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Project Job no.

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WT 9/12/2016


TEDDS calculation version
8' 8'' 4' 2''

3' 11''

3' 11''
3' 11''

3' 11''
4' 2'' 8' 8''

Combined footing details

Length of combined footing; L = 14.000 ft
Width of combined footing; B = 9.000 ft
Area of combined footing; A = L  B = 126.000 ft2
Depth of combined footing; h = 18.000 in
Depth of soil over combined footing; hsoil = 60.000 in
Density of concrete; conc = 150.0 lb/ft3

Column details Column A Column B

Column base length; lA = 14.000 in; lB = 14.000 in
Column base width; bA = 14.000 in; bB = 14.000 in
Column eccentricity in x; ePxA = 27.000 in; ePxB = -27.000 in
Column eccentricity in y; ePyA = 0.000 in; ePyB = 0.000 in
Soil details
Density of soil; soil = 120.0 lb/ft3
Angle of internal friction; ’ = 25.0 deg
Design base friction angle;  = 19.3 deg
Coefficient of base friction; tan() = 0.350
Allowable bearing pressure; Pbearing = 1.792 ksf
Axial loading on columns Column A Column B
Dead axial load on column; PGA = 51.150 kips; PGB = 40.000 kips
Live axial load on column; PQA = 8.640 kips; PQB = 4.340 kips
Wind axial load on column; PWA = 0.000 kips; PWB = 0.000 kips
Total axial load on column; PA = 59.790 kips; PB = 44.340 kips
Foundation loads
Dead surcharge load; FGsur = 0.000 ksf
Live surcharge load; FQsur = 0.000 ksf
Footing self weight; Fswt = h  conc = 0.225 ksf
Soil self weight; Fsoil = hsoil  soil = 0.600 ksf
Total foundation load; F = A  (FGsur + FQsur + Fswt + Fsoil) = 103.950 kips
Project Job no.

Calcs for Start page no./Revision

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WT 9/12/2016

Calculate base reaction

Total base reaction; T = F + PA + PB = 208.080 kips
Eccentricity of base reaction in x; eTx = (PA  ePxA + PB  ePxB + MxA + MxB + (HxA + HxB)  h) / T = 2.005 in
Eccentricity of base reaction in y; eTy = (PA  ePyA + PB  ePyB + MyA + MyB + (HyA + HyB)  h) / T = 0.000 in

Check base reaction eccentricity

abs(eTx) / L + abs(eTy) / B = 0.012
Base reaction acts within middle third of base
Calculate base pressures
q1 = T / A - 6  T  eTx / (L  A) - 6  T  eTy / (B  A) = 1.533 ksf
q2 = T / A - 6  T  eTx / (L  A) + 6  T  eTy / (B  A) = 1.533 ksf
q3 = T / A + 6  T  eTx / (L  A) - 6  T  eTy / (B  A) = 1.770 ksf
q4 = T / A + 6  T  eTx / (L  A) + 6  T  eTy / (B  A) = 1.770 ksf
Minimum base pressure; qmin = min(q1, q2, q3, q4) = 1.533 ksf
Maximum base pressure; qmax = max(q1, q2, q3, q4) = 1.770 ksf
PASS - Maximum base pressure is less than allowable bearing pressure

1.533 ksf 1.770 ksf

1.533 ksf 1.770 ksf

Load combination factors for loads

Load combination factor for dead loads; fG = 1.20
Load combination factor for live loads; fQ = 1.60
Load combination factor for wind loads; fW = 0.00

Strength reduction factors

Flexural strength reduction factor; f = 0.90
Shear strength reduction factor; s = 0.75

Ultimate axial loading on columns

Ultimate axial load on column A; PuA = PGA  fG + PQA  fQ + PWA  fW = 75.204 kips
Ultimate axial load on column B; PuB = PGB  fG + PQB  fQ + PWB  fW = 54.944 kips

Ultimate foundation loads

Ultimate foundation load; Fu = A  [(FGsur + Fswt + Fsoil)  fG + FQsur  fQ] = 124.740 kips

Ultimate horizontal loading on column A

Ultimate horizontal load in x direction; HxuA = HGxA  fG + HQxA  fQ + HWxA  fW = 0.000 kips
Project Job no.

