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Risk Committee

Submittal Template (RCST) User’s Guide

Risk Committee Submittal Template (RCST) User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1)

Revision 5 January 30, 2017
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 1
COMMON ISSUES & HURDLES .......................................................................................................................... 2
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 5
TAB 1A - OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................ 6
TAB 1B - APPROVALS ........................................................................................................................................ 8
TAB 2A - PROJECT EXECUTION & CLIENT OVERVIEW .................................................................................. 9
TAB 2B - PROJECT WIN PLAN .......................................................................................................................... 10
TAB 2C - PROJECT ADVOCACY ....................................................................................................................... 11
TAB 2D - PROJECT SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................... 12
TAB 3A - JOINT VENTURE/MAJOR SUBS/KEY SUPPLIERS .......................................................................... 13
TAB 3B - DEAL STRUCTURE ORG CHART...................................................................................................... 14
TAB 4A - FINANCIAL OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 15
TAB 4B- LABOR BUILDUP ................................................................................................................................. 16
TAB 4C - DETAILED FINANCIAL PROFORMA ................................................................................................. 17
TAB 4D – HURDLE RATE................................................................................................................................... 21
TAB 4E - CASH FLOW........................................................................................................................................ 22
TAB 5 - CONTRACT CONSIDERATIONS .......................................................................................................... 23
TAB 6A - RISK INDENTIFICATION/MITIGATION .............................................................................................. 24
TAB 6B - LEGAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................... 25
TAB 6C - ADVISOR ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 28
TAB 6D - SUMMARY CONTINGENT LIABILITIES/INSURANCES .................................................................... 29
ORM COVER MEMO .......................................................................................................................................... 30

RCST User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) i

C O M M O N I S S U E S & H U R D L E S


The purpose of this user’s guide is to provide instructions for completing the Risk Committee Submittal
Template. It is recommended that the Risk Committee Review Procedure be read prior to completing this form.

Risk Committee Submittal Template

A signed and completed Risk Committee Submittal Template is required for all Pursuits being reviewed by the
Risk Committees during Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the approval process. The template is updated often. To ensure
that you are using the most current version of the template, click the Risk Committee Submittal Template link.
Please do not use old versions of the template; as this may cause delays in the review and approval process.
When opening the template, enable Marcos. When saving the template, select the .xlsm file type.

AECOM Bid Model

The AECOM Bid Model Is an Excel-based document that provides a standardized and systematic approach for
preparing and pricing fee proposals, allowing leadership and risk committees greater transparency and
comprehension when reviewing the outputs of the fee proposals and ultimately better decision making.
Currently the AECOM Bid Model is used in conjunction with the Risk Committee Submittal Template for all
DCS projects that require Regional, Geography, or DCS Risk Committee approval; however there may be
exemptions provided for certain proposal types due to the manner in which they need to be priced. Exemptions
can be determined by the Geography Risk Committee and the Delivery Excellence, Risk & Profitability
workstream. A copy of the model, user support, local super users, and training materials can be found on the
AECOM Bid Model website. If using the AECOM Bid Model in conjunction with the Risk Committee Submittal
Template, it is recommended that the user watch the AECOM Bid Model and Risk Committee Submittal - Video
Tutorial and review the Risk Committee Submittal Template - Users Guide before completing the Risk Committee
Submittal Template.

Phases of the Risk Committee Approval Process

Below is a brief description of each of the four phases of the Risk Committee approval process:

► Phase 0 - Initial Pursuit Identification

► Phase 1 – GRC Risk Committee Approval Required to Commit Resources to Bid/Proposal Effort
► Phase 2 - GRC Approval Required to Submit Bid/Proposal
► Phase 3 – GRC Approval Required Prior to Signing Contract
► ERC Review

Tabs Requirements (based upon the Phase in the Risk Committee Approval Process)
The first tab, Submittal Requirements, provides a summary of the various tabs within the template along with
which tabs need to be completed based on the Business Group and capture phase of the pursuit. It is critical
that you select the appropriate Business Group and Phase prior to completing the template in order for
the template the appropriate tabs to display. Additional tabs or sheets deemed critical by the Pursuit
proponent may be inserted.

The remainder of this guide provides detailed information on who is responsible for completing each tab, along
with specifics on what is required for each field. The template is protected from any changes to the general
format, field descriptions, and formulas. If you have further questions, contact the GRC Administrator.

TIP: All of the detailed field descriptions within this manual are duplicated within the template. To view the
detailed field descriptions within the template, hover over the red arrow in the top right hand corner of each field
and a box will appear with the instructions.

RCST User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 1

C O M M O N I S S U E S & H U R D L E S


Template Tips:
 Use the most updated version of the Risk Committee Submittal Template
 When using the template, always ensure that Macros are enabled.
 The Risk Committee Submittal Template should be submitted in the native Excel file format; do not
submit as a .pdf document. The template should ALWAYS be saved with the .xlsm file extension;
the.xlsx file extension should never be used.
 A number of the tabs in the Risk Committee Submittal Template can be replaced with tabs from the
AECOM Bid Model rather than duplicating the information. Ensure that the ‘Use AECOM Bid Model’
box is checked on the Submittal Requirements tab to enable this feature and watch the AECOM Bid
Model and Risk Committee Submittal - Video Tutorial.
 Ensure that all text within the template is visible. If text is not visible, format to allow viewing of
 All monetary values should be shown in US dollars (USD).
 Additional tabs can be added at the end of the workbook by right-clicking on the “Addendum Sheet 1”
tab and selecting “Insert.”. Sheets added by the user can also be deleted by right-clicking on the sheet
tab and selecting “Delete.” User defined sheets can be renamed by double-clicking the sheet name
and typing the new name.
 Risk Committee Submittals must have internal GRC approval prior to submission to the ERC.
 Prior to submitting to the GRC Administrator, ensure that the Risk Committee Submittal Template is
approved by the appropriate executives (e.g. Geography and Business Line Leaders, Finance, Legal,
etc.). Attach and reference email approvals if signature is not physically present on the form. In cases
where multiple Geographies and/or Groups are involved, ensure that review/approval is obtained from
the various executives prior to submission to the GRC.
 ERC Submittals are due to the ERC Administrator at least three business days prior to the meeting.
 Final GRC approval may occur at the meeting but may take up to a week if CEO or CFO approval is
required. In such case, concurrence from the relevant members of management may also be required.
 Spell Check

Tips for expediting the Risk Committee approval process:

- PLAN AHEAD – The Risk Committee review process includes many steps and meetings are scheduled
months in advance. Allow adequate time for the reviews and resulting response and comments. In
addition, the Approval Matrix requires additional approvals for certain opportunities, subsequent to GRC
approval. This must be planned for and adequate time allotted.
- Request legal review sufficiently in advance, even when proposals are non-binding. This will allow an early
submission with our proposal of a term sheet or a list of key exceptions to the proposed terms and
- Ensure that insurance coverage is adequate for AECOM, our proposed partners and subs and that
appropriate information is provided in order to assess the financial standing of the proposed partners and
subs. Insurance should commensurate with risk on the contract; this may not always be covered by the
contract flow down requirements.
- Ensure that the overhead and fringe rates are correct for the opportunity. If unsure of appropriate fringe or
overhead rates, contact your Regional Finance Leader.
- Do not skip the Phase 1 submission as it is designed to allow GRC input into the pursuit early on in the
- Whenever possible, incorporate payment terms that encourage positive cash flow for AECOM, such as
upfront payment, mobilization payment, pay-when-paid to subs, suppliers, etc.
- Profit should commensurate with risk. Taking high risk should be justified by high profit.
- All pursuits have some inherent risks. Submittals will reflect the Pursuit Team and management’s
assessment of these risks, along with a mitigation plan and discussion of confidence in a successful
outcome. The pricing strategy, including contingency and margin target, will be commensurate with the
level of risk to be taken on by the Company. A factual, collaborative, open discussion relative to this point
is the number one goal of the Review Committees. Additional guidance points are provided below:
- Be timely: The purpose of the documentation is to engage senior management early in the development of
the pursuit so you can be sure of on-going support. Additionally, timeliness of the submittal to ERC is
critical in order to obtain all required approvals in accordance with AECOM’s Enterprise and Group/Region
Approval Matrices.
RCST User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 2
C O M M O N I S S U E S & H U R D L E S

- Be candid: The Phase Approval documentation is not a sales document. Its purpose is to clearly describe
the business case for AECOM to support the pursuit. The Phase Approval documentation will candidly
explain the risks and, most importantly, explain how they will be managed, including an assessment of
probability of success. It is understood that the mitigation strategies for certain risks may not be known
early in the development of a pursuit. Identify these risks and state that risk mitigation strategies will be
- Avoid opinions: Any statement will be supported by verified evidence. For instance, do not state “we have a
good track record in executing pursuits.” Rather, list margins and completion times of similar projects.
- Be concise, focused and specify precisely what you want approved: The GRC submittal package should be
brief and very focused on the key business and risk issues along with margins commensurate with the risk
level the Company would be accepting.
- Risks should be relevant: Discuss only risks that are applicable to your pursuit. Do not copy a list of risks
from a previous pursuit just to fill the page. It is most important that you carefully think about the applicable
risks and discuss the mitigation strategy. This will indicate that you have critically thought through how you
will manage the pursuit implementation.
- Flexibility and re-approval in phased documentation: While the approval process is structured in four steps
(Phases 0, 1, 2 and 3), complex pursuits may require multiple approvals at key points. This may occur if
pursuit size or risk profile changes. Use your business judgment in determining when to resubmit the
pursuit for approval. As a general guideline, however, it is better to request re-approval than not.

All forms submitted to the GRC must have Geography/Business Line approval first!!!

Business Guidelines for the Development of Risk Committee Pursuits

 Margins – Report Margins as defined below:
 Cost can be presented as Fully Burdened or Raw Labor based on how the data is entered
into the Labor Build up tab of the ERC High-risk Pursuit Submittal template. Cost of
materials, subs - Include all costs related to purchasing of materials, delivered to job site (if
 Project-specific insurance, bonding - Note that insurance costs may need to be added to
the annual cost of the bonds.
 Any other direct project-related costs (ODCs)
 Contingency - This should be estimated based on a detailed risk review. Contingency will
be treated as a job cost (not margin contributing). Contingency should be based on specific
items, based on risk and experience. Each risk should be described, along with the
mitigation strategy and an estimated cost to mitigate risk.
 Mark-up for Overhead and Profit - In this price build up, unless constrained by the terms of
the contract, it is preferable to apply different mark-up rates on raw labor, subs and ODCs.
For pursuits using Fully Burdened Labor, this is not applicable; use NM/NSR instead.
 Net Margin = Total Revenue – Total Costs
 NSR = Total Revenue – (Subs Cost + ODC Cost + Contingency Cost)
 Using formulas, the spreadsheet will calculate Gross Margin and Net Margin/NSR. For
pursuits using Fully Burdened Labor, Gross Margin is not applicable; use NM/NSR instead.
 Approval Flexibility – When requesting approval, include some flexibility with limits. For instance, state that
the margin will be at least x% or equity investment will be less than y$.
 Contingent Liabilities (i.e., Bonding, Parent Company Guarantees (PCGs), Letters of Credit (LCs) – One of
the most important matters to be addressed when deciding whether to bid a pursuit or not is the type and
amount of security a client has specified in the bidding documentation. This varies from region to region but,
in general, AECOM prefers to bid pursuits with minimum bonding and performance guarantees. When
assessing an opportunity, please recognize these points:
o Bonds, whether they are LC's or Surety Bonds, are costs that will be included in the cost build up.
This is because liabilities such as these use corporate credit that could be invested elsewhere. Large
bonds and other security instruments can potentially affect AECOM’s credit standing.

