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Paper No.




R. M. Kain
LaQue Corrosion Services
P. O. Box 656,702 Causeway Drive
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480

B, E. Weber
NAWC-Aircraft DMsion
Patuxent River, 22541 Millstone Road, Code 4352, MS-3
Patuxent River, MD 20670-5304


From time-to-time seawater handling systems are subjected to lay-up which can produce
chemical and biological changes, and conceivably alter the corrosion resistance of metals used in piping
and other equipment. In the case of reverse osmosia/membrane technology type desalination equipment,
sanitizing agents may be introduced atler draining. Simulation tests were conducted to determine any
effect of a bisulfite sanitizing treatment when used between periods of normal seawater flow.
Corresponding tests were conducted with lay-up comprising non-refreshed seawater which ultimately
stagnated. Test results for CUN1 alloy C7 1500 indicated that repeated cycling between seawater
exposure and bkulfite treatments was detrimental in reducing that alloy’s resistance to general corrosion,
and to a lesser degree its crevice corrosion resistance. The typical pitting and crevice corrosion behavior
of NICu alloy N04400, found upon exposure to slowly moving, aerated seawater was neither dhninished
or accelerated by cyclic lay-up with either stagnant seawater or the candidate bisulfite-containing
solution. However, some increase in general corrosion was observed.


Corrosion resistance is essential to the performance of 3-pass reverse osmosis (RO) water
treatment equipment, and related water handling systems under development for use aboard Navy

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International, Conferences Division, P.O. Box 21 a340, Houston, Texas 7721 a-a340. The material presented and the views expressed in this
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vessels. ‘-3 Copper-nickel alloy UNS C71500(’) (70/30 CUN1)and nickel-copper alloy UNS N04400
potable and ultra-pure water from seawater. When ships are in port, shore-base water supplies are
available, and RO equipment will be subjected to periods of lay-up. Bisultite is a candidate sanitizing
agent to be used during these lay-up periods. Although bisulfite solutions will likely be prepared with
ultra-pure water, the lay-up solution is expected to pick up chlorides horn the membranes and vessel
walls, particularly those handling seawater in the 1st pass.

While both C7 1500 and N04400 are considered to be marine alloys4, their limitations are well
recognized. For example, sulfides present in polluted seawater can interfere with protective film
formation on C71500.S N04400, in the absence of cathodic protection (intentional or otherwise) is
known to be susceptible to pitting and crevice corrosion in slow moving or quiescent seawater.c
Typically the pitting is rapid, but does not propagate inward.’ Crevice corrosion of N04400 on the other
hand can be extensive. C71500 is also susceptible to crevice corrosion, but attack is typically light,’ For
both alloys crevice corrosion typically develops immediately adjacent to the crevice site, whereas for
stainless steels, metal surfaces within the crevices are attacked.z

A series of corrosion tests was performed to characterize the corrosion resistance of the two
alloys mentioned when exposed to environments containing bisultite. The overall corrosion test program
comprised three tasks: Task I - electrochemical testing, Task II - baseline tests in laboratory glassware,
and Task III - simulation tests, in RO pressure vessels, involving exposure to slow moving refreshed
natural seawater followed by either lay-up with stagnant non-refreshed seawater or a bisulfite-containing
solution of the type used in Task IL This paper focuses on the Task 111experiments and dkcussion of
the test results. However, some relevant aspects of the Task I and Task II testing are described,


Materials and Specimens

Table lgivesthe chemical composition of thematerials tested. Corrosion coupons (Tasks IIand
111)were 57mm (2-1/4-inch) diameter dk.ks of the type utilized previously,z The 25.4 mm (l-inch)
outside diameter (OD)tube stock wascutand endmachlned to provide duplicate 150mm(6-inch) long
specimens for each simulation test. Coupons and tube specimens were cleaned before exposure by
bristle bmshscmbbing withadetergent-pumice mixture, water rinsed mddegreased with acetone. Each
coupon and tube specimen was weighed on an electronic balance before, and later afler testing.
Electrochemical tests were performed on sheet metal samples having unexposed surface areaofl cm2.
These were stamped from coupon stock and wet abraded to a 600 grit (SiC) finish.

