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Ariba Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. I am a new user. How do I start using Ariba?

2. How do I update my user profile?
3. How do I verify a vendor is in Ariba?
4. How do I add a new vendor or change an existing vendor’s information in Ariba?
5. How does my vendor get paid for purchases made in Ariba?
6. How do I approve/deny a request in Ariba?
7. What do I do with a Goods Receipt email notification?
8. What do I do with a Reconciliation email notification?
9. Who do I contact regarding emails from Workflow?
10. Who can I contact for help?
11. How do I do a Forced Delegation of Authority?
12. How do I order stationery from The Print Shop?
13. How do I order a Non-Catalog item?
14. How do I archive documents from the TO DO box to a Label?
15. How do I find a document that has been archived or assigned to a Label?
16. How do I add attachments to a request
1. I’m a new user. How do I start using Ariba?
If you are a Sony employee, chances are you are already in the system as Ariba 9R1 is
updated regularly with HR information. If you have a Novell Login ID, first-time users
should login as follows:

Username: Novell Login ID

Password: ariba

If you don’t have a Novell Login ID, call the IT Helpdesk at 310-244-2188 and log a
remedy ticket for your username.

NEW USERS: Please take the time to update your User Profile in Ariba; make sure your
current supervisor and e-mail are listed correctly. For further explanation on how to
update your user profile, see FAQ #2 “How do I Change My User Profile?”

We strongly recommend first-time Ariba users attend a training class. If you have trouble
logging in, or need a list of training class schedules, please call the IT Helpdesk at 310-
244-2188 and log a remedy ticket.
2. How do I update my User Profile?
Your “User Profile” is found under the “Preferences” on the blue Command Bar at the
top of the Ariba Home Dashboard. Preferences is also where you can change your
password, change your secret question, delegate your approval authority and/or change
your Ariba email notifications’

• Select to Change your Profile from the Preferences

You have the ability to change all fields under Page 1 The Personal Info.
• Fields with the asterisk (*) next to them are required fields.
• The following fields require approval if they are changed:
o Supervisor – Old Supervisor and New Supervisor are required to
o Groups – Permission Approver required to approve, additional approvers
to be added.
o Approval Authority. Supervisor, Corp. Finance and Corp. Compliance
required to approve
• When you are finished click “Next” at the top or bottom right.
You have the ability to change all fields on Page 2 Account/Ship.
• This information will be the default on all requests you create in Ariba
• Contact Corp. Finance if you do not know your Company Code, Purhcase Org or
Department Cost Center.
• When you are finished click “Next” at the top or bottom right.
Any comments can be added to Page 3 Justify Changes.
• This is a required field if the Approval Authority field on Page 1 has been
• When you are finished click “Next” at the top or bottom right

The approval flow for the user profile will be displayed on Page 4 Approval Flow
Your changes are displayed on Page 5 Review Changes.
• Fields that were changed are listed on the left
• The Old value of the field is listed in the center
• The New value of the field is listed on the right
• Click Submit to submit the user profile request for approval

If you have changed the Approval Authority field on Page 1 and have not supplied a
justification on Page 3, an error message will appear and the system will not allow the
user profile to be submitted. Once the justification has been provided the system will
allow the user profile to be submitted.
3. How do I verify a vendor is in Ariba?

Vendors can be can found through the “Search” on the blue Command Bar OR the
“Search” box on the Dashboard .

Under either “Search” select either Requisition or AP Payment Request from the drop
down. For this example AP Payment Request for the Category Field is used.
Once the document type has been selected, the Search page will be displayed. Make
sure “Payee/Vendor” is part of your Search Criteria. If it is not, click on Search Options
and select it from the list. Click select next to Payee/Vendor.
A list of vendors will be displayed alphabetically. Type in the name of the vendor in the
search above the list or use the scroll bar on the right to see if the vendor exists in Ariba
and SAP
If the Vendor is in Ariba, the Vendor Name, ID# and address will appear below the

If the Vendor is NOT in the system, the message “There are no items to display” will
appear below the search field. You will need to do a Vendor Maintenance Request to
have the vendor added to Ariba (see FAQ #4)

Your Vendor Search is complete. You can click “done” and return to the Ariba Home
Dashboard Page.
4. How do I add a new vendor or change an existing vendor’s
information in Ariba?
To have a new vendor added to Ariba and SAP or to make changes to an existing
vendor’s record, you need to complete a Vendor Maintenance Request Form (VMR) in

The VMR can be found in two places in Ariba; In the Common Actions box under
Create, On the blue command bar at the top of the dashboard under Create. If the VMR
is not on the initial list, click More or the to display additional documents. Click on
the Vendor Maintenance Request v2 to start your request.