RCST User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 3

C O M M O N I S S U E S & H U R D L E S

o PCGs have been favored but new accounting regulations require that every PCG that guarantees a
JV, where AECOM is not consolidating the pursuit, is disclosed to the SEC. This can have a material
effect on AECOM’s credit standing and, going forward, an impact on our ability to borrow money and
the cost of such borrowing. In any case, AECOM favors giving PCG's using the lowest possible level
guarantor (e.g., AECOM Technical Services for US pursuits and a regional holding company or
AECOM Global Inc. for international pursuits rather than AECOM Technology Corporation).
o AECOM has a fixed bonding and credit capacity. Allocating the PCG/bonding capacity is an
important business decision and requires an evaluation of the margin generated from each
bond/PCG issued.
o A specific procedure is being prepared to track those contingent liability requirements starting at the
bid/proposal stage through contract execution and contingent liability stage. This will enable AECOM
Treasury to keep track of all requests and plan accordingly by resizing its corresponding lines of
bonding and LCs/bank guarantees. In the meantime, all requests have to be notified in advance of
the ERC submission to the AECOM Treasury, Attention: Corporate Finance and Treasurer and with
an electronic copy sent to
 Formation of a JV – For many Risk Committee Pursuits, it will be necessary to form a special purpose JV to
execute the pursuit. This is generally done to share and spread risk with our partners. Also, by forming a JV
where AECOM has less than 50% of the pursuit and is not in control of the pursuit, it is often possible to
avoid consolidating an investment project on AECOM’s balance sheet. Note: The decision-making process to
determine if a JV is consolidated on AECOM’s balance sheet is complex; corporate Finance will manage this
decision-making process.

JVs are often encouraged from an accounting standpoint, but AECOM will only enter into JVs with partners if
we believe our long-term business goals are complementary and we are confident we will be able to work
together profitably for many years. Thus, while it is important to address all legal and financial matters in the
development of a JV arrangement, the long-term alignment of business goals and cultures is equally

The formation of JVs can be complicated, take time and require significant legal input. The decision to form a
JV needs Senior Management approval very early in the development process. If you are considering a JV,
this will be identified in the Phase 1 submission or earlier. Generally, no approval will be given to form a JV
simply to submit a proposal. Furthermore, JVs frequently include Joint and Severable liability obligations to
the client; therefore, JV partners will have demonstrated financial strength inclusive of a balance sheet
consistent with AECOM’s. For this reason, AECOM will not enter into a JV with a small company. JV
approval is a HUB process and will require a separate HUB submission and approval. Start early.
 Subs – Selection of subs can be critical to the success of a pursuit, particularly if the sub(s) control key
technology or relationships. If we are providing performance guarantees and/or bonding for the entire pursuit,
we are guaranteeing the performance of our subs. You will therefore obtain comparable financial security
from major subs. As a general rule, for pursuits in North America, AECOM requires all construction subs
greater than $100K to be bonded. If sub is not bonded, provide rational as to why bonding is not necessary.
For Global pursuits, similarly, an adequate security package needs to be obtained from those subs (PCG,
surety bonds or letters of credit, retention, etc.).
o When reviewing any High-risk Pursuit, the ERC will carefully review the qualifications for any key
sub. Always ensure that you provide financial and qualifications data in the Phase 1, 2 and 3

RCST User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 4




Submittal Requirements S U B M I T T A L R E Q U I R E M E N T S
B This section provides an overview of the various phases of the GRC approval process, the action required for each phase, as well as the signatures and approvals required for each phase.
Phase Pursuit Status Action Signatures Approvals Required C Select the appropriate Business Group from the picklist. This is critical in order for the appropriate Business Group tabs to display in the workbook.
Phase 0
Initial Prospect
Pursuit is simply a name only. Limited information Monitor only. Gather information.
is available. No decision has been made.
Geography Leader(s)
Maintain information in Group system. Group Exec(s)
** Geography Leader(s)
** Group Exec(s) D Select the checkbox adjacent to the appropriate phase in order to display the tabs required for the selected phase. To display an Optional or As Applicable tab, select the checkbox in front of the Tab No.
identification you wish to display. To display all tabs for the selected Business Group, select the Show/Hide All Tabs checkbox. To hide a tab, deselect the checkbox in front of the Tab No.
Phase 1
AECOM will pursue
Client has definitely decided to proceed with
pursuit, or pursuit development if sole source.
Submit Phase 1 to GRC prior to
expenditure of funds for pursuit
* Geography Exec(s)
* Group Exec(s)
E This section outlines which tabs are required for each phase of the GRC review and approval process.
the prospect AECOM intends to prepare proposal. Approval to development and bid development.
commit resources to develop opportunity and
Optional: F If the AECOM Bid Model is being used on this pursuit, select this checkbox to hide the worksheets that are not required. More information can be found on the AECOM Bid Model website.
prepare bid is requested. Legal/Finance/Safety

Phase 2 AECOM is preparing proposal in response to Submit Phase 2 (consolidated Phase * Geography Exec(s) GRC
Prepare and submit client request and intends to submit bid; includes 2 & 3 if binding bid) to GRC. If * Group Exec(s)
bid sole source opportunity. If bid is considered approved, submit bid in conformance ORM
binding, Phase 2 & 3 reviews must be with GRC conditions of approval. If Legal/Finance/Safety
consolidated and authorized concurrently prior to selected, negotiate contract with
B bid submission. client. Upon award or loss of any
project that does not require a Phase
3 review (including Phase 2/3), notify
the GRC Administrator of updated

Phase 3 (if required) Following negotiations, AECOM and client have Update Phase 2 Report to reflect Project Manager GRC
AECOM selected. agreed to contract, subject to approval of GRC. modifications since Phase 2 GRC * Geography Exec(s)
approval. Required if requested by * Group Exec(s)
the GRC or if any terms and ORM
conditions have changed compared to Legal/Finance/Safety
the terms and conditions approved by
the GRC.

* If applicable, both Geography and Group Executives must sign off. If there are multiple Geographies and/or Groups, all executives must sign off.
** GRC approval is advisable for pursuits in a new geography, market segment or delivery mode, major projects or projects outside the ordinary course of business for the
proposing AECOM unit.

C Design and Consulting Services Group (DCS)

Show/Hide All Tabs
F Use AECOM Bid Model

Tab No. Tab Name Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 31

Pipeline Leads Maintained By Group A - - -

See Enterprise Approval Matrix, Item

Security - O - -

Sheet 1A Overview - R R A

Sheet 1B Approvals - R R A

Sheet 2A Project & Client Summary - R R A

Sheet 2B Project Win Plan - R R A

Sheet 2C Project Advocacy - O O A

Sheet 2D Project Schedule - O R A

Sheet 3A Partners/Key Subs Deal Structure - R R R

Sheet 3B Deal Structure Org Chart - A A A

E Sheet 4A Financial Overview - R R A

Sheet 4B Labor Buildup - O R2 A

Sheet 4C Detailed Financial Proforma - O R A

Sheet 4D Hurdle Rate - O R A

Sheet 4E Cash Flow - O R A

Sheet 5 Contract - O R A

Sheet 6A Risk ID & Mitigation - - R A

Sheet 6B Legal Analysis - - R A

Sheet 6C Advisor Analysis - R R A

Sheet 6D Contingent Liabilities/Insurances - A R R

ORM Memo ORM Memo - R R R

Note: Insert additional sheets deemed critical by the Project proponent. R = Required A = As applicable O = Optional

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 5


Responsibilities: Tab
Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form

Group Executive 1 → review & sign form
Group Executive 2 → review & sign form, if applicable
AECOM Finance/Legal → review & sign form
AECOM ORM/Safety → review & sign form



Back Overview T A B 1 A - O V E R V I E W
NOTE: All currency amounts throughout the template must be shown in USD.
B Salesforce #: C Review Cat. C-1 (from tab 6A)
B The PM or PA obtains this number through the GRC Salesforce database to track pursuits.
D Pursuit Tracking #: (for GRC Administrator use only)
E Risk Levels Risk Level Definitions C Do not enter data into this field. Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on the information entered into Tab 6A.
D A unique number assigned by the GRC/ERC Administrator to track a pursuit through the various phases of the approval process and will be entered into APIC at project setup.
F Date: G Prepared By: E Refer to the following link for risk level definitions: Project Risk Management Procedure.
H To: I Model: Raw Labor F Date submitted to the GRC Administrator.

J From: K Submittal: G Name of the preparer; typically the Pursuit Champion, Project Manager, or Business Line Leader responsible for pursuit of the opportunity.
H Select the appropriate group from the picklist.
Pursuit Information I The model is determined based on the Labor Buildup in Tab 4B. If any entity has Fully Burdened Labor entered in Columns C or D, the Fully Burdened Labor model is used;
otherwise, the Raw Labor model is used.
M AECOM  Raw Labor – Use when fringe/overhead rates need to be applied to the raw labor costs.
L Pursuit Name: Prime Contract Amount: $22,222NContract Value: $2,222
 Fully Burdened Labor – Use this option when fringe/overhead rates are already included in the labor costs.

O Pursuit Location: P AECOM Net Service Revenue: J Enter individual(s) to be notified of GRC approvals.
K Select from the picklist; refer to the Submittal Requirements tab for definitions of each phase.
L The Pursuit Name in this field should match the Project Name that will be entered into APIC should AECOM be awarded the project.
Q Contract Type CPAF - Award Fee R Margin:
$11,907,143 Gross Margin % 17%
M For Phase 2 or 3 submittals, this cell will be locked and data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 4C. For Phase 1 submittals,
data can be entered directly into this cell. The Prime Contract Amount is defined based on AECOM’s role on the project:
Customer /  Prime Contractor – If AECOM is not a JV or a Subcontractor, enter the expected value of the AECOM contract.
T End User: U NM/NSR:
 Subcontractor/consultant - If AECOM is a subcontractor, enter the expected amount of the Prime Contract.
Contract Delivery Phase  JV Partner – If AECOM is a JV Partner, enter the expected total value of the JV.
V Holder: W Investment Amount:
N For Phase 2 or 3 submittals, this cell will be locked and data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 4C. For Phase 1 submittals,
data can be entered directly into this cell. The AECOM Value is defined based on AECOM’s role on the project:
Most Recent GRC Approval
Contingent Liability(ies):  Prime Contractor – If AECOM is not a JV or a Subcontractor, enter the expected value of the AECOM contract.
Approval: Date:  Subcontractor/consultant - If AECOM is a subcontractor, enter AECOM’s portion of the expected amount of the Prime Contract.
 JV Partner – If AECOM is a JV Partner, enter AECOM’s portion of the expected total value of the JV.
Delivery Type:
Project Duration:
0 Specific Insurance Issues: O Enter the physical location of the pursuit; not the office location that is performing the work.
P AECOM Net Service Revenue (NSR) = Total Revenue – (Sub Costs + ODC Cost + Non-Labor Contingency Cost)
For Phase 1 submittals, estimate the value. For Phase 2 or 3 submittals, data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 4C.
Pursuit Champion: on behalf of AECOM Role:
Q Select from the picklist. If none of the items in the picklist describe this pursuit, manually enter the details.
 CPFF Hard Bid - Cost Plus Fixed Fee. Client will be billed for the Raw Cost, Fringe/Overhead and a fixed fee. Contract price was accepted as listed in the proposal.
Project Manager:
Partner Name(s)  CPFF Negotiated - Client will be billed for the Raw Cost, Fringe/Overhead and a fixed fee. Contract was won by qualifications. Price will be negotiated with the client.
 CPAF - Cost Plus Award Fee; Client will be billed for the Raw Cost, Fringe/Overhead and possibly some profit. Based on our performance we will be paid additional fee
Is this pursuit subject to "American Recovery and Readjustment Act" (Stimulus)?
as an “award”.
 Fixed Price Hard Bid - A Lump Sum contract that was won through closed tender and hence carries higher Risk to AECOM.
 Fixed Price Negotiated - A Lump Sum contract that was directly negotiated with the client (lower Risk to AECOM).=
Cash Flow Summary:
 Hybrid - A contract that has a mixture of contract types that include Cost Plus, Fixed Price and/or T&M.
Hurdle Rate: 17.4% IRR: #VALUE! NPV: #N/A NCF: #N/A  IDIQ/Task Order/MSA or similar - If this is an IDIQ type contract, explain in the "Brief Description" block the process to award task orders. Specifically if it is a single or
multiple award contract. If a multiple award contract, also explain the process to award future task orders (sole sourced, negotiated, hard bid etc.) and whether or not we
can decline a task order with unusual risk.
 T&M - Client is billed for Time & Material with no cap or max fee (upset limit) in contract, once an estimate is reached AECOM has no obligation to continue the project.
Brief Description: (Expand the row below, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed)  T&M (with a cap) - Client is billed for Time & Material. Cannot bill more than the contract amount but AECOM is obligated under the contract to complete the project.
NOTE: If this is an IDIQ type contract, explain in the "Brief Description" block, whether single or multiple award and the process to award task orders. R Gross Margin = Total Revenue – (Raw Labor Cost + Fringe Benefits + ODC Cost + Sub Cost + Contingency Cost)
Specifically if it is a single or multiple award contract. If a multiple award contract, also explain the process to award future task orders (sole sourced, Gross Margin should be shown in USD. For Phase 2 or 3 submittals, data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 4C. For Phase
negotiated, hard bid etc.) and whether or not we can decline a task order with unusual risk. 1 submittals, manually calculate the value. If the Fully Burdened Labor model is selected, “N/A” will automatically appear in this field.
S Gross Margin % = Gross Margin / Gross Revenue x 100. Gross Margin should be shown as a percentage. For Phase 1 submittals, manually calculate the value. For Phase 2
Please delete this note prior to typing a brief description. or 3 submittals, data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 4C. If the Fully Burdened Labor model is selected, “N/A” will
automatically appear in this field.
T The entity for which work is contracted or the entity that will occupy, benefit or use the completed facility or site, e.g. AECOM may be contracted to the builder of a highway as
the designer, the end user would be the Department of Transportation for that state.
Approval Requested to: Date Required: U Net Margin (NM) / Net Service Revenue (NSR) = Total Revenue – Total Costs, including Raw Labor, Overhead and Fringe / Total Revenue - (ODC Cost + Subs Cost +
Contingency Cost)
For Phase 1 submittals, manually calculate the value; Phase 2/3 submittals, data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 4C.
Comments/DoA Triggers/Conditions for Approval: V The entity in which we have a direct contractual relationship.
NOTE: For DoA Triggers, please provide the DoA Approval Matrix section number.
W The anticipated dollar amount of the Delivery Phase investment in USD. This is not pursuit cost. For a typical bid/proposal this is not applicable. It is applicable in if AECOM
has an equity investment by AECOM Capital; plant, equipment, working capital in JV; and/or capital is needed due to negative cash flow exceeding the Approval Matrix
Please delete this note prior to entering information in this field. threshold of $5M. If yes, enter the anticipated amount of AECOM Capital investment and the amount of investment by the Operating Unit, in USD, in the adjacent fields.