Crevice Formers. Coupons were fitted with Perspex Crevice Assemblies (PCA) of the type
utilized in previous RO corrosion tests.2’3 These were secured in place with insulated titanium fasteners
which were tightened to 8.5 Nm (75-irr/lbs) with a torque wrench. (The preceding preparation was
employed forthe Task II baseline tests and Task III simulation tests). Tube specimens were titted with
rubber gland compression titting and O-ring, asinprevious RO corrosion test.2’3 Each tube wastitted
with one 23.8 mm (15/16-inch) ID O-ring and one 20.6 mm (13/16-inch) ID O-ring. These were
positioned, respectively fore and aft of the identification codes engraved on the tube specimen OD.

(I) ~~ ~mkr~ are l]~ted in Metals a,7dAI/ovs ;II tk Unijkd A@mbering $@em, published by the Society Of
AutomotiveEngineers(SAE)andcosponsoredby ASTM.

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Deployment. Two C71500 and two N044000 coupons were mounted on a plastic rack utilizing
the extended end of the titanium fasteners used to secure the PCA, four such racks were prepared. Two
C7 1500 and two N04400 tube specimens were assembled end-to-end using the compression fitting;
again, four sets of specimens were prepared. The above assemblies are shown in F@rsres 1 and 2,

One rack of coupons and one “string” of tube specimens were positioned in each of four RO
pressure vessels, Two test stations for each lay-up treatment were created by plumbing together pairs of
pressure vessels as shown, for example, in Figure 3,

Simulation Tests Environments. One test station was utilized for exposures involving the subject
sodium metabisulfite treatment, and the other to mimic lay-up with seawater. Testing comprised the

. Time = O hours: Fresh multimedia (-20 ~m) filtered seawater was introduced into both
sets of test vessels and the flow was maintained at about 11 I/rein (3.0 * 0.2 gpm) for the
next 500 hours. This is equivalent to a nominal seawater velocity of -0.03 m/s (<O,1

● Atler 500 hours of constant refreshment, the seawater flow to both pairs of pressure
vessels was interrupted, as planned. For one pair, the seawater was left in place and the
vessels “shut-in” to simulate a lay-up condition without draining or treatment of any sort,
Seawater was drained from the second pair of pressure vessels, which were then flushed
with approximately 375,6 L (100 gallons) of bkulfite-containing treatment solution. The
preceding solution was prepared with 3rd pass-ultra pure RO water and filtered seawater
which was added to provide a nominal chloride level of 1000 m@L. To thk, 1 percent by
weight sodium metabkultite was added. These two completely tilled pressure vessels
were then “shut-in” to simulate treated lay-up condition. In practice, sodium meta-
bisulfite is viewed as an economical alternative to sodium sulfite since solutions of both
contain the same reactant, bisultite.

● Following 500 hours of lay-up, all vessels were drained and the specimens in the
downstream vessel at each station were removed for evaluation. Seawater was then
quickly reintroduced to start another 500-hour flow through period, The remaining
specimens were subjected to two more complete 1000-hour cycles as described above.
Following each lay-up period, samples of the drained fluids, which contained metal ions
from both alloys tested, were collected for chemical analysis

Table 2 gives the seawater hydrology for the test period

Table 3 summarizes the seawater temperatures during the 500-hour flow through periods, and
the ambient air temperatures during lay-up. It is assumed that during lay-up the temperature of the “shut-
in” media approached the ambient air temperatures.

Table 4 provides analytical data regarding the composition of the lay-up waters at the conclusion
of each test cycle.

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Although there was a distinct sulfide (i.e., HzS) odor present after each 500-hour lay-up with
stagnant seawater, little or no sulfide was present upon analysis. The absence of detectable sulfide in the
lay-up seawater may be due in part to rapid oxidation during collection and transfer of the sample prior
to the analysis. Since the seawater was previously filtered to 20 pm and the lay-up was relatively short
(-21 days), sulfide generation may have been less than otherwise expected, However, as discussed
below, there was sufficient sulfide present to alter the surFace films which normally form on these metals
in aerated seawater.

Baseline tests were performed in 0.85 liter glass cells containing 0.75L of the test solutions
described above. Electrochemical tests, according to ASTM Standard G-61-938, were also performed in
the diluted seawater solution with and without bisulfite added.


