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Dr. Maria Celia Junio – Fernandez Ed.D.

Schools Division Superintendent

Schools Division Office I (S001)
Lingayen, Pangasinan

A woman with earnest desire to work for any vacant position fitted to my application
and be part of your office is asking for an opportunity.

I finish Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education (BSIE) Major in Home Management

and Technology, Handy Craft, Cosmetology, Foods, Dressmaking at Pangasinan State
University College of Technology at Lingayen, Pangasinan. And took up National
Certificate II (NCII) for Electrical Installation and Maintenance at TESDA Lingayen,
Pangasinan (Main Office).

The Statement it has been of paramount importance that I treat most matters with
strict confidence and that I exercise good judgment and diplomacy at all times tells
something about my personality.

On the enclosed sheet, there are certain facts about myself and you will also find
references for which I am permitted to use their names.

May you find my credentials to be of considerable values.

If you require personal interview, I would be willing to report to your good office at any
time most convenient for you.

Favorable action taken by your good office to consider my application will always be
highly appreciated.

Agnes Dyauco Vasquez


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