SYLLABUS - Principles of MKTG

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Republic of the Philippines


Naval, Biliran


SYLLABUS in Marketing 221

(Bachelor of Science in Business Administration)
2nd Semester SY 2014-2015



Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Part-time Instructor Chair, BSBA Dept.

Approved by:


Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

A globally competitive State University imbued with positive values, and contributory to sustainable development and progress.


To generate world-class graduates adequately equipped with quality education, professional training and relevant skills in maritime education, engineering, arts and
sciences and health related programs, tourism, education, ICT, business and entrepreneurship, agriculture, fishery and forestry through instruction, research, extension and
production services.

NSU Motto

Nobility, Solidarity and Unity


To become a dynamic College providing adequate general education programs to other colleges of the University, developing competent mentors, and offering responsive
and relevant degree programs.

NSU-CAS Objectives

1. To strengthen CAS as a service college for general education subjects of the University;
2. To offer responsive and relevant curricular programs in arts and sciences, health related programs, business and entrepreneurship, public safety and forensic
3. To undertake relevant activities for the promotion and improvement of the teachers’ competence who adopt appropriate materials, modalities and facilities in
4. To undertake relevant research in liberal arts and entrepreneurial management, public safety and disaster preparedness, and community health care management;
5. To conduct high-impact integrated community extension services programs in coordination with other units of NSU that are geared towards skills and livelihood
development, improvement of quality of life, disaster risk management and promotion of community health and sanitation;
6. To develop and harness the competence of students to yield laudable performances in competitions and board examinations.

The course focuses on the total understanding on fundamentals of marketing, marketing management and delivering and communicating quality service to
customers. The role of marketing management is to help companies better understand customer preferences, link that knowledge to designing appropriate
products and services for selected customers, and determine appropriate methods to communicate, capture, and deliver value. Successful firms are those
that pursue objectives, employ resources, and invest in the future of an organization to consistently satisfy the needs of customers better than competitors.
These ideas apply to both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.


At the completion of this course, students should be able to:

1.Understand the different principles of marketing and concepts.

2. Enhance understanding on problem solving abilities in operational areas of marketing management
3. Present examples of how firms organize their marketing efforts to build sales and customer relationship
4. Bridge the disciplines of marketing and integrated marketing communications
5. Present and defend marketing management recommendations in a marketing plan



Address: San Jose Village, Calumpang, NAVAL, BILIRAN


Contact No.
Specific Objectives Content Coverage Instructional Modes/ Learning Assessment Time
Learning Activities Resources Schemes Allotted
Acquire a better understanding of NSU’s vision I. Introductory Objectives Collaborative and NSU Journals Oral 2 hours
and mission as well as the philosophy, goals, and  History, Vision, Mission of the Cooperative Learning Publications Assessment
objectives of the College of Arts and Sciences. University Brainstorming
 Philosophy, Goals and Objectives Reflection
Relate NSU’s vision and mission as well as of CAS
philosophy, goals, and objectives of the College  Course Syllabus
of Arts and Sciences to ones’ own vision, mission
and objectives in life.

Identify student’s role in the attainment of

NSU’s vision and mission and CAS objectives.

II. MARKETING: Creating and Capturing Lecture Books Oral recitation 4 hours
Customer Value Brainstorming Internet Sources Quiz
• Define Marketing and outline the steps in the  What is Marketing Discussion
marketing process  Understanding the Marketplace
• Explain the importance of understanding and Customer Needs
customers and the marketplace and identify the  Designing a Customer-driven
five core marketplace concepts. Marketing Strategy
• Appreciate the factors and scope of marketing  Preparing and Integrated
and know by heart the current trends, tasks and Marketing Plan and Program
concepts of marketing.  Building Customer Relationship
 Identify the key elements of a customer-driven  Capturing Value from Customers
marketing strategy and discuss the marketing Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
 The Changing Marketing
management orientations that guide Internet Sources Written
marketing strategy. Case Study Assessment

