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Nature of Class Struggle in Bangladesh

Author(s): B. K. Jahangir
Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 12, No. 50 (Dec. 10, 1977), pp. 2063-2066
Published by: Economic and Political Weekly
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4366181
Accessed: 13/10/2010 07:58

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Nature of Class Struggle in Bangladesh
B K jahangir

While the forces of production in post-colonial Bangladesh have continued to remain relatively
stagnant, there has been a constanit struggle to transform the existing relationis of production to the
advantage of this or that contending group. During the regime of Sheikh Mujib, the rural rich contended
successfully for political power; and even though this class lost political power at the national level
followving the political changes in the later part of 1975, it continues to be dominant in the rural areas.
This article examines the nature and significance of these changing production relations in
THE process of capital accumulation nal economy. Capitalistic development social conflict. Ownership of land is
in Bangladesh has generated class in the post-colonial period (Alavi, 1975) one form of control over the means
differentiations within the economy of in Bangladesh is uneven and has of production in the rural areas; but
small peasant producers (Sobban, 1968, produced two interlinked but contra- that control is reinforced by control
Alamgir, 1976). The pressure of the dictory effects in the rural areas. over the means of production natio-
of the market, various agricultural and Firstly, it has generated class differ- nally, which itself rests upon political
economic policies of the government entiations within the peasantry and has power. Hence in the Bangladesh
and the nature of the State have all shaped the polarisation process; rural situation we find that class
affected the forms of landed property secondly, it has determined the placing differentiation is shaped both by access
and the labour system (Abdullah, et al of the different peasant classes within to the means of production and by
1976, Abdullab, 1976). The changes the wider social structure and has access to political power.
in the land-property system and in the defined the role of agriculture within From this perspective, all rural
forms of labour-power transformed the national economy. development programmes and agrarian
land and labour into commodities. The The agricultural, commercial and reform initiated by the government are
differentiation process that developed economic policies pursued by the likely to generate social conflict. In
led to the stabilisation of a rich pea- State, both in the colonial and the both the colonial and post-colonial
sant layer on the one hand, and a post-colonial periods (Alamgir, 1975, periods, land reform and agricultural
depressed layer of impoverished mid- Abdullah, 1976, Sobhan and Ahmad, policies did not lead to the destruction
dle and poor peasants on the other. In 1976) produced muitually interlinked of rural privileged groups and to the
such a process, the landless peasant and contradictory structures in the creation of a new social and political
and the poor peasant not only become rural areas. All these structures are order (Abdullab, 1976). Rather, they
labourers, but also become consumers interlinked through the process of helped to strengthen an expanding rich
of foodstuffs purchased at local shop, change in the system of ownership and peasant category and were primarily
etc. Their main source of livelihood control of the means of production and designed to induce the growth of
consists of wages; and along with through the concentration of capital agricultural output needed to, comple-
other peasants, they buy in the market accumnulation. In a peasant society ment industrial development, Thus,
goods which previously did not go like Bangladesh, where private owner- land reform and agricultural strategies,
through the market system. The latter ship of means of production is consti- instead of destroying the power-base
is controlled by the rural rich and by tuitionally guaranteed, the poorer of the rural elite, enlarged their
the urban investors and, is affected by peasants have little access to the means social base and linked them with the
the government's agricultural and of production. As a social class it is national power structure. Economic
economic policies (Jahangir, 1976). the r-ich peasants who control the policies initiated by the post-colonial
All this has resulted in a social means of production. The latter are State affected productive forces directly
polarisation in the rural agriculture the main decision makers in the rural and influenced the other elements in-
sector of the national economy. Capital areas (Rashiduzzaman, 1968, Jahan, directly. At present, in Bangladesh,
accumulation, generated by the natio- 1972). They also control the sources land, agricultural, trade and economic
nal economy, has had a differential of economic and political power. policies are intended to increase the
repercussion on agriculture: much of However, the government is the existing productive means. These
this capital has accumulated in the principal agency of development in means in the rural areas are controlled
hands of the rural rich and the urban Bangladesh. The State is the major by the rich peasants, and consequently,
businessmen, and even the rich pea- owner of the means of production their position becomes more entrenched
sants invest some parts of their through the nationalisation of banks, in the socio-economic and political
profits outside agriculture (Jahangir, insurance companies, transportation structures. Peasants are now mainly
1976). Galeski (1975) pinpoints the and large industries (Sobban and exploited through a private property
problem: "Many of the social effects Ahmad, 1976), and thus, those social system which curbs the effective use of
of the process of capital accumulation groups that control political powei labour power, tools and draught
occurring in the village - and quite also control an important sector of the animals, and fails to stimulate enthu-
often its basic effects - have repercus- means of production by formulating siasm for work or increase peasant's
sions not so much in the countryside economic policies and taking deci- co-operation and solidarity.