Base-Lhse Tests

Corrosion data for C7 1500 and N04400 exposed to continuously refreshed natural seawater can
be found in several sources.s’”g Task 1 of this program established base-line data on the behavior of
these materials, with and without crevices, when exposed in the candidate bisultite containing water.
Corresponding exposures were conducted in the same diluted seawater solution, but without bisulfite

Table 5 gives average corrosion rate, based on total mass loss, data for crevice-free and crevice
bearing specimens exposed for 500 hours and 2500 hours in the above solutions. As can be seen, the
two alloys were highly resistant to both environments. However, alloy N04400 specimens exposed to
the bisultite-free environment exhibited superficial localized corrosion. Specimens exposed without PCA
exhibited a few shallow pits, while those tested with PCA exhibited very light crevice attack, but no
pitting, In the case of alloy C71500, the crevice-free specimens exhibited isolated areas of general
corrosion accompanied by a red, copper-rich film similar to that reported elsewhere.z Those with PC%
exhibhed some evidence of light attack adjacent to the crevice former, as is typical for thk alloy.

Exposure to the dilute seawater + bisulfite solution resulted in light general corrosion for both
alloys. In the case of N04400, the corrosion product film was purple while that found on C71500
changed from a dark smudge-like appearance to a tan color with increased exposure. Thk general
surface attack apparently prevented localized corrosion as described above for both alloys in the dilute
seawater environment. Post-test analyses of the test solutions for Cu and N1 metal-ion concentrations
indicated that alloy C71500 was less tolerant to the bisultite exposure than was alloy N04400.

Electrochemical Tests

Figures 4 to 7 provide cyclic potentiodynamic polarization curves which were developed in the
indicated solutions at ambient temperatures, and which had air access. For both alloys, the addition of
bisulfite resulted in a more rapid increase in anodic current densities during the forward (negative-
positive) scan from the freely corroding potential. Figure 5 shows a large cathodic loop which
developed during the reverse (positive-negative) scan for C71500 in the bisultite containing solution.
This behavior is consistent with surtace film reductio~ suggesting that bisulfite may alter the normally
protective film which forms on CUNIin seawater. In the case of alloy N04400, the pitting potential at

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about +100 mV in Figure 6 is not present in the Figure 7 curves, this accounts for the absence of
localized pitting and crevice corrosion noted earlier. The high current density passivation tendencies
shown in Figure 7 is consistent with the development of the thick purple color film detected on the base-
line test coupons.

Performance Tests - Sheet Materials

General Appearance. Figures 8 to 11 show representative post-test (after-cleaning) views of the

C71500 and N04400 corrosion coupons exposed to the indicated number of lay-up cycles with either
stagnant seawater or the bisulfite containing solution. Prior to cleaning, coupons exposed to stagnant
seawater conditions exhibited black films indicative of a sulfide presence. In contrast, those exposed to
the bisultite lay-up treatment exlibited yellowish-tan (C71500) or darker tan (N04400) colored films.
Typically, in slowly moving aerated seawater, these materials develop light green copper-colored surface

Inspection of the C7 1500 coupons exposed for one complete cycle comprising either lay-up
treatment revealed evidence of some general corrosion and also some superficial crevice related attack
particularly adjacent to the ID of the PCAS. An increase in degree of bold surface attack was observed
following three complete cycles. For coupons exposed to repetitive lay-up with the bisulfite solutio~
this attack appeared more localized, whereas those exposed to the stagnant seawater were more
uniformly rdTected.

In the case of N04400, pitting and crevice related attack were observed on the coupons following
one cycle involving both lay-up procedures. Both forms of attack are typical of the behavior for this
material in slowly moving aerated seawater.s Repetitive cycling with the bisulfite treatment resulted in
an increase in the intensity of attack adjacent to PCAS, but had little effect on the pitting observed
initially after only one cycle, For N04400, repetitive cycling between fresh seawater and stagnant
seawater resulted in general corrosion of the boldly exposed surfaces.