All “REQUIRED” Fields have an * (asterisk) next to them or are highlighted in yellow. If
these fields are not filled out, Ariba will not allow you to submit the Vendor Maintenance

This example is for creating a NEW vendor. Vendor Changes (Name changes, Address
Changes, etc.) are completed in a similar manner.
The Request Type field
is where you select to
“Create” a new vendor or
“Change” an existing
vendor. This field also
determines the required
fields on the form.

Fill out info as required. You

will need to obtain a W9 or
W8 from the Vendor and
attach it to the Vendor
Maintenance Request.
Information for some of the
fields can be found on the
vendor’s W9/W8
Click “Next” at the bottom
of the screen to proceed to
page 4.

On Page 4 – Payment Information Select how you are going to pay the vendor under
Payment Type. Additional fields will be displayed once you select the Payment Type.
For this example Electronic Funds Transfer has been selected.
Fill out info as required. As the fields are populated additional fields may appear (See
second screen shot of Page 4) Click “Next” to proceed to page 5.
If required fields are left blank a dialogue box will appear at the top of the screen with the
number problems on the page. All problems must be resolved before you can move on
to the next page.

Continue to fill out the fields on the remaining screens. Note that additional fields may
appear due to what you populate in other fields.
You can add additional approvers at the
beginning of the approval flow or in parallel
with the approval flow. You DO NOT have
the ability to delete a hard coded approver.
Your request will not be worked on by AP
until it is FULLY approved.

Review the information from your request on the Summary Page. To add the
W9/W8 see FAQ #11 – How To Add Attachments

If all information is correct, click

“Submit.” If not, edit any fields on this
Summary page and then click
5. How does my vendor get paid for purchases made in Ariba?
Vendors are only paid when a valid PO has been generated in Ariba. There is one of
two ways by which a vendor can be paid:

1. The conventional Accounts Payable (A/P) method by which the vendor sends an
invoice to AP and AP processes the invoice for payment. POs paid by A/P start
with 45 (e.g., 4500001234) and are ten (10) digits in length.

Please note that before a payment will be made to a vendor, A/P requires a
three-way match between the Ariba PO, the Vendor’s invoice (referencing the
PO #) and the Goods Receipt. If a three way match is not met, you will receive
an email notification from SAP Workflow asking you to resolve the issue before
payment can be made to the vendor. Any questions regarding payment status
on your PO’s should be directed to your AP Analyst. The main number for A/P
is 310-665-6550

2. The vendor gets paid directly by American Express via the Purchasing Card
(PCard). POs paid via the PCard start with the letters PCO (stands for Purchase
Card Order, e.g., PCO1234)

Please note that for a vendor to be paid by PCard they must charge the PCard
and reference the PO on the charge. The PCard number and expiration date are
located on the PO the vendor receives. For questions regarding Pcard payments
please contact Card Services Dept. at 310-244-2263
6. How do I Approve/Deny a request from Ariba?

There are two ways to approve a request; by email or by logging into Ariba.

By Email: You will receive an email from Ariba System with the subject ACTION
REQUIRED: PR # & Title (Approval Request) Open the email.

Click on the corresponding

buttons to Approve, Deny or
Open the request. Any
attachments to the request
will need to be viewed in

If you choose to APPROVE or DENY the request, the following REPLY Email appears:

You will have to click on

“SEND” in order for the
Approval or Denial to take
affect. DO NOT type any
comments in this reply as it
will cause your email response
to error out.
If you choose to OPEN the request from the email, click on the “OPEN” button on the
email. This will take you directly to the Ariba Login Page.