Note: Enter all currency in USD.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 6


Responsibilities: Tab
Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form

Group Executive 1 → review & sign form
Group Executive 2 → review & sign form, if applicable
AECOM Finance/Legal → review & sign form
AECOM ORM/Safety → review & sign form



Back Overview
Salesforce #: Review Cat. C-1 (from tab 6A)
X Select from the picklist, This should be the last approved phase; not the last submittal.
Pursuit Tracking #: (for GRC Administrator use only) Risk Levels Risk Level Definitions Y Enter the approval date. If this is a re-submittal of a previously approved submittal, insert the previous approval date.
Z Select from the picklist. Contingent liabilities are items such as bonds, parental guarantees, letters of credit or similar agreements. Refer to Tab 6D for additional
Date: Prepared By: contingent liability types.

To: Model: Raw Labor

8 Select from the picklist.
9 This field is calculated based on the difference between the Anticipated Work Start and Finish dates entered under Tab 2A.
From: Submittal: : Select from the picklist. Select from the pick list. Enter “No” if standard AECOM insurance meets contractual requirements and Approval Matrix threshold for PL and PI
not exceeded. Enter “Yes” if additional insurance, Project or JV specific policies are required to meet contractual requirements. If yes, enter explanation under Tab 6D.
Pursuit Information ; Enter the senior manager that has P&L or Business Line responsibility for the pursuit.

Pursuit Name: Prime Contract Amount: $22,222

< Select the appropriate business line from the picklist.
Contract Value: = This field includes two parts. In the first cell, select from the picklist. In the second cell, select AECOM’s percentage frm the picklist.

Pursuit Location: AECOM Net Service Revenue:

a Enter the proposed PM for the project; not the pursuit. For Phase 2 or 3 submittals, individual must be identified or include a plan of action for identifying the PM.
b If a Client (Customer, End User or Contract Holder) is a Client Account Management (CAM) Client, click on the hyperlink to find the applicable manager and enter their
Gross name here.
Contract Type CPAF - Award Fee Margin: $11,907,143 Gross Margin % 17% c Provide a list of all JV Partners or Key Subs.
d Select from the picklist.
Customer /
End User:
NM/NSR: e Hurdle Rate from tab 4D
f Internal Rate of Return for monthly cash flow from Cash Flow tab 4E
Delivery Phase
Investment Amount:
g Net Present Value of monthly cash frlo from Cash Flow tab 4E based on Hurdle Rate
h Sum of monthly cash flow from Cash Flow tab 4E
i NPV/NCF as a %
X Most Recent GRC
Approval: Y Approval
ZContingent Liability(ies): j Provide a brief, high-level, pursuit description. Include an overview of the scope of work; enough detail to determine the complexity/magnitude of the work and associated
k Select from the picklist. In addition, enter the date required. This date should reflect when the response is needed back from the GRC; not the date of the submission to
8 Delivery Type: 9 Project
0 :Specific Insurance Issues: the client.
l Comments
Submittal comments should focus on key business issues, e.g., Phase 1 - Summarize matters to be finalized prior to bid, Phase 2 - Highlight any unique risks, up/down
; Pursuit Champion: < on behalf of =AECOM Role: sides, legal challenges, Phase 3 - Discuss only changes to business arrangement that occurred between Phase 2 and 3.

a Project Manager: b CAM

Manager cPartner Name(s) Conditions for Approval
d Is this pursuit subject to "American Recovery and Readjustment Act" (Stimulus)? Conditions identified during a previous review, by ORM or by a lower-level Risk Committee.

Cash Flow Summary:

e Hurdle Rate: 17.4% f IRR: #VALUE! g NPV: #N/A h NCF: #N/A

i NPV/NCF 0%

Brief Description: (Expand the row below, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed)

j NOTE: If this is an IDIQ type contract, explain in the "Brief Description" block, whether single or multiple award and the process to award task orders.
Specifically if it is a single or multiple award contract. If a multiple award contract, also explain the process to award future task orders (sole sourced,
negotiated, hard bid etc.) and whether or not we can decline a task order with unusual risk.

Please delete this note prior to typing a brief description.

k Approval Requested to: Date Required:

Comments/DoA Triggers/Conditions for Approval:

l NOTE: For DoA Triggers, please provide the DoA Approval Matrix section number.

Please delete this note prior to entering information in this field.

Note: Enter all currency in USD.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 7

Responsibilities: Tab
Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form

Group Executive 1 → review & sign form
Group Executive 2 → review & sign form, if applicable
AECOM Finance/Legal → review & sign form
AECOM ORM/Safety → review & sign form



Back Approvals T A B 1 B - A P P R O V A L S
Method of Approval(s)
Pursuit Approval Roles Name of Approver(s) Date of Approval(s)
(verbal, email, meeting, etc.)
Note: Each approval must include name of approver, date of approval and method of approval.

Project Manager: B Only required for Phase 3 submittals.

B (required on Phase 3 Submittals only) C Must be in agreement with the Group/Region Approval Matrix. For Phase 2 and 3 Submittals, signature confirms:
D Must be in agreement with the Group/Region Approval Matrix .
E Not required for Phase 0.
Group/End Market Executives:
This opportunity has been reviewed and approved by the F Required prior to or concurrent with Group Executive signature.
G Required for any construction, hazardous material or field project. If not applicable, enter “N/A”.
C relevant Group Executives and by the End Market Executives
(where relevant) as well as others (as needed) in accordance
with the Group/Region Approval Matrix and has been approved H Security/Resilience Name, Signature and date required for any pursuit in a high-risk country. If not applicable, enter “N/A”.
for submission.

Sr. Finance Leader:

The cost data presented in this package has undergone review
by the Group and is believed to be adequate for the work

D required. In addition, the Contingency has been vetted through

a risk review process and is also believed to be adequate. The
financial standing of the Client, JV Partner and critical members
of the supply chain has been assessed and vetted.

E Legal:

F Group ORM/Prior Review Conditions/Lower-level Risk

Committee conditions:

G Safety:

H Security/Resilience:
(for any pursuit in a high-risk country)

Note: Enter all currency in USD.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 8

P R O J E C T E X E C U T I O N & C L I E N T O V E R V I E W


Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form

Back Project Execution Summary & Client Overview

T A B 2 A - P R O J E C T E X E C U T I O N & C L I E N T O V E R V I E W
B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
B Pursuit Name: Submittal: C Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
D Select from the picklist
Prepared By: Date:
E Describe current or previous experience with the client or any of its subsidiaries, e.g. did they treat us fairly, payment performance, propensity to take legal action, etc.
Financial assessment to be confirmed by F&A.
C Client F Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
D Previous Client: G Provide a brief description of the key issues anticipated, e.g. technical, business, etc. This should be a summary of risks AECOM will be taking in delivering this project safely,
on time, on budget, or quality (if applicable) with relevant information regarding our track record in handling similar risks. Performance or process warranties, in particular, need
E Client's Reputation in Market and Financial Assessment
to be mentioned here.
H Provide a brief description of how the project will likely be executed, including where key components (engineering, etc.) will be performed, available staffing, etc. If multiple
offices or companies will be used, explain how these third party entities will be managed and what controls will be used to manage the work being delivered.
F Pursuit Location:
I Provide a brief description of how the pursuit complies with the overall Business Unit’s Strategic Objectives.
J Enter the appropriate dates. The Estimated Project Duration (Months) field is calculated based on the difference between the Anticipated Work Start and Finish dates.

G Key Technical Issues and Business Challenges K Include additional milestones/dates in this section, as needed. The first row of fields should name the milestone title and the second row of fields should list the associated
(Also include the Technical Experts being utilized to address the technical issues and/or standard operating procedures and best practices being used in date. Examples include:
addition to AECOM's Internal QMS Process.)  SOQ or short list presentation dates
 A QVS type project should include dates for submittal and pricing, as well as client short list
 Pursuits where terms and conditions are not available with RFP or solicitation, provide the date of availability
 Due date(s) of bonds
 Due date(s) of Teaming/JV Agreement(s)
 Design Phase
 Post Construction Services
H Project Execution Plan  Construction
 O&M
 Or any other items that would be of interest to the GRC

I Compliance with Strategic Objectives

J Time Line
Solicitation Release Tender / Bid / Proposal Anticipated Contract Anticipated Work Start Anticipated Work Estimated Project
Date Due Date Award Date Date Completion Date Duration (Months)

K Other Key Milestones

Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 9



Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Client Manager → input, if applicable

Project Win Plan T A B 2 B - P R O J E C T W I N P L A N

Spell Check B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C Enter key client decision makers/buying influences and corresponding AECOM contact for interface/coordination.

Pursuit Name: Submittal: Phase 2

D Enter title of individual identified in the Name.
E Enter the name of the AECOM employee who is tasked with contacting the Key Client Decision Makers to qualify the opportunity and determine client “Hot Buttons”.
Prepared By: Date: F Enter other influential parties which may impact overall decision. Add as many additional boxes as needed to list other Projects Stakeholders.
G Enter the title of the individual identified in the Other Project Stakeholders.
Key Client Decision Makers (list as many as possible) H Enter the name of the AECOM employee who is tasked with contacting the Other Project Stakeholders to qualify the opportunity and determine client “Hot Buttons”.
I Describe the expected process for selection and award (e.g. shortlist, price only, Board of Directors approval, etc.). Highlight any risks of the Client deciding not to proceed based
C Name
D Position / Title
E AECOM Primary Contact on external factors or just on the outcome of the bid (e.g. reserve price/budget cap).
J Describe the goals and objectives of the client for this pursuit, e.g. what are they trying to solve, purpose of the project, what will define success?
K Describe the Client’s Key Buying Factors that will most influence the overall decision making process, e.g. schedule, previous experience, Project Manager, etc. In addition,
F G H describe the strategy to address these factors, specific actions to be taken by AECOM to address these factors and who is responsible to implement the strategy.

