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Control of cracking in concrete structures

Reported by ACI Committee 224 (ACI 224R-01)


Chapter 1 - Introduction, p. two

Chapter 2 - Mechanisms of cracking in concrete, p. two

2.1 - Introduction

2.2 - Compressive microcracking

2.3 - Fracture

Chapter 3 - Control of cracking due to drying shrinkage, p. 12

3.1 - Introduction

3.2 - Cause of cracking due to drying shrinkage

3.3 - drying shrinkage

3.4 - Factors controlling drying shrinkage of concrete

3.5 - Control of shrinkage cracking

3.6 - shrinkage compensating concrete

Chapter 4 - Control of cracking in flexural members, p. 19

4.1 - Introduction

4.2 - Equations for the control of cracking in reinforced concrete beams

4.3 - Control of cracking in slabs and plates in two directions

4.4 - Tolerable crack widths versus exposure conditions of reinforced concrete

4.5 - cracking bending prestressed concrete

4.6 - Cracking in areas prestressed concrete anchor

4.7 - Control of cracking in deep beams

4.8 - Tensile Cracking

Chapter 5 - Long term effects on cracking, p. 27

5.1 - Introduction

5.2 - Effects of long-term loads

5.3 - Environmental Effects

5.4 - Aggregate and other effects

5.5 - Use of polymers to improve cracking characteristics

Chapter 6 - Control of cracking in overlayers, p. 29

6.1 - Introduction

6.2 - Overlays of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC)

6.3 - modified epoxy resin or latex Overlays

6.4 - Systems impregnated with polymer concrete (PIC)

6.5 - concrete overlays epoxy resin and other polymers

Chapter 7 - Control of cracking in mass concrete, p. 32

7.1 - Introduction

7.2 - Methods crack control

7.3 - Design

7.4 - Construction

7.5 - Operation

Chapter 8 - Control of cracking by proper construction practices, p. 41

8.1 - Introduction

8.2 - Restriction

8.3 - Shrinkage

8.4 - Precipitation of aggregates

8.5 - Construction

8.6 - Specifications to minimize drying shrinkage

8.7 - Conclusion

Chapter 9 - References, p. 46

9.1 - Reference Standards and reports

9.2 - References Cited

9.3 - Other references


7.1 - Introduction
7.1.1 Definition of massive concrete -
ACI 116R defines the massive concrete as "any concrete volume whose dimensions are large
enough to make it necessary to take measures to consider heat generation caused by cement
hydration and the consequent change in volume in order to minimize cracking. " Massive
concrete structures consist of dams, power plants, bridges and other pillars of large structural

7.1.2 Types of cracks

Cracking the concrete mass may be the result of related materials, structural causes, or a
combination of both.

Cracks attributable to material are caused by drying shrinkage, with significant nonlinear
thermal gradient initiated by the heat of hydration and álcaliagregado reaction.

 Surface cracking may occur in irregular cracks and result from decreasing volume below
the surface.
 Random cracking that occurs due to the materials can get through a massive concrete
element, and crack widths vary from barely perceptible to very high values.
 Structural cracking can result from a single load or combination thereof, such as gravity
loads, liquid pressure and severe impact. Structural cracks are of any width, but
generally aligned in a direction structurally plausible.

7.2 - Methods crack control

Given the likely temperatures and deformations, the designer should determine which are more
practical measures to prevent cracking. Some of the conditions that facilitate the prevention of
cracking are:

 Concrete with large tensile strain capacity; ·

 Low cement (low voltages permitted by design); ·
 Cement low heat generation or use of pozzolans; ·
 Pouring the concrete into small segments or blocks; ·
 Low temperature during placement; ·
 Low speed construction when no artificial cooling is used; ·
 artificial cooling by an internal network of cold water pipes; ·
 Isolate concrete surfaces; ·
 Low degree of restriction, as in the case of foundations unrestricted or well away
portions of the foundation structure generated by the restriction; Y ·
 Absence of stress risers, as the galleries.

7.3 Design
Designing a massive concrete structure means determine the loads and load combinations,
together with a method of reliable structural analysis to reach a geometric economically
satisfying the safety criteria. Loads and load combinations will be different in different
structures, it being possible to mention including hydrostatic pressure, gravity loads, ice loads,
sediments, thermal loads, seismic loads, weight of the superstructure, differential conditions in
foundations and impacts. Selection of aggregates

The aggregates chosen should be those with which you can make good concrete with the lowest
overall cost. aggregate size

The maximum aggregate size should be determined considering the feasibility of correctly
placing concrete in the structure. Can be used aggregates with diameters up to 150 mm (6 in.)
Except the concrete must resist high water flow rate or structural concrete is required. Water content -
A reduction in the water content of the concrete allows a corresponding reduction in cement
content. Concrete with less water content and cement is superior because it undergoes less
change in temperature by the effects of hydration, drying shrinkage less, and is more durable
and resistant to cracking.

7.3.3 Durability -
The durability of portland cement concrete is defined as its ability to resist weathering action,
chemical attack, abrasion or other deterioration processes (ACI 201.2R). The most common
weathering action is the occurrence of multiple cycles of freezing and thawing of water near the
surface; over time these cycles fracture and damage the concrete. In the environment there are
chemicals that shorten the life of the concrete.

7.3.4 Material Properties

Concrete properties affect crack control. Concretes differ greatly in the amount of tensile strain
that can withstand before cracking. If the deformation is rapidly applied, the two factors
governing the formability are the modulus of elasticity and tensile strength. If the deformation
is applied slowly becomes important slow (or relaxation) concrete creep. Modulus of elasticity -

This issue is discussed in depth in ACI 207.1R. Table 7.1 shows values of modulus of elasticity of
a given concrete after curing different ages.

7.4 - Construction
7.4.1 Basic considerations for building -
Massive concrete structures must be safe, economical, durable and aesthetically pleasing. Each
of these requirements affect the cracking resistance. The cost will depend on factors such as the
choice of the best aggregates, control the proper temperature but not excessive and low cement
content. Durability depends on the quality of concrete, exposure conditions and the absence of
harmful chemical reactions.

7.4.2 Thermal effects -

You can minimize cracking induced massive concrete temperatures if appropriate measures are
taken to reduce the magnitude and rate of temperature change. Needed measurements include
precooling, subsequent cooling, and a combination of both thermal insulation to protect the
exposed surfaces.

Precooling the concrete during processing and subsequent cooling by pipes embedded systems
are two very effective measures. artificial cooling -

During the design stage should determine the overall cooling program concrete, including site
control criteria. Precooling the concrete prior to placement you can be accomplished using
different methods, including evaporative cooling deposits added by sprinkler cooling of all
ingredients with liquid nitrogen or using small ice particles to replace part of the water of

7.5 - Operation
After their construction, the structure is exposed to the annual cycle of load combinations for
which it was designed. During the initial operation, which may take several months or even
years, the structure and foundations suffer some elastic movement superimposed with a fixed
settlement. Over the next few years small permanent deformation of the structure, foundations,
or both will occur; these deformations are characterized as creep.

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