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1. What is Plan ?

A plan is typically any procedure used to achieve an objective. It is a set of intended actions,
through which one expects to achieve a goal. Plans can be formal or informal:

 Structured and formal plans, used by multiple people, are more likely to occur
in projects, diplomacy, careers, economic development, military campaigns, combat, or in
the conduct of other business.
 Informal or ad-hoc plans are created by individuals in all of their pursuits.
A lack of planning in any discipline may lead to a misallocation of resources,
misunderstandings, or irrelevant sections added to Wikipedia articles such as this one.

2. What is Location Plan ?

A location plan is a supporting document that may be required by a planning authority as part of a planning
application. This may be in addition to a site plan and/or a block plan.

A location plan provides an illustration of the proposed development in its surrounding context. This
enables the planning authority to properly identify the land to which the application refers, and is typically based on
an up-to-date Ordnance Survey (or similar) map.

A location plan should use an identified standard metric scale, typically 1:1250 or, for larger sites, 1:2500,
and generally fits onto an A4 size sheet when printed. It is important that the plan indicates the direction of North, to
make its orientation clear.

The plan will typically illustrate the following:

 Roads and/or buildings on adjoining land.

 The site boundaries.
 Land necessary to carry out the proposed development (outlined in red).
 Any other land owned by the developer that is close to or adjacent to the site (outlined in blue).

A location plan is different to a site plan which is specifically focused on providing more detail of
the development within the site boundaries, or a block plan which may give a slightly wider illustration of the
immediate area surrounding the site.
3. What is Sketching

A sketch is a rough design of what you want to present. It is basically a pictorial

representation of thoughts, images or mental picture in your mind. It can be an idea or a concept.

History of Sketching, In Classical Antiquity, artists used a metal stylus to sketch on papyrus.
During the era of Renaissance art (1400-1530), the stylus was employed with a variety of metal alloys to
create other dry media like metalpoint and silverpoint. Apprentice artists and young pupils were usually
given an empty stylus with which to practice sketching by making easily removable linear marks on wax
tablets. See also: Venetian Drawing (1500-1600). However, artists kept sketches for their own inspiration;
they were not viewed as a proper form of fine art, to be sold in their own right. However by the 18th and
19th century sketching became an independent type of art, even acquiring the additional sense of a stand-
alone artwork. It coincided with a time when there was a surge in naturalism and tourists started carrying
sketchbooks with them to capture impressions of daytrips to the countryside or tours abroad. They
sketched landscapes, animals, new cities, vegetation and flowers. It became a popular hobby enjoyed by
both amateur and professional artists alike and was a useful tool for retaining memories at a time before
photography was invented. Popular mediums for sketching were similar to those for drawing, and
included pencil and crayon, as well as pen-and-ink and charcoal. Even pastel drawings were made.

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