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Class Notes

Skin Morphology 1/16

A. Key Terms
a. Erosion – Focal loss of epidermis, does not penetrate below DEJ (NO SCAR)
b. Ulcer – focal loss of epidermis and dermis
c. Excoriation – erosion caused by scratching

d. Fissure- linear loss of epidermis and dermis (sharp) defined

e. Atrophy – depression in skin due to loss of epidermis & dermis
f. Comedone – plug of sebaceous and keratinaceous debris
g. Lithification- thickened epidermis induced by scratching (surfers)

h. Burrow – narrow elevated channels in skin (Parasite)

i. Milia – small cysts with walls containing epidermis

j. Petechiae & Purpura – bloss <0.5 or > 0.5

1/16 Scaling Dermatology

A) Psoriasis
a. Inflammatory eruption with increased epidermal proliferation (increased turnover)
b. Silvery Scale + Nail pitting (Onychosis – nail separation)
c. Koebner Phenomena – lesions at site of trauma
d. Parakeratosis & Acanthocytosis
B) Pityriasis Rosea
a. Herald Patch – Christmas Tree –
b. Common among young people
i. Spares face and palms
c. Red – yellow thin plaques
d. Self Limiting – Leads to melanin scaring in blacks
C) Secondary Syphilis
a. Contagious – Spirochetes
b. VLDR test
c. Copper coin on palm and soles
D) Lichen Planus
a. 6 P’s Plague and papules and Pruritic (mad itching)
b. Wishcow Striate
c. Horrible Itching
d. Koebner Phenomenon
E) Atopic Dermatitis
a. IGE asthma – allergy
b. Lichenification – thickening (due to repeated trauma)
F) Chronic Dermatitis (Atopic + Seborrheic)
a. Seborrheic – Pitrosporum – AIDS
G) Statis Dermatitis
a. No blood flow – leads to ulceration abd edena
H) Ichtyosis
a. Fish skin – white/brown
b. No itching
c. Genetic with lack of inflammation
d. Sudden onset – Red flag for leukemia/lymphoma
I) Tinea Capitis and Tinea Corporisis
a. Very itchy due to fungi

Calclum and Phosphate Chemical

A) Calcium
a. Lab
i. Albumin binds to CA
ii. Acidosis increased Calcium
b. Hormones
i. PTH & 1,252 Vit D
ii. Influence – Diet, bone, renal
iii. PTH
1. Fall in Ca (Calcium sensing receptor)  Increase PTH
2. PTH will increase CA reabsorption
3. Increase active 1-25 OH D (Active) = increase interstitial calcium
a. 1-25Oh D will inhibit PTH
4. PTH activates osteoclast  increase CA

iv. Calcitonin
1. Hormone made at thyroid gland
2. Opposite of Parathyroid in everywhere
B) Hypercalcemia
i. Tumor secretion of PTH like hormone
b. Hypercalcemia
i. High PTH
ii. Primary hyperparathryoidtis
iii. Lithium
c. Familial Hypocalciruic Hypercalcemia
i. CaSR less sensitive to calcium
d. Hyperparathyroidism
C) Hypocalcemia
a. Pseudohypoparathyroidism
i. GNAS gene mutation
ii. Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy phenotype
D) Vitamin D
a. Rickets/Hypermalacia
b. Barriers to Vitamind D – Sunscreen/aging/season/clothes
E) Phosphate
a. Ubiqutious in western diet

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