Your User Name will

populate. Enter your
password and click

Once you login you are taken directly to the requisition you are opening.

Here you can Approve or Deny

the request as well as view any
attachments and add comments at
the bottom of the page (not shown
on this screen shot).
You will be asked to confirm your action. Comments can also be added on this screen.
Click OK for the approval to take effect or Cancel to change your action.

Once confirmed, Ariba will archive the request to the Archive Items label. If you have
selected the next request requiring approval to be displayed after approving a request,
the Ariba will bring up the next request in the queue. If you have selected to return to
the Ariba Home Dashboard Page after approving a request or If no other requests need
approval you will be taken to the Ariba Home Dashboard Page.
7. What do I do with a Goods Receipt e-mail Notification?
Ariba automatically generates an email to remind you to perform a “Goods Receipt” in
Ariba. If you are ready to do a “Goods Receipt”, follow the steps below.

If you are not ready to perform a “Goods Receipt” no action is required. You will,
however, continue to receive these notification emails.

From the Ariba Home Dashboard go to Manage on the blue Command Bar or under
Common actions and click on Receive.

Click on the Search button to display the orders that need to be received. If only one
order needs to be received the goods receipt for the order will be displayed. If more
than one goods receipt needs to be done, a list of the goods receipts will be displayed.
Click on the order that you want to receive.
There are four options when doing a Good Receipt: 1) fully receive the order; 2) partially
receive the order; 3) receive and reject various items of the same order; 4) reject the
entire order. All options are shown below:

1) Click on “Accept All” to

except all quantities of the
item(s)/services on your order

2 & 3) If the quantity

received and accepted 3 & 4) If you do not
is less than the want to accept
quantity ordered, goods/services, input
input the quantity in the quantity you want
the“Accepted” field to reject in the
“Rejected” field.

Anytime goods/services are rejected in a Goods Receipt a “Rejection Reason” needs to

be recorded under Page 4 Additional Information Needed.

Input your reason for

rejecting good(s)/service
(s) and then click “Next”
or “Summary” to
If you have rejected an item and you will not be receiving a replacement for it, choose
“Yes” to Close Order. This will close the order so that nothing else can be received
against it.

Once on the Summary Page, click the submit button to execute the Goods Receipt.

Click “Submit” for the

Goods Receipt to be
executed and closed in

Please note that if you do a Partial Goods Receipt, Ariba will continue to send Receipt
Notification Emails until all goods/services are either accepted or rejected. If a change
needs to be done to a closed Goods Receipt or if you have any further questions on
performing a Goods Receipt, please call the Ariba Hotline at (310) 244-3483.
8. What is a Reconciliation email notification and what do I do
with it?

If a vendor overcharges you on a PO, you will receive an email (like the one
below) with the subject “Notification PCCR1234 - Reconciliation for order
PCO78910,” You will need to go into Ariba to accept the overcharge by the
vendor. To reconcile (accept) the charges see below. IF you believe you have
received the email in error or you are due a credit, call the Ariba Hotline at

Click on one of the “Open”

buttons to be taken to the
Login Page of Ariba

Your User Name will automatically populate. Enter

your password and then click “Login.”

NOTE: To access a reconciliation directly in Ariba

(i.e., not from an e-mail link), login as usual then click
on the Reconcile from your TO DO box on Ariba
Home Dashboard.
Once you enter your password, the charge that needs to be reconciled will
automatically be opened.

Ariba will show the amount charged

and the amount ordered. Choose to
Approve Edit the overcharge.

The Total Cost is the dollar amount the vendor has charged the PCO. The Description
gives the variance between what the total of the PCO was and amount the vendor charged
to the PCO. Click Approve.

Put a Check Mark in the box to the left of the PO Amount Variance and click Accept
to accept the overcharge.
Select a Reason for the overcharge from the drop-down. Click OK

Ariba has now assigned the overcharge to the PCO. Click Submit to submit the
overcharge for approval.
9. Who do I contact regarding emails from WORKFLOW?
This is an email generated from SAP, not from Ariba, when Accounts Payable (A/P) has
a problem with a three way match between the PO, the vendor invoice and the Goods
Receipt. Please contact you’re A/P representative or the A/P general number (310) 665-
6550 in regards to emails from WORKFLOW.