as in the towns". Thus, sapital accu- sions concerning investments, credits, While capitalism develops the forces
mulation in rural areas cannot be purchases, duties and taxes. Seen in of production on a national scale in
analysed as an isolated phenomenon, this light, political power is crucial in the post-colonial situation of Bangla-
for it is an integral part of the natio- the analysis of socials inequality and desh, the nation state guarantees the


existing relations of production. This peasants and the landless labourers elite group of the British colonial
situation produces and intensifies un- forcefully. In such a situation the poor period was composed of surplus peas-
even development and combines already peasants and the landless labourers ants and an urban professional class
established patterns of exploitation and must also have their own organisation (Abdull-ah 1976; Mukerjee, 1957; Bell,
modern forms of economic activity. to confront the rich peasant (Wood, 1942). The more immediate objective
The State in the post-colonial situation 1974). This highlights the objective of political movements during this
is linked to factional competition be- interests of respective 'classes. In the period was to achieve national libera-
cause resources are distributed un- one case, factional conflict among the tion from colonial domination on the
equally among the peasantry as part rich peasant category turns into class one hand, and from Hindu domination
of the process of 'intervention' or alliance; and in the other, vertical on the other. For these reasons, issues
'penetration' by the State. The com- interdependence gives way to class relating to rural development or radical
petition that occurs within the rich solidarity. Thus a class struggle agrarian reform were never focused
peasant class is an instance of this. emerges involving cleavages within the sharply. After the partition of India
As the State is associated with one village. in 1947, the Act of 1950 was promul-
pattern of distribution and not another, gated which abolished the Permanent
We may further explore the prob-
the institutions of the State generate Settlement systemn.This Act effectively
lems of class solidarity and class
factionalism in their allocative deci- eliminated Hindu domination. It also
conflict in relation to development
sions. Thus competition within the set an upper ceiling on land-holding at
programmes. The existing conflicts
rich peasant class and allocative deci- 33 acres. The historical and cumula-
between the privileged and under-
sions by the State reinforce the tive polarisation process intensified
privileged peasants influence attitudes
factional mode of operation. This link develop- rural stratification. This gained momen-
towards programmes of
between the rich peasant class and the tum because of the flow of surplus
ment. Different classes in the rural
State institutions contributes to the extracted from rural Bangladesh and
area will evaluate the programmes of
strength and solidarity of the dominant the steady expansion of a capitalist
development from their own perspec-
classes both in rural and urban areas. mode of production within the one-
tives, assessing whether the program-
Competition among the rich peasants state structure of Pakistan. In the
me will strengthen their power, and
is another name for entering into new second colonial setting, the character
enlarge their social base, or alternatively
alliances. - These are necessary to of political movements was marked by
whether it will weaken the ruling
provide a secure environment for pro- the struggle to establish the legitimate
group and introduce new forces into
ductive investments. In this way, the position of the Bengalis in the politico-
the political terrain. These conflicting
factionat struggles of the rich peasants administrative decision-making process
outlooks affect class solidarity and the
and the rural entrepreneurs develop and to put an end to the exploitation
nature of the class struggle. In the
into a class alliance which extend into of Bangladesh by the West Pakistan
case of the rich peasants, class soli-
the towns and administration. This capitalists (Alavi, 1971; Jahan, 1972).