III. Company and Marketing Strategy:

Partnering to Build Customer
 Company-wide Strategic
• Explain company-wide strategic planning and Collaborative and
Planning: Defining Marketing’s
its four steps. Cooperative Learning
• Discuss how to design business portfolios and  Designing the Business Portfolio Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
develop growth stages.  Planning Marketing: Partnering to Internet Sources Written
• Explain marketing’s role in strategic planning Build Customer Relationship Case Study Assessment
and how marketing works with its partners  Product Planning: The Nature and
to create and deliver customer value. Contents of a Marketing Plan
 Lecture
• Discuss the components of modern marketing IV. Gathering Information and Scanning Case Study
information system. the Environment Books Oral Assessment
• Comprehend what are the useful internal  Components of a Modern Internet Sources Written 3 hours
records needed for marketing management. Marketing Information System Assessment
• Understand what are involved in a marketing  Internal Records and Marketing
intelligence system. Intelligence
• Discuss and understand the key methods for  Analyzing the Macroenvironment Lecture
tracking and identifying opportunities in the  Other Major Macroenvironment Brainstorming
macroenvironment. Discussion
. V. Creating Customer Value,
Satisfaction and Loyalty
• Appreciate what are customer values,  Building Customer Value,
satisfaction, and loyalty, and how can companies Satisfaction, and Loyalty Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
deliver them. Internet Sources Written
 Maximizing Customer Lifetime
• Discuss and understand what are lifetime Case Study Assessment
values for customers.
 Cultivating Customer
•Develop and comprehend how to cultivate
lasting customer relationship. Lecture
Would Be Efficient
• Understand how companies deliver total Brainstorming
 Customer Database and
quality. Discussion
Database Marketing

VI. Analyzing Consumer Markets

• Appreciate how consumers characteristics
 What Influences Consumer
influence buying behavior.
• Describe and identify the major psychological Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
 Key Psychological Processes Internet Sources Written
processes influence consumer responses to
marketing programs.  The Buying Decision Process: The Assessment
• Consider how consumers make purchasing Five Stage Model
 Other Theories of Consumer
decisions. Decision Making
VII. Analyzing Business Markets Brainstorming
•Compare and contrast the differences between  What is Organizational Buying? Discussion
business and consumer markets.  Participants in the Business
• Identify the different buying situations Buying Process
organizational buyers face and who participates  The Purchasing/Procurement Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
in business-to-business buying process. Process Internet Sources Written
• Understand how companies build strong  Stages in the Buying Process Library Research Assessment
relationship with business customers.  Managing Business-to-Business Case Study
• Understand how institutional and government Customer Relationship
agencies do their buying.  Institutional and Government Lecture
Markets Brainstorming
VIII. Identifying Market Segments
• Discuss the different levels of market and Targets Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
segmentation.  Levels of Market Segmentation Internet Sources Written
• Discuss how companies divide a market into  Segmenting Consumer Markets Assessment
segments.  Basis for Segmenting Business
• Explain how companies choose the most Markets
attractive target markets. Lecture
 Market Targeting
IX. Creating Brand Equity
• Discuss what is brand and how does branding Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
 What is Brand Equity
works. Internet Sources Written
 Building Brand Equity
• Understand what brand equity is and how it is Assessment
 Measuring and Managing Brand
built, measured and managed.
• Describe and comprehend what are the
important decisions in developing a branding  Devising a Branding Strategy Lecture
strategy. Brainstorming
Discussion Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
• Appreciate how a firm choose and X. Crafting the Brand Positioning Internet Sources Written
communicate an effective positioning in the  Developing and Communicating a Library Research Assessment
market. Positioning Strategy Case Study
• Discuss how brands are differentiated.  Differentiation Strategies
• Describe what marketing strategies are  Product Life-Cycles Marketing Lecture
appropriate at each stage of product life cycle.  Market Evolution Brainstorming
XI. Dealing With Competition
• Comprehend how marketers identify primary  Competitive Forces
competitors.  Identifying Competitors
• Understand how to analyze competitors’  Analyzing Competitors Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
strategies, objectives, strengths, and  Competitive Strategies for Internet Sources Written
weaknesses. Market Leaders Assessment
• Understand how can market leaders expand  Balancing Customer and
the total market and defend their market share. Competitor Orientations
• Understand how market challengers attack Lecture
market leaders and how market nichers Brainstorming
compete effectively. Discussion