10. Who can I contact for help?

• Accessing Ariba (i.e network issues, password reset) call the IT Helpdesk at
• Ariba functionality – call the Ariba Hotline at (310)244-3483. Also see FAQ
Section above.
11. How do I do A Forced Delegation

Go to the Ariba Buyer Login screen and log in to Ariba

On the Ariba Home Dashboard Page, the Forced Delegation of Authority can be
found in two(2) places: In the Common Actions box under Create or from the blue
Command Bar under Create. If the form is not initially displayed, click on more or the
to show a more detailed list the documents you can create.
Select Click on the Forced Delegation of Authority to open it up.
All fields on the Forced Delegation of Authority e-form are required.
• Title – What you want this Forced Delegation of Authority to be titled.
o Include the name of the person for whom you are delegating.
o This field will be in the Subject line of the Approval emails that are sent to
the approvers
o Must be at least 10 characters
• Delegate From - Defaults to your Ariba Supervisor. To delegate for someone
besides you supervisor:
o type the persons name in the field and hit the tab key
o OR click on the drop-down arrow and either select the name of the
person if it appears in the drop-down or select Search for More.

If you select Search for More, the Search Page will be displayed.
Type in the first and/or last name of the person you
for whom you are doing the delegation and click

The results will be displayed. Click the Select button

to the right of the person for whom you are doing the

If the results do not display the person’s name, the

person is not an Ariba User. Call the IT Help Desk
(x42188) to request a new Ariba User ID be created.

After you select the Delegate From user from the Search Results the Forced
Delegation of Authority e-form will be displayed.

If an Active delegation exists on the User profile for the “Delegate From” User, than a
forced delegation change cannot be done. An error message at the field level will be
displayed to the requester informing them why they can not continue with this forced
delegation. If a delegation exists but is not yet Active, the Delegate TO field will be
defaulted to the delegate that the Supervisor has delegated to and will become non-
editable. A warning message will be displayed to the user informing them that a future
delegation exists and will allow the User to override only the delegation dates.

• Delegate To - Who will be approving requests for the Delegate From person
o Someone who reports directly to the “Delegate From” User.
o The same Approval Level as the “Delegate From” User.
o Should higher up in the COFA
o The Delegate FROM and Delegate TO can not be the same person.
o can not have an Active delegation associated to their profile. An error
message at the field level will be displayed to the requester informing
them why they can not select this User as the New Delegate. If the
Delegate TO User has a future delegation associated to their profile, than
Ariba will still allow this User to be a Delegate TO.
• Delegate Start Date - defaults to the current day and time. Click the Calendar
icon to display the calendar. Select the date on which the delegation will begin.
Note: the start date can not be in the past.
• Delegate End Date - cannot be for more than 30 days. Click the Calendar
icon to display the calendar. Select on the date on which the delegation will end.
• Delegate Reason - must be at least 10 characters.
• Notification – If the “Delegate From” User wants to continue to get approval
emails while the delegation is in effect put a Checkmark in the box.
• Requester – automatically defaults to the Ariba User submitting the e-form.
• Once all the fields are populated, click NEXT at the top or bottom right.

The Justify Forced Delegation of Authority page will be displayed after clicking
NEXT. Because a reason for delegation was provided on the previous page nothing
needs to done on the page unless additional comments are needed. Click Next to
display the Approval Flow page.
Approval Flow Page

The following people need to approve the Forced Delegation of Authority request
before it take effect in Ariba:

The “Delegate From” user’s Supervisor

The “Delegate To” user

If the “Delegate To” user and the Supervisor of the “Delegate From” are the same
Ariba User, He/she will only appear on the approval flow once (as displayed below)

If the “Delegate To” user and the Supervisor of the “Delegate From” are two different
Ariba Users, the Supervisor of the “Delegate From” will need to approve the request
first and then the Delegate To” user will need to approve it.

The following people are “watchers” of the Forced Delegation of Authority request.

The “Delegate From” user

The Ariba System Administrator

Summary Page

The entire Forced Delegation of Authority request is displayed. If any changes need
to be made, they can be made at this time. Click Submit at the top/bottom right to
submit the request for approval.
13. How do I order from The Print Shop?

