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ililll Bunnq-{i{ Field Experience Feedback F

@ UNIVEIlSiTY Sctrool of

Candidate't wrrn", lq
To the cooPeratinq teacher:
please take a moment to complete the foilowing rubric afier th9 Burman Uni'rei-siiy candidate has
ruiilieti tL'e
for ihe purycs= infc:r'r':il'lg rh=
field experience commitment in your classrooi'rf This inforrnation is used
professional attitudes their candrriaies exhir:i v;hil=
BEd faculty and staff at Burman university about the
these FE requirements, and for enhancing the benefit candidates reeeit'= fucm
ar: rci=''esl i* ='':"d
The Burman University candidate assigned to my classroom for field experience exhibiled
a value for these aspects of teaching quality standards:
P/ease check the box that most accute!*ly descnoes i-ei-'rF3'Ee,ii'!ri

Competencies Always Often

Fosters Effective Relationsh ips

Engages in Life-Long Learning
Demonstrates a Professional Body of
Embraces Inclusive Learning Environments
Embraces Foundational Knowledge about
First Nations, M6tis, and lnuit
Adheres to Legal Frameworks and School
Demonstrates Professional Behaviour


Teache/s Name:

with thq candidate if you wish.

td have or D have not discussed this feedback wi'Lh the candidaie.

-,ltranf you,so much:for taking time to provide this feedbacl<. We so appreciate this valuabte 6putt
. .Please complete and send this form to the School of Education through one of these mehods as pretened:
'I :Fax 1,866.504.2564; scan and emailto; or, by
mailto Burman University Schoolof
Education, 6730 University Drive, Lacombe, AB T4L 2E5.


ffi guRMAlr
${AR 1 s 20t7

uNrvERsrrY Field Experience Feedback Form

ilfl[ School of Education

Gandidate's Name: L ,.',: ti [{'Y".'l''l* -. .-

To the cooperatino teachel:,
Please take a moment to complete the following rubrics after the Burman Un'versity candidate has fulfilled the
field experience cornmitrnent in your classroom- This information is ueed for the purpose of informing the BEd
faculty and staff at Burman University about the professiorlal attitudes theircandidates exhibitwhile cornpleting
these FE requirements, and for enhanoing the benefit canclidates receive frorn these experiences.
The Burmarr University candidate assigned to my classroom for field experience exhibited the following
professional attitudes (checkthe box that mosfaccuntety describes yourperceptlon):
' NqgrJv All
All of the Srime of
. Did not .,
,. Time bf Time ' the Time .Ohserys

Was on time and professional(including

appearance and dress) while in my
Demonstrated excitement and/or interest
in tho learning of the.students in my V,"

Demonstrated effective interpersorral

skills with students and others


Teacher's Name:
oate: [tjr,rr. itl, 8()\.1-


Feel free to disouss this feedbaok with the

candidate if you wish,

P/ease cfreck as appropriate: r E have or El,fiave not discussed this feedback with the candidate.

Thank you for taking time to provide this varuahre

Please feelfree to fax this form to the $phool of
Education, 1.s66.s04.2584, or return it in ih6
envelope. enclosed

J:\School af EduEFtig6\fgrrnr.eriginstclFiBld ExpcriancE\EU

FE FBBdb8ck Form, l6-i7.doa(
updat3d: 1t1A12017
UNIVERSITY h{AR ?1 ?01? Field Experience Feedback Form
School of Education

Gandidate's Name: Lqc? L-Y n<-*\

To the cooperatino teacher:

please take a moment to complete the following rubrics after the Burman University candidate has fulfilled the
purpose of informing the BEd
field experien"" .orritr"niili your classrooml rhis information is used for the
ii.urty ind staff at aurman Univ6rsity about the professional attitudes their candidates exhibit while completing
tfrese fg requirements, and for enhincing the benefit candidates receive from these experiences'

The Burman University candidate assigned to my classroom for field experience exhibited the following
professional attituoes (check the box that most accurateiy descnbes your percepiion):
Allof the Nearly All Some of Did not
Time of Time the Time Observe

Was on tlme and professional (including

appearance and dress)while in my /

Demonstrated excitement and/or interest

in the learning of the students in my {

Demonstrated effective interpersonal

skills with students and others

-at-.. rJtex ' r=so -. . t! r' r. " . ,.r [\ - .i€ -$.. ,: &ro.r

Teacher's Name: Ka+\ Date: -tfvrnah \a, )Ot7
-jlease Print =L-n\sf
r! I
Teacher's Signature: #.o:.4nr... L.a&*esn

Feel free to discuss this feedback with the candidate if you wish.

Please check as appropriate: t B have gL E have not discussed this feedback with the candidate.
Thank you for taking time to provide this valuable feedback.

Please feel free to fax this form to the school of Education, 1.866.504.2564, or return it in the enclosed

J:\School of Education\Forms-Originats\Field Experience\BU FE Feedback Form, 6-1 7.docx

Updaled: 111312017
T-113 Po0o1/0001 F-452
05-05-'11 09:32 FROt.ll- RECEIVED
HAY U 5 ?$X7

H gr-rnraenr
t Field Experience Feeclback Form
!![ I
School of Education

Name: J ,"*,a-/ \- -
YneIts I

Jq the coooeratino teacher:

ptease iake a moment to comptete the fotlowing rubrice after the Burrnan University candidale has fulfilled the
iirrJ.xpJri*nce co*miiment in your ctaesrooml This information is used for the purpo3e of .informing the BEd
while completing
iacufty i"O stutr at eurman univ6rsity about the professional attitudes their candidates exhibit
ttrese FE requirgments, and for'enhincing the benefit candidates receive from these experiences.

The Burman University candidate assigrred to my clasgroom for field experience exhibited the iollowing
professional aititudes (check the box that most accurately descrt'bes your perception):

alollhe. , Nearlv All . Some bf Did not.

' Time .
of Time. the,Iime '
Obserue '

Was on time and professional (including

appearance and dress) while in my

Demonstrated excitement and/or interest

in the learning of the students in my

Demonstrated effective interpersona I

skills with students and others


' and loo}r tni \i o,\\ rrr'

reacher's Name: F4e ti*=,,urulf#lc,vrarcl(,t"**, go,/jraotz
Teacher's $ignature:

Feel freo to disouss this fe6dback with the candidate if you wish,

Piease checkaaappropriato: , g#u pI tr havenot discussedthisfaedbackwiththecarrdidate.

Than}< you for taking time to provide this valuable feedback.

Please feel free to fax this form to the School of Eduoation, 1.866.504.2884,
or return it in the enclosed

J;\S(iml El EduHlion\Forms-0rigtn€ts\Preto €xperisnelBU FE Fccdbxk Form, l8,l7.dffi Updeted: 4/28/201?

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