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Presentación Oral
Semestre Agosto-Diciembre 2017 Level ____
Nombre del alumno _______________________________________________ # Control _______________
Nombre del docente: ___________________________________________ .
Clave del grupo _________________ Unidad ______ Indicador de Alcance ______
Observaciones: Esta rúbrica se usará para evaluar las presentaciones Orales del alumno durante el periodo semestral. Esta
rúbrica no es válida con raspaduras o con corrector.

Excelente Muy bien Regular Pobre Insuficiente

5 4 3 2 1
The student does
The student greets The student does not The student does not
The student greets not greet the
but not introduces greet the audience greet the audience
and introduces the audience and does
the topic to the but introduce the and does not
Greating/ topic to the audience. not introduce the
audience. The topic to the audience. introduce the topic.
Farewell- The student has an topic. The student
student has an The student has an The student has an
presentation appropriate has an
appropriate appropriate appropriate
presentation. inappropriate
presentation. presentation. presentation.
10 points presentation.
8 points 6 points 5 points
0 points
The speech is not
The speech is always The speech is
always organized There is not an
organized organized but not in The speech is not
sequentially. The organization, there
sequentially. The the logical order, organized, there are
main ideas are are mixed an
Organization main ideas are shown first the main ideas, mixed ideas.
normally shown first incomplete ideas.
first and then the and then the rest.
and then the
secondary ones. 24 points
secondary ones. 0 points
30 points 26 points
28 points
The student is The student is
The student isn´t
The student is continuously The student tries continuously
oriented to the
continuously oriented to the continuously oriented to the
audience. The
oriented to the audience; the student oriented to the audience; the student
student does not try
audience; the student tries to keep eye audience; the student doesn´t keep eye
Body language to keep eye contact
has eye contact contact during the has eye contact contact during the
during the speech.
during the speech. speech. There aren´t during the speech. speech. There are
There are some
There aren´t nerves. nerves. There aren´t nerves. some nerves
nerves expressions.
20 points 15 points expressions.
0 points
18 points 12 points
Many errors in Most structures
No grammatical
Three or fewer errors Frequent errors and agreement or verb incorrect. Constant
errors. Speaker self-
that don’t impede self-correction on forms, in basic use of infinitive or
corrects without
communication. The some. The student structures which no conjugation.
hesitation. The
Vocabulary student uses the tries to use the impede Listener
student uses the
vocabulary of this vocabulary of this communication. The understands only
vocabulary of this
unit. unit. student doesn´t use because of past
28 points 25 points the vocabulary. experience.
30 points
24 points 0 points
The student uses
The student uses The student uses The student uses
good quality material
high quality material high quality material good quality material
to support the The student doesn´t
to support the to support the to support the
speech. And the use material to
Material speech. And the speech. And the speech. And the
material is used in support the speech.
material is used in material isn´t used in material isn´t used in
the right way. 0 points
the right way. the right way. the right way.
8 points
10 points 6 points 5 points

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