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Learning Style Survey

Check (✓) Always, Sometimes, or Never for each statement.

When I am learning a language, I . . . ALWAYS SOMETIMES NEVER

like to write new vocabulary in a

1.  like to take a lot of notes.

2.  remember better if I discuss things with


3.  like acting or performing skits.

4.  remember better if I write things down.

5.  like spoken directions better than written


6.  like doing experiments.

7.  use colored pens to take notes or mark


8.  like listening to a recording or lecture more

than reading.

9.  like creating projects more than writing


You have just identified some characteristics of your learning style.

If you chose Always for:
• numbers 1, 4, 7, you may be a visual learner
• numbers 2, 5, 8, you may be a auditory learner
• numbers 3, 6, 9, you may be a kinesthetic learner

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