Decision Making Process

L Provide analysis of potential competitors, their strengths/weaknesses for the scope of work, as well as their current relationship with the client to the best of our knowledge.
I M Select from the picklist and provide an explanation for your selection.

Client Goals and Objectives


Client Key Buying Factors (list as many as possible)

Key Buying Factor Strategy to Address

Competitor Analysis

Competitive Position Why

M Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 10



Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Client Manager → input, if applicable

Project Advocacy T A B 2 C - P R O J E C T A D V O C A C Y
B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
Spell Check C Examples:
 Fit to Strategic Plan
Pursuit Name: Submittal: Phase 2  Client Relationship/Credit Worthiness
B  Past Performance
Prepared By: Date:  Track Record
 Competitiveness
 Core Business
C Pursuit Upside - Describe the key reasons why AECOM should support this pursuit
 Other

D Examples:
 Award will prohibit pursuit of other opportunities within program
 Client Competitor Reaction
 Market Reaction
 Other
In addition, explain what steps will be taken to minimize this downside.
Pursuit Downside - Describe the key issues that could impact future work / relationships, etc. if this project is awarded to AECOM
D E Define why GRC/ERC approval is necessary; reference AECOM Enterprise Approval Matrix or Group/Region Approval Matrix. In addition, provide
additional points for consideration that are deemed appropriate for discussion with GRC/ERC.
 JV Approval
 MBE/WBE Participation levels
 Agent/advocate
 Creation of legal entity
 Parent Company Guarantee, etc.
Key Deal Points requiring GRC/ERC/Management action or approval

Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.

This tab is optional on Phase 1 Submittals.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 11



Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form

Project Schedule
T A B 2 D - P R O J E C T S C H E D U L E
Spell Check B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C Select from the picklist. Use the following guideline:
Pursuit Name: Submittal: Phase 2  Project duration less than 6 months - select day or week
B  Project duration 6 months to 1 year - select week or month
Prepared By: Date:  Project duration between 1-2 years - select month or quarter
 Project duration greater than 2 years - select quarter
Insert Summary Level Project Schedule outlining key and high risk activities and dates on critical path using a Gant Chart format. Limit number of activities (20 ±); for projects exceeding a year, reduce time line display to quarterly.
You may replace this form with your Gant chart. If this form is replaced, an alternative Cash Flow must be provided as well. Ensure your replacement form has the Pursuit name, Prepared by and date.
D Only enter data into sections that are green.
C Time Scale Quarter  Task Number - Enter a task number for each task. Do not break up into subtasks. This is meant to be a high-level summary schedule; there should
be no more than twenty tasks for the project.
 Task Name - Provide a description for each task.












Proposed Schedule  Start - Enter the anticipated Start Date for each task.
 Work Days - This is a calculated field that determines the number of workdays between the start and finish dates for each task.
 Finish – Enter the anticipated the Finish Date for each task.
D Task
Name Start
Days Finish  Bar Chart - These are calculated fields; bars will be drawn automatically.
Total Project 01-Jan-15 2152 31-Mar-23
001 Design 01-Jan-15 261 31-Dec-15 1 1 1 1
002 Construction 01-Oct-15 1848 31-Oct-22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
003 Commissioning 15-Sep-22 142 31-Mar-23 1 1 1

This tab is optional on Phase 1 Submittals. For Phase 2 and 3 Submittals, complete this tab prior to completing Tab 4C (Detailed Financial Proforma) and Tab 4D (Cash Flow).

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 12

J O I N T V E N T U R E / M A J O R S U B S / K E Y S U P P L I E R S


Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Finance → input, if applicable
Legal → input, if applicable

Back Joint Venture / Major Subs / Key Suppliers T A B 3 A - J O I N T V E N T U R E / M A J O R S U B S / K E Y S U P P L I E R S

B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C Select from the picklist. Select “Yes” for JV only and “No” for any other.
Pursuit Name: Submittal:
D Select from the picklist. Select “Yes” if New Entity Formation is required and it also requires consolidation of Financials under GAAP rules and “No” for any other.
B Prepared By: Date:
NOTE: Consolidation of the JV is required by a party (AECOM or JV partner(s)), if any, that has both: a) the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the JV
AECOM Role: economic success; and b) the obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits that could potentially be significant to the JV. The party that consolidates must not
only possess the majority contractual voting rights, but must in substance have the power to make key operating decisions in the JV. Consider the following activities, which
C New Entity Formation Required: D If New Entity, does it require consolidation of Financials
under GAAP rules? most significantly impact the economics of the JV:
 establish and approve the operating budget
E If New Entiity, Date Required by:
If New Entity requires consolidation of Financials under
GAAP Rules, has F&A provided input?
 determine which projects to pursue
G Investment Arrangement:  to make calls for capital contributions
 remove and replace the managing member
Partner / Key Sub / Key Supplier Information
 remove and replace the project manager
Worked with  set compensation of management
H Name Partner / Sub / Supplier Role Before? Background (include any cure notices, past litigation, etc.) Credit Rating  negotiate significant subcontracts
 assign duties to management
 amend significant contracts and services
 negotiate bill rates and multipliers
 approve major procurement and financing
 approve acquisition and disposition of significant assets
E Select from the picklist. For projects that require a New Entity and consolidation of Financials under GAAP rules, select “Yes” if F&A has reviewed and “No” if F&A has not
reviewed. Enter N/A if not applicable.
Name Role Contract Value Bond Insurance Limit Insurance Risk F Date by which a new entity is needed.
G For non-JV, enter N/A. For JV, explain any investment AECOM will be required to make. This should include the amount and timing of such investment.
H  Name – Only provide KEY partners/subs/suppliers. Key subs and suppliers are defined as firms that without them we would not win the work, could not be replaced
easily or have a unique relationship with client that provides us with significant advantage over competitors. Ensure that the name, financial and other information
provided reflect the actual entity participating. If Parent Company Guarantee or other form of parental support required for such entity, include relevant parent
 Partner/Supplier Key Subcontractor – Determination should take into consideration the value of work, materials supplied and impact on technical risk and/or schedule
 Role – Indicate the service(s) to be delivered.
Deal Parameters/Status:
 Worked with Before? – Select from the picklist.
 Background – This section should communicate confidence and ability to perform over the life of the contract. Also explain if we have worked together in the past and
I Is this a JV? If no, skip this section. provide details of any cure notices and past litigation, if applicable.
J Why is a JV neccessary for this work?  Credit Rating – Indicate the source and rating or unknown. Use D&B, S&P, Moody's or similar credit rating system to demonstrate credit worthiness (examples
PARTNER(S): are provided at the bottom of this worksheet). For assistance with obtaining a D&B rating, use the Global Business Services application in the Ecosystem
K Have we worked with the JV partner(s) before?
If yes, provide details.
 Name – Data is automatically transferred from previous entry
L Has Finance & Accounting signed off on partner or adequate due diligence
been performed (D&B, audited accounts, CFO to CFO call etc.)?  Role – Data is automatically transferred from previous entry.
If yes, provide details.  Contract Value – Anticipated value of the partner or JV contract.
 Bond – Select from the picklist. Typically AECOM requires all subs greater than $100k to be bonded. If sub is not bonded, provide rational as to why bonding is not
M JV model, i.e., is the JV fully integrated (e.g. staff seconded on a best
person for the job basis) or consortium style (each party responsible for pre- necessary.
set scope)?  Insurance Limit – Enter the amount of insurance that each partner, supplier or key subcontractor is providing. Insurance should commensurate with risk on the
N How will revenue and profit be recognized between JV and member-level?
Is there a contingency at the JV level? If so, how much and how will the
contract; this may not always be covered by the contract flow down requirements. For example, a geotechnical sub for a facility may require a higher insurance limit
decision about the use/release of the contingency be made? than we are required under our prime contract.
JV GOVERNANCE  Insurance Risk - Describe why insurance limit is adequate.
O Is AECOM the managing JV partner? I Select from the picklist.
P Describe the decision making process:
. Made up of the JV Board
J Explain
. Key decision requiring unanimity K Select from the picklist. if yes, explain.
. Deadlock resolution process
. Default mechanism L Select from the picklist. If yes, explain.
Q Has legal approved the JV structure (provide documentation)? M Select from the picklist. If yes, explain.
N Explain
R Describe any parental support required for:
. Cross indemnities between members O Select from the picklist.
. Bonds and Guarantees
. Parent Company Guarantee
P Explain
. Working capital etc. Q Select from the picklist.
S What is the proposed Insurance strategy? R Explain

T Legal Counsel Approval of JV / Subcontract Documentation S Explain

Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.

T Provide the name of Legal Counsel who approved the JV/Subcontract documentation.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 13



Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form

Deal Structure Org Chart T A B 3 B - D E A L S T R U C T U R E O R G C H A R T
B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C An organization structure is not required for a simple pursuit where AECOM is the prime and there are only prime-sub relationships. An organization structure is always
required for JV’s or when there are multiple clients or end users related to the pursuit. For a very basic organization chart, edit the default graphic below. For a more
complicated organization chart, particularly in case of integrated delivery where AECOM fills multiple roles in the project, copy/paste a custom graphic overriding the
Pursuit Name: Submittal: Phase 2 default.
Prepared By: Date:

C Deal Parameters

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 14



Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Finance → input, if applicable

Back Financial Overview

T A B 4 A - F I N A N C I A L O V E R V I E W
B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C Provide an estimate of the fully burdened labor cost required for AECOM to pursue the opportunity, including proposal and other business development cost.

Pursuit Name: Submittal:

D Approval required by the Senior Finance Leader or designee.
B E Enter date review/approved by Senior Finance Leader.
Prepared by: Date: F Indicate any potential profit enhancement opportunities, e.g. Bonus Potential, Pain/Gain. In addition, provide a Contingency Strategy by major phase.

C Pursuit Cost: G Provide information showing client has adequate funds and staying power to pay for the work. In addition, describe any method AECOM may use to ensure financial assurance
should the client default on payment , such as:
D Reviewed/Approved By (name): EApproval Date:  Ability to stop work and demobilize
 Advance payment and interim milestones allowing to minimize negative cash flow
 Escrow account and escrow agent in case of funding by third-party
F Profitability Discussion:
 Standby Letter of Credit or other form of security for payment etc.
H Typically this is not applicable. Exceptions include projects that:
 Require investments, such as PPP, DBFO, DBFM or in cases where payment is deferred.
 Require acquisition of specific plant and equipment exceeding the Approval Matrix threshold
 Require significant working capital, directly or through a JV, exceeding again the Approval Matrix threshold
 For these types of projects, provide additional financial analysis that explains the financial implications and visibility of the deal. Include, as applicable:
G Client Risk: Describe Clients financial backing, size and any mechanism that minimizes our risk should client default or go bankrupt.  Accounting methodologies as provided by AECOM finance (i.e., Equity Method)
 Finance Investment Parameters/Model in Tab 4E
I For Phase 1 submittals, indicate positive/negative amount and time period. For Phase 2 and 3 submittals, complete Tab 4E and provide a summary here, including who prepared and
approved Tab 4E.
J Identify any special issues associated with the contingent liabilities that should be considered. For Phase 2 and 3 submittals, complete Tab 6D, if applicable. Specific mention is
required in exceptional cases where AECOM has to provide contingent liabilities on behalf of others whether JV partners or members of the supply chain.
K Demonstrate prior experience/confidence in our ability to meet profit objectives. Teams experience should include examples of similar prior projects with contract type, as sold and as
H Financing/Investment Requirements (complete Tab 4E, if applicable): delivered margin defined. Specific names and clients should be included.

I Cash Flow Summary:

J Contingent Liabilities (complete Tab 6D, if applicable):

K AECOM Pursuit Team Financial Performance Track Record:

Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 15

L A B O R B U I L D U P – D C S & M S M O D E L


Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Finance → input, if applicable


Tab 4b - Labor Buildup

T A B 4 B - L A B O R B U I L D U P

Back Labor Buildup


Raw Labor Cost Multipliers

Group Sub Group Net Profit On
Fully Burdened Fringe Burdened Labor Labor Revenue
Description Description Direct Cost OH & Fringe Total Raw Labor Mult. Labor
Pct Cost Mult.
Example - US Home Office 500,000 42% 210,000 145% 1,225,000 2.7 1,350,000 125,000
Example - US Field Office 3,000,000 42% 1,260,000 120% 6,600,000 2.4 7,200,000 600,000
Example - Australia Medium Project - - 1.13 0 0
Example - Australia Large Project - - 1.09 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
- - 0 0
Totals - 3,500,000 42% 1,470,000 124% 7,825,000 8,550,000 725,000

B Enter description of geographical group.

