10 Minute Warmup

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Tip: The 10-Minute Warm-Up for Lifters

No wasted movements or wasted time here! Give

this a shot before your next heavy session.
by TJ Kuster | Yesterday

A good 10-minute warm-up won't just keep you pain-free and

increase your longevity in the gym, it'll also boost your strength
and muscular gains. A quick (but effective) warm-up has three
components. Let's break them down.

Component 1: General Warm-Up

First, get some blood flowing. Spend 3-5 minutes doing some
form of general "cardio." The general warm-up increases your
core temperature and loosens up the muscles you're about to

You could just jog for a few minutes, but there are better and
less boring low-impact alternatives like sled pushes/drags, the
rowing ergometer, or the VersaClimber. All will help to drive
blood flow to the hips and upper back which will lead to a more
effective workout.

Component 2: Muscle Activation

Now do 2-4 minutes of "muscle activation." Pay special attention
to your vulnerable areas such as the shoulders, knees, and lower
back. Below are some good exercises that'll put you in good
alignment before lifting. Do 1-2 sets.

Horizontal Band Pull-Apart


Vertical Band Pull-Apart


Doing these with the palms over and under will allow for more
mobility throughout the shoulder. Keep your ribcage down and
core engaged.

Banded Side Step/Banded Squat


Drive your knees out against the band to activate the glutes.

Lower Back

Pallof Press


This will help protect your lower back by teaching you how to
brace your core as you resist rotation.

Component 3: Dynamic Stretching

Now spend 2-4 minutes going through a series of active
dynamic stretches. To make these efficient, perform movements
that engage the most amount of musculature possible. My
favorite is "the world's greatest stretch" but I add two
components that make it better.

World's Greatest Stretch (Made Better)


Begin by taking a big step forward with your right leg and lower
your body into a lunge position. As you lower your upper body,
keep your left hand on the ground for balance and reach your
right elbow to the inside of your right foot. Next reach your right
arm up towards the ceiling and twist your body towards your
right leg.

Here's where we improve upon the stretch…

Once you have fully twisted towards the right leg, rotate your
pinky down towards the ground (externally rotate the humerus)
and reach your bicep behind your ear. This will allow you to get a
deep stretch through your lats.

Now grab your toes with your right hand and pull them up as you
press your heel into the ground and gently extend your knee.
This will stretch your hamstrings throughout a full range of
motion, prepping them for your training session.
Related: The 5 Best Warm-Ups for Big Lifts
Related: The Simple 7 Warm-Up

TJ Kuster
TJ Kuster is a certified athletic trainer (ATC) and certified
strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS), specializing in
mobility and injury prevention. He coaches at Method Sports
Performance in Bloomington, IL.


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