Mass Loss. Results shown in Table 6 support the above observations. Total mass loss incurred
by C71500 coupons exposed to three cycles comprising bisultite lay-up were on average about eight
times greater than corresponding coupons exposed for only one cycle, and more than twice that for
coupons exposed to three cycles comprising stagnant seawater lay-up. In contrast to the above, recent
wharf-side exposure of crevice-free similarity sized C7 1500 coupons to aerated seawater for 106 days
resulted in an average mass loss of only 108 mg.

From Table 6 it can be seen that after one cycle, N04400 coupons exposed to stagnant seawater
had incurred greater mass loss (average loss 1029 mg) than corresponding coupons subjected to bisultite
lay-up (average loss 765 mg). As shown in Table 6, mass loss increased considerably when progressing
ffom one cycle to three cycles. Mass loss for the N04400 coupons after three cycles in either lay-up
procedure was similar.

Table 7 compares the overall resistance of C71500 and N04400 in the precedkrg corrosion
coupon tests. Results are shown in terms of average mass losdcycle. After one cycle involving either
lay-up procedure, N04400 coupons exhibited greater mass loss/cycle than the corresponding C71500
coupons. The same trend is shown atler three cycles, but only for the coupons exposed to stagnant
seawater lay-up. Perhaps the most significant observations which can be made from the Table 7 data
pertains to the changes in the rate of mass loss; whereas, the rate of mass loss/cycle for C71500

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increased with the increased number of cycles, while that for N04400 decreased. It can also be seen that
the increase for C7 1500 was greatest in the test involving bistdtite lay-up, and the decrease in mass
loss/cycle for N04400 was greatest in the test involving stagnant seawater lay-up,

De~th of Localized Corrosion. Depth of penetration measurements were performed with a dial
depth indicator, After one cycle of testing, the C71500 coupons exhibited only supefilcial (<0.01 mm
deep) attack adjacent to the PCAS, and no pitting corrosion in either test. However, as shown in Tables
8 and 9, locahzed attack adjacent to PCAS in the bisulfite test increased substantially during the three
cycles. As shown in Table 8, these specimens incurred up to 0.32 mm deep areas of attack on boldly
exposed surfaces. Corresponding specimens subjected to stagnant seawater lay-up exiibited
penetrations which were an order of magnitude less than those mentioned above.

Table 8 data for N04400 shows that the maximum depth of attack adjacent to the PCA sites was
consistently greater than the general pitting incurred. Although localized penetration increased with the
number of test cycles, it is evident that much of the penetration occurred during the first cycle. These
results show little difference in localized penetration behavior relative to the lay-up procedure employed.

Performance Tests - Tube Specimens Exposed to Stagnant Seawater Lay-up

General Auuearance. AHOYC71500 and N04400 tubes exposed for one complete cycle involving
stagnant seawater lay-up exhhhed a tenacious black (sulfide-bearing) tilm on crevice-free surfaces. In
addition, copper-rich areas were found adjacent to the rubber gland and O-ring crevice sites.
Examination of the tubes exposed for three complete cycles revealed that the originally developed black
films were altered to ones that were dkcontinuous and varied in thickness and color, including shades of
brown, green and red. Actual surface film chemistry has not been determined. Increasing the number of
exposure cycles increased the amount of crevice-related attack of the C7 1500 tubes and promoted
broader areas of attack on otherwise crevice-free surfaces (Figures 12, 13, and 14). As shown in Figure
15 (letI), alloy N04400 tubes exposed for one complete cycle exhibited pitting and crevice related attack,
as is typical for this material in slowly moving refreshed seawater. As shown in Figures 15 (right) and
16, repetitive cycling resulted in an increase in the affected area adjacent to the crevice sites, but not the
density and size of the pits, However, areas of attack on crevice-free areas were noted (Figure 16). For
both N04400 and C71 500, the latter can be associated with the nonprotective nature of the altered film.

Mass Loss. As shown in Table 10, total mass loss for the N04400 tubes was consistently greater
than that found for the C71500 tubes. This can be directly related to the differences in localized
corrosion resistance between the two materials. However, as shown in Table 11, the mass loss/cycle for
N04400 is shown to diminish while that for C71500 increased with increased cycling between refreshed
and stagnant seawater.