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WT 9/12/2016

Ultimate horizontal load in y direction; HyuA = HGyA  fG + HQyA  fQ + HWyA  fW = 0.000 kips

Ultimate horizontal loading on column B

Ultimate horizontal load in x direction; HxuB = HGxB  fG + HQxB  fQ + HWxB  fW = 0.000 kips
Ultimate horizontal load in y direction; HyuB = HGyB  fG + HQyB  fQ + HWyB  fW = 0.000 kips

Ultimate moment on column A

Ultimate moment on column in x direction; MxuA = MGxA  fG + MQxA  fQ + MWxA  fW = 0.000 kip_ft
Ultimate moment on column in y direction; MyuA = MGyA  fG + MQyA  fQ + MWyA  fW = 0.000 kip_ft

Ultimate moment on column B

Ultimate moment on column in x direction; MxuB = MGxB  fG + MQxB  fQ + MWxB  fW = 0.000 kip_ft
Ultimate moment on column in y direction; MyuB = MGyB  fG + MQyB  fQ + MWyB  fW = 0.000 kip_ft

Calculate ultimate pad base reaction

Ultimate base reaction; Tu = Fu + PuA + PuB = 254.888 kips
Eccentricity of ultimate base reaction in x; eTxu = (PuAePxA+PuBePxB+MxuA+MxuB+(HxuA+HxuB)h)/Tu = 2.146 in
Eccentricity of ultimate base reaction in y; eTyu = (PuAePyA+PuBePyB+MyuA+MyuB+(HyuA+HyuB)h)/Tu = 0.000 in

Calculate ultimate base pressures

q1u = Tu/A - 6TueTxu/(LA) - 6TueTyu/(BA) = 1.868 ksf
q2u = Tu/A - 6TueTxu/(LA) + 6Tu eTyu/(BA) = 1.868 ksf
q3u = Tu/A + 6TueTxu/(LA) - 6TueTyu/(BA) = 2.178 ksf
q4u = Tu/A + 6TueTxu/(LA) + 6TueTyu/(BA) = 2.178 ksf
Minimum ultimate base pressure; qminu = min(q1u, q2u, q3u, q4u) = 1.868 ksf
Maximum ultimate base pressure; qmaxu = max(q1u, q2u, q3u, q4u) = 2.178 ksf
Calculate rate of change of base pressure in x direction
Left hand base reaction; fuL = (q1u + q2u)  B / 2 = 16.811 kips/ft
Right hand base reaction; fuR = (q3u + q4u)  B / 2 = 19.602 kips/ft
Length of base reaction; Lx = L = 168.000 in
Rate of change of base pressure; Cx = (fuR - fuL) / Lx = 0.199 kips/ft/ft
Calculate pad lengths in x direction
Left hand length; LL = L / 2 + min(ePxA, ePxB) = 57.000 in
Middle length; LM = max(ePxA, ePxB) - min(ePxA, ePxB) = 54.000 in
Right hand length; LR = L / 2 - max(ePxA, ePxB) = 57.000 in
Calculate shear forces in x direction
Shear at left hand column; SL = fuL  LL + Cx  LL2 / 2 - Fu  LL / L = 39.778 kips
Shear at right hand column; SR = fuL  (LL + LM) + Cx  (LL + LM)2 / 2 - PuB - Fu  (LL + LM) / L =
26.667 kips
Calculate ultimate moments in x direction
Ultimate moment in x direction; Mx = fuR  LR2 / 2 - Cx  LR3 / 6 - Fu  LR2 / (2  L) = 117.055 kip_ft

Calculate rate of change of base pressure in y direction

Top edge base reaction; fuT = (q2u + q4u)  L / 2 = 28.321 kips/ft
Bottom edge base reaction; fuB = (q1u + q3u)  L / 2 = 28.321 kips/ft
Length of base reaction; Ly = B = 9.000 ft
Rate of change of base pressure; Cy = (fuB - fuT) / Ly = 0.000 kips/ft/ft
Calculate footing lengths in y direction
Top length; LT = B / 2 + ePyA = 4.500 ft
Project Job no.

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WT 9/12/2016

Bottom length; LB = B / 2 - ePyA = 4.500 ft

Calculate ultimate moments in y direction
Ultimate moment in y direction; My = fuT  LT2 / 2 + Cy  LT3 / 6 - Fu  LT2 / (2  B) = 146.416 kip_ft

