Raising Ducks: Some Facts & Figures What About Disadvantages?

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Raising Ducks

Dave Holderread
poultry researchers in North America consume 20 to 30 percent more feed than
Holderread Waterfowl Farm & have spent the last 100 years and count- a similarly sized Leghorn. But, due to the
Preservation Center less millions of dollars on improving the larger size and greater number of eggs
PO Box 492 productivity of chickens, ducks—for all produced by ducks, trials have shown
Corvallis, OR 97330 practical purposes—have been ignored. that with proper management, ducks are
www.holderreadfarm.com Despite all the attention chickens received, still more efficient when the quantity of
it’s unusual for a commercial flock of feed to produce a pound of eggs is calcu-

f you want an economical and steady Leghorns to average over 250 to 280 eggs lated. Since ducks are considerably better
supply of homegrown eggs that are per hen in a year’s time. On the other hand, foragers than chickens, the efficiency of
nutritious and tasty, you’ll need a Campbell ducks of good strains often ducks is further enhanced when they are
flock of chickens, right? Well, not neces- average 300 or more eggs per bird during allowed to rustle free foods in bodies of
sarily. No doubt about it, chickens have the course of 12 months. water, pastures or grassy yards.
proven their worth as fine producers of Duck eggs also weigh five to eight Ducks are also incredibly resistant to
savory eggs and should not be discred- ounces per dozen more than chicken eggs. disease and cold and wet weather. The
ited. However, during the last decade, a In spite of the fact that some literature average mortality rate in home flocks is
growing number of us North Americans on the subject states otherwise, practical significantly lower with ducks than with
have been discovering what many Asians experience and tests conducted by institu- chickens. Due to their greater hardiness,
and Europeans have known for a long tions such as the University of Nebraska ducks require less elaborate housing
time: under many circumstances, ducks clearly show that duck eggs retain their than chickens—yet another advantage.
have advantages over their cackling rela- freshness during storage considerably lon- And, because egg-type ducks are not
tives as producers of eating eggs. ger than those of chickens. On various oc- accomplished high jumpers, they are
casions, we have refrigerated well-cleaned easily confined with a two- or three-foot
Some Facts & Figures duck eggs for four months and longer with high barrier.
Relatively few people in the Americas no detectible change in flavor.
realize that, on the whole, ducks are more It is true that, when raised in confine- What About Disadvantages?
proficient layers than chickens. While ment, a 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 pound duck will If you have never raised laying ducks,
you’re probably asking, “Okay, what
are their drawbacks?” After raising and
comparing all species of domestic poultry
over the course of the last 20 years, I’ve
yet to run across a major disadvantage
in ducks under most small flock condi-
Waterfowl do like to wash their bills
and heads frequently, so their drinking
water should be changed at least several
times weekly—and preferably daily. If
crowded in a small pen with a dirt floor
during wet weather, they will turn their
quarters into a muddy mess. But, ad-
equate bedding (such as sand, straw or
wood shavings), larger pens or the use of
wire floors takes care of this problem.
People who have close neighbors are
sometimes concerned about noise. On the
A Mini Silver Appleyard pair flanking a large Silver Appleyard duck showing the whole, ducks of the egg breeds are no
comparative sizes. Englishman Reginald Appleyard developed this hardy and colorful
noisier than chickens, especially when
bantam duck in the 1940s. At maturity, they typically weigh 30 to 36 ounces. The
females are exceptional natural mothers, and make excellent surrogate broodies
raised in small flocks consisting of six
for hatching the eggs of Call ducks and other difficult-to-hatch breeds. Mini Silver to eight birds.
Appleyard ducklings (along with Australian Spotted ducklings) are the hardiest of the “But aren’t duck eggs strong-flavored?”
bantam duck breeds. is a common question. The flavor of eggs
20 Backyard Poultry
is controlled by the diet of the producing Feed
birds. If ducks (or chickens) are fed a ra- To keep ducks laying the year around,
tion containing fish products or the birds they must be supplied an adequate amount
are allowed to feed in bodies of water or of laying feed that provides a minimum
pastures where they can pick up pungent of 15 to 16 percent crude protein. Most
natural foods, the eggs can be tainted. chicken laying rations prove satisfactory,
When duck and chicken eggs are pro- although those that are medicated have
duced with similar feeding and manage- been suspected of causing illness—even