Penetration. Data from the tube samples are presented in Tables 12 and 13 and show that the
maximum and average depth of crevice related attack increased for both alloys with the increased
number of cycles, As it has been previously found in refreshed seawater testsc N04400 incurred
localized attack that was substantially deeper than that by C71500. Test results indicated that 50% or
more of the total penetration measured after three cycles was actually incurred during the initial cycling
period. Moreover, it is conceivable that a major portion of that occurred during the first 500 hour
exposure of fresh metal surface to refreshed seawater.

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Performance Tests - Tube Specimens Exposed to Bisulfite Lay-up

General Appearance. Atler one complete cycle involving lay-up with the bisultite solution,
exposed surfaces of the C7 1500 tubes exhibited a somewhat brassy-like appearance as contrasted with
the yellowish-tan film which had developed on the C7 1500 coupons. Alloy N04400 tubes again
exhibited a smudge-like film. Both materials exhibited copper-rich areas adjacent to the crevice sites, but
not to the extent observed on correspondhg tubes exposed to stagnant seawater lay-up. N04400 tubes
were again pitted to the extent noted previously.

Following three cycles (see Figures 13 and 14), it was apparent that the C7 1500 tube had
suffered additional crevice attack and also general surface corrosion. The same was true of the N04400
tubes (see Figure 17), but the general surface attack was more uniform Regarding the latter, there waa
no perceptible increase in the number or sizes of the pits found on the N04400 tubes.

Mass Loss. As shown in Table 10, N04400 sustained appreciably greater mass loss after one
cycle with hisulfite than did C7 1500. However atler three cycles, both exhibhed comparable mass
losses, Table 11 again shows that while mass loss/cycle for C71 500 increased, that for N04400
decreased. Table 11 also shows that the mass loss/cycle for C71500 atter three cycles was more than
twice that incurred during three cycles involving seawater lay-up. In contrast, alloy N04400 tube
exhibited comparable mass loss in both tests.

Penetration. Tables 12 and 13 show that C71500 tubes sustained considerably more depth of
attack at crevice sites during three cycles exposure to bk.ultite than with stagnant seawater. However,
the depth of penetration remained less than that for N04400 in both tests. For N04400, the three cycle
exposure to the bisultite treatment produced somewhat somewhat deeper penetrations than than incurred
in stagnant seawater.


A series of tests have been performed to evaluate the corrosion resistance of CuNi alloy C71500
and NICU alloy N04400, both sheet material and tubing, when subjected to alternating periods of slowly
moving refreshed seawater, followed by lay-up with stagnant seawater or a sodium bisulfite containing
solution. These tests were part of an investigation addressing the use of sodium bkultite as a sanitizing
treatment for lay-up of RO equipment used for seawater desalination.

● Testing has demonstrated the propensity for both C71 500 and N04400 to incur crevice
related corrosion and other corrosion on boldly exposed surfaces. Overall, locahzed
corrosion incurred by the N04400 specimens was greater than that for C7 1500, as is
typical. However, a substantial amount of the total corrosion incurred by N04400
developed during the first cycle. This is supported by test data showing a decrease in
mass loss/cycle with increasing number of cycles. For C7 1500 an opposite trend was

. Both alloys developed black surface films during the first exposure to stagnant seawater.
Subsequent cycling between refreshed and non-refreshed (seawater) effected a change in
these films which apparently contributed to some general surface corrosion - other than
the pitting typically exhibited by N04400. Except for the above general surface corrosion,


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the overall performance of N04400 in the various Task III tests was similar to that typical
of this material when exposed continuously to slow moving natural seawater, and in the
absence of cathodic protection, either intentionally or inadvertently. In other words,
neither lay-up procedure appeared to be particularly detrimental for N04400.

● For both alloys, the mere presence of crevices, rather than their particular geometries
contributed to localized corrosion. This behavior is different from other marine alloys
such as certain stainless steels and other nickel-base alloys.

Q The performance of CUN; alloys, in general, are known to be adversely affected by the
presence of sultide in seawater. However, based on present and other referenced test
data, repeated cycling between refreshed and stagnant seawater for the times indicated
was not necessarily detrimental to C7 1500 in regard to crevice corrosion. Alternating
exposure conditions did, however, significantly increase the overall degree of corrosion
on otherwise boldly exposure surfaces. Repetitive cycling between refreshed seawater and
lay-up with the indicated bisulfite solution was clearly more detrimental to the localized
and general corrosion resistance of C7 1500.