C Enter a short description that characterizes the category the labor burden falls into such as Home Office, Field Office, Large Project, Medium Project, etc.
D Enter Fully Burdened Home Office Labor Cost if that is the model used by the region, e.g. Australia. Otherwise, leave blank and use the Raw Labor Cost cells to the right.
E Enter Raw Labor Cost if that is the model used by the region, e.g. United States. Otherwise, leave blank and use the Fully Burdened Labor cells to the left.
F Enter Fringe percentage to be applied to Raw Labor Cost.
G Calculated fringe cost based on the percentage to the left.
H Enter the sum of the fringe percentage plus the Home Office Overhead percentage.
I Calculated total of Fully Burdened Office Labor.
J Enter the Raw Labor Multiplier to be applied to the Raw Labor Direct Cost column.
K Enter the Fully Burdened labor multiplier to be applied to the Fully Burdened column.
L Calculated Total Labor Revenue.
M Equal to Total Labor Revenue minus Total Fully Burdened Labor Cost.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 16

D E T A I L E D F I N A N C I A L P R O F O R M A – R A W L A B O R D C S & M S M O D E L


Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Finance → input, if applicable


T A B 4 C - D E T A I L E D F I N A N C I A L P R O F O R M A
B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C Enter Finance Leader or delegate
D Enter Approval date.
E For JV only. Enter value of AECOM’s portion of the JV work; this should include all revenue including any distribution from the JV to AECOM.
F For JV only. Enter value of partner’s portion of the JV work; this should include all revenue including any distribution from the JV to the partner. In addition, fill in the partner name with
B Pursuit Name:
the name of each partner.
G Enter any contingency being held by the JV, this is different from AECOM contingency which should be shown in Cell G59, G60, or G61 below. If the pursuit has multiple
contingency scenarios, expand as necessary on a separate worksheet. All contingency scenarios must be supported by assumptions.
C D H This is a calculated field. If this is a JV, make sure that the Prime Contract Amount under Tab 1A is the amount shown in Cell E18. If this is not a JV, then the amount on Tab 1A
should equal Cell E80.
I The model is determined based on the Labor Buildup in Tab 4B. If any entity has Fully Burdened Labor entered in Column C, the Fully Burdened Labor model is used; otherwise, the
E Raw Labor model is used.
F I J Equals the Raw Labor Direct Cost Total in Tab 4B. The Raw Cost does not include Overhead and Fringe.
K These fields are calculated and display the Fringe% along with the sum of the Raw Labor Direct Cost Total and the Raw Labor Fringe Cost Total in Tab 4B.
L For the raw model, this equals Overhead and Profit calculated by subtracting direct cost and fringe from total revenue.
The OH & Fringe percentage is a calculated field based on data entered in the Raw Labor Cost OH & Fringe Total in Tab 4B. The Overhead & Fringe type is based on whether the
G AECOM employee maintains an AECOM office space (Office Overhead) or if the AECOM employee works exclusively in a non-AECOM facility (Field Overhead). Office Overhead is
H applied to labor hours where AECOM provides office space and business tools such as computers; Field Overhead is applied to labor hours when these items are not provided. If an
M employee is assigned to a field project full time but still maintains an office in an AECOM facility, then the Office Overhead should be used. Used only in NM/NSR margin calculation;
enter the rates for the unit in charge of the work.

The Mark-up on Burdened Cost percentage is a calculated field based on dividing Overhead and Profit by the Total Revenue.
J K M N O N This is a calculated field based on the Labor Revenue Total in Tab 4B.
L O This is a calculated field based on the Total Labor Revenue divided by the Raw Labor Cost.
P Enter the name of each sub and if desired, enter role.
Q Enter the value that AECOM will pay each sub at completion of work.
R Enter the markup percentage only for each sub. For example, if a contractor price is marked up 1.1 times; enter 10% in this field.
S Enter the types of ODC; such as travel, printing, supplies.
P Q R T Enter the cost for each type of ODC.
U Enter the markup percentage only for each ODC. For example, if travel costs are marked up 1.1 times; enter 10% in this field.
V This is a calculated field based on the total cost of contingency allocated for Fully Burdened Office Labor, Fully Burdened Field Labor, and/or Non-Labor in Tab 6A. This is AECOM’s
contingency not owner contingency. Any owner contingency should be entered as a line item in the cost above.
W Enter percentage of markup for cost allocated for Fully Burdened Office Labor, Field Labor, and/or Non-Labor contingency.
X Describe uncertainties associated with the cost entered above, e.g. if hard bids have not been received on a sub task this should be identified in this section. In addition, any upside or
downside associated with the cost above should be identified. Include cost and price assumptions.

S T Y Describe what the contingency cost is associated with. For example, if the contingency includes $10k for weather delays, and $60k for rework, this should be itemized in this section.
U Z All are calculated fields based on data entry.


Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 17

D E T A I L E D F I N A N C I A L P R O F O R M A – F U L L Y B U R D E N E D L A B O R D C S & M S M O D E L


Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Finance → input, if applicable


B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C Enter Finance Leader or delegate
D Enter Approval date.
E For JV only. Enter value of AECOM’s portion of the JV work; this should include all revenue including any distribution from the JV to AECOM.
F For JV only. Enter value of partner’s portion of the JV work; this should include all revenue including any distribution from the JV to the partner. In addition, fill in the partner name with
the name of each partner.
B Pursuit Name: G Enter any contingency being held by the JV, this is different from AECOM contingency which should be shown in Cell G59, G60, or G61 below. If the pursuit has multiple contingency
scenarios, expand as necessary on a separate worksheet. All contingency scenarios must be supported by assumptions.
H This is a calculated field. If this is a JV, make sure that the Prime Contract Amount under Tab 1A is the amount shown in Cell E18. If this is not a JV, then the amount on Tab 1A
C D should equal Cell E80.
I The model is determined based on the Labor Buildup in Tab 4B. If any entity has Fully Burdened Labor entered in Column C, the Fully Burdened Labor model is used; otherwise, the
Raw Labor model is used.
J Equals the Fully Burdened Cost Total in Tab 4B. The Fully Burdened Cost Total includes Overhead and Fringe.
E K This is a calculated field based on the Fully Burdened Cost Total in Tab 4B. The Fully Burdened Cost Total includes Overhead and Fringe.
L For the Burdened Model, this equals Profit calculated by subtracting fully burdened cost from total revenue.
M The Mark-up on Burdened Cost percentage is a calculated by dividing the Mark-up on Burdened Cost by the Total Revenue.
N This is a calculated field based on the Labor Revenue Total in Tab 4B.
G O This is a calculated field based on the Total Labor Revenue divided by the Fully Burdened Labor Cost.
H P Enter the name of each sub and if desired, enter role.
Q Enter the value that AECOM will pay each sub at completion of work.
R Enter the markup percentage only for each sub. For example, if a contractor price is marked up 1.1 times; enter 10% in this field.
J K L M N O S Enter the types of ODC; such as travel, printing, supplies.
T Enter the cost for each type of ODC.
U Enter the markup percentage only for each ODC. For example, if travel costs are marked up 1.1 times; enter 10% in this field.
V This is a calculated field based on the total cost of contingency allocated for Fully Burdened Office Labor, Fully Burdened Field Labor, and/or Non-Labor in Tab 6A. This is AECOM’s
contingency not owner contingency. Any owner contingency should be entered as a line item in the cost above.
W Enter percentage of markup for cost allocated for Fully Burdened Office Labor, Field Labor, and/or Non-Labor contingency.
P Q R X Describe uncertainties associated with the cost entered above, e.g. if hard bids have not been received on a sub task this should be identified in this section. In addition, any upside or
downside associated with the cost above should be identified. Include cost and price assumptions.
Y Describe what the contingency cost is associated with. For example, if the contingency includes $10k for weather delays, and $60k for rework, this should be itemized in this section.
Z All are calculated fields based on data entry.



Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 18

D E T A I L E D F I N A N C I A L P R O F O R M A – C S - B C M O D E L


Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Finance → input, if applicable


Back Detailed Financial Proforma (Building Construction)
B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
Project/Pursuit Name: 0 Submittal: Phase 2 C Contact the CS-BC Risk Committee Administrator if you have question regarding this form.
B Prepared by: 0 Date: 1/0/1900
Reviewed/Approved By (name): Approval Date:

C Joint Ventures (only fill out if applicable)

AECOM Share $5,000 100%

Subtotal: $5,000
JV Contingency
Total: $5,000

Construction Budget (full project value, regardless of JV) General Conditions Budget
Subcontractor Costs $ 100,000,000 Staff Costs (including fringe/burden) $4,000,000
Subguard or Bonds (if not included above) 1.25% $ 1,250,000 Field Labor $3,000,000
Subtotal $ 101,250,000 Field Expenses $1,000,000
General Conditions 7.90% $ 8,000,000 Other
Subtotal $ 109,250,000 Total $8,000,000
Contingency 4.00% $ 4,370,000
Subtotal $ 113,620,000 Fringe/Burden Rate: 42.60%
Insurance 1.25% $ 1,365,625
Subtotal $114,985,625 GCs Type:
Fee 2.00% $ 2,185,000 (Example: Actuals with no cap, actuals with a cap or fixed amount, lump sum, etc.)
Subtotal $117,170,625
Payment & Performance Bonds (if any) 0.50% $ 585,853
Total $117,756,478

Financial Pro Forma (full project value, regardless of JV)

Gross Revenue $ 117,756,478
Subcontractor Costs $ 100,000,000
Other Direct Costs $ 11,571,478 Subguard, Insurance, Contingency, Field Labor, General Expenses
Net Service Revenue $ 6,185,000
Direct Labor $ 2,805,049
Direct Labor Fringe $ 1,194,951
Gross Margin $ 2,185,000
Applied Corporate Overhead $ -
Net Margin $ 2,185,000
GM % of GR 1.86%
NM % of GR 1.86%

Potential Gross Margin Improvement Description of Calculation and Assumptions

Parent Company Guaranty
Schedule Milestones or Incentives
Shared Savings
Additional Net Margin $ -
NM % of GR 0.00%
Total Potential Net Margin $ 2,185,000
NM % of GR 1.86%

Financial Description

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 19

D E T A I L E D F I N A N C I A L P R O F O R M A – C S - E I C M O D E L


Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Finance → input, if applicable


Back Detailed Financial Proforma (EIC)
B Contact the CS-EIC Risk Committee Administrator if you have question regarding this form.
B Joint Ventures (only fill out if applicable)

AECOM Share $7,000 100%

Proposal Number (ERC/ATP)

Subtotal: $7,000
JV Contingency File No.
Project: Project Location: Print Date: 2/24/2015 Project Description/Overview:
Prepared By: Lead Estimator Estimate Effective Date & Revision Number: Sometime Print Time: 3:46 PM


Breakdown Bid Percent Scope/Quantity Basis* Estimating Techniques** Composite*** Cost Position**** Line Item Comments
of Estimate Amount of Total 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
Labor $ 12,000 12% 7% 3% 1% 1% 12% 12% 8% 4%
Material $ 8,000 8% 1% 5% 2% 5% 3% 8% 8%
Engineered Equipment $ 29,000 29% 23% 4% 2% 21% 4% 2% 2% 29% 12% 12% 5%
Sm Tools/Consumables/Supplies $ 2,000 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
Construction Equipment $ 2,000 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
Subcontracts $ 7,000 7% 7% 7% 7% 5% 2%
Engineering & Home Office $ 9,000 9% 8% 1% 9% 9% 5% 4%
Construction Management $ 4,000 4% 4% 3% 1% 4% 4%
General Conditions $ 2,000 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%

Subtotal Cost $ 75,000 75% 50% 15% 5% 5% 52% 12% 9% 2% 49% 22% 4% 22% 44% 9% Determine Growth and Contingency requirements at this level
Growth $ 3,000 3% 3% 3%
Contingency $ 10,000 10% 10% 10%
Project Level Total Cost $ 88,000 88% 59% 22% 7% 22% 57% 9%
EIC Group G & A $ 5,000 5% 3% 1% 0% 5%
EIC Group Profit $ 7,000 7% 5% 2% 1% 7%