darity at the village level is rathei
alliance is composed of rich peasants, loose, and their factional fights do not The political parties in power or in
rural entrepreneurs and urban investors directly threaten their overall class opposition in Bangladesh during the
in agriculture. These, in turn, are interests. They compete among them- second colonial imposition seldom came
clpsely aligned with the bureaucracy, selves for control over the existing face to face with the people in the
the dominant political parties and the resources, but at the same time impose rural areas or confronted the issues of
larger urban financiers. their domination over the rest of the social and economic development. At
But how far has this alliance of the peasant population. In the case of the same time, no significant challenge
dominant classes hindered the emerg- the underprivileged peasants, class to the leadership came from the
ence of class solidarity among the poor solidarity is forged locally and is rein- peasants. The attitude of the Bengali
peasants and the landless labourers? forced by their links with the left- bourgeoisie towards the policies of
The formation of capital in the post- wving political parties, but is rather Bengali nationalism was one of guarded
colonial situation has eroded loyalties loose regionally or nationally. support. They gained greatly from
previously structured by kinship and Thus, the pace of class solidarity and the policies of nationalism but at the
has, for example, undermined certain class struggle has depended on three same ti'me were afraid of its leftward
vertical relationships of interdepend- factors: (a) the state of the national gravitation. These pressures of colo-
ence (Jahangir, 1976). This is reflected economy, (b) the mediating role of the nial and class exploitation during the
in the growing ' importance of wage political parties and the political elite, second colonial period brought about
labour. The rapid rise in the prices and (c) the characteristics of the speci- the extreme polarisation between the
of agricultural commodities and' the fic local situation. The slow growth of two wings of Pakistan regionally as
expansion of the cultivated area and capitalism has affected the social for- well as between rural classes national-
improved crop yields have increased mation and deforned the emergence ly. From this double polarisation sprang
the seasonal demand for labour at of a national economy with an elabo- up a unique alliance between the
harvest time. What then would be the rate division of labour on a national politics of Bengali nationalism and the
outcome if, for example, the poor scale. It has kept the class struggle different classes, which culminated in
peasants and the landless labourers fragmented and has debarred the liberation.
demanded an increase in the wage possibility of an alliance of the poorer However, after the establishment of
rate ? The rich peasant could do two peasantry across regions. Bangladesh, the clash between the
things. Either he could use his con- It is necessary now to discuss the two types of politics became more
tacts to obtain labour-displacing mediating role of the political parties pronounced. The ruling party, the
machines (tractors, etc) or he could and political elite in relation to the Awami League, introduced land reforms
activate his network to get political political economy of pre- and post- limiting o}wnershipto .33 acres (which
backing in order to confront the poor colonial Bangladesh. The national had been upgraded to 125 acres during,


Avub's regime) and eliminated tax on in imiarketedsurplus and at the same 3(}0 per cent. Eventually, internal
landc upto 8.3 acres. But the Awami time pressed for terms of trade even security became a problem of both
Leagtue refrained from introducing more favourable to agriculture. economic and political imnportance,
fundlamental structural changes in the given the governmenit's clear inability
The Awami League was founded
rural areas. A new era of patronage to control the numerous pro-govern-
upon an alliance between urban and
started. All these together produced ment paramilitary forces (Mujibbahini,
Kulak interests (Ali, 1975; Alavi, 1971;
an inflationary pressure which tended Lalbahani, etc) and the left-wing gueril-
in Forum, March 13, 1971). An important la groups.
to reinforce the polarisation process
featture of this alliance was that the
the rural areas during the post-colonial Thus, Sheikh Mujib's regime failed
in l)ourgeois forces were less dominant,
period. The climax w,as reached to incorporate the largely populist
since the Kulak sought to legitimise
the floods and famine of 1974 with the masses into a representative democracy.
and secure their own interests by pene-
dleaths of many peasants, the aliena- It could not satisfy the rural rich
trating the opposition parties as a
tion of many from the land and the without losing urban middle class sup-
precaution against the advent of non-
enrichment of others (Alamgir 1976: port and risking a military reaction. It
Awami League ministries. This pene-
Yunus, 1976). was this dilemma that influenced Sheikh
tration had its impact on the policy
Mujib's decision to form one 'national'
It is necessary, in this context, to formulation of the pro-Moscow Com-
examine Bangladesh land legislation munist party (Khan, 1972) and of the party. He hoped that this would be
either an opportunity for political ac-
policies and the actual effect of the National Socialist Party (Gonokontho,
commodation, or at least serve as a
land legislation programme upon the 197.3, January 10). They- all opted for
manoeuvre to defuse the situation. It
agrarian structure and upon the the present land ceiling and gave
guarded support for land distribution. was neither. BAKSAL (Bangladesh
marketed surplus.