ment, the taste of the end product is vir- death—in ducks, especially when birds
tually indistinguishable. Over the years, are raised in confinement and cannot
we have served thousands of scrambled, dilute the potency of the medications
fried, poached, deviled, soft boiled, souf- through foraging. To reduce waste and
fleed and creped duck eggs to meal guests prevent ducks from choking, pellets are
and at potlucks, picnics, wedding buffets preferred, but course crumbles normally
and youth camps. In my recollection, not work out okay. Fine, powdery feeds
once has anyone suspected they weren’t should be avoided.
dining on chicken eggs until we told them Feed can be left in front of the birds
otherwise. Interestingly, before being told at all times in a trough or hopper feeder,
that they were eating duck cuisine, we’ve or it can be given twice daily in quantities
had numerous people mention that the that the ducks will clean up in 10 to 15
eggs were exceptionally good. minutes. The first method insures that the
The shells of duck eggs are slightly ducks are never deprived of feed, while
more difficult to crack and are pearly the second system helps prevent feed
white rather than chalk white as in loss to rodents and encourages the fowl
chicken eggs—but I can’t see these as to forage during the day. However, laying
disadvantages. The albumen of duck eggs A two-year-old Penciled Runner drake. birds cannot be expected to continue lay-
is somewhat firmer and usually takes Originally from Southeast Asia, the ing consistently, particularly during cold
slightly longer to whip up for meringues graceful and comical Indian Runner is an weather, if their intake of concentrated
and angel food cakes than the white of old-time favorite. The Runner is one of feeds is inadequate.
chicken eggs. the most useful and entertaining members To produce mild-flavored eggs, feed
of the duck clan. Excellent layers and containing marine products should not be
outstanding foragers, they are a great
Choosing a Breed utilized. Dr. George Arscott, head of the
help in controlling mosquito larvae, slugs,
There are a variety of duck breeds that Oregon Stat University Poultry Science
snails and many other garden pests.
make adequate layers. However, for top The Holderread’s have been breeding Department, also urges that cottonseed
efficiency and year 'round production, Runners since the early 1960s and have meal not be used in breeding or laying
Campbells, Welsh Harlequins, Indian them in many color varieties. rations since this protein supplement con-
Runners, Magpies and Anconas from tains a toxin that can reduce hatchability
strains selected for egg production are seal-brown, silky white plumage, orange and produce strange coloration in eggs,
usually the best choices. Pekins are good feet and legs and bills that range from especially if the eggs are stored several
seasonal layers of jumbo-sized eggs, but pink to yellowish-pink in color. weeks before being eaten. You might also
due to their large size and corresponding Along with their fine laying prowess, want to keep in mind that feed stuffs such
hearty appetites, they require nearly twice the graceful Indian Runners are some as corn and dehydrated or fresh greens
as much feed to produce a pound of eggs of the most entertaining of all domestic cause bright-colored yolks, while wheat,
when compared to the above mentioned ducks. Tall and slender, they have often oats and barley result in pale yolks.
breeds. been referred to as “Penguin ducks” due While producing, ducks are very
Campbells, and their close relative to their nearly vertical carriage. Mature sensitive to sudden changes in their di-
the Welsh Harlequin, are generally con- weights of the ducks and drakes are simi- ets. To avoid throwing your birds into a
sidered the best layers of all domestic lar to that of Campbells—in the four- to premature molt and drastically reducing
poultry. Individual females have been five-pound range. egg production, it’s wise to never change
known to produce 360 or more eggs in a With proper care, Runners, Magpies feeds while ducks are laying. If the brand
year’s time, although flock averages are and Anconas from good laying strains or type of feed you’ve been using must be
nearer 275 to 325. can produce 200 to over 300 white or altered, do so gradually, preferably over a
Egg-bred Campbells are available blue eggs yearly that average approxi- span of at least a week or 10 days.
both in Khaki and White color varieties. mately two ounces larger per dozen than
Khaki Campbell drakes (males) have Campbell eggs. Runners are bred in a Water
iridescent greenish-bronze heads and rainbow of colors, including White, Fawn High-producing ducks need a con-
khaki bodies, while ducks (females) are and White, Penciled, Solid Fawn, Black, stant supply of reasonably clean drinking
varying shades of khaki brown with dark Blue, Chocolate, Buff and Gray. water. Both the number and size of eggs
October/November, 2007 21
will suffer if birds are frequently allowed
to go thirsty.
Water containers do not need to be