Project Grand Total $ 100,000 100% 67% 25% 8% 27% 64% 9%

EIC Operating Group Standard Definitions: *Scope/Quantity Basis **Estimating Techniques ***Composite ****Cost Position
Firm/Completed Design Firm Quotes, Current Actual
Firm Price, Highly
Detailed Plan/Approach, Wage Rates, Current Site Safe, Conservative, Low
1 1 1 Controllable, Lowest Relative 1
Integrated EPC schedule, Specific Production Rates, Risk of Overrun
Qualified Allowances Qualified Allowances
Similar As-Builts, Go Bys,
Vendor Budget, Phone Solid Budget, Negotiated
Typical Level of Effort, Average, Balanced Risk of
2 2 Quotes, Recent Similar Data, 2 Target, Controllable, Moderate 2
Average Units, Semi Detailed Overrun/Underrun
Specific Published Data Risk
Conceptual Design, Forced
General Published Data, Aggressive, Low Bid
Details, Factored, Ratio. Preliminary Budget,
3 3 Internal Estimate, Ratios, 3 3 Throughout, High Risk of
Parametric, Milestone Type Challenging To Control, Risky
Parametrics, T.I.C Factors Overrun
Rough Order of Magnitude,
Large Potential Variance,
4 Unqualified Allowances, Plugs 4 Unqualified Allowances, Plugs 4
Difficult To Control, Highly

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 20



Finance → complete form

T A B 4 D – H U R D L E R A T E
Back Hurdle Rate
The hurdle rate provides guidance, informing the minimum rate that a project should earn in order to ensure the project is creating value. The hurdle rate is the basis for calculating a
Project’s NPV from the Cash Flow, therefore we must make sure we incorporate all potential cash flows positive and negative.

Impact on hurdle rate

B AECOM's Base Hurdle Rate* 9.0%

*The hurdle rate provides guidance, informing the minimum rate that a project should earn in order to ensure the project is creating value. The hurdle
rate is the basis for calculating a Project’s NPV from the Cash Flow, therefore we must make sure we incorporate all potential cash flows positive and
1. Country Rating: United States 0.0% Neutral Investment Environment to USA

Instructions: Please select the project location's country from the drop down list above.
Country Rating from 0-6 (0 = least risky, 6 = riskiest; USA = 1.2): 1.2
Please use this space to explain why the set Country Rating may or may not be indicative of the project specific country risk (e.g. Client specific factors or
funding sources that may mitigate overall country risk)

2. Experience Rating (1-lowest; 10-highest): 1 6.0%

Instructions: How would you describe AECOM's and your Team's experience level with the activity being undertaken on a scale from 1-10? 10 - being a
routine activity (Expanding an existing service within a region where we already provide such services and to clients that are already served in this
manner. 1 - being a highly unique activity that AECOM or your Team in which AECOM has had no prior experience (completely greenfield - providing a
brand new service in a region we do not currently operate and to new clients).

Please use this space to explain reasoning behind the Experience Rating and plans to mitigate key risks to help improve a projects risk weighted return

3. Contract Risk (1-lowest; 10-highest): 10 6.0%

Contract Risk Instructions: Based on the Weighted Average Risk Rating (shown below), from the risk matrix which captures contract risks identified in
tabs 5, 6A-6D, and your confidence in the proposed mitigation and contingency please indicate on a scale from 1-10 how much residual risk of
exposure to potential cost excalations is likely to be incurred. 1 - lowest contract risk, 10 - highest contract risk.

Weighted Avg Risk Rating form Tab 6A (Scale 0 = no risk, 100 = Maximum Risk:) 44
Please use this space to explain reasoning behind the Contract Risk rating (Reference key risk factors from tabs 5, 6A-6D and any mitigating factors:
credit worthiness of client, contingent liabilities, unusual contract terms, construction/procurement risk, third party reliance, parent company guarantees,
any risks embedded in thee contract that could lead to the potential for costs in excess of contract value...)

4. Strategic Value to AECOM (1-lowest; 10-highest): 1 6.0%

Instructions: Based on the strategic rational provided in tab 2A, please indicate on a scale from 1-10 how aligned the proposed activity is with AECOM's
strategic initiatives. 1 - being not aligned with any current AECOM initiatives, 10 - being aligned all current AECOM initiatives

Please use this space to provide justification for the Strategic Value rating

Project Specific Hurdle Rate 27.0%

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 21



Finance → complete form

T A B 4 E - C A S H F L O W
Pursuit Name: The Schedule, Cash Flow and Detailed Financial Proforma tabs are interrelated. Data from all three are used to plot the cash flow graph. This worksheet is divided into two
B C pages. The first page is for input only and it is not intended that page be printed as part of the GRC Submittal package. Data from this portion of the worksheet is used to
develop the Cash Flow graph below, which should be printed as part of the GRC Submittal package.

B Click on the help button to display additional instructions for individual fields within the input worksheet.
C Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
D  Task, Task Desc. and Start/End Dates – Data will automatically be transferred into these fields based on information entered into Tab 2D.
 Budget – Calculated as sum of Labor Costs plus Non-Labor Costs.
 Fully Burdened Labor – Enter the Fully Burdened Labor Cost for each task.
 Non-Labor – Enter the Non-Labor Cost such as expenses, subs, suppliers, etc. This will allow Cash Out lag for Labor and Non-Labor to be set
D independently.
 Curve – Enter “L” for linear curve to spread the cost evenly over time or enter “S” for S-Curve to spread the cost using a bell curve periodic
 Remaining Columns – These columns are calculated based on start/end dates, cost budget, and the type of distribution curve. Values represent
how the incurred cost for each task is spread over the life of the project.
E This section provides totals for the rows in the sections above. In addition, it provides indicators if totals in this tab do not match those in Tab 4C.
E Cells G32, G33 and G34 should be white. Red indicates that the data entered in the cells above these fields do not balance with data entered under
Tab 4C. To correct, revise the data in Tab 4B, revise the cost budgets, or redistribute the percentages so that the cells balance with the data
entered in Tab 4C.
 Labor – All fields in this row are calculated; F32 displays the value of Total Fully Burdened Labor Cost (Cell E88) from Tab 4C and G32 displays
F the portion of Fully Burdened Labor Costs based on data entered in the budget and % Non-Labor lines above. The remaining columns
represent how the Total Fully Burdened Labor cost will be spread over the life of the project and are based on the start/end dates, cost budget,
Non-Labor cost, and the type of distribution curve.
 Non-Labor – All fields in this row are calculated; F33 displays the value of Total Sub/ODC/Contingency costs (Cell E81) from Tab 4C and G33
G displays the portion of Raw Sub/ODC/Contingency Costs based on percentages entered in the lines above. The remaining columns represent
how the Sub/ODC/Contingency cost will be spread over the life of the project and are based on the start/end dates, cost budget, Non-Labor cost,
and the type of distribution curve.
H  Total – All of these fields are calculated; F34 represents the sum of Total Fully Burdened Labor and Total Sub/ODC/Contingency Costs in the
I two rows above and G34 represents the sum of the individual tasks above. The remaining columns represent how the Total Cost will be spread
over the life of the project and are based on the start/end dates, cost budget, Non-Labor cost, and the type of distribution curve.
 Cum - All of these fields are calculated. These columns represent the cumulative cost to date for any given month during the life of the project.
F Cash In
 Progress Pay – By default, Cash In is based on the Totals in Row 32 and 33 multiplied by the Labor and Non-Labor multipliers in Rows 49 and
50 (automatically transferred from Tab 4C) then shifted by the number of months selected in the Lag picklist (Cell F38).
 Milestone Payments – Alternatively, a milestone payment option can be used by selecting “Yes” from the picklist in Cell E39. If this method is
selected, directly enter the expected payments under the appropriate month listed to the right of this cell.
 Adjustments – Enter any adjustments under the appropriate month, if needed, to adjust the amount due in a particular month for specific events
such as equipment deliveries.
 Amount Billed – These fields are calculated based on the sum of Progress Payments or Milestone Payments (whichever is selected) plus
J Adjustments.
 Retention Rate – If applicable, enter the percent retention to be withheld from each billing in Row 42.
 Retention – These fields are calculated based on the Total Billing times the Retention Rate.
 Retention Release - Enter any expected retention release amounts in Row 44. Retention and Retention Release totals should be equal.
 Cum Cash In - Based on the entries above, the cumulative Cash In amounts are shown in Row 45.
G Fully Burdened Cash Out
 Labor Cost – Labor Cash Out is based on the Fully Burdened Labor Cost in Row 32 shifted by the number of months selected in the Lag picklist
(Cell F49); typically none should be selected.
 Non-Labor Cost – Non-Labor Cash Out is based on the Raw Non-Labor cost in Row 33 then shifted by the number of months selected in the
Lag picklist (Cell F50).
 Adjustments – Enter any adjustments under the appropriate month, if needed, to account for specific events such as equipment delivery.
 Cum Cash Out – Based on the entries above, the cumulative Cash Out amounts are shown in Row 52.
H Net Cash Flow (Row 54) is equal to the Cum Cash In (Row 45) minus the Cum Cash Out (Row 52).
I Rate = Annual discount rate from Annual discount rate fed from Hurdle Rate Tab 4D
Net Present Value (NPV) = Annual hurdle rate based on inputs to Hurdle Rate Tab 4D.
Net Cash Flow (NCF) = Sum of monthly cash flow on row 55
J The graph plots the Cumulative Cash In (Row 45), the Cumulative Cash Out (Row 52) and the Net Cash Flow. The time scale can be changed with
the buttons on the left.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 22



Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form or it
may be completed by Legal with input from the Pursuit
Legal → review required, at a minimum

T A B 5 - C O N T R A C T C O N S I D E R A T I O N S
Either the Pursuit Champion or Legal to complete this form. At a minimum, this must be reviewed by Legal for accuracy prior to the Phase 2 submittal.
It is strongly suggested that this process be started early and reviewed/completed by Legal in conjunction with Tab 6B.
Either the Pursuit Champion or Legal to complete this form. At a minimum, this must be reviewed by Legal for accuracy prior to the Phase 2 submittal. It is strongly suggested that this
process be started early and reviewed/completed by Legal in conjunction with Tab 6B.
B Pursuit Name: Submittal:

Prepared by: Date:

B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C Either the Pursuit Champion or Legal to complete this form. At a minimum, this must be reviewed by Legal for accuracy prior to the Phase 2 submittal. It is strongly suggested
1) Contractual Basis for Reimbursement Other Comments
that this process be started early and reviewed/completed by Legal in conjunction with Tab 6B.
2) Governing Law of Contract

3) Is there a requirement to assume construction or operations and maintenance risk?


4) Are the performance of services in designated Elevated or High Risk Country at war or politically unstable - are there specific security issues (DoA 1.2.a)?

5) Name of Country project is located in?

6) Who is responsible for project security?

7) Has a security assessment been conducted?

8) Have secure accommodations been allocated for in the budget?

9) Has secure journey management in‐country been allocated for in the budget?

10) Is a local community engagement plan in place?

11) Have security costs been added and/or Global Resilience Group consulted on security costs?

12) Have staff medical requirements been considered, i.e., vaccinations, fit‐to‐travel and/or level of medical care in country?


13) Terms of Payment Are there unusual or contingent payment terms, capital or working capital needs, full or
partial recourse to AECOM's balance sheet, etc.? (DoA 1.5.a, 1.5.f and 1.5.i)
14) Is a forward loss in excess of $3m contemplated (DoA 1.5.h)

15) Are there unusual currency arrangements, including payment in non-convertible currency? (DoA 1.5.b)

16) Are hedging agreements contemplated? (DoA 1.5.c)

17) Are there any guarantees or contingent obligations (LC, PCG, performance or surety bonds)? (DoA 1.5.d, 1.5.e and 1.5.g)

18) Are any of those given on behalf of any third party including non-AECOM portion of any LLC, JV or similar arrangement?

19) Describe the tax liabilities and any proposed mitigating measures, especially for foreign taxes.


