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(11, 12).

Such luciferases have been supplant-

ing firefly luciferase for many applications in A rural rice farmer in India spreads fertilizer.
recent years. Similar to the efforts of Iwano Plants engineered to directly fix nitrogen from
et al., much effort has been expended on op- the air could reduce reliance on fertilizers.
timizing these luciferase-luciferin pairs. In
one recent example, Yeh et al. (13) optimized
NanoLuc for enhanced bioluminescence with
a synthetic analog of CTZ. This system is re-
ported to be ~80-fold brighter than firefly
luciferase with D-luciferin in vitro and ~60-
fold brighter when cells and substrate were
injected under the skin of a mouse.
Iwano et al. make a compelling case that
the exceptional in vitro brightness of CTZ-
dependent luciferases has led the scien-
tific community somewhat astray. While
acknowledging the brightness of such lu-
ciferases in vitro, they demonstrate that
CTZ-type substrates suffer from inadequate
biodistribution and spontaneous oxidation
and bioluminescence in vivo. This luciferase-

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independent bioluminescence contributes to
a brightening of the background and dimin- PLANT SCIENCE
ishes the sensitivity of BLI. D-luciferin–type
substrates, which require both ATP and O2 as
cosubstrates, are much less likely to undergo
luciferase-independent oxidation than CTZ-
Toward nitrogen-fixing plants
type substrates, which require only O2 as a A concerted research effort could yield engineered plants
cosubstrate. It remains to be seen whether
the community of researchers working on
that can directly fix nitrogen
CTZ-dependent luciferases can develop sub-
strates that combine resistance to in vivo oxi- By Allen Good fixing cereal plants by directly introducing
dation, red-shifted emission, and improved the genes required to make a functional

biodistribution, including blood-brain bar- itrogen is the main nutrient that lim- nitrogenase in a plant.
rier permeability. its crop yield. Biologically reactive Biological nitrogen fixation is catalyzed
AkaBLI is a substantial leap forward for nitrogen is therefore routinely sup- by nitrogenase, a complex and extremely
small-animal BLI. This technology will al- plied to crops as synthetic nitrogen oxygen-sensitive enzyme that requires mul-
low a range of in vivo applications, includ- fertilizer. In the developed world, the tiple genes for its assembly (5). The best
ing monitoring neuronal-activity–dependent extensive use of synthetic fertilizer studied nitrogenase, molybdenum (Mo) ni-
gene expression, following tumor growth and in agriculture has substantial financial and trogenase, consists of an iron (Fe) protein
metastasis, tracking immune cell migration, environmental costs (1). By contrast, in the (NifH) and a MoFe protein (NifDK) (5). The
monitoring stem cell fate, and assessing the developing world, the lack of fertilizer causes minimum genetic requirements for nitro-
efficiency of gene delivery and editing tech- low crop yields, resulting in hunger and mal- genase activity depend on the nitrogenase;
nologies. A future version, engineered for Ca2+- nutrition. Many of these problems could be the minimum genes required for the Mo ni-
responsive bioluminescence (14), could be avoided if plants could be engineered to fix trogenase in Escherichia coli include genes
a powerful tool for real-time imaging of neu- nitrogen directly from air. encoding the Fe and MoFe proteins (nifH,
ronal activity in freely behaving animals. j One hundred years ago, Burrill and Han- D, and K), a chaperone for correct folding
sen asked whether symbiosis is possible be- of one of the structural components (nifM),
tween nonlegume plants and the bacteria electron-transfer proteins (nifF and J), and
1. V. Pieribone, D. F. Gruber, Aglow in the Dark: The
Revolutionary Science of Biofluorescence (Harvard Univ. that produce nitrogen-fixing nodules on the cofactor assembly proteins (3, 6).
Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005). roots of legumes (2). This approach involves López-Torrejón et al. introduced nifH
2. J. R. de Wet et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 7870 (1985).
3. C. M. Rathbun, J. A. Prescher, Biochemistry 56, 5178 creating the capacity for nonlegumes to form and nifM genes from the nitrogen-fixing
(2017). a tight symbiotic relationship with nitrogen- bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii into the
4. S. Iwano et al., Science 359, 935 (2018). fixing bacteria. nuclear genome of the yeast Saccharomy-
5. H. H. Seliger, W. D. McElroy, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 88,