elaborate, although I do suggest that
they be at least four to six inches deep
to permit the ducks to clean their bills
and eyes. For just a couple of ducks, a
gallon tin can will suffice—and is easily
cleaned. For a larger number of birds, a
three- to five-gallon bucket placed below
a slowly dripping faucet or outfitted
with a float valve works well. Larger
containers—such as a child’s wading
pool or an old hot water tank that has been
cut in half—will be enjoyed for bathing
by ducks, but can be a nuisance to clean
our regularly. Ducks do not need bathing
water to remain healthy.
To prevent unsanitary mud holes from Day-old Australian Spotted ducklings (Blueheads on left; Greenheads on right).
developing around the watering area, According to John C. Kriner, Jr. in correspondence with Dave Holderread, he
and Stanley Mason developed the diminutive and exquisite Australian Spotted in
it’s advantageous to place all watering
Pennsylvania during the 1920s. Henry K. Miller started his own strain in the 1940s.
receptacles on wire-covered platforms Mature weights typically are 30-36 ounces. This exceptionally hardy and beautiful little
or locate them on the outside of the pen duck is easily tamed and the females are good natural mothers. Australian Spotted
where the birds must reach through fenc- ducklings (along with Mini Silver Appleyard ducklings) are the hardiest of the bantam
ing in order to drink. duck breeds. Photos courtesy of Holderread Waterfowl Farm & Preservation Center.
During cold weather, when drinking
water freezes, an electric water warmer (a helps keep bedding reasonably dry and provide sufficient illumination for ap-
variety of such devices are available from sanitary. proximately 100 square feet of ground
the larger poultry and game bird supply Because ducks roost on the ground at space. Probably more important than
dealers) can be used or lukewarm water night, they are susceptible to predators. intensity is consistency. It is paramount
should be provided a minimum of two or Under most circumstances, ducks should that the length of light never decreases
three times daily. be locked up at nighttime in a yard that while birds are producing heavily, or else
is tightly fenced with woven wire or net- the rate of lay can be drastically curtailed
Housing ting at least four feet high. In areas where or brought to a sudden halt.
With their well-oiled feathers and thieves such as weasels, raccoons and One method is to leave a light burn-
thick coating of down, ducks are amaz- large owls are known to roam, it is much ing all night, which helps in keeping the
ingly resistant to cold and wet weather. safer to lock ducks in a varmint-proof birds calm. However, ducks exposed
For ducks in general, a windbreak that is building or pen at nightfall. to 24 hours of light daily seem to have
bedded on the protected side with dry lit- a tendency to go broody after several
ter usually provides sufficient protection Lighting months. A better system, and the one we
in areas where temperatures occasionally For consistent winter egg produc- have used extensively, is to purchase an
drop to 0º F. However, for laying ducks, tion—especially in cold climate—ducks, automatic timer switch (small, depend-
feed conversion and egg yields can be like chickens, must be exposed to a able models are available for about $10
improved if ducks are housed at night- minimum of 13 to 14 hours of light daily. from most hardware dealers) that can
time whenever temperatures regularly Therefore, during the short days between be set to expose the birds to 13 to 16
fall more than 5º to 10º F below the freez- September and April, laying birds need hours of light daily by turning the lights
ing level. supplemental lighting in most areas of on before daybreak and off after night
The duck house can be a simple the Northern Hemisphere. Small flock fall. To prevent premature broodiness
shed-like structure (approximately owners often ignore this requirement and molting, 16 to 17 hours of light
three feet high) and does not require and end up being disappointed with each day seems to be the upper limit
furnishings such as raised nests, perch- their birds’ performance. However, day for ducks.
es and dropping pits. When ducks are length is extremely important since it is
housed only at night, a minimum of the photoperiod that automatically turns One Last Word
three to five square feet of floor space the reproductive organs of poultry on One reason egg-laying ducks have
per duck is recommended. If you antici- and off. been rather slow catching on in this coun-
pate keeping your ducks inside continu- The intensity of light required is low. try is that high producing stock has often
ously during severe weather, providing One 25-watt clear or white bulb located been difficult to locate. Sad to say, the
each bird with eight to 15 square feet five to six feet above floor level will productivity of many breeding flocks has
22 Backyard Poultry
been allowed to degenerate, and much
The Homestead Duck