In Bangladesh, where peasants consti- Krisak Sramik AwaamiLeague) revital-
Sheikh Mujib's government strength- tute a majority of the population, a ised the political base, and at the same
ened the rich peasants by abolishing secure, rural power hase is indispens- time rejected any compromise with
agricultural taxation and by subsidising able if constitutional politics is to be the military. On the other hand, the
agricultural inputs. In the post- preserved. In this way, both the ruling government policies were enough to
liberation period cereal prices were six and the opposition parties sanctioned create military and middle class cons-
to eight times higher from pre-libera- the ascendancy of the Kulaks, and ternation (YuLnus,1976).
tion prices, and in certain cases, they within the system the Kulaks and the
The country becamnea case study in
were even higher than the prices of bourgeoisie continued their battle for
economic stagnation, social tensions
some manufactured goods. Though power.
and political violence. Price inflation
agriculture's taxable capacity was
Duiring Sheikh Mujib's regime, the accelerated; wage inflation, despite
increased and the marketed surpluis
controls, followed; and with these, in
exhibited a definite upward tendency, country was livirng on a knife edge.
1975, there was devaluation. As a
Sheikh Mujib's government was re- Politically, there was no open challenge
result, the middle class found its
luctant to tax agriculture, and even to the regime. But this was achieved
withdrew certain measures which by an authoritarian rule so severe that prosperity crumbling and its goals
receding, though, a few people, includ-
faced stiff opposition from the agri- opposition could come only from the
ing some close to the government,
cultural bloc in Parliament. The go- liberal mniddleclass element alarmed
continued to do well. The military
vernment at this juncture prepared itA by the kind of State being created in
was reacting increasingly and madle a
first plan document (Planning Com- their name. The economic policies
mission: The First Five-Year Plan, created deeper divisions between decisive entry into politics by staging
a series of coups (August 15, 1975;
1973) which gave emphasis to rapid classes and regions. These latter cir-
industrialisation. This was a someewhat cumstances did not outweigh the November 3, 1975; November 7, 1975).
paradoxical situation, because the attraction of personal affluence to most The n-ew rulers are basically suppor-
government, on the one hand, supported middle class citizens, who seemed . to ters of urban interests and are deter-
the rural sector, and on the other, laid be caught up in a vortex of instant mriinedto release reserves from agri-
a plan for all-out industrialisation, thus constumption tintouched by efforts to culture for industrialisation. Towards
failing to exploit agricultures' taxable tuirn prosperity to national advantage. that end they have withdrawn subsidies
capacity. In this battle between rural The country's consumer boom was from agricultural inputs and have
and urban bias, during Mujib's period, financed not hy domestic production introduced miieasures to extract sur-
rural interest gained. As rural bias b,luthv foreign money and aid. How- pluses from agriculture. These mea-
operated in favour of rich peasant, it ever, the government failed to reduce sures, which mostly affect the poor and
was this class that benefited from economic and social polarisation; nor a section of the middle peasants, are
favourable terms of trade, subsidies at did it control inflation. Instead, govern- manoeuvres aimed at siphoning off
the expense of other social groups, ment began by experimenting with capital fi om agricultural production for
and exemption from an associated set draconian measures to restrict wages investment in urban industrial growth
of taxes. Land legislation, govern- and to encourage exports. But these and at more effectively controlling the
ment agricultural and trade policies measures were unsuccessful, largely powerful class of rich peasants and-
thus changed the agrarian structure because oL the composition of the limiting their political power (jahan.
and tilted it in favour of the rich ruling party, the trade union and the 1976).
peasant and paved the Nway for the bureauicracy (Sobhan and Ahmad,
we find in post-colonial
development of capitalist agriculture. 1976). The Budgets of 1974 and 1975 Thus,
With it a powerful pressure group became unbalanced; reserves were Bangladesh the power elites striving
emerged wvhich helped the growth of depleted and inflation ran riot, with to increase production by shifting the
agricultural output and a steady rise the cost of living index rising by somei emphasis within the existing produlc-


tioIi relations. During Sheikh Mujib's Crises of Pakistan', The Socialist ment in Bangladesh", Legislative
power bloc Register, (ed) Ralph Milibanvi and Studies Quarterly.
period the agricultural Jahangir, B K (1976): "Differentiation,
John Saville.
l)ecame a contender for national powei Alavi, H (1973): 'Peasant Classes and Polarisation and Confrontation in
hut in the changed context, their Primodial Loyalties', The Journal of Rural Bangladesh", unpublished PhD
position has lecome subordinate to Peasant Studies, Volume I, Number Thesis, University of Durham.
the urban power l)Ioc. But though I. Durham.