20) Is there exposure to any unusual, unlimited or uninsured risks, special insurance requirements or requirements for systems, process performance or fitness for
purpose guarantees with or without performance liquidated damages?

21) Do we handle or deal with hazardous materials?

22) Is there an express responsibility for consequential damages?


23) Are there any provisions, obligations or other aspects of the type described in the DoA including?
1.1.a restricted matters
1.3.b Dodd Frank Act
1.6.a reliance issue
1.6.b work product included in securities document
1.6.c Roadshow - Q&A with Financiers
1.6.d traffic studies and other services used to raise financing


24) List any Group Sub-DoA Triggers and Mitigation:

Reviewed By Legal Counsel Name:

Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 23

R I S K I N D E N T I F I C A T I O N / M I T I G A T I O N


Pursuit Champion or designate → complete form
Group ORM and Purusit Champion or designate → to
agree on risk and mitigation strategy

Back Risk Identification / Mitigation

T A B 6 A - R I S K I N D E N T I F I C A T I O N / M I T I G A T I O N
The main purpose of this sheet is to identify risk, the mitigation strategy for risk, and to assign a dollar value if applicable.
Risk Identifications/Mitigation
Pursuit Name: Submittal:
BPrepared By: Date: B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C Enter the type of risk exposure and explain how and why the project may be affected. Examples of Risk Exposures:
Evaluated Risk Exposure (list all that applies, list highest risk first):  Client
AECOM potential liability or exposure to unexpected costs due to a foreseeable performance problem or occurrence of a foreseeable event (events known to occur on projects of similar size / scope)  Construction
 Cost (construction, operating, utility, material cost, insurance/deductibles, uncapped liabilities)
Raw Contingency Cost
 Environmental (drinking water contamination, discharged)
Risk/Exposure & Details
Mitigation Strategy
Likelihood of Consequence of
Risk Status
Effectiveness of Mitigation Strategy Labor Cost
I ODC Cost
J  Ethical
 Financial (monetary exchange rate, payment terms)
Sample Risk Insurance Possible Moderate 15
l $1,000,000 $1,000,000
 Safety, Health & Environment (SH&E) with assistance from the Business Line or Regional SH&E Leader
Sample Risk Insurance Probable Major 50
l $5,000,000 $5,000,000
 New market (new geography, new service line, familiarity of local customs and work practices)
Possible Moderate 15
l  Partner
Possible Moderate 15
l  Political
Possible Moderate 15
l  Resources (staffing, local work force, skilled labor)
 Pursuit Risk
Possible Moderate 15
l  Schedule
Possible Moderate 15
l  Security
Possible Moderate 15
l  Technical (process risk)
Possible Moderate 15
l  Warranties
Total $6,000,000 K $6,000,000 L D Define the strategy for mitigating identified risk. Be specific.
E Select from the picklist.
Review Category C-1 Weighted Average: 44  Probable - Happens repeatedly during the life of the project.
 Likely - Could easily happen and has occurred on previous projects more than once.
Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.
 Possible - Could happen and has occurred on other projects.
F Select from the picklist.
 Moderate – Could impact project profitability by less than $100k.
 Major – Could impact project profitability by $100k-500k.
 Catastrophic – Could impact project profitability by over $500k.
G This field is calculated based on the matrix below.
H Describe the rational/basis for confidence in mitigation strategy, e.g. "We have confidence in risk mitigation strategy because …" In addition, provide example(s) of
when this mitigation strategy was used and effective in the past.
I Enter a specific dollar amount for Raw/Fully Burdened (depending on the model that is selected in Tab 1 or Tab 4C) Office/Field Labor Contingency Cost tied to
mitigation, as applicable. This amount is included in the estimate as a cost.
J Enter a specific dollar amount for Raw Non-Labor Contingency Cost tied to mitigation, as applicable. This amount is included in the estimate as a cost.
K This is a calculated field and is equal to the sum of all Contingency Costs shown in the rows above this field. This number is transferred to Cell E59 under Tab 4C.
L This is a calculated field and is equal to the sum of all Contingency Costs shown in the rows above this field. This number is transferred to Cell E60 under Tab 4C.
M Enter the recommended Project Review Category. The default value is C-1. For details regarding the criteria for these categories, refer to the Project Review

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 24

L E G A L A N A L Y S I S - D C S A N D M S B U S I N E S S G R O U P S O N L Y


Legal → complete form
Legal and Pursuit Champion or designate → to agree on
risk and mitigation strategy


Legal Analysis
T A B 6 B - L E G A L A N A L Y S I S
B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
Spell Check
C Enter the country or countries where performance will be conducted. In addition, for each country identified, provide the Corruption Perception Index Score
Prepared by Legal in Partnership with Operations per the Transparency International website below:
D Enter “None” or provide a description and analysis that includes recommended mitigations. If necessary refer to an attachment.
Pursuit Name: Submittal: Phase 2
B E Enter “None” or provide a description and analysis that includes recommended mitigations. This includes client payment history, capability, financial solvency,
Prepared By: Date: trustworthiness, etc.
F Enter “None” or provide a description and analysis that includes recommended mitigations.
C Country/CPI: Enter “None” or provide a description and analysis that includes recommended mitigations, such as Corruption Perception Index (CPI).
H Enter any other relevant concerns raised by Legal.
Legal Analysis
D Critical Contract Terms & Conditions (Bullet Points):

E Client Risk - Payment Risk:

F Compliance Risk:

G Ethical Risk, if any:

H Other Relevant Comments:

Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.

This tab is not required on Phase 1 Submittals.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 25

L E G A L A N A L Y S I S - C S - B C B U S I N E S S G R O U P O N L Y


Legal → complete form
Legal and Pursuit Champion or designate → to agree on
risk and mitigation strategy


Prepared by Legal in Partnership with Operations B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C For every pursuit, enter the Contract Reference, Client Position and BC Position for each Contract Provision
Pursuit Name: 0 Submittal: 0
Prepared By: 0 Date: 0-Jan-00


1 Delay

2 Indemnification

3 Liquidated Damages

4 Aggregate Cap on Liability

5 Consequential Damages

6 Insurance

7 Payment

8 Changes

9 Claims/Dispute Resolution

10 Hazardous Materials

11 Design Liability

12 Completion

13 Contingency (if applicable)

14 Other

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 26

L E G A L A N A L Y S I S - C S - E I C B U S I N E S S G R O U P O N L Y


Legal → complete form
Legal and Pursuit Champion or designate → to agree on
risk and mitigation strategy


Back Legal Analysis

Prepared by Legal in Partnership with Operations
B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
B Pursuit Name: 0 Submittal: 0
C Notes can be added and rows deleted, as needed.
Prepared By: 0 Date: 0-Jan-00
D For every pursuit, enter the Contract Reference, Client Requirement and EIC Position for each Contract Provision listed.




1 Changes Price and schedule relief for changes to be mutually
agreed prior to change order implementation. No
obligation to proceed with changes prior to agreement
1 Contract Every contract and major modification shall be reviewed - - Will Comply.
on price and schedule effort except on a cost-
and approved in writing by the appropriate regional legal
reimbursable basis.
department prior to signing.
2 Site Conditions Price and schedule relief for unforeseeable, latent or
2*† Consequential Damages Every contract must contain an explicit waiver of
unusual subsurface conditions, or unusual site
consequential damages.
3*† Exclusivity of Remedies An effort should be made to obtain a general exclusive
3 Changes in Law Price and schedule relief for all changes in law,
remedies clause in every contract. At a minimum,
including changes in tax law and currency restrictions.
contracts must contain provisions that expressly make
4 Notice to Proceed Owner may issue a notice to proceed (NTP) provided:
remedies in connection with warranty and liquidated
damages sole and exclusive with respect to such
a. NTP is provided by a given date or change relief is
3[b] Warranty - Standard of Care (A Warranty that work is free from defects in design, b. Adequate financial assurances are in place
workmanship and/or material should not be given the c. All necessary permits are received
customer where the customer is "supplying the design, d. The site is accessible
performing any work or designating or supplying any e. Evidence of Owner provided insurance is received
specific products or material." See Contracting
Policy.) 5 Mechanical Completion (if used) Mechanical Completion shall be achieved when the
4* Warranty - No bricks and mortar No contract solely for engineering or design services facility is ready for safe and reliable testing.
liability shall contain a requirement that the engineer repair or 6 Substantial Completion Substantial Completion shall be achieved when the
replace constructed work (i.e., no field rework, no project (facility) has met limited objective standards to
"bricks and mortar"). show that the project can commercially operate.
5 Indemnification No contract shall contain an indemnity provision in 7 Liquidated Damages Liquidated damages must be reasonable and capped.
which EIC indemnifies any party for anything other than
third party claims for bodily injury and third party claims a. Schedule LDs:
for property damage. Rate:
6 Remediation No Business Unit (other than the Nuclear & Environment Cap:
Business Unit of AECOM's Management Services b. Performance LDs:
Group) may enter into a contract to perform, nor may it Rate:
perform, any environmental remediation work of any Cap:
kind whatsoever within the scope of any EIC project. c. Other LDs:
7 Hazardous Waste/Materials All contracts where construction or maintenance work is Rate:
to be performed on the site of the Customer shall Cap:
contain an environmental indemnity from the Customer. 8 Design Approval Design approval must be: (1) limited to the Owner, (2)
8* Process No contract shall provide a guaranty or warranty of any limited to specific design items (all other design items
process. are for comment only), (3) granted by Owner if design
9 Warranty Period No contract shall contain a warranty in excess of 2 is substantially compliant, and (4) granted within
years. specified time period.
10 Payment No contract shall contain payment provisions in excess 9 Title and Risk of Loss Title passes to Owner (delivered at frontier) DAF (only
of 30 days. for international job) port of import, subject to receipt
of payment. If Owner uses any portion of Facility prior
No contract shall require EIC to provide a loan or to Substantial Completion, risk of loss passes to Owner.
advance to or deposit funds with, or (outside a standard 10 Suspension Price and schedule relief for all suspensions with
retention arrangement) defer receivables from, an suspension limited to 180 days in the aggregate.
unrelated party.* Contractor may suspend performance for non-payment
by Owner for 30 days from when payment was due.
All contracts shall provide that in the event of a disputed 11 Termination Price relief for termination for convenience.
amount, EIC shall be paid the undisputed portion
notwithstanding the dispute. In the case of termination due to Contractor's default on
11 Non-Payment Rights Every contract (other than those where such a provision a fixed price contract, Contractor shall pay reasonable
violates the law) shall contain a provision allowing EIC to costs in excess of contract price.
suspend or terminate work for non-payment.
In the case of termination due to Owner's default,
12*† Limit of Liability Every contract shall contain a limitation of liability, Contractor may terminate within 30 days after amount
preferably limited to an amount no greater than our becomes payable.
expected profit and in any event no greater than the
12 Insurance Contractor or Owner to provide ARBR at full
contract value.
13 Force Majeure Every contract that is fixed as to price or schedule shall replacement value; general liability for personal injury
provide for Force Majeure relief and such relief shall be and property damage at 5,000,000 USD/claim; vehicle,
from both price and schedule. inland transportation and marine cargo (<CIF value +
14 Retention Every contract that provides for retention by Customer 10%). All insurance to name Owner (or Contractor as
of amounts owing to EIC will provide that EIC may post applicable) and Lenders as additional insured to extent
a bond or letter of credit in lieu of retention. of contractual obligations.
15 Time is of the Essence/Liquidated Every contract containing a time-is-of-the-essence (or 13 Applicable Law New York or England for international projects.
Damages similar) clause, or containing a liquidated damages
provision, shall be approved first by the Regional New York for domestic projects.
Managing Attorney and then by the Business 14 Dispute Resolution Management to attempt to reach agreement, followed by
Development Lead of the appropriate Business Unit. ICC arbitration in London or Singapore for international
Contracts containing liquidated damages provisions shall projects.
have a reasonable limitation on any such liquidated
damages. Management to attempt to reach agreement, followed by
16 Intellectual Property Every contract shall include appropriate protections of litigation for domestic projects.
existing and newly created intellectual property rights. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS
17 Execution No work shall be commenced without a formal contract - - Will Comply.
1 Currency Identify currency or currencies of payment. Identify
or a written notice to proceed, reviewed and approved
any currency risks or restrictions.
by Legal, from a good long-term customer, which
2 Required from EIC: Identify any requirements for EIC.
contains a clear understanding of all the key provisions
(including provisions for payment) of the formal contract
Parent Company Guarantees
and is signed by both parties. No deliverables shall be
Bank Guarantees
delivered to the Customer in the absence of a signed
Letters of Credit
18 Subcontracts No subcontractor shall be permitted to commence work - - Will Comply. 3 Required from Client: Identify any requirements for Client.
without a subcontract signed by EIC and the Bonds
subcontractor. No subcontract or purchase order shall Parent Company Guarantees
be signed by EIC that is not in a form approved by Bank Guarantees
Legal. Letters of Credit
* Note: In the case of each starred commandment, there are various issues that require EIC Risk Committee (“RC”) review. Any deviation from commandment No. 2 (consequential damages) requires RC approval. 4 Taxes/Duties Identify entity(s), onshore/offshore split contract
In the case of commandment # 3 (exclusive remedies), deviations that allow remedies other than liquidated damages for events that give rise to liquidated damages and deviations that allow remedies other than requirements, project tax requirements, including which
performance or re-performance of warranty work for events that give rise to warranty claims must be reviewed and approved by the RC. In the case of commandment # 4 (no “bricks and mortar”), deviations that taxes customer or client must pay, tax rates, and
allow re-construction or field rework in excess of the contract value require RC approval. In the case of commandment # 8 (no process guaranty), any deviation requires RC approval. Any deviation from whether entity is required to register in country.
commandment #10 (loans, advancements, and deferred payments) or commandment #12 (limitation of liability) requires RC approval. In connection with commandment #10, any agreement (oral or written) to loan, 5 Foreign and Domestic Business Identify business requirements for performing in a
advance or deposit funds with, or (outside a standard retention arrangement) defer receivables from, a third party, or any other similar arrangement, must also be approved in writing in advance by the EIC Sr. Vice Restrictions foreign country, including but not limited to: (1) need
President – Legal (or designee) and by the EIC Controller (or designee). AECOM corporate and the AECOM Enterprise Risk Committee have additional approval requirements related to certain restricted work, for agent; (2) import/export restrictions; (3) licensing
safety and security, contract matters, financial and accounting matters, third-party reliance and offering documents, leases, legal entities management, mergers and acquisitions, legal and compliance matters, requirements; and (4) anti-boycott issues; etc.
human resources and other matters. 6 Restrictions On Use of Engineering Identify any restrictions on the use of any of our
Offices engineering offices, including Romania. Our preferred
position places no restrictions on the use of engineering
† Note: Excluding contracts with U.S. federal, state and local, and foreign national, governments in the case of commandment No. 2 (consequential damages), commandment No. 3 (exclusive remedies) and
commandment No. 12 (limitation of liability).

