Jak Narody Porozumiewają Się Ze Sobą W Komunikacji Międzykulturowej I Komunikowaniu Medialnym

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Jak narody porozumiewają się ze sobą w komunikacji

międzykulturowej i komunikowaniu medialnym

[Intercultural communication and media communication between nations]
Jerzy Mikułowski Pomorski
Kraków: Universitas, 2007

Selected chapters abridged and summarised by

Intercultural Communication Course students,
English Studies Jagiellonian University
Intercultural Communication
by Anna Sudoł and Natalia Sas
Outline of the presentation
1. Origins

2. Definition

3. Interdisciplinary Orientation

4. Benefits of Intercultural Communication

5. Discussion
• Intercultural communication stretches back into antiquity. It all began when
people from different cultures started to meet together and communicate
with each other. First, it was promoted by missionaries, merchants or
• As an academic field of study and research it has been popular since
1950s. The term ‘intercultural communication’ was first used when the
American anthropologists Edward T. Hall, Ruth and John Useem began
to explore how people from different cultures can successfully
• During the past decades the growth of globalization, immigration and
international tourism has involved large numbers of people in intercultural
interaction. This has led to an increased desire and need for knowledge
regarding how people from different cultures, beliefs and religions come
together to work and communicate with each other.
Interactions with people from different cultural backgrounds;
a process of exchanging, negotiating, and mediating one's cultural
differences through language, non-verbal gestures,
and space relationships
• Cross-cultural Communication - implies a
comparison of and contrast between particular
aspects of communication between cultures

• Intercultural Communication - the

communication between people from
different cultures (it refers to what happens
when these culturally-different groups
come together, interact and communicate)
Interdisciplinary orientation
• cultural anthropology
• psychology
• social psychology
• sociology
• linguistics and semiotics
• cultural studies
• rhetoric
Benefits of studying Intercultural Communication
according to F.E. Jandt1
 improving verbal and nonverbal communication;
 becoming better in recognizing and undertaking communication
behaviours in various contexts;
 better adaptation to a new environment;
 learning how to understand, reduce and overcome stress;
 better understanding of one’s own culture and finding one’s place in
a society;
 reduced feeling of anxiety in contacts with members of other
 learning about customs and habitual behaviours of members of
other cultures.
1Jandt, F. E. (1995) Intercultural Communication. Sage Thousand Oaks.
Benefits of Intercultural
• willingness to accept differences;
• personal growth through increased
• dialogue;
• cooperation;
• developing a positive attitude towards otherness;
• increased international, national, and local
The importance of IC
The theories developed by the researchers and academics can and
has been applied to many fields such as business, management,
marketing, advertising and website design.

As business becomes more and more international, many companies

need to know how best to structure their companies, manage staff and
communicate with customers. Intercultural communication gives them
an insight into the areas they need to address or understand.
Intercultural communication theories are now also used within the
education, health care and other public services due to growing
multicultural populations.
Cross-cultural communication
• As our world becomes increasingly
interconnected, people increasingly
encounter problems when communicating
with people from other cultures. This can
lead to problems ranging from employee
frustration and decreased efficiency, to
losing billion dollar deals.
Cross-cultural communication in
the business context
• Watch the short video (link below) and try to answer the questions.


1. Try to identify the main problems in the video. What are the possible
sources of misunderstanding?
2. What issues does Terry face with Carlos and Miguel?
3. What issues does Carlos and Miguel face with Terry?
4. How can they bridge their differences?
5. Why is successful intercultural communication so important in the
business context?
1. What does intercultural communication
mean to you?
2. What are, in your opinion, the benefits of
developing intercultural awareness?
3. Can intercultural communication be
dangerous in any way?

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