Richards Jack C., Hull Jonathan. - New Interchange 2 English For International Communication. Student's Book

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Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia

Sila Samādhi Paññā

Commitment to Excellent

Topic: Unit 1 “That’s what friends are for!”

“INTERCHANGE 3 Third Edition”

Subject: Seminar in TESOL

Lecturer: Nuom Rada

Student: KIM Sreyroth

ID: 82161

Academic Year: 2018-2019

Interchange 3, Unit 1 “That’s what friends are for!”

Aim To present and practice how to use “relative clause”

Objective: By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
* Use relative pronoun as subjects and objects; clauses with it + adverbial clause
with when.
* Explain what he/she likes or dislikes about something.
* Get the idea of the content of a specific material specially if there is a visual aid.
* Tell what type of partner he/she wants to be in relationship.

Target item: “relative clause”.

Material/ Text
Interchange 3, Unit 1 “That’s what friends are for!”

5 minutes Greeting students, asking them something in order to warm up the class, start lesson.

 Presentation Stage
1. Pre-Teach New Vocabulary
 Teacher elicits new words by using suitable eliciting technique
 Teacher checks the meaning of new words
 Teacher pronounces the words twice or three times.
 Teacher does a choral repetition and then ask for individual repetition
 Teacher asks students to do exercise A&B on page 3. Exercise A students have
to match the words with the definitions. When finished students can check with
15 minutes dictionary. Then students have to mark adjective with a P for a positive
meaning and N for negative meaning and teacher select one or two students to
tell answer to the class. Then in Exercise B teacher explain the task and ask
student to work in pairs and take turn talking about adjective.
a). Sociable: a person who enjoys being with other people.
b). Intolerant: a person who won’t accept other differences.
c). Modest: a person who doesn’t brag about his or her accomplishment.
d). Temperamental: a person who is unpredictable or irregular mood.
e). Egotistical: a person who expresses a very high opinion of him or herself.
f). Easygoing: a person who doesn’t easy much or angry easily.
g). Stingy: a person who doesn’t like giving things to people, ungenerous.
f). Unreliable: a person who doesn’t do what he or she promised.
h). Supportive: a person who is helpful and encouraging.

2. Practicing the new vocabulary (Slap the board)

 Teacher writes 10 words on the board
 Teacher elicits the meaning of the words in Khmer
 Teacher drills the pronunciation of the words chorally and individually
 Teacher need two volunteer students come and stand facing the board
 Teacher calls a word in Khmer
 Students slap the word on the board which the teacher calls out
 The first person slap the correct word is the winner. The winner sits
down and another student comes to the board.
3. Set the Sense: Teacher tells students to look at page 2 and introduce Chris and
4. Introducing the New Items: Teacher arranges students to form group as 2
people and then practice the conversation.
5. Comprehension Check: Teacher tells students to look at the conversation
again and check What is Kim's problem? Who does Chris suggest? How
will Kim meet Chris’s friend?
- Asking student to work with their partner to ask the question below.
- Checking the answer to the whole class.
6. Revise Target items
- The teacher asks students to give example by using grammar “relative
- Example:
o I buy a pair of shoes. It’s really good. → I buy a pair of shoes that
is really good.
7. Draw Attention to Target Item:
 The teacher asks the question to get the answers from the students by
using target item (Have & have got).
 The teacher writes all the answer on the whiteboard.
 The teacher asks the students to underline these sentences of the target

8. Revise Concept check for the target items: Form, meaning and usage.

 The teacher asking students to look at the section 3 (grammar focus)

and elicits. How to use relative clause
 The teacher elicits the sentences of the target item language from
the student have form, meaning and usage.
 The teacher will write all the statement in the table on the

 Relative pronouns as subjects
- I like guys. They aren’t too serious. → I like guys who/that
aren’t too serious.
- I like guys. They have good sense of humor. → I like guys
who/that have good sense of humor.
 Relative pronouns as objects
- I’d prefer someone. I can talk to him easily. I’d prefer
someone(who/that) I can talk to easily.
- I’d prefer someone. I have fun with him. I’d prefer
someone(who/that) I have fun with.
Notice: We can omit who/that from the sentence when we use them ask an object
while combining the sentences.

Ex: Carly helps a man. The man is my teacher → The man Carly helps is my

1. Controlled practice

1.1 Getting students to practice exercise in section A on page 3.

Teacher asks students to look at the picture on page 3 and then discuss with their partners. Match information in
Column A and B. Then rewrite each pair to form one sentence. Use relative pronoun if necessary.

Then checking answers to the whole class.

1.2 Pair Work

 Teacher tells students to look at practice below grammar focus.
 Then teacher ask student to work in pair to complete exercise in section B.

 By the end of the activity teacher ask a few pair of students come to the front and practice as a whole class.

2. Less Controlled Practice

2.1 Pair works:

 Teacher asking students to read the text and do the activity 11 “Interchange 1 PERSONALITY TYPES” and
practice doing exercise A.

 This activity involves a quiz that gives students the chance to practice interviewing one another and talking about
personality types.

 Teacher reads the instruction a loud. For preparation, have students read over the quiz, circling any unfamiliar
words. Afterward, have student form pairs to discuss and check their marked vocabulary. If necessary, clarify any
vocabulary that students may still not understand –for example:
1c. Put off = to delay doing sth. 7a. and 10c. Take over = to get control of or become responsible of sth. 8a. Set out to
do = to deliberately start doing sth.

 Then teacher explain how to do activity: A = interviewer; B= interviewee. Student B closes the book and listen to
student A read aloud the first question and its three choices; then B gives a letter choice (a, b, c). Student A circles
that letter choice on the quiz and goes on to the next question After A asks all the questions it’s B’s turn to
interview A.

• Then teacher call some of students stand up and report their partner answers.


1. Students are asked to summarize what they have learn for this lesson.
2. Review five words that students have learned.
 What does it mean in English?
Ex: Sociable, Ambitious…
3. Teacher set homework to students write six sentences by choosing the words from Exercise A on
page 3.
4. Teacher selects few students to come to the board and have a short conversation.
For ex: Stu. A: What personalities do you have?
Stu. B: The personalities that I have are sociable, kind , generous....

Lesson Closure (5 Minutes)

 Teacher give overall feedback.

 The teacher tells the students what they are going to learn the next session
 Teacher announces the class is dismissed.

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