136 (1960). The advent of DNA technologies in the ces cerevisiae, which they used as a model
6. B. R. Branchini et al., Anal. Biochem. 396, 290 (2010). 1970s led to a second approach: introduc- eukaryote (7). NifH and NifM coexpression
7. V. R. Viviani et al., Biochemistry 38, 8271 (1999).
8. S. Iwano et al., Tetrahedron 69, 3847 (2013). ing nitrogen-fixation genes directly into a in aerobically grown yeast produced ac-
9. T. Kuchimaru et al., Nat. Commun. 7, 11856 (2016). plant. However, this dream remains unre- tive nitrogenase Fe protein, even without
10. W. W. Lorenz et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88, 4438 alized (3, 4). Here, we look at the current the presence of the Nif-specific iron-sulfur
11. S. Inouye et al., FEBS Lett. 481, 19 (2000). status and future of engineering nitrogen- (Fe-S) cluster assembly proteins (NifS and
12. M. P. Hall et al., ACS Chem. Biol. 7, 1848 (2012). NifU). This result showed that mitochon-
13. H.-W. Yeh et al., Nat. Methods 14, 971 (2017).
14. K. Suzuki et al., Nat. Commun. 7, 13718 (2016). dria can protect the oxygen-labile Fe pro-
Department of Biological Sciences, University
of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada. tein and that the native mitochondrial Fe-S
10.1126/science.aas9159 Email: cluster assembly machinery can success-

SCIENCE 23 FEBRUARY 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6378 869

Published by AAAS

Putative nitrogen-fixing plant reaching a consensus among researchers as

Efforts are under way to introduce bacterial nif genes into plants, thereby enabling them to fix nitrogen to the model plant systems to be used for
from the air. The use of such plants as crops would reduce the need for fertilizer. ADP, adenosine diphosphate; development of nitrogen-fixing plants. Use-
Pi, inorganic phosphate. ful model dicot plants could include tobacco
(the classic model) and a nonlegume oilseed
nif such as Brassica napus, which is already a
Ambient N2 genes
transgenic crop; rice and wheat would be
logical cereal crops.
Root The economic benefits of biological nitro-
cell gen fixation by plants could be substantial.
Electron transport, Globally, over $100 billion per year is spent
cofactor, and on fertilizers, and the environmental costs
assembly genes
are even greater. In the United States alone,
the cost of farm-associated nitrogen pollution
Nucleus has been estimated to be $157 billion annu-
ally (13). Fertilizer use also contributes to cli-
Root Nitrogenase mate change. The Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that 1%
of the nitrogen fertilizer is lost in the form
of NOx. This translates into a CO2 equivalent
of 300 million metric tons (MMT), at a cur-