● Total mass loss incurred by C71500 coupons and tube specimens was substantially
greater than those for similar specimens exposed in earlier RO-seawater tests for 90

. Related immersion tests in a similar chloride + bisulfite-containing solution produced

relatively little corrosion of these materials at?er 2500 hours’ continuous exposure.
Repetitive cycling with bisultite therefore appears to strip or otherwise chemically alter
the protective film which develops in aerated seawater, and promotes corrosion for
C7 1500. This behavior was suggested by changes in the polarization characteristics
identified in the related electrochemical tests.

. The performanceofC71500 components in RO equipment will likely be compromised by

the proposed use of bisultite as a sanitizing agent during lay-up periods.

● The exact mechanisms by which bisulfite affects C71500 has not been fully explored.
Further investigation in thk area maybe warranted.


1. J. F. Pizzino, W. L. Adamson, W. L. Smith, Naval Engineers Journal, 130, 3(1991): p. 126.

2. R. M. Kain, B. E. Weber, W. L. Adamson, “Localized and General Corrosion Resistance of

Candidate Metallic Materials for RO-Membrane Cartridges,” CORROSION/95, paper no. 134,
(Houston, TX: NACE International, 1995).

3. R. M. Kain, B. E. Weber, W. L. Adamson, “Corrosion Coupon Testing in Natural Waters: A Case

Hktory Dealing with Reverse Osmosis Treatment of Seawater,” to be published in ASTM STP
1300, 1996.

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4. A. H, Tuthill, Materials Performance, 26, 9(1987).

5. K. D. Etird, T. S. Lee, CORROSION, 35, 2(1979): p. 79.

6. P. A. Klein, et al., “The Effect of Electrolytic Chlorination on the Crevice Corrosion Behavior of
70/30 CuNi and NiCu Alloy 400,” CORROSION/91, paper no. 509, (Houston, TX: NACE
International, 1991).

7. R. M, Kain, D. G. Tipton, “Effect of Temperature on the Resistance to Pitting of Monel Alloy 400 in
Seawater,” CORROSION/80, paper no. 36, (Houston, TX: NACE International, 1980),

8. ASTM Annual Book of Standards 1995, Vol. 03.02 Wear and Erosion; Metal Corrosion, (West
Conshohocken, PA American Society for Testing and Materials).

9, K, D, Etird, D. B. Anderson, Materials Performance, 14, 11(1975): p. 37.


UNS N04400 UNS C71500

Sheet Tube Sheet Tube

Ni 65,40 65.79 Ni (+Co) 30.35 29.77

Cu 31,64 31.16 Cu 68.59 68.42
Fe 1.68 1.80 Fe 0.59 0.71
Mn 1.03 1.04 Mn 0.40 0.96
c 0.10 0.11 c NA 0,027
s 0.007 0.002 s NA 0.006
Si 0.13 0.10 P 0.015 0.013
Pb 0.005 0.005
Zn <0,10 0,037

NA = Not Available


Salinity Chloride Sulfate Dissolved

(m) (w) (w) pH Oxygen (mg/L)

33.0 -36.9 17.9 -20.5 2.5 -2.8 7,6- 8.0 5.0- 7.0

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Ambient Seawater Ambient Air
Temperature (°C)l Temperature (“C)*
Range Mean Range Mean

1st cycle 26.7 to 30.9 29.0 20.4 to 36.8 28.7

2nd cycle 26.8 to 30.7 28.5 18,8 t037.4 25,5
3rd cycle 22.1 to 26.1 24,1 12.0to 31.4 20.9

‘ during seawater refreshment

2 during lay-up period

Bisulfite Solution Lay-up Stagnant Seawater Lay-rip
Ni Cu cl- Na&Os Cu Cu s“

1st cycle 16,3 23.5 1140 0.78 0.47 0.46 <0.01

2nd cycle 15.4 52.0 1020 0.79 3.2 9.5 <0.005
3rd cycle 28,0 120 1170 0.79 4,4 5.4 <0.005

* mgiL except NaZSZOS (O/.)