All requests for Print Shop items must be submitted through Ariba. To get to Ariba, go to
the MySPE Home Page, scroll down to Favorites: Common SPE Applications and click
on Ariba to login. If you aren’t sure how to login, please reference Ariba FAQ’s found
under Departments>Corporate>Finance>Procurement>Ariba FAQ’s on MySPE.

There are three places on the Ariba Home Dashboard Page where a requisition can be
• Create – located on the blue Command Bar. Click on it to display the various
documents you have the ability to create. Click on Requisition to start a
• Create – located under Common Actions. Click on Requisition to start a
• Catalog – located in the Search box. Select

Warning! You can

only create a Print
Shop requisition for
one person. A separate
requisition is required
for an additional

Click Requisition to
start a requisition for
the Print Shop.
The Summary Page
• Automatically Send Order to Supplier? - Click Yes.
• Title – Required. The name of your request –i.e. “Business Cards for John
• On Behalf Of – Defaults to your own behalf. You also have the option to order
on behalf of anyone in the company. The approval flow and accounting
information for the requisition is taken from the Use Profile of the person in the
On Behalf Of field. If you choose this option and the person has not set their User
Profile in Ariba, you are responsible for ensuring that charge to and shipping
information is correct.
• Company Code – Defaults to the company code of the user in the On Behalf Of
field. If ordering for a different company code, change the code on this page
before you punch out to The Print Shop. You will encounter problems if you
finish a punchout session and try to change the company code afterward.

Click either or to be taken to the Catalog page

The Catalog Page will be displayed.

• Select The Print Shop from the Supplier list at the top left of the screen

• Click on Personalized Stationery and Business Cards to be taken to The Print

Shop website.
You are now in The Print Shop website. Choose your division name from the Division
Name menu and click Select.

Scroll through
to choose the
division name
and click

Note: If you have trouble punching out to The Print Shop, contact the IT Help Desk at
(310) 244-2188.

After selecting your division name, a warning appears. Please read the warning and click
OK. It is mandatory to input all the indicated information on the Stationery Information
form even if you are not ordering personalized stationery.

You are responsible for inputting the correct information on this site. Orders will be
processed according to the information you have input throughout your session at The
Print Shop. Both Ariba and The Print Shop give ample opportunity for you to review the
information on your stationery before you submit your requisition. If you have put
incorrect information, the department you are charging against will eat the costs of the
Fill out all required fields as indicated on the Stationery Information form. After you’re
done, click Next to go to the Product Information page.

It is mandatory to
fill out all the
required fields on Click Next to go
the Stationery to the Product
Information form. Information page
It will appear only
on personalized
On the Product Information page, check off the items you want to order and select the
quantity. Regular orders take 5 business days to process. Rush orders take 48 hours to

Check off
which items Select the quantity
you want to you want to order
order. for each item.

To continue to the next page, click Place an Order.

Click Place An Order

to continue.
Your order will not be
sent to The Print Shop
until after you submit
your requisition for
approval in Ariba and
it gets fully approved.
Click the View button to view a pdf copy (sample image below) of the items you want to
order. Make changes to information that appears on your stationery by clicking the Edit
Information button. To change quantities or add more Print Shop items, click the Edit
Products button. When you are done editing, click the Approved button next to each item.
Next, click Accept to close your Print Shop punchout session and return to Ariba.

This is a
sample pdf

Orders to The Print Shop need to be approved by a supervisor. To see who will be
approving the request, click the Approval Flow tab. To submit your requisition, click
Submit. Ariba will automatically notify the approver of your request via email.
After being fully approved, Ariba will notify you and send your order to The Print Shop.
For questions regarding order status, delivery times, or any product information, please
contact The Print Shop at (310) 244-5696. Contact the IT Help Desk at (310) 244-2188
for questions about navigating The Print Shop site.
Note: To make more changes to your order before you submit, click the line item
description to re-punchout to The Print Shop.

When you are ready

to submit your order
click Submit. If you
are not ready, you
can click Exit and
Click here to see who
needs to approve your Save your work.