Material details
Compressive strength of concrete; f’c = 3000 psi
Yield strength of reinforcement; fy = 50000 psi
Cover to reinforcement; cnom = 3.000 in
Moment design in x direction
Reinforcement provided; 13 No. 6 bars bottom and 12 No. 6 bars top
Depth of tension reinforcement; dx = h - cnom - xB / 2 = 14.625 in
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As_xB_prov = NxB    xB2 / 4 = 5.743 in2
Area of compression reinforcement provided; As_xT_prov = NxT    xT2 / 4 = 5.301 in2
Minimum area of reinforcement; As_x_min = 0.0020  h  B = 3.888 in2
Spacing of reinforcement; sxB_prov = (B - 2  cnom) / max(NxB - 1, 1) = 8.500 in
Maximum spacing of reinforcement; smax = min(3  h, 18in) = 18.000 in
PASS - Reinforcement provided exceeds minimum reinforcement required
Depth of compression block; ax = As_xB_prov  fy / (0.85  f’c  B) = 1.04 in
Neutral axis factor; 1 = 0.85
Depth to the neutral axis; cna_x = ax / 1 = 1.23 in
Strain in reinforcement; t_x = 0.003  (dx - cna_x) / cna_x = 0.03277
PASS - The section has adequate ductility (cl. 10.3.5)
Nominal moment strength required; Mnx = abs(Mx) / f = 130.062 kip_ft
Moment capacity of base; Mcapx = As_xB_prov  fy  [dx - (As_xB_prov  fy / (1.7  f’c  B))]
Mcapx = 337.502 kip_ft
PASS - Moment capacity of base exceeds nominal moment strength required
Moment design in y direction
Reinforcement provided; 20 No. 6 bars bottom and 20 No. 6 bars top
Depth of tension reinforcement; dy = h - cnom - xB - yB / 2 = 13.875 in
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As_yB_prov = NyB    yB2 / 4 = 8.836 in2
Area of compression reinforcement provided; As_yT_prov = NyT    yT2 / 4 = 8.836 in2
Minimum area of reinforcement; As_y_min = 0.0020  h  L = 6.048 in2
Spacing of reinforcement; syB_prov = (L - 2  cnom) / max(NyB - 1, 1) = 8.526 in
Maximum spacing of reinforcement; smax = min(3  h, 18in) = 18.000 in
PASS - Reinforcement provided exceeds minimum reinforcement required
Depth of compression block; ay = As_yB_prov  fy / (0.85  f’c  L) = 1.03 in
Neutral axis factor; 1 = 0.85
Depth to the neutral axis; cna_y = ay / 1 = 1.21 in
Strain in reinforcement; t_y = 0.003  (dy - cna_y) / cna_y = 0.03131
PASS - The section has adequate ductility (cl. 10.3.5)
Nominal moment strength required; Mny = abs(My) / f = 162.685 kip_ft
Moment capacity of base; Mcapy = As_yB_prov  fy  [dy - (As_yB_prov  fy / (1.7  f’c  L))]
Mcapy = 491.833 kip_ft
PASS - Moment capacity of base exceeds nominal moment strength required
Project Job no.

Calcs for Start page no./Revision

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WT 9/12/2016

Calculate ultimate shear force at d from right face of column A

Ultimate pressure for shear d from face of column; qsu = (q1u + Cx  (L / 2 + ePxA + lA / 2 + dx) / B + q4u) / 2
qsu = 2.145 ksf
Area loaded for shear at d from face of column; As = B  min(3  (L / 2 - eTx), L / 2 - ePxA - lA / 2 - dx) = 26.531 ft2
Ultimate shear force at d from face of column; Vsu = As  (qsu - Fu / A) = 30.652 kips

Shear design at d from right face of column A

Strength reduction factor in shear; s = 0.75
Nominal shear strength; Vnsu = Vsu / s = 40.870 kips
Concrete shear strength; Vc_s = 2  (f'c  1 psi)  (B  dx) = 173.026 kips
PASS - Nominal shear strength is less than concrete shear strength
Calculate ultimate punching shear force at perimeter of d / 2 from face of column A and B
Ultimate pressure for punching shear; qpuC = q1u+[(L/2+(LL+LM/2-L/2)-(LM+(lA+lB)/2)/2-
qpuC = 2.023 ksf
Average effective depth of reinforcement; d = (dx + dy) / 2 = 14.250 in
Area loaded for punching shear at column; ApC = ((LM+(lA+lB)/2)+2d/2)((LC+(bA+bB)/2)+2d/2) = 16.136 ft2
Length of punching shear perimeter; upC = 2((LM+(lA+lB)/2)+2d/2)+2((LC+(bA+bB)/2)+2d/2) = 18.417 ft
Ultimate shear force at shear perimeter; VpuC = PuA + PuB + (Fu / A - qpuC)  ApC = 113.481 kips

Punching shear stresses at perimeter of d / 2 from face of column A and B

Nominal shear strength; VnpuC = VpuC / s = 151.308 kips
Ratio of column long side to short side; C = max(LM + (lA + lB) / 2, LC + (bA + bB) / 2) / min(LM + (lA + lB) / 2, LC +
(bA + bB) / 2) = 4.857
Column constant for interior column; sC = 40
Concrete shear strength; Vc_p_i = (2 + 4 / C)  (f’c  1 psi)  upC  d = 487.035 kips
Vc_p_ii = (sC  d / upC + 2)  (f’c  1 psi)  upC  d = 789.871 kips
Vc_p_iii = 4  (f’c  1 psi)  upC  d = 689.966 kips
Vc_p = min(Vc_p_i, Vc_p_ii, Vc_p_iii) = 487.035 kips
PASS - Nominal shear strength is less than concrete shear strength

20 No. 6 bars btm (9'' c/c)

20 No. 6 bars top (9'' c/c)

13 No. 6 bars btm (9'' c/c), 12 No. 6 bars top (9'' c/c)
One way shear at d from column face

Two way shear at d / 2 from column face

Project Job no.

Calcs for Start page no./Revision

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WT 9/12/2016

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