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Identifying Characters Through Characterisation

Recognising Character Traits: Characterisation describes the way that an author creates and develops
the personality of a character. A character’s personality is made up of different qualities, or character
traits, that readers discover as the story unfolds.

Some characters show only one major character trait whilst others show many different traits. The more
that is revealed about a character, the more realistic and believable they seem. Some characters change as
a result of their experiences whilst others remain the same.

Typically, characterisation is shown through:

a. what the character does (actions)

b. what the character says (dialogue)
c. what the character looks like (appearance)
d. what the character thinks/feels (thoughts and feelings)
e. how the character gets along with other characters (character interactions)

In each of the scenarios below, identify the character traits that are revealed. Write down how
identified the character traits (i.e. through the character’s actions, dialogue, appearance etc.)

a. Peter and Jessie, were walking home from school when a cold front rolled in. Jessie shivered.
Peter was more appropriately dressed for the weather than Jessie; he took off his hoodie and
offered it to his younger sister. Gratefully, she smiled as she accepted it. Pete rubbed his bare
arms together to warm them up. Although he was freezing cold, only dressed in a short-sleeved t-
shirt, he was happy that his sister was warm.

What character trait does Peter demonstrate?




b. It wasn’t the first time that Joel was late to football training but Coach was infuriated.

‘Joel, you can’t keep doing this. You’re three hours late to practice!” Coach scolded.

“I’m sorry, Coach. It won’t happen again. I promise,” Joel pleaded.

What character trait does Joel demonstrate?





c. Jenna volunteered to help her friend, Priya, clean her room. Jenna picked up a washcloth and
began to clean Priya’s mirror. Priya told Jenna to use a paper towel instead of a washcloth.
Slightly annoyed, Jenna obeyed Priya’s orders. When Jenna began sweeping the floor, Priya
grabbed the broom from Jenna’s hand and corrected Jenna’s technique.

Jenna threw her hands up in the air and stormed out of the room.

“Do it your way then,” Jenna shouted as she slammed the door.

What character trait does Priya demonstrate?





d. Kevin was riding his bike around the park when he noticed a brown wallet on the ground. He
picked up the wallet and saw an old woman's ID card. Kevin looked around the park and noticed
an old woman sitting on a bench beside the playground.

‘Excuse me, ma’am. I think you dropped your purse,” he said returning the wallet to its owner.
What character trait does Kevin demonstrate?





e. Bobby’s cousin invited him to a New Year’s party. When Bobby got there, he realised that he
didn’t know anyone at the party. After a little while, Bobby noticed that his cousin had
disappeared and Bobby couldn’t find him anywhere. When his cousin returned, Bobby had made
a lot of new friends and was having a great time at the party.

What character trait does Bobby demonstrate?





Read each paragraph below. Circle word that best suits the character traits of the person described
in the paragraph. Circle the words or phrases that led you to that conclusion.

1. Claire smiled as she watched Tina running in the sun. Carefully, she picked up the small puppy and
stroked her soft fur. Playfully, Tina nudged her nose against Claire’s cheek.

“I promise I’ll take good care of you,” she said affectionately.

Claire had read several books about pet care. She knew that taking care of a puppy would not only be
fun but it would be a lot of work too. When she looked at Tina, Claire knew in her heart that she was
ready for the responsibility.

Which word best describes Claire’s character?

a. Caring
b. Detached
c. Responsible
d. Nervous

2. Tony carefully observed the instructions on the experiment manual. Satisfied with his understanding
of the instructions, he reached for a lime-green chemical on the shelf. Cautiously, Tony poured it into
the container. Then, he checked the next step.

“I’m not going to let anything go wrong with this experiment,” he quietly whispered to himself.

Which word best describes Tony’s character?

a. Diligent
b. Thoughtless
c. Meticulous
d. Determined

Read the paragraph below and answer the questions relating it.

3. Lately, Jim always seems to be in a bad mood. His sister, Josie tried telling him jokes to cheer him up
but even that hasn’t worked. His parents tried talking to him, to understand what was what was on his
mind, but he refused to talk to them. It seems that Jim just enjoys being grumpy.

How do you learn about Jim’s character traits?

a. Through Jim’s words

b. Through Jim’s thoughts 

c. Through Jim’s description
d. Through Jim’s actions 

Which word best describes the behaviour of Josie and Jim’s parents?

a. Concerned
b. Caring
c. Foolish
d. Moody
Read the paragraph below and answer the questions relating it.

4. Mel saw her sister, Ellen, heading across the street.

“Who said you could borrow my bike?” Mel shouted.

“It’s an emergency,” cried Ellen. “My bike has a flat tyre and I’m late for soccer practice.”

“You knew that tyre was flat this morning,” Mel remarked. “You never ask to borrow anything. You
just take whatever you want!”

Mel ran up to Ellen and grabbed the handle bars of the bicycle. She led her bike away as Ellen stood

From this passage, you can tell that Ellen is _________________________________.

a. Cheerful
b. Shy
c. Inconsiderate
d. Caring

From this passage, you can tell that Mel is _________________________________.

a. Cheerful
b. Determined
c. Shy
d. Selfish

How are Ellen and Mel’s character traits revealed?

a. Through Ellen’s description

b. Through Ellen and Mel’s words 

c. Through Ellen’s thoughts
d. Through Mel’s description 

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