Alavi, H (1975): 'India and the Colo- Khan, A R (1972): "The Economy of
their position is subordinate now na- nial Mode of Production', The Socia- Bang-ladesh".
tionally, in the rural areas they continue list Register, (ed) Ralph Miliband and Mukerjee, R (1957): "The Dynamics
to be dominant. Against this domina- John Saville. of Rural Society".
tion is fragmented resistance. Although Ali, T (1975): 'Pakistan and Bangla- Rashiduzzaman, M (1968): "Politics
agrarian struiggles are spearheaded bx desh: Results and Prospects', "Ex- and Administration in the Local
the different left-wing parties, the plosion in Subcontinent: India, Councils: A Study of Union and
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Cevlon", District Coumcils in East Pakistan".
ideological differences among them are (ed) Robin Blackburn. Soblhan,R (1968): "Basic Democracies,
sbarp and attempts to link their
Bell, F 0 (1942): Final Report on the Works Programme and Rural Deve-
separate mnovement into one have so in lopment in East Pakistan".
Suirveql and Settlemient Operation
far been unsuccessful. This suggests the District of Dinaipur, 1939-40 Sobhb,n, R and Abmad, Muzaffer
that, in this context, fiagmentation of Government of Bengal, Alipore, (1976): "Public Enterprise in an
Bengal Government Press. Intermediate Regime".
the class struggle rather than primnor- Wood, G (1974): "The Political Pro-
Forum, Dacca, (1971 March 13).
dial loyalties (Alavi, 197:3), makes the Caleski, B (1975): "Basic Concept of cess in Rural Bangladesh- A Re-
peasants sometimes passive and indif- Rural Sociology". search Note" (mimeo).
ferent. Since fragmentation results Gon,okontho, Dacca, (1973 January 10). Yunus, S (1976): 'The Bureaucratic
f'rom the combination of the slow Jahan, R (1972): "Pakistan: Failure and Military Elites in Bangladesh',
growth of the economy, the ideological in National Integration". Bangladesh: Past and Present, Vol-
Jahan, R (1976): "Members of Parlia- Itine I, Number 2.
differences within the left and the
localised nature of political confronta-
tion, these factors account for the
temporary, and defensive
nature of class
Bangladesh. Nevertheless, it is true PUNE 411004
that certain new forms of conscious-
ness are revealed by peasant action. Applications are invited for the following:
They are most marked in the relations 1) Lecturers and Research Associates
between peasant and the local agents
Whereas Minimum Qualification: A Second Class Bachelor's and Master's Degree
of the State bureaucracy.
in Economics together with Ph.D. in Economics.
the rural rich are structurally aligned
with the bureaucracy and the domi- 2) Research Assistants
nant political parties, the poor peasants, Minimum Qualification: A Second Class Bachelor's and Master's De-
organised by the left-wing, operate gree in Economics.
mainly in the local areas. The latteiL
attempts to challenge the existing 3) Three U. G. G.'s Senior Research Fellowships (Post-doctoral)
national power structure from a class at Rs. 600 p. m.
position, which, because of increasing College/University teachers without a Ph.D. but with some published
economic differentiation and polarisa- research are also eligible for Senior Fellowships.
tion, is becoming more clearly defined. One Senior Research Fellowship (Post-doctoral) for Studies
In this way, the process of differenti-
expands the potential area of
in Economics of East European Countries at Rs. 600 p. m.
ation East
tension and dissatisfaction, and gives Knowledge of East European language and research work on the
European Economy is preferable.
shape to the forms and intensity of
po)litical confrontation at both village 5) Three Junior Research Fellowships. in the Centre for Studies
and national levels. in Economics of East European Countries
Minimum Qualification: At least a Second Class Bachelor's and
References Degree together with knowledge of East European language pre-
Abduliah, A (1976): 'Land Reform and ferable.
Agrarian Change in Bangladesh',
The BanglaideshDevelopment Studies, 6) One Junior Research Fellowship of the Reserve Bank of
Volume IV, Number 1. India for Ph. D. in Finance
Abdullah, A Mosharaff, H and Nations, Mas-
R (1976): 'Agrarian Structure and Minimum Qualification: At l1ast a Second Class Bachelor's and
the IRDP-Preliminary Considera- ter's Degree in Economics.
tions', The Bangladesh Development obtain-
Review, Volume IV, Number 2. Prescribed application forms and further particulars may be
Alamgir, M (1975): "Diagnosis of Agri- ed from the Registrar. Application form duly completed should reach
culture Sector and Evaluation of the undersigned before 16th January 1978.
Politics: A Case Study of Bangla-
desh" (mimeo). V. M. Dandekar
Alamgir, M (1976): "Bangladesh: A Director
Case of Below Poverty Level Equili-
brium Trap" (miimeo).
Alavi, H (1971): 'Bangladesh and the


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