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Whatdo you think about teens working part-time while theyare inhighschool? Here's what
some readers have said about thistopic.

I think teenagers don't have to work because it is their time to study. It is every parents·
responsibi[ity to provide an educat ion for their children.

Fern ando Vega Guill en, Costa Rica

I honestly think that teenagers can work part-time and attend

I think it is great to be
school, and that they should make that choice themse lves. I don't
able to get a job as a think they should be restricted from working. Teenager s are
teen . I reall y th ink it highly motivated people, who have a desire to work and are good
helps you to prepare
at it. Parents can't provide for the kids all their li fe, so they have
for the future and
to be able to take responsibility for themselv es 1
know what to expect,
and it is also a great D e e D awson . U .5. A.

experience . It also
gives you a chance to I do not think that teenagers should work while theyare in school.
see what it is like to Teenagers have to study hard to enter the university that they want to
earn and spend money attend. If they work after school, they can
· t concentr ate on their
of your own. studies. There are so many reasons why teenagers work. For example,
they want to buy expensive things and imitate adult li fe.
Eve, U.5.A.
Daeho- Ch oi. Korea

eacling Comprehensio

Q Read the textcarefully andthenanswertrue (T) orfalse(F).

Quote from the te.xt to support your choice.
1. Fernando thinks teenagers shouldn 't work because they have to study.
2. Dee believes that all teenagers should work and study at the same time.
3. Eve thinks that teenagers are too young to start working.
4. Daeho-Choi says that teenagers should work to pay for their univer sity studies.

Q Complete the following sentences according to the text .

1. According to Fernando, parents should...
2. In Dee·s opinion, teenage rs need to take responsibility for themselves...
3. For Eve, worki ng gives you...
4. For Daeho-Ch oi, teenagers work because...
Q Find the synonyms of the following wordsin the text.
1. to supply (v.) 2. lim ited (adj.) 3. extremely (adv.) 4. be present (v.)

C, Choose the correct personal pronoun for eachcase. SX4 = 20

e.g. They IWe should make that choice themselves.

1. Some parents think their / they chil dren will never grow up.
2. Why don't you/ he try a part-time job as a start?
3. Julia thinks hers / her grades aren't good enough.
4. Your lap top is so up- to-date. My/ Mine is ready for a museum.
5. That's not his desk, it's our/ ours.

tJ Make questions for the following answers, beginning as indicated.

e.g. John usually takes me to school. Does John usually take you to school?
1. What ?
My school has got an amaz ing gym.
2. Do you ?

Idon't know which job to choose for my future .

3. Whose ?
That mobile phone is mine.
4. Where ?

Iusually go to the swimming pool on Saturday morning.

e Use the past simple to:

Form affirmative sentences.
e.g. You I ask I a question I and/ I/ answer. You asked a question and I answered.
1. Yesterday/ they/ call/ us/ quite late.
2. She/ react/ to my questions/ in an awful way.

Form negative sentences.

e.g. I / want Ia new car. I didn·t want a new car.
1. We/ want/ cause/ much trouble.
2. Steve/ watch TV/ last night.
Form interrogative senten ces.
e.g. Tracy/ live I in Taiwan last summer? Did Tracy live in Taiwan last summer?
1. Andrew/ visit/ Brazil/ a month ago?
2. The terrorist"s car/ explode/ last week?

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