Computer Networks: Bernard G. Sanidad

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COMPUTER • Telecommunications - the electronic

NETWORKS transmission
of signals for

• Telecommunications medium - anything

that carries an electronic signal and
interfaces between a sending device and a
BERNARD G. SANIDAD receiving device

Overview of
• Channel bandwidth - the rate at
which data is exchanged over a
communication channel
–Usually measured in bits per
second (bps)

Communications Media


• Computer network A collection of
computing devices that are connected in
various ways in order to communicate and
share resources
Usually, the connections between
computers in a network are made using
physical wires or cables
However, some connections are wireless,
using radio waves or infrared signals

Networking Networking

• The generic term node or host refers to • Computer networks have opened up an
any device on a network entire frontier in the world of computing
called the client/server model
• Data transfer rate The speed with which
data is moved from one place on a
network to another
• Data transfer rate is a key issue in
computer networks

Client/Server interaction

Networking Network Types

• File server A computer that stores and • Personal area network (PAN)
manages files for multiple users on a
• Local area network (LAN)
• Metropolitan area network (MAN)
• Web server A computer dedicated to
responding to requests (from the browser • Wide area network (WAN)
client) for web pages
• International networks
• Mesh networking


Types of Networks

• Local-area network (LAN) - A network

that connects a relatively small number of
machines in a relatively close
geographical area.

Types of Networks Types of Networks

• Various configurations, called topologies, have

been used to administer LANs
– Ring topology A configuration that connects all
nodes in a closed loop on which messages travel in
one direction
– Star topology A configuration that centers around
one node to which all others are connected and
through which all messages are sent
– Bus topology All nodes are connected to a single Various network topologies
communication line that carries messages in both • A bus technology called Ethernet has become the
directions industry standard for local-area networks

Types of Networks

• Wide-area network (WAN) A network that

connects two or more local-area networks over a
potentially large geographic distance
Often one particular node on a LAN is set up to serve
as a gateway to handle all communication going
between that LAN and other networks

Communication between networks is called



Types of Networks Types of Networks

• Metropolitan-area network (MAN) The communication infrastructures that

have been developed in and around large cities
• interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic area or
region larger than that covered by even a large local area network (LAN)
but smaller than the area covered by a wide area network (WAN).

Local-area networks connected across a distance to create a wide-

area network

Intranets and Extranets

• Extranet
• Intranet
– A network based on Web technologies that
– Internal corporate network built using links selected resources of a company’s
Internet and World Wide Web standards intranet with its customers, suppliers, or other
and products business partners
– Used by employees to gain access to • Virtual private network (VPN) - secure
corporate information connection between two points across the
– Reduces need for paper
• Tunneling - process by which VPNs transfer
information by encapsulating traffic in IP packets
over the Internet

Distributed Processing Client/Server Systems

• Centralized processing - all processing • Client/Server system: multiple

occurs in a single location or facility computer platforms are dedicated to
• Decentralized processing - processing special functions, such as database
devices are placed at various remote management, printing,
locations communications, and program
• Distributed processing - computers are execution
placed at remote locations but connected
to each other via a network


Internet Connections

• Internet backbone A set of high-speed

networks that carry Internet traffic
These networks are provided by
companies such as AT&T, GTE, and IBM
• Internet service provider (ISP) A
company that provides other companies or
individuals with access to the Internet

Internet Connections Internet Connections

• There are various technologies available that you can • Broadband A connection in which transfer
use to connect a home computer to the Internet
speeds are faster than 128 bits per second
– A phone modem converts computer data into an analog
– DSL connections and cable modems are broadband
audio signal for transfer over a telephone line, and then a
modem at the destination converts it back again into data connections
– A digital subscriber line (DSL) uses regular copper phone – The speed for downloads (getting data from the
lines to transfer digital data to and from the phone company’s Internet to your home computer) may not be the same
central office as uploads (sending data from your home computer
– A cable modem uses the same line that your cable TV to the Internet)
signals come in on to transfer the data back and forth

Packet Switching Open Systems

• To improve the efficiency of transferring information over • Proprietary system A system that uses
a shared communication line, messages are divided into technologies kept private by a particular
fixed-sized, numbered packets commercial vendor
One system couldn’t communicate with another,
• Network devices called routers are used to direct leading to the need for
packets between networks
Figure 15.4
• Interoperability The ability of software and
Messages hardware on multiple machines and from
sent by
multiple commercial vendors to communicate
switching Leading to
• Open systems Systems based on a common
model of network architecture and a suite of
protocols used in its implementation


Communications Software
Open Systems
and Protocols
• The International • Communications protocol - a set of rules
Organization for
Standardization (ISO)
that govern the exchange of information
established the Open over a communications channel
Interconnection (OSI) • Protocols govern several levels of a
Reference Model telecommunications network, such as:
• Each layer deals with a – Hardware device level
Figure 15.5 The layers of the OSI Reference Model
particular aspect of
network communication – Application program level

Wireless Communications
Telecommunications Protocol Protocols
• Wireless communications protocols
are still evolving as the industry
• The Institute for Electrical and
Electronic Engineers (IEEE) has been
instrumental in defining numerous
telecommunications standards.