With Crevices Without Crevices
Material/Environment 500 hours 2500 hours 500 hours 2500 hours

dilute seawater (1000 mg/L Cl-) 5 2 4 2
dilute seawater + 1’70bisultite 2 12 3 12

dilute seawater (1000 mg/L Cl-) 1 <1 <1 <1
ddrrte seawater+ 1‘%bisultite 1 2 <1 2

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Bisulfite Lay-up Stagnant Seawater Lay-up
Specimen Mass Loss Specimen Mass Loss
Alloy and No. of Cycles* Code (mg) Code (mg)
C71500 -1 cycle CN769 367.1 CN773 229.8
CN770 218.1 CN774 268.9
C71500 -3 cycles CN771 2666.8 CN775 859.6
CN772 1819.6 CN776 1082.6
N04400 -1 cycle M-764 722,4 M-768 975,9
M-765 808.0 M-769 1082.1
N04400 -3 cycles M-766 2395,6 M-770 2361.9
M-767 2043.9 M-771 1997.6

* 1 cycle = 500 hours refreshed + 500 hours non-refreshed


Ri.uMitelq-un r Iav-+

Number of Cycles C71500 N04400 C71500 N04400

1 cycle 292,6 765.2 249,4 1029,0

3 cycles 747.7 739,9 323.7 726,6

B&.Wjk&w-un sta.~v-uD
Alloy msd No. Adjacent to Bold Surface Adjacent to Bold Surface
of Cycles PCA Sites’ Pitting* or Other PCA Sites’ Pittin#

C71500 -1 cycle <0.01 nil 0.01 nil

C71500-3 cycles <0.01 to 0.19 <0.01 to 0.32 <0,01 to 0.02 <0.01 to 0.05
N04400 -3 cycles 0.04 to 0.48 0.01 to 0.18 0.07 to 0.55 0.02 to 0,20

1 based on 16 measurements around PCA sites at 0°,90°, 180°, and 270°

2 based on 16 measurements of randomly selected pits

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Average Penetration (mm)
Adiacent to PCA Site Bold Surface Pitting
Alloy and No. Stagnant Stagnant
of Cycles Bisultite Lay-up Seawater Lay-up Bisulfite Lay-up Seawater Lay-up

C71500-1 cycle <0.01 <0.01 nil nil

C71500-3 cycles 0.05 <0.01 0,08 <0.01
N04400 -1 cycle 0.14 0,28 0,06 0.08
N04400 -3 cycles 0,22 0,24 0.08 0.09

Bisulfite Lay-up Stagnant Seawater Lay-up
Alloy and No. of Specimen Code Mass Loss Specimen Code Mass Loss
Cycles (mg) (mg)

C71500 -1 cycle C02AC-1 304.9 C02AC-5 322.2

C02AC-2 274.4 C02AC-6 298.8
C71500 -3 cuc;es C02AC-3 4834.5 C02AC-7 2600,9
C02AC-4 4003.5 C02AC-8 2203.2
N04400 -1 cycle N07AB-1 1965.8 N07AB-5 2172.4
N07AB-2 1551,4 N07AB-6 1557.0
N04400 -3 cycles N07AB-3 3798,2 N07AB-7 4376.8
N07AB-4 3576.2 N07AB-8 3714.0


Average Mass Loss/Cvcle (m~l

Bisulfite Lay-up Stawsant Seawater Lay-up
Number of Cycles C71500 N04400 C71500 N04400

1 cycle 289.7 1758.6 310,5 1864.7

3 cycles 1473.0 1229,1 800,7 1348.5

Calvin Foong - Invoice INV-182163-1OIEUV, downloaded on 12/22/2008 1:08:17 AM - Single-user license only, copying and networking prohibited.
Penetration Range (mm)
Bisulfite Lay-up Stagnant Seawater Lay-up
Alloy and No. of Cycles Rubber Glands O-rings Rubber Glands O-rings

C71500 -1 cycle <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 to 0,02 <0.01 to 0.01