XII. Setting Product Strategy

• Understand how products are classified and  Product Characteristics and Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
their characteristics. Classification Internet Sources Written
• Discuss how companies differentiate products  Differentiation Assessment
and how they build the different product mix  Product and Brand Relationships
and product lines.
 Packaging, Labeling, Warranties,
• Understand how companies use packaging, Lecture
and Guaranties
labeling, warranties and guarantees as Brainstorming
marketing tools. Discussion
XIII.Designing and Managing Services
• Understand what is service, how it is classified Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
 The Nature for Services
and how they differ from goods. Internet Sources Written
 Marketing Strategies for Service
• Comprehend how services are marketed and Library Research Assessment
how service quality be improved.
 Managing Service Quality
• Understand how goods-producing companies
improve customer support services.  Managing Service Brands and Lecture
Support Services Brainstorming Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
Discussion Internet Sources Written
• Elucidate how consumers process and XIV. Developing Pricing Strategies and Case Study Assessment
evaluate prices. Programs
• Appreciate how companies initially set prices  Understanding Pricing
for products and services.  Setting the Price Lecture
 Initiating and Adapting to Price
• Discuss how companies adapt prices to meet Changes Brainstorming
varying circumstances and opportunities. Discussion
XV. Designing and Managing
• Understand the role of marketing Integrated Marketing
communications. Communications
• Discuss and comprehend how marketing  The Role of Marketing
communications works and be able to develop Communications
major steps in marketing communications.  Developing Effective Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
• Identify what are communications mix and Communications Internet Sources Written
how it could be set.  Deciding on the Marketing Library Research Assessment
• Understand what integrated marketing Communications Mix
communications is.  Managing the Integrated
Marketing Communications Lecture
Process Brainstorming
XVI. Managing Mass Communications:
• Describe what steps are involved in managing Advertising, Sales Promotions,
an advertising program. Events, and Public Relations
 Understand how sales promotions are made  Developing and Managing an
and comprehend guidelines for effective Advertising Program
brand-building events and experiences.  Deciding on Media and Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
 Know how companies exploit the potential of Measuring Effectiveness Internet Sources Written
public relations and publicity.  Sales Promotions Case Study Assessment
 Events and Experiences
 Public Relations
XVII. Managing Personal Brainstorming
 Identify how companies use integrated direct Communications: Direct Marketing Discussion Books Oral Assessment 3 hours
marketing for competitive advantage. and Personal Selling Internet Sources Written
 Understand how companies do effective e-  Direct and Interactive Marketing
Library Research Assessment
marketing.  Designing and Managing the
 Elucidate the decisions companies made in Salesforce
designing a salesforce. Lecture
 Principles of Personal Selling
Discussion 54 hours
XVIII. Managing a Holistic Marketing
 Know the important trends in marketing Organization
practices.  Trends in Marketing Practices
 Comprehend the keys to effective internal  Socially Responsible Marketing
marketing.  Marketing Implementation
 Identify how companies become responsible  Evaluation and Control
social marketers.  The Future of Marketing
 Understand the tools that are available to help
companies monitor and improve its marketing

E. Methodology/ Strategies
1. Participatory Lecture Discussion
2. Group Dynamics/Discussion
3. Use of Multimedia in Reporting
4. Current Examples/Situations in the Marketing and Management World
5. Library and Internet Research
6. Case Study
7. Services Firm Evaluation
8. Creative Reporting and Recitation
9. Periodic Examination

F. Instructional Material
1. Reference Books
2. Internet Sources

G. Course Requirements
1. Attendance of at least 80% of total number of sessions
2. Graded Recitation, Assignments, Class Discussion
3. Quizzes and Summative Tests
4. Midterm/Final Examinations
5. Case Analysis
6. Projects

H. Criteria for Evaluation

Class Standing 30%
Quizzes 50%
Recitation 20%
Assignments 20%
Attendance 10%

Major Examinations 40%

Mid Term Exam 50%
Final Exam 50%

Project 20%

Character 10%
Wearing of Uniform 25%
Classroom Discipline 25%
Punctuality 25%
Cooperation 25%
Total 100%


Marketing Management , 12th Edition, Kotler, Phillip and Kevin Lane Keller, Pearson Education Incorporated, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Copyright 2010

Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy by Christopher Lovelock and Jochen Wirtz, 7th Edition, 2011. ISBN: 978-0136107217.

Service Marketing, The Relationship Factor, Jeffrey Tarter, Executive, Association of Support Professionals

Adcock, Dennis; Al Halborg, Caroline Ross (2001). "Introduction". Marketing: principles and practice. p. 16. Retrieved 2009-10-23.

"Marketing Management: Strategies and Programs", Guiltinan et al., McGraw Hill/Irwin, 1996

Dev, Chekitan S.; Don E. Schultz (January/February 2005). "In the Mix: A Customer-Focused Approach Can Bring the Current Marketing Mix into the 21st Century".
Marketing Management14

Swarming the shelves: How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales". The Economist. 2006-11-11. p. 90.
Kotler, Armstrong, Philip, Gary. Principles of Marketing. Pearson education.

Joshi, Rakesh Mohan, (2005) International Marketing, Oxford University Press, New Delhi and New York ISBN 0-19-567123-6

Chapter 6: Organizational markets and buyer behavior". Retrieved 2010-03-06.

Strategic Management, Neil Ritson, 2011, Neil Ritson and Ventus Publishing

Studying Strategy, Jim Rowe, Jim Rowe and Ventus Publishing, 2008

Essentials of Strategic Management, J. David Hunger, Addison-Wesley, 1997, Pennsylvania State University

Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization: Competitiveness and Globalization ; [concepts and Cases], Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson,
Cengage Learning, 2007

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