Applied Economics

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APPLIED ECONOMICS >Economic Problems in the PH<

Oikonomus – Household management 1. Inflation – rapid increase in Price

Oikonomikus – social science – deals with > Inflation and Hyperinflation
limited resources
> GNP and GDP
>Great Economists<
2. Scarcity – Long period of lack of resources
1. Aristotle – property should be in private;
take care of your property - Shortage – immediate solution to the lack of
2. Thomas Aquinas – Middle ages; priest,
philosopher, economist; Just price concept > Normal goods - A normal good is one
whose demand increases as people's incomes or
3. Duns Scotus- Benefit from trade is a MUST the economy rise.
> Mercantile System – gold has value > Inferior goods - is a good whose
demand decreases when consumer income rises
4. Thomas Mun – frugal consumption is (or demand rises when consumer income
important, just get what you need decreases), unlike normal goods, for which the
5. Dudley North – Trade regulation is wrong opposite is observed

6. Jean Baptiste Colbert – Abundance of > Substitute goods - are goods which, as
money makes difference a result of changed conditions, may replace each
other in use (or consumption)
7. David Hume – Trade balance is impossible
> Complimentary goods - s a goods with
8. Jaques Turgot – tax on land only, free a negative cross elasticity of demand, in
>Ralph Recto- VAT Author contrast to a substitute goods. This means a
good's demand is increased when the price of
9. Adam Smith – Father of economics; another goods is decreased.
modern poli-economics; author of An Inquiry
into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of 3. Unemployment
Nations. 4. Housing
10. Thomas Roberth Malthus – the power 5. Peso Power
of population is greater; Population vs. Food
6. Tax / Train Law
11. David Ricardo – Law of Comparative
Advantage; Land, Labor, Capital 7. Population – Food vs. Pop.

12. Karl Marx – Das Kapital; Capitalism 8. Corruption

13. Carl Menger – Law of Marginal utility 9. Traffic

>Economic Systems<
1. Traditional – answers/give a solution to
2. Command – controlled by the government
3. Market – preference/choice of the
- Macroeconomics – whole country; whole >ELASTICITY<
- Microeconomics – specific group/place - response of the consumers to the demand
Milton Friedman’s Theory >Elastic – more than 1 (ex. Luxury items)
 Positive Economics – What is > Inelastic – less than 1 (ex. Basic needs)
> Unitary – equal 1
 Normative Economics – What should
happen? * When it is 0 perfectly elastic (demand does
>DEMAND AND SUPPLY< not change at all when the price changes)
Law of Demand – Price decreases, Quantity Formula of Elasticity: %Δ𝑃
increases (vice versa)
- Shift to the right – increase
- Shift to the left - decreasing 1. Cost – worth/value of raw materials

Law of Supply – Price decreases, Quantity 2. Technology – makes life easier

decreases (vice versa) 3. Weather/Climate
- Shift to the right – increase 4. Subsidy – help given by the government
- Shift to the left – decreasing
5. Price of Related Product
P – dependent Q – independent
6. Expectation
Demand – willingness and ability of the
market to buy 7. Number of Selling

- Curve, Schedule, Law, Function, Market, >MARKET STRUCTURES<

Price and Quantity
1. Perfect – No single service, no single buyer,
>Determinants of Demand< all are equal

1. Population 2. Imperfect

2. Income > Monopoly – 1 owner, 1 product

3. Expectation > Monopolistic competition – lots

owners, 1 product type
4. Preference
> Oligopoly – few sellers, 1 product type
5. Price of Related Products
> Monopsony – 1 buyer, lots of services
6. Trend/Fashion
7. Weather
8. Occasion
9. Gender
10. Age

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