Clicking the line item

description will re-
punch you out to The
Print Shop site to add
stationery items, change
14. How to order a Non-Catalog Item?

If an item is NOT found within the Ariba Catalog or the vendor does not have a catalog
in Ariba a NON-Catalog Requisition can be done.

On the Ariba Home Dashboard page under Common Actions click on “Requisition”

The Summary page will be displayed. To go directly to the Non-Catalog page, Click on

the button.
Click on the if you want to be taken to the Catalog Page to search
for the item by keywords or supplier part #, search for a particular supplier.

When an item is not found in the Ariba Catalog the following page will appear. Click on
the Create Non-Catalog Item button to be taken to the Non-Catalog page.
Once on the Add Non-Catalog Item page the following fields need to be populated.

• Full Description - Description of the item you want to order.

• Master Material Group – Used to categorize the goods and/or service. To select
a Master Material Group click the drop down arrow next to the Master Material
Group field and select from the list or “select other” to do a search (see second
screen shot).

Type in the description in the Search field OR use the scroll bar on the right to located
the material group. To select the Master Material Group click the “select” button to the
right of the Master Material Group.
• Material Group –It is populated with a drop down menu of products or services
found within the Master Material Group selected. Choose the material group that
best describes the product or services you require.
• Tax Usage Code (see next page) – This field defaults to Materials: Non-Post
Production. This is one of three fields that determine the tax for the purchase
order. The other choices for Tax Usage Code are: Electronic Delivery, Material:
Post Production, Resale and Service. Click on the drop down and select “other”
to display all the choices. Click on the “Select” button for the Tax Usage Code
you want to use.

• Vendor – This field can be left blank or you can select a vendor. If the field is left
blank, a buyer for the Material Group selected will be added on as an approver and
will select the vendor. There are several ways to select a vendor:
o Type the exact name of the vendor and hit Tab
o Type in part of the vendor name and hit Enter
o Select a vendor from the dropdown
o Click on the drop down and select “Search for More”
If you search for a vendor, the vendor search will be displayed. Type all or part of the
Vendor’s name in the search field. Click on the “Select” button that corresponds to your

You will then be taken back to the Non-Catalog page.

• Supplier Part Number – If the supplier has a specific part number that corresponds
to the item being ordered the number can be put in this field. Please note that some
vendors will not fill the order if this field is not populated.
• Quantity – Defaults to “1” but can be changed to the quantity needed.
• Unit of Measure – Defaults to “each” but can be changed based off how the item
being ordered is packaged.
• Price – Needs to be greater than 0.00.
• Click “OK” add the item to the requisition

Once the item is added to your requisition you can add additional items clicking on the
“Back to Catalog” or “Add from Catalog” button. When you have finished adding items
to your requisition click on the “Submit” button
On the Summary page an error message(s) for any required field not populated will
appear. Non-catalog item will always have a GL account error.
• Click on the error message to display the Edit Line Item page.
o Mass Edit - If more than one non-catalog line item click on the box above
the first line item to select all items and then click “Edit.”

Edit Line Item Page. – All fields on this page can be edited. The field(s) that needs to
be corrected will be highlighted in Yellow.

• Line Item Details – This section includes the information from the Non-Catalog
Item page
• Accounting – by Line Item - this section determines the department that gets
billed for the purchase. The information defaults from the accounting information
in your Ariba User Profile but can be changed.
• Account Assignment – Defaults to K (Cost Center) for Overhead. Other
values are: A (asset), F (Order), P (Project), Y (SPE – Corp IT).
Depending on the value chosen additional accounting fields may be added.
• GL Account – Choose the value from the drop down or, if the value is not in
the drop down, select “other” and do a search for the value.
• Cost Center – Defaults to what is set in the User’s Profile. An additional
field for WBS Element will appear if P (Project) is chosen for Account
Assignment. In such a case a cost center is not needed.