Downloaded from on March 1, 2018

NH4+ rent value of $4.5 billion annually (14). A
ATP nitrogen-fixing plant would not only reduce
ADP + Pi the costs of food production but would, in
theory, address many of the environmental
Nitrogen-fxing organelle
costs. Yet, current international funding for
Transport NH4 and this research is likely between $5 million and
nitrogen compounds Plant primary $10 million annually—a tiny fraction of the
to shoots Plant nitrogen compounds
Nitrogen metabolism money spent on fertilizers.
With adequate funding, it should be pos-
sible within the next decade or so to create
fully assemble and insert the Fe-S clusters functional plant-hosted nitrogenase is, where a transgenic plant that can fix nitrogen at
required for Fe protein function. to target such genes in plants (chloroplast or biologically significant rates. However, the
Progress has also been made in introduc- mitochondria), and what the optimal expres- real challenge will be to demonstrate that a
ing nitrogenase genes into plants. Ivleva et sion levels of the various genes necessary for plant can fix significant amounts of nitrogen,
al. (8) introduced the nifH and nifM genes producing a robust nitrogenase are. Nitro- consistently, in the field. Given the present
into the tobacco chloroplast genome and genase uses large amounts of adenosine tri- understanding of the biochemical basis of
demonstrated that the transgenic plants phosphate (ATP), but the theoretical energy nitrogen fixation and its genetic determi-
produced detectable Fe protein activity. Bu- requirement for nitrogen fixation is almost nants, as well as technical advances in plant
rén et al. (9) expressed a synthetic version identical to that required for nitrate assimila- transformation and organellar targeting, and
of NifB from the thermophilic methanogen tion (12). Furthermore, in legumes, attempts a concerted research effort, the dream of a ni-
Methanocaldococcus infernus in tobacco to estimate energy requirements for biologi- trogen-fixing crop plant in the field could be
and found that it accumulated as a soluble cal nitrogen fixation by growing legumes achieved within the next several decades. j
protein. Allen et al. (10) showed that to- with or without nitrate have generally indi-
bacco plants can transiently express several cated little or no difference in growth (except
1. J. N. Galloway et al., Science 320, 889 (2008).
different nitrogenase proteins targeted to for the initial period of nodule establishment) 2. T. J. Burrill, R. Hansen, Ill. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 202, 115
the mitochondria. Yang et al. (11) have also (12). The product of nitrogen fixation, ammo- (1917).
3. E. J. Vicente, D. R. Dean, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114,
shown that plant-sourced electron trans- nium (see the figure), can be toxic to plants; 3009 (2017).
port chains can replace bacterial electron- however, plants have ammonium transport- 4. P. H. Beatty, A. G. Good, Science 333, 416 (2011).
transfer components, in a model system. ers available to move ammonium from the 5. L. C. Seefeldt et al., Annu. Rev. Biochem. 78, 701 (2009).
6. J. Yang et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111, E3718 (2014).
These studies prove that scientists can mitochondrion into the cytoplasm and subse- 7. G. López-Torrejón et al., Nat. Commun. 7, 11426 (2016).
dissect the function of different nitrogenase quently load it into the xylem. A plant that is 8. N. B. Ivleva et al., PLOS ONE 11, e0160951 (2016).
9. S. Burén et al., Front. Plant Sci. 8, 1567 (2017).
genes in their host species and in model fixing nitrogen at a sufficient rate to produce 10. R. S. Allen et al., Front. Plant Sci. 8, 287 (2017).
bacteria, yeast, and plants. Engineered amounts of ammonium that are toxic to the 11. J. Yang et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114, E2460
plants can make the most oxygen-labile plant would, in some ways, represent an in- (2017).
12. I. R. Kennedy, Y.-T. Tchan, Plant Soil 141, 93 (1992).
component of nitrogenase, the Fe protein, teresting success of this research. 13. D. J. Sobota et al., Environ. Res. Lett. 10, 025006 (2015).
in different organelles, and this component Once transgenic plants have been devel- 14. Based on the current value of CO2 on the California carbon

exchange of $15 per ton. IPCC; 1% = 1 MMT = 300 MMT

is functional when combined with bacteri- oped that exhibit nitrogenase activity in the carbon equivalents. At a current cost of $15 per MT, this is
ally produced MoFe protein in vitro (7). laboratory, there will be substantial chal- equivalent to $4.5 billion annually.
However, several scientific challenges must lenges to moving the technology to the field,
be overcome before we can make a nitrogen- not least of which might be achieving the
Thanks to P. Beatty, D. Dean, R. Dixon, L. Rubio, and Y. Wang for
fixing plant (see the figure). For example, it public acceptance of a genetically modified support and editorial advice.
remains unclear what the minimum number plant. Not all challenges can be predicted,
of nif genes necessary for production of a but the best way forward would include 10.1126/science.aas8737

870 23 FEBRUARY 2018 • VOL 359 ISSUE 6378 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Toward nitrogen-fixing plants
Allen Good

Science 359 (6378), 869-870.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aas8737

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