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 27



Pursuit Champion or designate → form may be
completed by Pursuit Champion or impacted
departments, i.e. HR.
Impacted Department → approval required, if applicable

Back Advisor Analysis

Prepared by / Coordinated with SH&E, HR and other Business Functions in Partnership with Operations

B Pursuit Name: Submittal:

T A B 6 C - A D V I S O R A N A L Y S I S
Prepared By: Date:
B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.
C SH&E Analysis
Address all Relevant SH&E Risk Comments:
Prepared By: Approved By:
C Answer questions regarding the risk to AECOM employees and any third party including the client or general public. Review and approval by SH&E is required. This section
should be prepared by the Regional SH&E Leader with assistance from the Pursuit Champion or designee and it must be approved by the Regional SH&E Leader.
Does this project consist of work outside of an office environment (e.g., field/construction work)?
Describe the risk to AECOM, the description should include any new hires, relocation staff, union requirements, or income tax impacts to our employees. This can be
Does this project scope include any high risk activities that require specific safe work requirements?
(a) Tunneling
prepared by either the Pursuit Champion or designee or HR; however, it must be approved by Regional HR Leader when a potential impact exists.
(b) Highway or roadway work zone access
(c) HV Electrical work E Answer questions regarding the Ethics and Compliance risk to AECOM.
(d) Confined Space Entry
(e) Working at heights F Enter the applicable subject matter area, i.e., IT, Security, Communications and describe risk to AECOM. This may be prepared by the Pursuit Champion or designate;
(f) Chemical and/or explosive exposure
(g) Cranes & Lifting
however, it must be approved by the Regional Leader for which a potential impact exists.
(h) Animal Hazards
(i) Rail Corridor
(j) Underground mining
(k) Diving

Does this project require travel (domestic travel to a remote location or international travel?

Are there client specific safety, health and environment requirements for this project?

Is a detailed project specific safety plan required?

If project activities are outside of the AECOM office, are there any direct or indirect environmental and sustainability risks?
Special Places Ecological sensitivity, protected areas, national parks, biodiversity, habitat connectivity
Flora Land and subterranean, freshwater, marine, weed species and disease spread
Fauna Land and subterranean, freshwater, marine, pest species and disease spread
Natural Waterways Waterways, lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, riparian zones
Coastal Processes Erosion and accretion, estuaries
Land and Soil Site refurbishment, soil conservation, remediation, flood management, Acid Sulphate Soils, contaminated lands
Discharges to Air, Stormwater and run-off, noise, vibration, air quality (including dust and odour), light pollution
Land and Water
Waste Waste management and recycling, including construction and demolition waste, operational waste, future
deconstruction, hazardous waste
Energy and Carbon Energy efficiency, renewable energy, Greenhouse Gas/carbon emissions, including embodied energy
Water Use Water efficiency, reuse, use of non-potable water, groundwater access, drinking water supplies
Fuels and Chemicals Delivery, storage and refuelling of fuels, oils and chemicals
Materials Lifecycle and recyclability, supply chain, recycled content, toxicity,
Community Involvement of people in decisions affecting them, impact on lifestyles and community connections, safety and crime,
social equity and fairness, reconciliation opportunities, traffic management including pedestrians and cyclists
Health and Wellbeing Quality of environment, e.g. daylight, fresh air, internal pollutants
Culture Cultural values, inclusion and impacts, heritage and archaeological sites and structures
Design and Planning Land use planning, urban and landscape design, visual amenity, recreation, public access, disability access
Economics and Economic impacts and opportunities, employment opportunities, sustainable transport solutions
Management Systems Larger projects or those with separate offices may require their own management systems
Procurement Larger projects or those with separate offices may require their own procurement procedures
Future-thinking Account for future climatic conditions, resilience, precaution where there are risks and uncertainty, account for the
The Big Picture interests of
Consider future outside
impacts generations
the project boundary, e.g. public health, and consider interactions and weightings of these
Does this Project trigger any DoA items such as the following?
> Project or job site responsible for non-AECOM personnel
> Project or job site in a geography with large scale health risks (pandemic) as defined by World Health Organization / U.S. Centers for
Disease Control, or similar organization.
> Performance of services in a designated Elevated or High risk location (war, civil unrest/political instability or other physical turmoil such that
the physical safety of project personnel or assets cannot be reasonably assured without a specific security/resilience plan or performance in
such location otherwise poses unusual risk.

D Human Resources Analysis Prepared By: Approved By:

E Ethics and Compliance Analysis Prepared By: Approved By:

1. Due Diligence (DoA 2.2.c and 2.2.d)

Have you completed third-party due diligence as described here?
Note that third parties performing any “non-technical” services require due diligence reports that must be coordinated and approved by the
office of Ethics and Compliance. “Non-technical” services relate to business development, developing relationships with clients, interacting with
government officials, acting as a sponsor/agent, or any other types of services (other than those provided by mere “Vendors”) that are not
directly related to our professional services on a project. Contact Rick Saval from Ethics and Compliance at The
process of ordering and reviewing the report can take as long as 30 days.
2. Export Controls (DoA 2.2.h)
Does the project require the provision of goods, services, or information subject to [United States] export control regulations?

3. Sanctions
Does the project require activity in or with sanctioned or prohibited countries as described here?

4. Antiboycott (DoA 1.3.a)

Have you received any requests to take action or provide information supportive of the boycott of Israel (including requests to
comply with the laws or regulations of a boycotting country generally)? Such requests include but are not limited to:
questionnaires, purchase orders, tender invitations, contracts, letters of credit, and customs documents.

F Other Advisor Analysis Prepared By: Approved By:

Subject Matter Address all Relevant Risk Comments:

Each Business Function should prepare an entry for all relevant risks pertinent to their business function.

Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 28

S U M M A R Y C O N T I N G E N T L I A B I L I T I E S / I N S U R A N C E S


Pursuit Champion or designate → form may be
completed by Proposal Manager
Legal → Input, if applicable
Finance → Input, if applicable
Treasury → Input, if applicable

Summary of Contingent Liabilities/Insurances
T A B 6 D - S U M M A R Y C O N T I N G E N T L I A B I L I T I E S / I N S U R A N C E S

Pursuit Name: Spell Check Submittal: Phase 2

B Data will automatically be transferred into this field based on information entered into Tab 1.

B C Enter the type of Contingent Liability. Examples include but are not limited to (If other, specify the type):
Prepared By: Date:  Bank Guarantees
C Contingent Liability D Beneficiary EResponsibility of:  Bid Bonds
Instrument/Insurance  Comfort Letters or Letters of Support
 Letter of Credit
F Purpose
G Validity (months)  Letter of Guarantee
H Estimated Issue Date I Estimate Amount  Parent Company Guarantees
(coverage)  Payment Bonds
Beneficiary Responsibility of:
 Performance Bonds
 Professional Indemnity Insurance
Purpose Validity (months)  Property liability Insurance
 Public and Products Liability Insurance
Estimated Issue Date Estimate Amount
(coverage)  Restricted Cash, Cash Collateral, Cash Deposit (USD)
 Surety Bonds
Contingent Liability Beneficiary Responsibility of:  Vehicle Insurance
 Worker's Compensation Insurance
Purpose Validity (months)  Other
Estimated Issue Date Estimate Amount
D Enter the beneficiary; typically it is the client.
(coverage) E Indicate whether responsibility is provided by the Entity (JV), AECOM, both and/or other parties, as applicable.
Contingent Liability Beneficiary Responsibility of:
F Describe the purpose.
Instrument/Insurance G Enter the total duration, including any warranty period or period of performance for which the instrument must remain valid.
Purpose Validity (months) H Enter the date the item coverage is initiated.
I Enter the estimated amount of coverage and provide details if amounts of coverage shift during the coverage period. Cost of contingent liabilities should
Estimated Issue Date Estimate Amount be considered in the project pricing.

Contingent Liability Beneficiary Responsibility of:


Purpose Validity (months)

Estimated Issue Date Estimate Amount


Note: Expand rows, as needed, so that all of the text is displayed.

This tab is optional on Phase 1 Submittals.

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 29

S U M M A R Y C O N T I N G E N T L I A B I L I T I E S / I N S U R A N C E S

ORM Designee → completes the memo
ERC → Review the memo and provides feedback
ORM Designee → follow up with Pursuit Champion on Cover
risk committee conditions

Back ORM Evaluation and Recommendation The ORM Designee, with assistance from the GRC, will summarize the project elements included in this form and will submit the ORM
Committee: 0 Meeting Date: Review Category: C-1 Memo to the ERC Administrator. The ORM Designee’s primary role is to accommodate and expedient the ERC review process, which
ORM Reviewer: Project Name: includes:
 working from the summary of pursuit elements to specify all of the relevant Approval Matrix triggers,
Project Champion: 0

Capture Manager: Project Location:  analyzing the pursuit risk profile and collective mitigation strategies,
End Market:  making a recommendation to the ERC, and
Delivery Type: 0 Role:
 capture and follow up with the Pursuit Team on the Risk Committee’s conditions.
Group/Business Line:


Project Description and Strategic Intent:

Win Strategy/Unique Sell Proposal:

Bid Phase - Budget/Investment/Forward Loss: click on this link and scroll to Section VII to review the definition of Forward Loss


Third Parties:

Contingent Liabilities:

Insurance Framework:

Approval Matrix Triggers:

ORM Risk and Mitigation Discussion:

ORM Recommendation:

Risk Committee Submittal Template User’s Guide (R4-100-GL1) 30

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