*Any questions regarding accounting information should be directed to your finance


• Split Accounting – To assign the charges of the requisition to more than

accounting click on the “Split Accounting” button.
a. Split By - The requisition can be split by either Percentage or Quantity.
Percentage is the default. To change to Quantity click on the down arrow on
the right side of the filed and select Quantity.
b. Accounting Information – A second set of accounting fields is added to the
line item. Select the additional department(s) accounting information
c. Add Split – To add additional splits in accounting click the “Add Split”
d. Split Amount – Choose the percentage/quantity to be billed to the
corresponding accounting string. If splitting by percentage the split amount
must equal 100%. If splitting by quantity the split must add up to the total
quantity of item ordered.

Click “OK” to be taken back to the Edit Line Item Page. Click “Cancel” to cancel
accounting split.

Once back on the Edit Line Item Page the new accounting split will appear under
Accounting by Line Item.
Shipping by Line Item – Where User wants goods/service delivered to. Only the
Employee, Bldg, & Room for entire requisition appears on the Checkout page.
a. Plant - Physical address of Sony Location. Defaults to what is set in
User’s Profile but can be changed for each line item. To change click on
the drop down arrow and select other. Select the address from the
addresses list on the “Search” page or create a “drop ship” address.
b. Employee, Bldg, & Room – Free test field. Make sure that this field
includes all three things – Employee name, Bldg & Room. The mailroom
will not deliver the goods if one of these three is missing.

Comments - Optional can be added at the line item level or at the requisition level (see

Click “Ok” to return to the “CHECKOUT” page

Shipping of Entire Requisition – The employee name, bldg and room number from
User’s Profile default in. Can be changed.

• Comments - Any comments to the approvers and/or the supplier/vendor go in the

“Comments” field.
• Check the box below the “Comments” field if you want the comments to be included
in the purchase order to the supplier/vendor.
• Add Attachment – Click to add a document to the requisition.
• Approval Flow Tab – Click this tab to see the approval flow and to add additional

Click “Submit” to submit the requisition for approval.

14. How do I archive requests from my TO DO box to a Label?
To archive requests in the TO DO box, click on View List at the bottom right of the To Do box.
Click on the type of request you want to archive.

Once the type of request has been selected, the View Request page is displayed.

Select the request(s) you would like to archive by placing a check mark in the box to the
left of the request(s). Place a check mark in the top box to select all requests. Click
Archive to Label to move request(s) to Archive Items or to a New Label.
For a New Label, create a name for the label and click OK. The new label is created and
the request(s) is moved to the new label.

The new label will now appear in the chooser.

15. How do I find a request that I have Archived or Assigned to a
A Request(s) that has been archived or has a label assigned to it can be found under the
SEARCH section of the Dashboard. If the document type (i.e. requisition, AP payment
request, etc.) you are looking for has request(s) that has been assigned a label, the labels
will appear under Saved Searches/Labels.

Select the document type on the left and then the label.

The Search page will display the requests, of the document type selected, that were
assigned to that particular label.
16. How do I Add Attachments to an Ariba Request

• Complete the e-form and Submit it for approval. Once submitted choose to View the

• The Approval Flow tab will be displayed. Click on the Summary tab.

• Scroll down to the bottom of the Summary Page to the Add Attachment button.
Click on the button to display the Add Attachment page.
• Click on Browse to locate and select the file to attach

• Click OK to attach the file

• The file is now added as an attachment to the request.

Please note that if you choose to “Withdraw” and “Edit” the request before and/or after
you have added an attachment, you will not see the Add Attachments button. If editing
the request after you’ve add the attachment the attachment will still be there BUT you
will NOT be able to see it while in editing mode. It will reappear once the request has
been Submitted or Saved.

• Complete the e-form and Exit out of the request.

• Confirm Exit by choosing to Save this request

• Go to Recently Viewed. Click on the request that was just saved to open it back up.
• The Summary page will be displayed. DO NOT choose to edit the request.

• Scroll down to the bottom of the Summary Page to the Add Attachment button.
Click on the button to display the Add Attachment page.

• Click on Browse to locate and select the file to attach

• Click OK to attach the file

• The file is now added as an attachment to the request.

Please note that if you choose to “Withdraw” and “Edit” the request before and/or after
you have added an attachment, you will not see the Add Attachments button. If editing
the request after you’ve add the attachment the attachment will still be there BUT you
will NOT be able to see it while in editing mode. It will reappear once the request has
been Submitted or Saved.

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