IZO Appliances (PVT) LTD: Quality Management System Procedure For System of Production

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IZO Appliances (Pvt) Ltd

Standard: ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Revision No. 00 Issue No. 01

Title: System of Production Date of Issue: 03-08-2013

Document No: IZO/PR-017 Page 1 of 7


Prepared by: _______________________ Signature: ___________

Reviewed by: ________________________ Signature: ___________

Approved by: ________________________ Signature: ___________


Revision Date of Page

Initiated By Section Description of Changes Done By
No# Issue No.
IZO Appliances (Pvt) Ltd
Standard: ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Revision No. 00 Issue No. 01

Title: System of Production Date of Issue: 03-08-2013

Document No: IZO/PR-017 Page 2 of 7

Table of Contents
Description of Changes Page No#

1 Purpose 3

2 Scope 3

3 Responsibilities 3

4 Procedure 3

5 Related Records 6

Distribution List:
a) Factory Manager
b) Quality Manager

This document contains confidential information. Do not distribute this document without prior
approval from IZO Appliances (Pvt) Ltd.
IZO Appliances (Pvt) Ltd
Standard: ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Revision No. 00 Issue No. 01

Title: System of Production Date of Issue: 03-08-2013

Document No: IZO/PR-017 Page 3 of 7

a) This procedure is to control process through appropriate approvals, verification, adequate
documentation and training.
b) To Plan Production of parts meet customer needs.
c) To satisfy customer needs through appropriate planning.

This applies to Production Department.

The Production Department is a major department in IZO and headed by Factory Manager
(FM). The FM is responsible for managing and controlling overall activities for effective and
economical working of Production Department in order to produce quality to customer
satisfaction and to ensure production optimum utilization.

The FM is also responsible for providing all support and guidance to the production section in
charges in problem solving.

The supervisors responsible for production floor activities and for ensuring that production is
carried out as per planning.

4.1 General:
For repeat orders, which contribute the major part of the production at IZO , the company
receives a Tentative Monthly Dispatch Plan form the customer. On the basis of this FM prepares
the “Monthly Production Plan”, (IZO /FM-017-01-R/00). By considering the Tentative
Monthly Dispatch plan form the costumer and the buffer stock maintained at IZO (to meet the
urgent requirement of the costumer) which is also used to incorporate any verbal orders from
the customer during a month.
A meeting is held between CEO, Factory Manager and Production In charge in which Costumer
Monthly Dispatch Plan. Any other order requirement and minimum Stock Level for regular
items are reviewed and purchasing requirements are estimated for the items which are either
insufficient or not available in store. A “Purchase Requisition”, (IZO /FM-012-01-R/00) is
prepared which mentions the type and quantity of items to be purchased.
IZO Appliances (Pvt) Ltd
Standard: ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Revision No. 00 Issue No. 01

Title: System of Production Date of Issue: 03-08-2013

Document No: IZO/PR-017 Page 4 of 7

On the basis of Monthly Production Plan from FM, available raw material and work load
through Daily Production Report of the departments, Weekly meetings on every Monday
Morning is carried out to review the monthly target and Monthly production planning.
This meeting is conducted among Factory Manager and Supervisors. On the basis of the
monthly Dispatch Plan form Customer, FM prepares the Monthly Production Plan for all 4
sections of the production .i.e., Press Shop, Spot Welding, Paint and Assembly Shop. The
Monthly production plan / or any changes in planning is communicated to the supervisor in this
meeting. During the production if any job left incomplete due to machine / equipment breaks
down or any other reason than incomplete jobs are adjusted in next Monthly meeting by
changing the Monthly production plan.

4.2 Material Issue:

Raw Material & Other item are issued against “Material Requisition”, (IZO /FM-017-02-R/00)
is prepared by supervisor on the basis of Monthly Production Plan and approved by FM. This
Store issue requisition is submitted to store. The supervisor is responsible for the distribution of
these materials to their sub ordinates.
At IZO , minimum stock level (MSL) is maintained to meet regular requirements if the

