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辞∴∴∴∴ Inqui「ies, Investigations and lmmersion

Academic T「ack

Accountancy. Business and Management (ABM〉 Strand

App"ed Economies
Business E踊CS and Social Responsib胴y
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management l
Fundamentals of A∞蝕鴫鵬y)軸siness and臆Managem頓雨2
Business Math
Business Finance
Organization and Management
P血CipIes of Marketing
Work l mmersion/Research/Career Advocacy/CtlIm i腿軸g 4cti陶
i"e・ Busjness Enterprise SimuIation

Humanities and Social Scichces (HUMSS) Strand

reative Writing / Mal軸aing Pagsulat
青めdudion to Wc潤Religions and Belief Systems

鵬 reative Nor涌Ction
rends’Networks’and Critica廿hinking in the 21 st Century C亜ure
輔PPjne Pc冊ics and Govemance _
Ommu桐y Engagement’Solida「ity, and Citizenship

鰹 iscip冊es a‘繭RE翰S航翫e Soc繭Sciences

isciplines and ldeas in the App書ied Social Sciences
Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culmina軸g Activity

Science’Technoきogy, Engineeri喝and Mathematies 〈ST畠閲〉 S主軸d

Basic CalcuIus
General Bio喜ogy l
Gene「al BioIogy 2
GeneraI Physics I
Gene昭I Physics 2
General Chemistry l and 2
Wo「k Imm ersio=/Research/Caree「 Advocacy/Cul minati ng Activity

Ge蹄卸盆登企c貧de調 耶串


Humanities 2*
Social Science叩
Applied Economics

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