Use and Functioning of the

Communications Software
• Network operating system (NOS) - systems software • Internet - a collection of interconnected
that controls the computer systems and devices on a networks, all freely exchanging information
network and allows them to communicate with each
other • ARPANET
• Network-management software - software that a – The ancestor of the Internet
manager uses on a networked desktop – A project started by the U.S. Department of
– Monitors the use of individual computers and shared Defense (DoD) in 1969
hardware (such as printers)
– Scans for viruses • Internet Protocol (IP) - communication
– Ensures compliance with software licenses standard that enables traffic to be routed from
one network to another as needed


How the Internet Works

• The Internet transmits data from one computer • Data is passed in chunks called packets
(called a host) to another;
• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) -
• If the receiving computer is on a network to
widely used transport-layer protocol that is
which the first computer is directly connected, it
can send the message directly; used in combination with IP by most
Internet applications
• If the receiving computer is not on a network to
which the sending computer is connected, the • Uniform Resource Locator (URL) - an
sending computer relays the message to assigned address on the Internet for each
another computer that can forward it. computer

Internet Service Providers

• Accessing the Internet • Internet service provider (ISP) - any

– Connect via LAN server company that provides individuals or
– Connect via Serial Line Internet Protocol organizations with access to the Internet
(SLIP)/Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
• Most charge a monthly fee
– Connect via an online service
– Several other ways to connect • Many ISPs and online services offer
• Example: WAP broadband Internet access through digital
subscriber lines (DSLs), cable, or satellite

Network Protocols

• Network protocols are layered such that

each one relies on the protocols that
underlie it
• Sometimes referred to as a protocol

Layering of key network protocols



• TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol • UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol
TCP software breaks messages into packets,
– It is an alternative to TCP
hands them off to the IP software for delivery,
and then orders and reassembles the packets – The main difference is that TCP is highly
at their destination reliable, at the cost of decreased
performance, while UDP is less reliable, but
• IP stands for Internet Protocol
generally faster
IP software deals with the routing of packets
through the maze of interconnected networks
to their final destination

High-Level Protocols MIME Types

• Other protocols build on the foundation • Related to the idea of network protocols
established by the TCP/IP protocol suite and standardization is the concept of a
– Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) file’s MIME type

– File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail
– Telnet
– Based on a document’s MIME type, an
– Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (http) application program can decide how to deal
with the data it is given

MIME Types Firewalls

• Firewall A machine and its software that

serve as a special gateway to a network,
protecting it from inappropriate access
– Filters the network traffic that comes in,
checking the validity of the messages as
much as possible and perhaps denying some
messages altogether
Some protocols – Enforces an organization’s access control
and the ports
they use policy


Firewalls Network Addresses

• Hostname A unique identification that

specifies a particular computer on the
For example

A firewall protecting a LAN

Network Addresses Network Addresses

• Network software translates a • An IP address can be split into

– network address, which specifies a specific network
hostname into its corresponding IP
– host number, which specifies a particular machine in
address that network

For example

An IP address is
stored in four

Domain Name System Domain Name System

• A hostname consists of the computer name • The very last section of the domain is called its
followed by the domain name top-level domain (TLD) name
• is the domain name
– A domain name is separated into two or more
sections that specify the organization, and possibly a
subset of an organization, of which the computer is a
– Two organizations can have a computer named the
same thing because the domain name makes it clear
which one is being referred to

Top-level domains, including some relatively new ones


Domain Name System Domain Name System

• Organizations based in countries other than the • The domain name system (DNS) is
United States use a top-level domain that chiefly used to translate hostnames into
corresponds to their two-letter country codes
numeric IP addresses
– DNS is an example of a distributed database
– If that server can resolve the hostname, it
does so
– If not, that server asks another domain name
Some of the top-level domain server
names based on country codes

The World Wide Web

• The Web, WWW, or W3 • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) -

• A menu-based system that uses the client/server the standard page description language
model for Web pages
• Organizes Internet resources throughout the • HTML tags - codes that let the Web
world into a series of menu pages, or screens, browser know how to format text - as a
that appear on your computer heading, as a list, or as body text - and
• Hypermedia - tools that connect the data on whether images, sound, and other
Web pages, allowing users to access topics in elements should be inserted
whatever order they want

Web Browsers

• Web browser - software that creates a unique,

hypermedia-based menu on a computer screen,
providing a graphical interface to the Web
• The menu consists of graphics, titles, and text
with hypertext links
• Popular Web browsers: Microsoft Internet
Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox,
Apple Computer’s Safari


Internet and Web Applications: E-

Search Engines and Web
Mail, Instant Messaging, and Push
Research Technology
• Search engine - Web search tool • E-mail is no longer limited to simple text
– Examples:, messages
– Sound and images can be embedded in
• Most search engines are free
• Searches can use words, such as AND and OR – Files that contain text documents,
to refine the search spreadsheets, graphs, or executable
• Meta-search engine - submits keywords to programs can be attached
several individual search engines and returns • Instant messaging - allows two or more
results from all these search engines individuals to communicate online using the

Web Log (Blog), Video Log

(Vlog), and Podcasting
• Web log (blog) - Web site that people can create
and use to write about their observations,
experiences, and feelings on a wide range of topics
• Video log (vlog) - video content placed on the
Internet using the same overall approach as a blog
• Podcast - audio blog, like a personal radio station
on the Internet
– Extends blogging by adding audio messages


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