4.3 Press Shop:

The main purpose of press shop is to shape the raw metal sheet into desired shape. The
Supervisors of press shop attend the weekly meeting to plan the Monthly Production Plan. On
the basis of this planning, material is go issued form store and then distributed to the workers
(machine operators) by the supervisors. It’s on the discretion of supervisor to allocate the work
load to machine operators. At the end of the day, supervisors prepare a “Daily Production
Report of Press Shop”, (IZO-PRD-FM-L&O-001-00) and hand over it to Production Manager.
This Production Report Mentions the total items prepared along with rejections items. Usually
blanking, piercing, notching, forming and blending dyes are used at Press Shop for the
production of light fixtures. The Production files are available with supervisors containing
important operating instructions etc.
IZO Appliances (Pvt) Ltd
Standard: ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Revision No. 00 Issue No. 01

Title: System of Production Date of Issue: 03-08-2013

Document No: IZO/PR-017 Page 5 of 7

4.4 Spot Welding

4.5 Paint Shop:

The main purpose of paint shop is to paint the product. Usually items, prepared in press shop,
are brought in the Paint Shop, Since IZO also provides services (such as only product painting
and / or product assembling therefore , items other prepared in press shop can directly
brought into Paint Shop. The first step to paint and item is to perform the surface treatment”.
For surface treatment, the trollies filled with the items to be painted. The degreasing and water
rinsing is carried out. Then phosphate is carried out after which dying is takes place, For the
purpose of painting, the trolley is transferred into painting booth. In booth it is sprayed by an
electrostatic spray gun. Then it is hangers and it is transferred in oven. Then temperature of
oven should be between 220 C to 250 “C for 20-25 minutes as per the product specification.
Then when it gets cooled it is inspected. Then number if product painted and the number if
product rejected are mentioned in “Daily Production Report”, (IZO-PRD-FM-L&O-003-00).

4.6 Assembly Shop:

The main purpose of assembly is to assemble parts and to form a useable product, usually
items, painted in Paint Shop, are brought into Assembly Shop. But sometimes, as mentioned
above, IZO also provides only assembling services, Therefore, items other than painted in paint
shop can directly be brought into assembly shop.
The working activities in Assembly Shop begin from “Pre-assembling” and the assembling,
inspection, testing and final quality inspection from client, subsequently.
Workers in assembly Shop are also responsible for electric testing if 100% products and for the
packing of products. The production record of assembly section is maintained in “Daily
Production Report of Assembly Shop”, (IZO-PRD-FM-L&O-004-00).
IZO Appliances (Pvt) Ltd
Standard: ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Revision No. 00 Issue No. 01

Title: System of Production Date of Issue: 03-08-2013

Document No: IZO/PR-017 Page 6 of 7

4.7 Validation of Special Processes:

IZO is committed to provide best possible product and after-sales services to its customers. In
order to ensure it’s after sale guarantees, IZO has established arrangements to validate those
processes where deficiencies become apparent only after the product is in use. At IZO ,
Painting, Spot Welding & anodizing (out-Source process) are such processes for which
validation is required. These process along with its specific methods and personnel performing
along with its specific methods and personnel performing this process has been validation by
outside external testing by a recognized testing body. This ensures that IZO has the capability
to meet its guarantees. Records of this validation along with frequency of re-validation are
maintained by Quality Control Department.

4.8 Work Instruction:

Where found necessary, production personnel are instructed in performing operation by
written instruction. Work instruction explains how to operate production machines, define what
steps are required to perform certain operations.

4.9 Delivery:
After final inspection and where required approval from client, this product is transferred to
store which is responsible to dispatch this product to customer desired location against
Purchase Order sent by the customer.

4.10 Post Delivery Activities:

Customer Complaint:
After product delivery, if customer has any complaint the complaint is looked after by the
Quality Control Department. The Complaint is recorded is “Customer Complaint Log”, (IZO /FM-
011-02-R/00). if items, complaint is for , are rectifiable then it is rectified /reworked by the IZO
after the explicit approval of CEO and FM .If items are not rectifiable then penalty is levied by
the customer as per the agreement , For more information , please consult “ System of Handling
Customer Complaints and Feedback.
IZO Appliances (Pvt) Ltd
Standard: ISO 9001:2008 (QMS) Revision No. 00 Issue No. 01

Title: System of Production Date of Issue: 03-08-2013

Document No: IZO/PR-017 Page 7 of 7

Scrap Material:
A contract, valid for one year, with the customer contains the rates and other important terms
and conditions necessary for the efficient delivery of scrap material. The Scarp is stored in “Scarp
Room”. Where watchman takes care of it. When required, scarp contractor is notified who picks
the presence of any IZO ’s Personnel. None type of scarp is incinerated in any process.


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