C71500-3 cycles <0.01 to 0,27 0.02 to 0.15 <0,01 to 0.08 <0.01 to 0,03
N04400 -1 cycle <0.01 to 0.32 0,01 to 0.30 <0,01 to 0.15 0.05 to 0.30
N04400 -3 cycles 0,01 to 46 0,15 to 0,56 0,01 to 0,29 0.04 to 0.40

* based on 64 measurements per test condhion

Average Depth (mm)*
Seawater-Bisulfite Lay-up Seawater-Stagnant Seawater Lay-up
No. of Cycles C71500 N04400 C71500 N04400

1 cycle <0,01 0.13 So.ol 0.13

3 cycles 0.08 0.24 0,01 0,17

* based on 64 measurements

FIGURE 1- View of corrosion coupons with

PCAS on test rack from cyclic exposures in
RO pressure vessels.

Calvin Foong - Invoice INV-182163-1OIEUV, downloaded on 12/22/2008 1:08:17 AM - Single-user license only, copying and networking prohibited.
FIGURE 3- Test apparatus utilizedfor presentand previouslyconductedcorrosiontests in RO-type

“, , ~._._,.—_ ..—... T..i.

*5. ~
l“’” ‘“Y

i e,

‘“0” ~+’-’”

.300 _2 I I ..,.,1 ,,,,,,,,1 ,,,,,,J ,&

i. ,.” ‘ i$ ,.31 ,.2 ,.3 ,;
1( Ll,a,r, ,..,z:!

FIGURE4- Cyclicpoteutiodymunicpolarization FIGURE5- Cyclicpotentiodynamicpolarization

curves for C71500in dilute seawater. curves for C71500in dilute seawater + 1Y. bisulfrte.


60b t

‘:M ,..3
,.”2 t*” ‘ ,0° ,.’
1( IJ,..CM. ...2.

FIGURE6- Cyclicpotentiodynamicpolarization
,02 ,.3 J
1! ufi/c M.2,
FIGURE7- Cyclicpotentiodynamicpolarization
curves for N04400 in dilute seawater. curvesfor N04400 in dilute seawater+ 1’70bisrdfite.

Calvin Foong - Invoice INV-182163-1OIEUV, downloaded on 12/22/2008 1:08:17 AM - Single-user license only, copying and networking prohibited.
FIGURE 8- AppearanceofC71500 coupons FIGURE 9- AppearanceofC71500 coupons
exposed to (le~) 1-cycle and (right) 3-cycle exposed (left) 1-cycle and (right) 3-cycle
performance tests with stagnant seawater performance tests with bisulfite treatment
lay-up. lay-up,

FIGURE 10- Appearance of N04400 coupons FIGURE 11- Appearance of N04400 coupons
exposed to (left) 1-cycle and (right) 3-cycle exposed to (left) 1-cycle and (right) 3-cycle
performance tests with stagnant seawater performance tests with bisulfite treatment
lay-up. lay-up.

Calvin Foong - Invoice INV-182163-1OIEUV, downloaded on 12/22/2008 1:08:17 AM - Single-user license only, copying and networking prohibited.
FIGURE 12- Comparative area viewsofC71500 tube specimens tier (left) 1-cycle and (right) 3-cycle
performance tests with stagnant seawater lay-up.

FIGURE 13- Overall view of duplicate C71500 tube specimens following 3-cycle
performance test with bisulfite treatment lay-up.

FIGURE 14- Comparative area views of C71500 tube specimens atler (lefi) l-cycle and (right) 3-cycle
performance tests with bisultite treatment lay-up.

Calvin Foong - Invoice INV-182163-1OIEUV, downloaded on 12/22/2008 1:08:17 AM - Single-user license only, copying and networking prohibited.
FIGURE 15- Comparative area views of N04400 tube specimens tier (Iefl) 1-cycle and (right) 3-cycle
performance tests with stagnant seawater lay-up,

FIGURE 16- Overall view of duplicate N04400 tube specimens following 3-cycle
performance test with stagnant seawater lay-up.

FIGURE 17- Comparative area views of N04400 tube specimens after (left) 1-cycle and (right) 3-cycle
performance tests with bisultite treatment lay-up.

Calvin Foong - Invoice INV-182163-1OIEUV, downloaded on 12/22/2008 1:08:17 AM - Single-user license only, copying and networking prohibited.

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