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104-year-old Australian scientist who had campaigned for the

legalization of assisted dying in his home country has ended his life at a
Swiss clinic, a (1) _____ from the pro-euthanasia group Exit represent
International said.
David Goodall, a (2) _____ botanist and ecologist, died Thursday at the respect
Life Circle clinic in Basel, Switzerland, after administering a lethal drug
under the (3) _____ of doctors. guide
The grandfather of 12 had attracted over $20,000 in donations from the
public to help fund his journey to Europe from Perth, Australia, earlier
this month.
Speaking to CNN on Tuesday, two days before he was due to die, Goodall
said that his life stopped being (4) _____ "five or 10 years ago," in part enjoy
because of his failing (5) _____ and eyesight. mobile
"At my age, I get up in the morning. I eat breakfast. And then I just sit
until lunchtime. Then I have a bit of lunch and just sit. What's the use of
that?" said the scientist, who appeared to have lost none of his sense of
humor on Tuesday, wearing a top inscribed with the words "Aging
Euthanasia is illegal in Australia, though the state of Victoria is planning
to allow assisted dying from mid-2019. Goodall's home state of Western
Australia is (6) _____ debating whether to introduce the policy. current
Goodall said he hoped his story would lead to the legalization of assisted
dying in other countries.
Born in London in April 1914, just months before the outbreak of World
War I, Goodall and his family moved to Australia when he was a child.
The respected botanist and ecologist went on to hold academic positions
across the world, including in the United Kingdom, the US and Australia.
After his (7) _____ in 1979, Goodall edited a 30-volume series of books retire
called "Ecosystems of the World," written by more than 500 authors. In
2016, the professor was awarded the prestigious Order of Australia
A member of Exit International for over 20 years, Goodall said earlier this
week that he did not fear death, but instead would "welcome it when it
"The process of dying can be rather (8) _____, but it need not be," he please
said. "And I hope it won't be for me."

By Bel Chavantes/adapted from CNN/May 2018

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