too frequently, any ducks even slightly
resembling Campbells or Runners have
been sold as the real article. n the duck family, White Pekins are by far the most popular meat breed.
I would like to emphasize that if you The famous Long Island ducklings are Pekins. But homesteaders are a
decide to raise ducks for the produc- diverse lot, and almost any breed can be found on small farms.
tion of eating eggs, by all means make Some people prefer duck eggs to chicken eggs. Most ducks are seasonal
sure you acquire birds that have been layers, so if duck eggs interest you consider a breed such as the Khaki Camp-
selected specifically for high egg yields. bell or the Indian Runner. These lay as well as some chickens. As with hens
Fortunately, there are several breeding that lay at a high rate, these breeds are not valued for meat because of their
farms and hatcheries in the U.S. today small size and slow growth. Khaki Campbells, with proper housing and feed-
that are working with, and distributing, ing, have laid as many as 360 eggs per year. Like the Leghorn hen, they don’t
fine laying ducks. make good setters because they’re rather nervous.
Dave Holderread is the author of Since most ducks lay in the early morning, they can be penned up at night
several books including Storey’s Guide and released in mid-morning to forage. They will eat a great deal of grass if
to Raising Ducks and The Book of allowed free range. Nests should be 12 x 18 x 12 inches deep.
Geese, a Complete Guide to Raising For meat, white feathered fowl of any variety are usually preferred because
the Home Flock, available from the they dress out more attractively. In ducks, this means the White Pekin and the
Backyard Poultry bookstore, see page White Muscovy.
16. Visit the Holderread Waterfowl Other breeds are used by homesteaders, of course. These include the Mus-
Farm & Preservation Center at www. covy, Mallard, Rouen and others that are less common.
holderreadfarm.com. They have enjoyed Pekins, which lay about 160 eggs a year under proper management, weigh
raising and studying domestic geese and about eight to nine pounds at maturity – the hens being somewhat smaller
ducks continuously since 1961, special- than the drakes They are usually butchered at about six pounds (much more
izing in purebred waterfowl that possess tender then, and more efficient feed conversion) which should be at about
a unique blend of superb production nine weeks of age. Some breeders claim their strains reach seven pounds in
and exhibition qualities. Their breed- seven weeks on 22 pounds of feed…showing once again the importance of
ing program encompasses more than 20 genetics, even to homesteaders.
heritage goose varieties and 40 heritage Muscovies are somewhat larger. They lay about 40 to 50 eggs a year.
duck varieties, including some of the
world's rarest and most unique breeds. Reprinted with permission from Raising Small Livestock: A Practical
Reprinted from Backyard Poultry, May, Handbook by Jerome Belanger, Dover Publications.
1980; Revised 2007.

Source: University of Wisconsin-Extension, “Raising Waterfowl” Publication A3311, by Phillip J. Clauer and John L. Skinner.

October/November, 2007 23

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