Hac Basic

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“bang, untuk section nie, mana patut saya tick saya zone 0 tu apa zone 1 tu apa” ujar brader yang baru
mau belajar isi permit tadi.

What is electrical / hazardous area classification ?

Electrical / hazardous area classification (EAC /HAC) is the classification of plant area according to its
degree of hazard from flammable materials

Why we need to do the classification ? What is the importance of it ?

The introduction of a random type of motor or any electrical equipment in the process area (as process
area could have the potential containing explosive atmosphere) is very dangerous as it could act as an
ignition source. But with the practice of area classification, such as we classify that area A may have
natural gas mixture during normal operation only, that area B may have explosive gas mixture for long
period , it could facilitate us in the correct selection and installation of electrical equipment to be used
safely in that area. Basically, it helps us to identify which area in the plant is dangerous then it helps us to
implement special precautious by proper selection / introduction of equipment in that area.

Who do / develop EAC / HAC ??

This electrical area classification practice was usually performed by electrical engineer but now the
extension of this practice to cover the exclusion of all sources of ignition is known as hazardous area
classification and is usually performed by chemical / process engineers. Now more to HAC than EAC.

What is hazardous area ??

Most PTW that I encounter usually mainly account flammable / explosive gas atmosphere in their
hazardous area classification, so as per AS/NZ 60079.10 2009, hazardous area (on account of explosive
gas atmosphere) is an area which explosive atmosphere is or maybe expected to be present in quantities
such as to require special precaution for the construction, installation and use of equipment.

I see in the permit the area is classified further into zones, there are zone 1, zone 2 what is zone and the
meaning of zone 1, zone 2 ???

Hazardous areas are classified into zone based upon the FREQUENCY OF THE OCCURRENCE and

Zone 0 – an area in which explosive gas atmosphere is present continuously or for long periods or

Zone 1 - an area in which explosive gas atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation occasionally

Zone 2 - an area in which explosive gas atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation but if it does
occur, it will exist for short period only

From where can I know the zoning ?

From the HAC drawing. Ask your respective process / chemical engineer. The electrical engineer might
also have it.
Are EAC / HAC only being implemented in oil and gas / petrochemical facilities ??

No. generally if you have flammable gases, liquid or combustible dust, you will most likely to have
hazardous area. The less obvious example are :

a) Laboratory
b) Petrol station
c) Coal mines
d) Manufacturing or food processing mill such flour and cocoa. Flour, cocoa and sugar and many more
food are classified as combustible dust. Please refer
here https://www.osha.gov/Publications/combustibledustposter.pdf

DOSH will also implement HAC at Biogas plant (palm oil mill). Refer the new proposed DOSH guideline on
OSH in construction, operation and maintenance of biogas plant.

After identifying the hazardous area, What is the basis of HAC equipment selection ?

Depends. Usually some organization adopts from code /standard. Some have their own technical
standard. Petronas use their PTS Electrical engineering guideline. Some other use standard
such as IEC 60079 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmosphere and many more. In addition the
following factors are also considered for the proper selection of the electrical apparatus

a) Area classification. This one of course

b) Gas group or classification i.e according to the characteristic of the gas or vapour involved in relation to
the ignition current or the minimum ignition energy
c) Temperature class / ignition temperature
d) Other environmental condition i.e ambient temperature, ventilation
e) Input from other risk assessment, HAZOP or HAZAN

Could you give the example of electrical apparatus criteria installed in zone 0 ??

Each zone of the hazardous area have their own required equipment protection level. For example in
Zone 0 the equipment must be intrinsically safe, for zone 1, the HV motor usually of flameproof, for Zone
2 the equipment is usually non incendive / non sparking where the basic safety principle are prevent
contact of bare live part with the explosive atmosphere. To summarize usually each zone is matched with
the following equipment protection level

Zone 0 – intrinsically safe (ia), special protection (s)

Zone 1 – Flameproof (d), pressurize (p), powder filling (q), oil immersed (0), increased safety (e),
encapsulated (m)

Zone 2 – non incendive (n)

What is ia, s, d and other letter ??

It is the type of protection, ia for intrinsically safe. You will usually see it at the equipment name plate,
there will be a marking on that equipment. Refer
sample https://www.larsonelectronics.com/images/upload/atexiecmark.jpg
Simplified chart


That’s all thank you

Last but not least, source of ignition in hazardous area are not only controlled by design measures (i.e
proper selection of motor, protection level of junction box in process area and etc) but it should also be
controlled through the combination of safe design and safe system of work, below are the other control
measure that could be implemented

a) Comply PPE for hazardous area

b) Correct rating of portable equipment (drill, lamp and etc) for maintenance work in hazardous area
c) Correct selection or proper ignition control of vehicle entering the hazardous area (i.e installing spark
arrestor for skylift, control over the use of normal vehicle)
d) Prohibition of smoking, use of matches / lighter in plant area
e) Control of maintenance activity that could produce sparks (welding / grinding) through hot work PTW
f) Provision of lightning protection for temporary shelter (especially using shelter made of scaffold). X tau
praktikal ka x
g) Earthing of all temporary installation / equipment
h) And many more


a) PTS 16.71.01 - Hazardous area classification

b) PTS - Electrical engineering guideline
c) IEC 60079.10.1 - Classification of areas Explosive gas atmosphere
d) ISO 13702 – Petroleum and natural gas industry, control and mitigation of fire and explosion on
offshore production installation, requirement and guideline
e) NFPA 497 – recommended practice for the classification of flammable liquids, gases or vapors, and of
hazardous (classified) location for electrical installation in chemical process area
f) NFPA 70 – National electric code
g) API RP505 – Recommended practice for classification of location for electrical installation at petroleum
h) API RP 14F – Recommended practice for design, installation and maintenance of electrical system for
fixed and floating offshore petroleum facilities for unclassified and class 1, division 1 and division 2
i) IP 15, institute of petroleum, area classification code for installation handling flammable liquids part 15
j) Project loss prevention manual
k) Project HAC drawing

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