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Christine Rose Labao August 23, 2018




Evangelii Nuntiandi (Evangelization in the Modern World) is an apostolic exhortation issued on

December 8, 1975 by Pope Paul VI on the theme of Catholic Evangelization. It affirms the role of
every Christian, not only ordained minister, priests, and deacons, or religious, or professional
church staff, in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In other words, Evangelii Nuntiandi tells us
how to evangelize or proclaim the message of the gospel in context with the present situation of
the society and of the world. It was like re-defining the meaning of evangelization in context.
With this general perspective and purpose of the publish of this document, it can be said that the
call for renewal is extended not only for the ordained ministers but to all believers in all forms of
human society.

The exhortation has an introduction followed by seven sections. The introduction articulates
evangelization as the Church's primary service. The first section highlights the connection
between Christ the evangelizer and his Church which imitates his example. In the second section,
Paul VI and the Synod of Bishops propose a definition of evangelization in contrast to all of the
other possible conceptions of the term. The third section explains the content of evangelization.
The fourth describes the methods of evangelization. The fifth denotes the beneficiaries of
evangelization while the sixth section clarifies who the workers in evangelization are. The
seventh, and last, section considers the Spirit of evangelization.


Paul VI recognized the fact that there are close links between evangelization and human
advancement-development and liberation because the man who is to be evangelized is not an
abstract being but a person subject to economic and social factors. On the theological sphere,
there is a connection between the plan of creation and the plan of redemption which extends to
the very question of eradicating injustice and establishing justice. These are not unconnected
with the evangelical order where we ask the question of how the gospel message be proclaimed
without promoting a true practical advancement of man in a spirit of justice and peace? But the
works of evangelization cannot be reduced to just the question of liberation or confined to any
restricted sphere-economic, doctrinal, political, or social. It must embrace the whole man in all
his components and aspects.

The church therefore, has the divine mandate to preach the good news to all nations. Hence, like
Christ who went about doing good, the church amidst a changing world must distinguish herself
by preaching the truth, and bringing salvation to the door steps of the oppressed, the invalid, the
outcast and others that are living in degrading conditions. The evangelization championed by the
church is meant to give abundant life, ensure fundamental human rights; secure structures
safeguarding human freedoms, religious liberty and to redirect mankind to that sublime and
eternal treasure which is the kingdom of God. A good evangelization must take into account
advancements in the science and technology and others spheres of human endeavors. While
stressing the importance of these materials made available human proper usage, on the other
hand, the church must not fail to stress that the misuse of these materials can be catastrophic to
nature and human lives as well.


Evangelization is the mission of the Church. It is Her essential mission. This theme of
evangelization touches every aspect of our Catholicism. This theme touches and affects each of
us. The old Catechism definition of why God made us still holds true. God made us to know Him,
to love Him, and to serve Him in this life so as to enjoy eternal happiness with Him in eternity.
The mission the Lord has entrusted to us is to be His instruments to deepen our own communion
with Him and to bring others into communion with Him, through an encounter with Jesus Christ.
Recognizing our need to be more deeply evangelized and then recognizing our responsibility to
engage in this essential mission of the Church can be an exciting venture. We believe in the power
of the Gospel and God’s grace to transform our society but we must first allow the Gospel and
God’s grace to transform us.

With that being said, the exhortation is highly promising. I just hope that it is still feasible up to
know given that it has been forty-three (43) years since it was issued. I also hope that it holds
true that our faith and life is being utilized to serve society for its betterment.


Wikipedia. (2018, July 12). Evangelii Nuntiandi. Retrieved August 22, 2018, from Wikipedia:

Wordpress. (2013, July 26). Evangelii Nuntiandi as a Social Doctrine and its Relevance to Africa.
Retrieved August 22, 2018, from Wordpress:

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