
 Purpose of the report
It’s social purpose : it is presenting information about something, they generally describe an entire class of
things, whether natural, or made mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of region, culture and
 Language used
c. Use the general nouns
d. Use the relating verbs
e. Use the action verbs
f. Use the present tense
g. Use the science word

F. Learning Activites.
The fifth meeting (2 x 45 minutes)
No Phases Detail Activities Times
1 Pre activity  Greeting 10
(Pendahuluan)  Checking the students’ attendent. minutes
 Giving the learning motivation
 Asking the general question about the topic
2 Core (Kegiatan Inti)
Exploration  Give the general questions that related the topic.
1. Do you ever read the report text?
2. What kind of report texts?
3. What is the purpose of report text? 70
Eloboration  Explaining the report text minutes
 Discussing the report text based on the pictures.
 Write the report text based on the pictures
 Retell the report text.
Confirmation  Students make the conclude of their discussion
3 Post activities  Giving the assignment to student 10
 Closing the lesson minutes

The sixth meeting ( 2 x 45 Menit)

No Tahap Rincian Kegiatan Waktu
1 Pre activity  Greeting 10
(Pendahuluan)  Checking the students’ attendent minutes
 Reviewing the material had been taught.
2 Core (Kegiatan Inti)
Exploration  Asking the question to the students about report text
 Mention the kinds of report text?
Eloboration  Discuss the student’s assignment
 Find the general information of report text.
 Answer the general and detail information
 Discuss the prefixes and suffixes
Confirmation  Students conclude their discussion
3 Post activity  He suggests to the students that they keep studying hard 5
 Closing the lesson minutes
G. Source of learning
 Book 3 get along with english for SMK
 English book relevant
 Internet source
 Laptop and infocus

H. Assessement
 Written test

Question 1-5 read the following report!

Republic of indonesia is a country in south east asia. Comprising 17,508 islands, it’s rhe world’s
largest archipelago state. With a population of 222 million people in 2006, it is the world’s fourth most
populous country and muslim-majority nation, althought officially it is not an islamic state. Indonesia is a
republic, with an elected parliament and president. The country shares land borders with papua new
guinea, east timor and malaysia. Other neighboring countries include singapore, the philippines,
australia and indian territory of andaman and nocobar island.
Across its many islands, indonesia consists of distinct ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. The
motto “ bhineka tunggal ika” articulates the diversity that shapes the country. Despite, its large
population and densely populated regions, indonesia has vast areas of wilderness that supports the
world’ second highest level of biodiversity. The county is richly endowed with natural resources, yet
proverty is a defining feature of contemporary indonesia.

1. What is the text about?
2. What are the countries share border land with indonesia?
3. “despite its large population and ....(paragraph 2)”. The underlined word refers to .....
4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
5. “the country is richly endowed with natural resources,” the antonym of the underlined word is..

Tugas Mandiri Terstuktur

Read the text and answer the question!

Thenational monument “monas Represents a spirit of indonesiaan stuggle to get independence.It has
several museums, such as the freedom hall and the hall ofsontemplation. The freedom hall telss the story
about the struggle ofindonesian against colonialism. The hall of contemplation displays thedeclaration of
independence and the recording of the speech.
Monashas observation platform to see bird’s eye view of jakarta city. The sizeof the platform is 11 m x 11
m. It’s capable of holding up to 50 people.Lift are available to reachit.
Please,come to monal ! come in via the entance around Medan Merdeka Park Plaza, atthe norhern area
of monas, where a fountain and a statue of princedipenegoro riding horse are placed. This statue is made
of 8 ton bronzesculpted by and italian artist coberlato.

1. What is the text about?
2. What is the main topic of the first paragraph ?
3. What is the main topic of the third paragraph ?
4. How can we see the whole city of jakarta
5. It’s capable of holding up to 50 people. The underlined words mean........
Tugas Mandiri Tidak terstuktur
1. Find out the examples of the monolog text ( announcement, advertisement and report)
2. Cut the text and put on a pieces of folio paper
3. Make five questions from each monolog text
4. Answer the each question?

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