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毒 手融一争
Se藤High SchooI CQre釦両軸un釦蜂腿

Reading and Writing

Komunikasyon at Pana軸ksik sa Wika at Kultu愉ng珊pino

Pagbasa aさ輔gsu軸r油g蹴t胎ang轍sto Tungo sa pananaliksik

21st Century Literature from the PhiIippines and the Wo醐

Contemporary ph哩Pine Arts from the Regions

Media and Info「mation Literacy

General Mathematics
Sfatistics and Probabiさfty

富a韓h and 」ife Science


Introduction to P輔oso轍o綱e軸man Perso職/ P翻b棚gad sa

Pitosopiya ng Tao

Physica惟ducation and Hea軸

串鋼滑稽a肘eve富o叩eれt I戸a調sa踊れg灼脚ね贈れ

Understanding Cu軸胎, Society, and Po醐cs

Ea軸Science (taken instead of Ea輔and Life Science for those in the

STEM Strand)
朝saster Readiness and Risk Reduction (taken instead of Physi9aI
Science for those両he S丁醐Strand)

Senio「 High SchooI AppIjed T胎Ck S岬ects

English for Academic and Professional Purposes

PraCtical Research l

Practical Research 2

削廟no sa P軸蛭と退職樹

l spo鷹S
Tech -vaC

Empowerment TechnoIogies (for the St昭nd)


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